How to clear a Text Input in Powerapp? - textinput

In Powerapp app, I have screen,which contain
1 : "text input", to enter CityName
2 : When I click on Clear button, How can I clear value of text input ?
Click here for more details of problem statement
step 1 : let text input name is "txtCity" and set it's Default property to ""
step 2 : set OnSelect event of button to Reset(txtCity)
solution shown in image

That would be one way of resetting, there are other ways to solve it too. By assigning a variable to TextInput's default property and setting that variable to "" or any other default value you want based on the scenario. How and when to use reset can be found here:


Powerapps Visible function

For some reason the Visible function in my Powerapps won't work I just wrote in OnSelect() Mail.Visible = false
The Mail is in this case a Textinput/ TextBox.
When I click on the button nothing happens. I can't find a documentation about it on the MS Website but I have in Powerapps a fuction called "Visible"
You need to create a variable in the button's (or another control) OnSelect property:
UpdateContext({ mailVisible: false })
And set the Visible property of the Mail control to mailVisible. You may need to initialize that variable to true, for example, in the screen's OnVisible property:
UpdateContext({ mailVisible: true })
PowerApps works similarly to Excel - you cannot, by an action, change directly the value of a cell (e.g., A1 = 42). But you can make the A1 cell reference another cell (say, =A4), so when you change the value of the cell A4, A1 will be updated as well. The same principle applies in PowerApps - you cannot change the value of a property from an action, but you can update the value that the property references.
Credit #SeaDude
This worked perfectly for me toggling the variable back and forth to show/hide a few layers.
Set(mailVisible, !mailVisible)
So I have a few items like this. I'm not sure if this is the BEST way but I know it works.
Set a variable on the app start:
App = Set(variable_visable, "");
Button code:
Onselect = Set(variable_visable.,"1");
Item that you want visible:
Visibility = If(variable_visable="1", true, false);
Edit: You can reset your variable at any point to hide that section.
Sometimes power apps fights you on things that seem correct.
The Visible will the condition that is true to make it show.
For example
If I have one TextBox named TextInput1 and I want a control to be visible when the Text entered = true it will be. For this example use a label.
Label1's visible function will be TextInput1.Text = "true"
This will show when the input text will be true. if it's false or anything else the label won't show. This is a very basic use of the visible but can be used in many ways.
In On select property of button you can't set any other control property directly.
you need to follow the steps as:
1- you need to set a boolean type variable on OnSelect of button e.g.
2- go to TextInput Mail and select its Visible property and assign the variable "varShowMail"
It will work 100%.
Set on visible of screen property UpdateContext({ Var_Visible: false})
set a variable on control "select" or "change" to true"UpdateContext({ Var_Visible: true})" and use the variable in other control visible property that you want to show or hide, if required you can use condition to set a variable to true or false

Can I use a string as a name in Visual Basic to change an objects properties?

My Idea is not too hard. I have a button, a string called "progname", a TextBox and three Progressbars.
When I enter a number into the TextBox and press the button, the following code run's through.
Dim progname As String
progname = "Progressbar" & TextBox1.Text
Now I have a string called "progname" with relevant value.For an example "Progressbar2".
What I want to achieve is write something like:
progname.Value += 1
Which can't be done, as "Value" is not a Member of "String". How can I do this?
Overall what I want, is to be able to select one of the three progressbars by typing one of the numbers 1-3 into the TextBox and then change that ones porperties.
Yes you can.
A basic example is this, which searches your form for controls with the name matching your string. It then changes the type to a ProgressBar so you can access all the methods ..
Dim progbar As ProgressBar = CType(Me.Controls.Find(progName, False)(0), ProgressBar)
progbar.Value += 1

