azure 502 bad gateway - azure

has anyone seen this before so I am getting a 502 bad gateway error on my app, the issue I have is that the detailed error information I am getting says my requested url is https://SOX:80/api however my site is configured to use and the site largely works pulling the various JS files required
my app service name is SOX in the azure dashboard so I assume that is where it is picking up SOX from but I have no idea why it is using this.

So overall the issue had me perplexed... however with more testing I soon figured out what was going on.
my backend is Dotnet core Azure throwing the 502 bad gateway was its way of handling exceptions ultimately the problem was code based.
I am mentioning this purely so that it will help others
my first issue was based on cert handling it seems dotnet runs in a container that is specified by your app name as i mentioned above https://SOX:80
the below was causing my issues
sslPolicyErrors = X509StoreStoreHelper.ValidateSSLPolicy(cert.Thumbprint, cert);
after commenting this out for testing my problem went away(we are putting in a proper fix )
my second issue came from using an unsupported view in Azure SQL master.sys.master_files which again just threw a 502 bad gateway error referencing https://SOX:80
please note I have used https://SOX:80 as a reference to mask the real site.
hope this helps the next person.

Based on your description, I have checked your site ( and found that it contains three static files (index.html,generic.html,elements.html). I viewed your website in Chrome incognito window as follows:
I did not find any requests against https://SOX:80/api in your html page or JavaScript files. Please try to access your website in a new incognito window to isolate the cache issue or just press CTRL + F5 to refresh your current page to narrow this issue. Moreover, you need to check whether you have configured URL Rewrite. If you still could not solve this issue, you need to update your question with the details for us to reproduce this issue.


How do I fix this 'phishing' warning in my app deployed in vercel?

Hi people: I deployed my videogames CRUD in heroku + vercel and I'm getting a "phishing warning" like this one from every browser when I visit the site:
I tried redeploying the app with a different name but I keep getting this error as others do when they visit it.
This is my site:
Does anyone know what could be causing this? Thanks.
This is a warning triggered because your site has ended up in one of the Safe Browsing lists.
You can report the mistake here:
As for how it ended up be flagged... Could just be a false positive detection. As well as manual reports of malicious content, Google do some level of automated scanning.

ASP.NET Core 5 MVC web app returning bad request errors in some pages after deployment to IIS

I have tried everything. I configured Windows Server 2019 according to Microsoft documentation and I successfully deployed a .NET 5 web application to the IIS.
I can get to the login page. I can even get to the forgot password page and they show themselves fine. However when I try to do any action (send the forgot password link or login to the page) I get a "Bad Request" from the server. I haven't found a way to explain why.
I have tried several, and I mean several things found Googling around but nothing helps. This include disabling https within the .NET Core application, trying to get a detailed error page using the app.UseDeveloperExceptionPage(); instruction inside Startup, etc etc but nothing works. I always receive this page trying to execute any action:
If someone could help or point me into the right direction, I will really, REALLY appreciate it.
Thank you
PD: In case it has anything to do with the problem, the error, at least the two that I can reproduce (because I can't even log in), happens, I think (maybe don't) when redirecting to another page in Microsoft Identity.
EDIT: code was asked by one of you. Thank you.
As you see, there's nothing specific in the forgot password screen for my application. This is scaffold code from Microsoft Identity. I even edited it and just let one line of code inside it, which is the default return code anyway as follow:
public async Task<IActionResult> OnPostAsync()
return RedirectToPage("./ForgotPasswordConfirmation");
As you can see, there's nothing special with that code. Here's the html that calls it, again, is a scaffold of Microsoft Identity with little to no changes (by little, I mean, maybe some CSS and a new value of view data):
But then again, forgot password page actually shows and seems well in the front end, but immediately I try to enter my email and click enter in this page, (also, just a scaffold of Microsoft Identity):
Nothing happens. I receive the bad request. There's NO magic nor custom code here. Something silly is going on.
EDIT II: YES, locally it works perfectly. The strange behavior happens only when deployed to IIS.
EDIT III: I coded and enabled logging in my .NET Core APP and wrote that to a file, and I think I finally got, at least the error (not the reason yet):
But why?? Cookies are enabled in the server browser without avail, same issue. Someone has a better idea than disabling anti forgery rules to login and forgot password pages?
Thank you
For some reason, when I deployed the first version of my app into IIS, I thought it was a good idea to just browse it from the IIS link. Of course, in a new mounted Windows Server 2019, IE is still the default browser. I connected directly to the IP of my web app via VPN, but used Chrome this time. Guess what? All problems disappeared. Yes, it's a bad idea to try to use a modern framework like .NET Core Identity with IE.

