puppet-service should be stopped only if file exists - puppet

According to the documentation in my example, the resource 'service x' will be executed if target resource require => Exec['checkForFile'] is successfully applied.
And the exec command will execute onlyif the file '/etc/init.d/x' is present.
so when the file '/etc/init.d/x' is absent,the command in Exec['checkForFile'] should not be executed and
the resource 'service x' should be skipped if target resource is not executed.
For me, the resouce service x is not run which is correct, but at the same time i am not receiving any error or exit code 1 to show Exec['checkForFile'] failed to run. is this expected behavior?
class test2::testcleanup (
service { 'x':
ensure => stopped,
restart => "service x restart",
stop => "service x stop",
status => "service x status",
require => Exec['checkForFile'],
before => [
File[ "remove_directory"],
exec { "checkForFile":
command => "/bin/true",
path => ["/usr/bin","/usr/sbin", "/bin"],
onlyif => 'test -f /etc/init.d/x',
logoutput => true,
file {'/etc/init.d/x':
ensure => absent,
file {'remove_directory':
ensure => absent,
path => $target_location,
recurse => true,
purge => true,
force => true,

According to the documentation in my example, the resource 'service x'
will be executed if target resource require => Exec['checkForFile'] is
successfully applied. And the exec command will execute onlyif the
file '/etc/init.d/x' is present.
Yes, Service['x'] will not be applied if Exec['checkForFile'] is not successfully applied.
so when the file '/etc/init.d/x' is absent,the command in
Exec['checkForFile'] should not be executed
Yes, but that's different from the Exec not being applied.
Like any other resource, Execs model target-machine state, though in their case, that state is local to the context of one catalog run. Often it is described as whether the Exec's command has been run or not, but it is better characterized the other way around, as whether the Exec's command needs to be run or not. If it is in the "needs to be run" state then successfully executing the Exec's command transitions it to the "does not need to be run" state.
The unless, onlyif, and creates properties of an Exec serve to determine the initial state of the corresponding physical (so to speak) resource. If none of them are provided then the physical resource is initially in the "needs to be run" state. If one or more of them is provided then they may indicate that the Exec initially is in the "does not need to be run" state. And that's the target state. In that case, then, the Exec is successfully applied without running its command.
and the resource 'service
x' should be skipped if target resource is not executed.
No. Service['x'] will be skipped if applying the Exec fails. That happens only if its command is run and exits with a failure status.
For example, instead of using an onlyif in your Exec, use 'test ! -f /etc/init.d/x' as its command.
For me, the resouce service x is not run which is correct, but at the
same time i am not receiving any error or exit code 1 to show
Exec['checkForFile'] failed to run. is this expected behavior?
In your case, the Exec is always successfully applied. If /etc/init.d/x exists then /bin/true is run (successfully). If the file does not exist then the Exec succeeds without running /bin/true. Service['x'] will be applied either way, but if the physical service is already in its target state (stopped), then Puppet won't take any further action, and nothing about that resource will appear in its output at the default log level. Turning on --debug logging in the agent ought to make it clearer what's happening.
But all of that is backward. Puppet is not intended to be a script engine, and it does not work well as one. Any transient machine information needed for determining the appropriate target state for the machine is best conveyed to Puppet in the form of facts. Then you determine during catalog building, based on those facts and any other available data, what resources to declare.
Moreover, it is best to minimize the amount of current machine state that goes into determining its target state. Prefer instead to tie target state to machines' identities, and where necessary, tweak the details based on invariant characteristics (OS, hardware architecture, etc.). Although this model may not be sufficient for all needs, it often does suffice, and it otherwise serves as an excellent baseline.