Capybara how to test for the disabled option in a dropdown list

I am new to Capybara and am trying to write a test where the default option in a dropdown list will change depending on the link the user clicks on in the preceding page. e.g. click on link1, then link1 will be the default option.
I found online someone said to test for the disabled option in a dropdown with the following, but I still can't get it to work.
Then /^"([^"]*)" should be selected for "([^"]*)"(?: within "([^\"]*)")?$/ do |value, field, selector|
with_scope(selector) do
field_labeled(field).find(:xpath, ".//option[#selected = 'selected'][text() = '#{value}']").should be_present
Based on your description I'm assuming you mean the selected option rather than the disabled option. To do that in Capybara would be
expect(page).to have_select('id, name, placeholder or label text of select', selected: 'text of selected option')
Using that in your cucumber step with the possibility of scoping would then become
Then /^"([^"]*)" should be selected for "([^"]*)"(?: within "([^\"]*)")?$/ do |value, field, selector|
within(selector) do
expect(page).to have_select(field, selected: value)
which you would call something like.
Then "California" should be selected for "State" within "#user_profile"
If you did really want to check for a disabled option in a select you could do it like
select = find(:select, 'id, name, placeholder or label text of select')
expect(select).to have_selector(:option, 'text of disabled option', disabled: true)
If you want to test if you have the option disabled.
Find the number of elements that disable that area. With the command
If the result is 1 or 0, you can type this command.
And(/^All segments in this area need to be subject to the product (\d+) see it$/) do
number=area.all("div#urunTab.caption[style='display: none;']").size
print "All of "
expect(number).to eq 0
number="No product"
number="There are product"
p number
You can synchronize with the expect command if you want.

Change value of check box when its name is the value of a variable

First post so I'll try my best to make it a good one (please tell me if I'm doing it wrong).I can't seem to write the code properly to change the value of a check box or option button on a sheet using a variable.
Suppose the name of the check box name is "Chk1", normally I would write :
Where X is (either True or False). Since it is a Loop, I use a range variable called FoundRange and it's value is the name of the check box, so I tried:
dim chkname as string
I also tried
Worksheets("AP-1").CheckBoxes(chkname).Value = X
I also had a linked cell that I used to change the value, but when it writes either false or true in it, the check box becomes gray and I need to press F2+Enter in the linked cell to make the check box show the proper value. I also tried to select the linked cell after changing its value and use that code:
Application.SendKeys "{F2}"
Application.SendKeys "{ENTER}"
but it did not work.
Please help me :)
Based on your initial code, it must be an ActiveX control, not a Form one, so:
dim chkname as string
Worksheets("AP-1").OLEObjects(Chkname).Object.value = X

How to perform a custom search using a button formula

I would like to create a button to search my mail's Inbox view for emails which contain a unique string found in the subject field of the selected document. For this, I have created the following button formula. This correctly retrieves the unique string but the search itself does not work.
SearchStringLeftPart := #Left( Subject; "] [");
SearchString := #RightBack( SearchStringLeftPart; "[");
Please can someone advise if #SetViewInfo can be used for this purpose & if so what is wrong with the formula. Otherwise how else can I achieve the task using a button formula?
Unfortunately, you can't accomplish that with #SetViewInfo.
But, in combination with a short agent you can show only those documents in view which have current document's unique Subject substring in their Subject field.
Create a formula agent "SelectSubjectSearch" with
target "All documents in view"
option "Selects documents in view"
SELECT #Contains(#LowerCase(Subject); #LowerCase(#Environment("SubjectSearch")))
Create a formula button which
writes the search string into environment variable "SubjectSearch"
selects the option "View / Show / Selected Only" in menu
calls the agent "SelectSubjectSearch"
Button code:
SearchStringLeftPart := #Left( Subject; "] [");
SearchString := #RightBack( SearchStringLeftPart; "[");
#SetEnvironment("SubjectSearch"; SearchString);
#Command([RunAgent]; "SelectSubjectSearch")
The tricky part is the "View / Show / Selected Only" selection. As [ViewShowOnlySelected] just toggles between "Select Only" and not "Select Only" and you don't know which status currently is set we have to call a double [ViewShowOnlyUnread] which resets [ViewShowOnlySelected] to not "Select Only". The first [ViewShowOnlySelected] sets the information bar to "You are seeing: the item you selected" and the second [ViewShowOnlySelected] does set for sure "Select Only".
Is the subject exposed in the first (sorted) column of the view?
IIRC, SetViewInfo only filter the view on the first column, which alse must be sorted.
Update: Did not refresh the page after I got back from lunch, so did not see that there already was a correct answer.
Create a search view with first column sorted by subject and use view.getAllDocumentsByKey(...)to get the documenta you search