Scraping AWS with Puppeteer runs locally but fails on Heroku

I know it sounds a lot like other issues here in Stackoverflow, bear with me, it's not (not that I could tell)
I have a scraping app (using Puppeteer) that I use to scrape an Amazon public page.
It works great, I've debugged it by setting the headless: false and I see it works, and it gives me back the expected result.
The same app fails on Heroku, but the problem is not with launching or using Puppeteer (I have several indications), but probably because I'm being identified as a robot.
The error returned is:
waiting for selector `#link_continue input` failed: timeout 30000ms exceeded
Important to say that the error is a generic Puppeteer error that indicates that the selector I'm waiting for just doesn't appear on-page.
I know it should as it's a selector on the first page I navigate to, and it works locally (as mentioned before) - the selector always exists if the page loads.
I had the exactly same error when I've tried to run the scraping on my local machine before setting a User-Agent header. But at that time I could use the headless:false so I saw in my eyes that I'm being rejected due to illegal operations on their page (robots-like operations) so I was redirected to an error page that didn't contain this selector on it.
For this reason, I suspect it recognizes me as a robot, but I don't know how to debug it, it drives me crazy.
Now, if you'd like to reproduce the problem:
You need to wait for the mentioned selector on this site:
and then deploy it to Heroku and try to run it maybe 2-3 times
** Two questions: **
How can I proceed from here, I'm 99.9% sure it's the same issue I had previously, but I can't verify... any suggestions?
Given that this is actually the problem, can anyone suggest an easy-to-use/deploy hosting that also allow easy VPN configuration? I think Heroku doesn't give you to do that unless you have an enterprise account
I would like to point out that Amazon is very good at blocking IPs. It is very likely that they already blacklisted IPs of cloud services like Heroku, Azure, etc... Previously I have observed services like Cloudflare, Akamai etc... blacklisting these known IPs.
In this scenario Rotating proxies could help you to avoid getting blocked.

When opening Logic Apps: An unknown error occured (Code 502)

When I try to open a Logic App Ressouce I get the following error message:
When I reload the page multiple times it works sometimes, but just for the moment. As soon as I try to edit or run a logic app, I get the same error.
Already looked at the health status and logic app logs. But without any results.
Does anybody have a solution for this?
I have been in contact with Azure Support regarding the same issue and according to them there is an issue in West Europe that is causing this. A workaround is to use another region if applicable. I have been able to use Central US without any issue.

401 Unauthorized with OData Update and Delete

For the first time I have stumbled upon a problem where the solution has not already been provided (completely) on SO, but I hope someone out there can help.
My problem is similar to PUT and DELETE in RESTful WCF Service cause 401 Unauthorized error .
That is, I have a WCF Data Service where I get a 401 whenever I try to do updates or deletes (read and post works without any problems). The difference to the abovementioned post is that I am not hosting my service in IIS but on Windows Azure, so I am not able to apply that solution.
I have the same problem (401: invalid credentials when attempting updates or deletes) on both a .NET client and a restlet client using the OData extension. However, on the .NET client I am able to resolve the issue by setting UsePostTunneling = true.
In my service I have set config.SetEntitySetAccessRule("*", EntitySetRights.All).
Does anyone know how I can resolve the issue for my restlet client?
First thing I would check is to see if you have PUT and DELETE verbs enabled in your handlers. Are you running this from a web role in full IIS or are you using Hosted Web Core (HWC), or something else? Usually, more than a 401, I see a 405 error because WebDAV is on the machine and PUT and DELETE verbs conflict there. You end up having to disable WebDAV for the app.
I would also check your authentication method in your web.config. I have seen the 'none' type cause issues, so change that to Forms.
