Remove by id in mongoose - node.js

I'm struggling with removing record from my database via api.
First I get whole record from the API, and then when record is not filled the way I want I have an option of removing it by front end. I pass the object ID and want to remove it using mongoose method. However, no matter how I pass the id i cant seem to delete the record.
Here is the code of the remove route:
router.delete('/database/delete/', (req, res, next) => {
let id = 'ObjectId("'.concat('")');
let id2 =;
console.log(id, id2)
db.findByIdAndRemove(id).then((err, client) => {
if (err) return res.status(500).send(err);
const response = {
msg: "Client removed",
success: true
return res.status(200).send(response);
As you can see im trying to pass the id both ways, so the console log outputs both: ObjectId("5a8ea050fe07b60eda004c6e") and 5a8ea050fe07b60eda004c6e, both wont work. How can i solve this?

var mongoose = require("mongoose")
const ObjectId = mongoose.Types.ObjectId;
var id = ObjectId("5a8ea050fe07b60eda004c6e")
//for your case
let id2 = ObjectId(String(
console.log(typeof id) //it will show object
What you are doing is trying to make your id look like ObjectId. If you will check typeof id it will be string instead of object,


Mongoose Model.find() methods query string not working

im trying to make simple rest api. I have a collection in mongodb and i connected my db to my app with mongoose pkg. I can access all items without query strings with Operator.find() but it doesn't work with query string ex: Operator.find({name:'Kapkan'}) it returns all of them. Also Operator.findOne({name:'Azami'}) doesn't work either. The query string returns the first element of the collection no matter what.
app.get('/api/operators',async(req,res) => {
let operators;
Operator.find({name:'Kapkan'}).then((data) => {
operators = await Operator.find();
You are not assigning result of query with filter to operators. Unsure if you have {} around else or not but try refactoring the code as shown below:
app.get('/api/operators',async(req,res) => {
const filters = {};
if ( { =;
const data = await Operator.find(filters);
return res.json({ data });
I checked my Schema and i realize i forgotten put name field...
const OperatorSchema = new Schema({

MongoDB: findOne not working as expected?

I'm creating an API to my database of coins and I don't want to add duplicate coins to my database so I've created this line of code in my function
const addCoin = async (req, res) => {
const { coinId, seconds, bidAmount } = req.body;
const coinExists = await Coin.findOne({ coinId });
if (coinExists) {
res.status(400).send({ message: 'Coin Exists Bad Request' }); // bad request
throw new Error('Coin already exists');
In my Postman I am inputting a different coinId in the request body and I am getting the error that Coin Exists?
Is findOne here not working as expected?
Ahh after some documentation reading
I have to specify which property in the Coin Model I want it to find specifically
so in this case
I did
Coin.find({ itemId: coinId})
Since in my model its defined as itemId but user input is coinId

Update record based on username given in Request body

I need to update value in Group db Group_name to the value send in Json payload.
Db schema
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const UserSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
username: String,
Group_name: {
type: String,
default: '',
mongoose.model('User', UserSchema);
And API request
router.put('/join', async(req, res) => {
try {
const data = await User.updateOne(req.params.username, {
Group_name: req.body.Group_name
res.send({ msg: "Group Updated!!!" })
} catch (err) {
res.sendStatus(400).send('Server Error');
currently its updating only first record which is incorrect , my requirement is to check for all records based on username given and according to username given in request parameters ,i will update value of Group_name to the value sent in request body.
can anyone help me ?
Modify query condition.
const data = await User.updateOne(
{ username: req.params.username },
{ $set: { Group_name: req.body.Group_name } }
First of all, understand the difference between req.body & req.params
req.body means hidden parameters sent in request body like in post or put requests.
req.params means defined paramters in URL. For this, you must have it defined in your route like below
router.put('/join/:username', async (req, res) => {
// ^^^^^^^^ here it is defined, now you can access it like
const username = req.params.username;
const {username} = req.params; // destructuring
there is one more thing and that is
req.query means undefined paramters attached to URL with ?/&
If you want to give username without pre defining like /join?username=john then use req.query
router.put('/join', async (req, res) => {
const {username} = req.query;
Then you should use updateMany() function instead of updateOne()
try {
const {username} = req.params;
const {Group_name} = req.body;
const data = await User.updateMany(
{username}, // find as many users where username matches
{Group_name} // update group name from body
The consoled data would be like { n: 2, nModified: 2, ...} because the update queries don't return updated documents but status of the query. If you want to get updated record set, you have to query again with find().
// after update
const updatedRecord = await User.find({ username });
Postman has two types of parameters
If you add in Params it will be added in URL /join? and you have to access it in code with req.query.username or req.query.Group_name
If you add in Body it will be hidden and can be accessed with req.body.Group_name etc
Hope it helps!