Copy overwriting a file only on RPM update

I have following problem with my Puppet installation:
I would like to copy (overwrite) a file only, if a new version of RPM package was installed.
I have something like this:
package { 'my-rpm':
ensure => $version,
source => $rpm_file,
notify => File[$my_file],
file { $my_file:
ensure => present,
source => $my_file_template,
replace => true, # Overwrite (default behaviour). Needed in case new RPM was installed.
The problem is, that the "file" get executed also, if no new version of RPM was installed. This happens, since I change the $my_file file afterwards using "file_line"
file_line { 'disable_my_service':
ensure => present,
path => $my_file,
line => ' <deployment name="My.jar" runtime-name="My.jar" enabled="false">',
match => ' <deployment name="My.jar" runtime-name="My.jar">',
This change of the content of the $my_file triggers copying fresh version from the template on each and every Puppet run.
I could add "repace => false" to my file copy define, but this would break any further updates...
The long story short: I have the following loop
Copy file -> change file -> copy file -> ...
How can I break this loop?
The "file_line" define is executed optionally, controlled by a Puppet hiera-property and so the "enabled" part can't be included in the RPM.
The entire file can't be turned into a template (IMHO). The problem: Puppet module must be able to install different (future) versions of the file.
The problem remains unsolved for the time being.
I think the problem you're getting here is that you're trying to manage $my_file using both the file and file_line resource types and this is going to cause the file to change during the catalog application.
Pick one or the other, manage it as a template or by file line.
I suspect what's happening here during the Puppet run is the file resource changes $my_file to look like this;
<deployment name="My.jar" runtime-name="My.jar">
Because that's what is in the template then, the file_line resource changes it to;
<deployment name="My.jar" runtime-name="My.jar" enabled="false">
Then on the next run the exact same thing happens, file changes $my_file to match the template and then file_line changes it to modify that line.
I would remove the notify => File[$my_file], it's not actually doing anything, you're defining the desired state in code so if that file changes for any reason, manual change or RPM update, Puppet is going to bring that file back into the desired state during the run. You may want to consider;
file { $my_file:
ensure => present,
source => $my_file_template,
require => Package['my-rpm'],
This ensures the file desired state is enforced after the package resource so if the package changes the file the file will be corrected in the same run.
You may also want to consider;
file { $my_file:
ensure => present,
source => $my_file_template,
require => Package['my-rpm'],
notify => Service['my-service'],
So the service provided by the rpm restarts when the config file is changed.
Copy overwriting a file only on RPM update
The problem is, that the "file" get executed also, if no new version of RPM was installed. This happens, since I change the $my_file file afterwards using "file_line"
Yes, File resources in a node's catalog are applied on every run. In fact, it's best to take the view that every resource that makes it into in a node's catalog is applied on every run. Resources' attributes affect what applying them means and / or what it means for them to be in sync, not whether they are applied at all. In the case of File, for example, setting replace => false says that as long as the file initially exists, its content is in sync (and therefore should not be modified), whereas replace => true says that the file's content is in sync only if it is an exact match to the specified source or content.
Generally speaking, it does not work well to manage the same or overlapping physical resources via multiple Puppet resources, and that's what you're running into here. The most idiomatic approach when you run into a problem with that is often to write a custom resource type with which to manage the target object in detail. But in this case, it looks like you could work around the issue by using an Exec to perform the one-time post-update copy:
package { 'my-rpm':
ensure => $version,
source => $rpm_file,
~> exec { "Start with default ${my_file}":
command => "cp '${my_file_template}' '${my_file}'",
# this is important:
refreshonly => true,
-> file { $my_file:
ensure => 'file',
replace => false,
# no source or content
owner => 'root', # or whatever
group => 'root', # or whatever
mode => '0644',
# ...
-> file_line { 'disable_my_service':
ensure => present,
path => $my_file,
# ...
You can, of course, use relationship metaparameters instead of the chaining arrows if you prefer or have need.
That approach gives you:
management of the package via the package manager;
copying the packaged default file to the target file only when triggered by the package being updated (by Puppet -- you won't get this if the package is updated manually);
managing properties of the file other than its contents via the File resource; and
managing a specific line of the file's contents via the File_line resource.

