Other ways for auto-start script in Kali Linux? - linux

So I'm basically wanting to get a script to run on system boot. It's basically an SSH callback. I've tried a few ways that I've gotten to work in the past on other distributions, but having a little bit of difficulty here.
First thing I've tried was adding the /path/to/script.rb to /etc/rc.local. However, this file does not exist on the latest version of Kali Linux. I tried to create it and replicate my old Ubuntu rc.local file, but it didn't run on system startup.
Next thing I tried was creating an executable bash script in /etc/init.d/, following the update-rc.d script.sh defaults and making the file executable. Restarted and nothing. If I run the script manually, it works. I tried to redirect the output to a file in the tmp folder, but it doesn't appear that there are any errors from what I'm understanding.
Are there any other ways to get an auto run script started other than these two methods? Seem to be the most common way to get this working, but it's just not doing it for me.

Add script to
Run command:
chmod 755 /etc/init.d/script
Run command:
update-rc.d script enable


Autostart a node.js script using init.d in Debian

I have a little node application on a server (node mailer) that I run by going to its source folder and executing npm start. I figured the best way to run this automatically would be to create a my_script.sh file and drop it in the init.d directory of my debian box. Inside the file (below the !#/bin/bash line), the code to execute is
'/opt/mycode/source/npm start'
I save the line to the .sh file and restarted the machine, but so far haven't got it to work. My question is: is this even how you start a script like this (using that command and an .sh file)? It does start normally when I do it manually (when I navigate to it and run npm start in the terminal). I included the single quotes around it because of the space between npm start. Also, if I want to verify that it worked, which process would I look for other than just pinging my smtp mailer? Finally, I know I need to run:
update-rc.d my_script.sh defaults
but I was also confused at to whether I had done this correctly either (is it just the name of the file that goes there or the file plus the extension)?
The script that you leave on the init.d folder should not have any extension and should have functions to start, stop and get the status of the service (your application).
I'll leave a link with an example as well as with some basis in order to build the Linux service script.
I would suggest reloading the daemon with systemctl daemon-reload in order to refresh the Linux service files once you add a new one.

Can't run external programm from a udev-started script

I'm trying to set up a automatic PDF-Viewer via a Raspberry Pi.
The problem I'm facing is that the script I started from an udev-rule is doing anything I want, except starting any external program. When I'm runnig both scripts from terminal, everything works fine as well, xpdf is launched with no problems.
This is how my scripts look right now:
startpdf (successfully executed from a udev-rule)
/usr/local/script/pdfscript &
exit 0
mkdir -p /media/usb/stick
sudo mount /dev/usbstick /media/usb/stick
/usr/bin/logger Testing the Script
sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/script/testfolder
Everything is working fine, the testfolder is created and the logger is doing fine as well. The reason for having two scripts is the short amount of time before a udev-started script is terminated.
The only problem is that xpdf won't start. I tried it with libreoffice or any other program too and I don't know what am I missing.
Please help me, It's driving me nuts :(

Raspberry Pi boot script duplicating

I am trying to run a few scripts at each boot of the raspberry pi. I have been able to verify that when they are not configured to start automatically, I can run them, and they all work exactly as intended (and in only one instance). I have tried quite a few methods of autostarting these scripts, and I have found that using a desktop entry in .config/autostart directory to be my preferred way of doing it. I have also tried editing rc.local, crontab, systemd, and entries in .config/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart with no more success.
The issue is that when I have the scripts running at boot, there is a duplicate of the script running (I have it set to open a new instance of LXterminal, though there are not duplicates of the terminal). The script runs at boot just fine, but I am cannot figure out why there seems to be a "ghost" version of the script too. I have the autostart commands set to write to log files that show that the scripts are running more than once. I have also tried this on a fresh raspbian install. Could someone help me figure this out? I'm at a loss on what my issue is. This is for use of Amazon Alexa.
This is what I have in /home/pi/.config/autostart/AlexaBoot.desktop:
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=lxterminal -e "/bin/bash /home/pi/Desktop/alexa_boot.sh"
I can post what I have in the autostarted script if necessary. Thanks.
Found a fix for this. My solution is outlined on a similar Github issue, hopefully this is able to help someone with the same issue.

Daemonize a perl script at startup Linux

I have a custom version of CENTOS that I need to run a perl script as a daemon in at all times.
To do this I want to get it to run on startup as a daemon.
When the machine is on I can daemonize the script with the command
daemonize /var/myfolder/myscript.pl
And this works fine.
So I have an rc1 script which has a number of commands that run when the machine starts, and the very last line in it is where I try to daemonize that script. Everything else in the rc1 script runs fine, and the script doesn't output any errors, however when I check to see if the daemon is running on start up, it isn't running.
Is there another way that I can get the script to run on startup? Or any ideas on why this method doesn't work?
Proc::Daemon offers what you're looking for.
See this previously asked question: How can I run a Perl script as a system daemon in linux?
The problem was that #INC hadn't fully loaded all of the modules by the time my script was called, and so my daemon wasn't running. I used the PERL5LIB command to add the appropriate directories.
PERL5LIB='/perl:/custom/lib:/usr/local/lib64/perl5' /var/myfolder/myscript.pl &
where /perl; /custom/lib and /usr/local/lib64/perl5 are the directories which were missing from #INC

sh file not found in linux command line

I'm an owner of synology's diskstation NAS server running on special OS (mainly linux)
It has only access from internet. I established command line interface to access it using synology wiki. Now I try to install Counter-Strike server on it using SteamCMD. I just look in Valve Developer Community for it.
I'm writing the next:
mkdir csServer
cd csServer
wget http://media.steampowered.com/client/steamcmd_linux.tar.gz
tar xvfz steamcmd_linux.tar.gz
But the last line causes -sh: ./steamcmd.sh not found. However, I can see this file in the directory.
What actually can cause it?
The file is executable!
Your script contains a header which says #!/bin/bash, that is use /bin/bash to execute this script. Apparently, on your system /bin/bash is not present. I am not familiar with Synology environment, but you should be able to fix this problem by installing bash and then pointing your script to the right path, which should be /opt/bin/bash. The first line of your script should therefore look like the following
You could also use Synology default ash, but beware that you script might not work as it was written for bash.
Windows style end-of-lines (CRLF) can cause this issue. If your sh file contains Windows style end-of-lines, convert it to Linux style.