How to update/insert an other document in cloud firestore on receiving a create event for a collection using functions

Let us assume that we have two collections say "users" and "usersList"
Upon creating a new user document in users collection with following object
{username: Suren, age:31}
The function should read the above data and update other collection i.e. "usersList" with the username alone like below
{username: Suren}
Let me know the possibility
The code I have tried is
exports.userCreated =
functions.firestore.document('users/{userId}').onCreate((event) => {
const post =;
return, {merge: true});
I have done it using below code
exports.userCreated = functions.firestore.document('users/{userId}')
.onCreate((event) => {
const firestore = admin.firestore()
return firestore.collection('usersList').doc('yourDocID').update({
}).then(() => {
// Document updated successfully.
console.log("Doc updated successfully");
If all you want to do is strip the age property from the document, you can do it like this:
exports.userCreated = functions.firestore.document('users/{userId}').onCreate((event) => {
const post =;
delete post.age;

NodeJS + MongoDB: Getting data from collection with findOne ()

I have a collection "companies" with several objects. Every object has "_id" parameter. I'm trying to get this parameter from db:
collection.findOne({_id:},function(err, doc) {
if (doc){
} else {
console.log('no data for this company');
So, I request companies/4fcfd7f246e1464d05000001 (4fcfd7f246e1464d05000001 is _id-parma of a object I need) and findOne returns nothing, that' why console.log('no data for this company'); executes.
I'm absolutely sure that I have an object with _id="4fcfd7f246e1464d05000001". What I'm doing wrong? Thanks!
However, I've just noticed that id is not a typical string field. That's what mViewer shows:
"_id": {
"$oid": "4fcfd7f246e1464d05000001"
Seems to be strange a bit...
You need to construct the ObjectID and not pass it in as a string. Something like this should work:
var BSON = require('mongodb').BSONPure;
var obj_id = BSON.ObjectID.createFromHexString("4fcfd7f246e1464d05000001");
Then, try using that in your find/findOne.
Edit: As pointed out by Ohad in the comments (thanks Ohad!), you can also use:
new require('mongodb').ObjectID(
Instead of createFromHexString as outlined above.
That's because _id field in mongo isn't of string type (as your As suggested in other answers, you should explicitly convert it.
Try mongoskin, you could use it like node-mongodb-native driver, but with some sugar. For example:
// connect easier
var db = require('mongoskin').mongo.db('localhost:27017/testdb?auto_reconnect');
// collections
var companies = db.collection('companies');
// create object IDs
var oid =;
// some nice functions…
//… and bindings
db.bind('companies', {
top10: function(callback) {
this.find({}, {limit: 10, sort: [['rating', -1]]).toArray(callback);
You can use findById() which will take care of the id conversion for you.
company = Company.findById(, function(err, company) {
In case these didn't work for you, this worked for me for accessing a blog post:
const getSinglePost = async (req, res) => {
let id =;
var ObjectId = require('mongodb').ObjectId;
const db = await client.db('CMS');
const data = await db.collection("posts").findOne({ _id: ObjectId(id) })
if (data) {
} else res.status(400).send({ message: "no post found" })