Triggering dependent resources in a interation loop

I'm using Puppet to set up workstations and I want to modify the default (NTUSER.DAT) HKLM registry before the user logs on, which involves loading and unloading the hive. I have written some PowerShell scripts to facilitate the load/unload. Although I have three distinct actions, it appears that Puppet is trying to unload the hive before the registry module can make all the changes. I believe I need to add some dependencies using subscribe and refreshonly.
This question is very similar to this one, with the exception that my data is in Hiera, therefore I want to iterate over the data.
$temp_hive_name = $base_windows::temp_hive_name
exec { 'load_registry_hive' :
command => template('base_windows/Load-RegHive.ps1.erb'),
unless => template('base_windows/Test-HiveLoadState.ps1.erb'),
provider => powershell,
logoutput => true,
$base_windows::registry.each | $key, $value | {
registry::value { "registry_${key}" :
key => "${value['key']}\\${temp_hive_name}\\${value['subkey']}",
type => $value['type'],
data => $value['data'],
value => $value['value'],
exec { 'unload_registry_hive' :
command => template('base_windows/Unload-RegHive.ps1.erb'),
onlyif => template('base_windows/Test-HiveLoadState.ps1.erb'),
provider => powershell,
logoutput => true,
This works fine when there are one or two Hiera entries.
I guess I could put the load / unload exec resources into an .each loop and add subscribe and refreshonly, however, it seems rather inefficient to do that for each item.
If anyone has any ideas, I'd be grateful if you could share?
I believe I need to add some dependencies using subscribe and refreshonly.
I'm not so sure that you need to add dependencies, because without explicit dependencies, resources should be applied in the relative order in which they appear in the manifest. Additionally, refreshonly does not declare a dependency, and subscribe is probably not appropriate for this particular task. Furthermore, although refreshonly works in conjunction with dependencies, it's probably not appropriate for this task, either, because notify / subscribe is not right for it.
In a general sense, the key issues are these:
the hive must be loaded before you can attempt to sync any registry entries, so you cannot know whether any given registry resource is out of sync without loading the hive first;
if the hive is loaded then it must also be unloaded;
but the hive must not be unloaded before all the registry entries are synced.
You cannot make Exec['load_registry_hive'] refreshonly because there is no resource that would signal it. You can, however, check whether $base_windows::registry has any elements as a precondition for doing any of the work. If it does, then you definitely need to load the hive.
You can set up explicit dependencies, and I'm generally inclined to do that, as it protects against surprises when a resource is affected by dependency edges that are not apparent at the point of its declaration. So I would suggest this:
$temp_hive_name = $base_windows::temp_hive_name
if ! $base_windows::registry.empty() {
exec { 'load_registry_hive' :
command => template('base_windows/Load-RegHive.ps1.erb'),
unless => template('base_windows/Test-HiveLoadState.ps1.erb'),
provider => powershell,
logoutput => true,
$base_windows::registry.each | $key, $value | {
registry::value { "registry_${key}" :
key => "${value['key']}\\${temp_hive_name}\\${value['subkey']}",
type => $value['type'],
data => $value['data'],
value => $value['value'],
require => Exec['load_registry_hive'],
before => Exec['unload_registry_hive'],
exec { 'unload_registry_hive' :
command => template('base_windows/Unload-RegHive.ps1.erb'),
onlyif => template('base_windows/Test-HiveLoadState.ps1.erb'),
provider => powershell,
logoutput => true,
Note that you will necessarily both load and unload the hive on each Puppet run, because you cannot determine whether any entries need to be updated without doing so.

How to use return value from a Puppet exec?

How can I make the below logic work? My aim is to compare the value of custom fact $environment and the content of the file /etc/facter/facts.d/oldvalue.
If the custom fact $environment is not equal to the content of file /etc/facter/facts.d/oldvalue, then execute the following code.
exec {'catenvchange' :
command => "/bin/cat /root/oldvalue"}
if $environment != exec['catenvchange'] {#code#}
Exec resources do not work that way. In fact, no resource works that way, or any way remotely like that. Moreover, the directory /etc/facter/facts.d/ serves a special purpose, and your expectation for how it might be appropriate to use a file within is not consistent with that purpose.
What you describe wanting to do looks vaguely like setting up an external fact and testing its value. If you drop an executable script named /etc/facter/facts.d/anything by some means (manually, plugin sync, File resource, ...) then that script will be executed before each Puppet run as part of the process of gathering node facts. The standard output generated by the script would be parsed for key=value pairs, each defining a fact name and its value. The facts so designated, such as one named "last_environment" will be available during catalog building. You could then use it like so:
if $::environment != $::last_environment {
# ...
One way to use this mechanism to memorialize the value that a given fact, say $::environment, has on one run so that it can be read back on the next run would be to declare a File resource managing an external fact script. For example,
file { '/etc/facter/facts.d/oldvalues':
ensure => 'file',
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0755',
content => "#!/bin/bash\necho 'last_environment=${::environment}'\n"

Missing resources when running "puppet agent --noop"

I may have misunderstood how "puppet agent --noop" works:
In the definition of a class I set the existence of a file and I set it's user&group ownership and this is what I have when I un "puppet agent --noop" :
If the file doesn't exist, "puppet agent --noop" works fine
If the file exists but user or group doesn't exist, then "puppet agent --noop" fails
complaining about the missing user or group.
If I simply run "puppet agent" (without "--noop") it works fine: Doesn't
matter if the user, group or file exists or not previously: it
creates the group, the user and/or the file.
1st question: I suppose that the "--noop" run doesn't verify if the catalog is asking the missing resources to be created. Isn't it?
2nd question: Is there any way to do any kind of mocking to avoid the problem of missing resources when launching "--noop"?
Let's paste some code to show it:
# yes, it should better be virtual resources
group { $at_group:
ensure => "present"
user { $at_user:
ensure => present,
gid => "$at_group",
require => Group[$at_group],
file { '/etc/afile':
owner => $at_user,
group => $at_group,
mode => '0440',
content => template('......erb')
require => User[$at_user]
# puppet agent --test --noop
Info: Retrieving plugin
Info: Loading facts in /var/lib/puppet/lib/facter/puppet_vardir.rb
Info: Loading facts in /var/lib/puppet/lib/facter/facter_dot_d.rb
Info: Loading facts in /var/lib/puppet/lib/facter/pe_version.rb
Info: Loading facts in /var/lib/puppet/lib/facter/root_home.rb
Info: Caching catalog for pagent02
Info: Applying configuration version '1403055383'
Notice: /Stage[main]/Agalindotest::Install/Group[my_group]/ensure: current_value absent, should be present (noop)
Notice: /Stage[main]/Agalindotest::Install/User[my_user]/ensure: current_value absent, should be present (noop)
Error: Could not find user my_user
Error: /Stage[main]/Agalindotest::Install/File[/etc/afile]/owner: change from 1001 to my_user failed: Could not find user my_user
Error: Could not find group my_group
Error: /Stage[main]/Agalindotest::Install/File[/etc/afiles]/group: change from 1001 to my_group failed: Could not find group my_group
Let's show how it works if the file doesn't exist:
then "puppet agent --test --noop" works like a charm:
Notice: /Stage[main]/Agalindotest::Install/Group[my_group]/ensure: current_value absent, should be present (noop)
Notice: /Stage[main]/Agalindotest::Install/User[my_user]/ensure: current_value absent, should be present (noop)
Notice: /Stage[main]/Agalindotest::Install/File[/etc/afile]/ensure: current_value absent, should be file (noop)
Thanks a lot!!
/ Angel
Unfortunately, there is currently no way to overcome this limitation.
The ensure property doesn't fail just on account of a missing owner - I believe the file will just end up owned by root. That is why the output is more pleasant when the file doesn't exist.
As for the behavior with an existing file: Each resource is considered individually, and the file resource must admit failure if the group does not exist when the file is evaluated. The fact that the group would (likely) be created without noop cannot be easily accounted for.
As for you idea of ignoring the issue under noop conditions if there is a user resource - that has merit, I believe. Would you raise that as a feature request at Puppet's Jira?
As of Puppet 3.3 you can use rely on the $clientnoop value that is supplied by the agent along with Facter facts. Please note that tailoring your manifest to avoid failures in noop mode has two consequences.
The manifest itself becomes much less maintainable and comprehendible.
The reporting from noop runs becomes inaccurate, because the "unsafe" property values are not part of the noop catalog
You could build the manifest like this:
# this scenario does not actually call for virtual resources at all :-)
group { $at_group:
ensure => "present"
user { $at_user:
ensure => present,
gid => "$at_group",
require => Group[$at_group],
file { '/etc/afile':
mode => '0440',
content => template('......erb')
# require => User[$at_user] # <- not needed at all, Puppet autorequires the user and group
if ! $::clientnoop {
File['/etc/afile'] {
owner => $at_user,
group => $at_group,
The owner and group properties are ignored in noop mode, with the pros and cons as discussed above.
All things considered, I feel that this is not worth the hassle at all.

Subscribe to new file(s) in directory in Puppet

I know I can sync directory in Puppet:
file { 'sqls-store':
path => '/some/dir/',
ensure => directory,
source => "puppet:///modules/m1/db-updates",
recurse => true,
purge => true
So when the new files are added they are copied to '/some/dir/'. However what I need is to perform some action for every new file. If I "Subscribe" to such resource, I don't get an array of new files.
Currently I created external shell script which finds new files in that dir and executes action for each of them.
Naturally, I would prefer not to depend on external script. Is there a way to do that with Puppet?
The use case for that is applying changes to DB schema that are being made from time to time and should be applied to all clients managed by puppet. In the end it's mysql [args] < update.sql for every such file.
Not sure I would recommend to have puppet applying the db changes for me.
For small db, it may work but for real world db... you want to be aware of when and how these kind of changes got applied (ordering of the changes, sometime require temp disk space adjustement, db downtime, taking backup before/after, reorg,...), most of the times your app should be adapted at the same time. You want more orchestration (and puppet isn't good at orchestration)
Why not using a tool dedicated to this task like
rails db migrations and capistrano
A poor men solution would be to use vcs-repo module and an exec to list modified files since last "apply".
I agree with mestachs, puppet dealing with db updates it's not a great idea
You can try some kind of define:
define mydangerousdbupdate($name, $filename){
file { "/some/dir/$filename":
ensure => present,
source => "puppet:///modules/m1/db-updates/$filename",
exec{"apply $name":
command => "/usr/bin/mysql [args] < /some/dir/$filename > /some/dir/$filename.log",
creates => "/some/dir/$filename.log"
And then, you can instantiate with the different patches, in the preferred order
name => "first",
filename => "first.sql",
name => "second",
filename => "second.sql",
