Is Kubernetes + Docker + AWS = Azure + Service Fabric? - azure

I see advantages of Kubernetes which include Rolling Deployments, Automatic Health check monitoring, and swinging a new server to action when an existing one fails. I also do understand that Kubernetes is not just for Docker.
So, that brings a couple of questions!
When Azure, and Service Fabric could provide all that I said (and beyond), why would I need Kubernetes?
Would it make sense for one to use Kubernetes along with Service Fabric for large scale deployments on Azure?

Let's look first at the similarities between Kubernetes and Service Fabric.
They are both cloud-agnostic clustering, orchestration, and scheduling software.
They can both be deployed manually, by you, to any set of VMs, anywhere.
There are "managed" offerings for both, meaning a cloud provider like Azure or Google Cloud will host a cluster for you, but generally you still own the VMs.
They both deploy and manage containers.
They both have rich management operations, such as rolling upgrades, health checks, and self-healing capabilities.
That's a fairly high-level view but should give you an idea of what and where you can run with each.
Now let's look where they're different. There are a ton of small differences, but I want to focus on two of the really big conceptual differences:
Application model:
Service Fabric allows you to orchestrate any arbitrary container or EXE (whether that's a small node.js app or a giant legacy application), and in that sense it is similar to Kubernetes. But overall it is more focused on application development specifically, with programming models that are integrated with the platform. In this respect, it is more closely comparable to Cloud Foundry than Kubernetes.
Kubernetes is focused more on orchestrating infrastructure for an application. It doesn't really focus on how you write your application. That's up to you to figure out; Kubernetes just wants a container to run, doesn't matter what's in it.
State management
Kubernetes allows you to deploy stateful software to it, by providing persistent disk storage volumes to containers and assigning unique identifiers to pods. This lets you deploy things like ZooKeeper or MySQL.
Service Fabric is stateful software. Service Fabric is designed as a stateful, data-aware platform. It provides HA state and scale-out primitives. So while Kubernetes allows you to deploy stateful things, Service Fabric allows you to build stateful things. This is one of the key differences that's often overlooked. For example:
On Kubernetes, you can deploy ZooKeeper.
On Service Fabric, you can actually build ZooKeeper yourself using Service Fabric's replication and leader election primitives.
Kubernetes uses etcd for distributed, reliable storage about the state of the cluster.
Service Fabric doesn't need etcd, because Service Fabric itself is a distributed, reliable storage platform. The system services in Service Fabric make use of this to reliably store the state of the cluster. This makes Service Fabric entirely self-contained.
The fact that Service Fabric is a stateful platform is key to understanding it and how it differs from other major orchestrators. Everything it does - scheduling, health checking, rolling upgrades, application versioning, failover, self-healing, etc - are all designed around the fact that it is managing replicated and distributed data that needs to be consistent and highly available at all times.

Please find below a good comparaison article about the difference between ACS and Azure Service Fabric:
Could you please clarify what you refer to when you talk mentionne "AWS" ?
From a "developer level" solution could be statefull in both cases but it have a major difference from an Infrastructure point of view:
Docker + Kuberest is a "IaaS" oriented solution
Azure Service Fabric (if you are using Azure service) is a PaaS solution.
IaaS is, in general, more costly and have a more significant maintenance cost.
From a support point of view:
Azure Service Fabric is supported by Microsoft
Docker and Kubernetest are more open source oriented
Hope this help.
Best regards


Run microservices on Service Fabric in multiple Azure regions

I want to use Service Fabric as a microservices orchestration for gaming backend. The game will be global, so what is the recommended solution for this architecture? Many clusters in separate regions for better performance? What about actor state in this solution? (I use cosmo db/SQL Server/ and actors in my microservices) I know that I can deploy Geo-HA Service Fabric Cluster on this way but is not officially supported and can be risky.
It's possible to deploy a multi region cluster, but it's hard to deal with latency issues properly.
I recommend taking a look at the SF Mesh platform to run your services. It will support availability zones and multiple regions out of the box.
Deploy applications across Availability Zones and multiple regions for
Note that at this time it's in public preview and it doesn't support the service & actor programming models.
More info.

Azure Service Fabric vs Docker Data Center

I went over this blog Azure SF vs Docker but it didn't answer my doubts completely.
I have Docker Data Center on-prem and i want to push Azure SF into this. But i feel DDC is doing exactly same thing as Service Fabric.
Few things from my mind.
DDC takes care of scaling up, all types of container orchestration, health monitoring etc.
Few items which it doesn't provide :
Service remoting between services, publish subscribe model between services, stateful layer(i've heard about portworx volume rep)
Can someone enlighten me more on when should i go with SF which DDC doesn't provide.
If your application landscape consists of containers and there is no intention to change that then you should probably stick to DDC.
Service Fabric (ASF) has a lot more to offer than support for containers. In fact, in earlier days it did not even had support for containers.
The focus of AFS is to provide a platform for building microservices based applications using stateless services, stateful services and actors.
Things that DDC does not provide:
Stateful Services
Actor model
Stateful Services: The benefit of stateful services is that the data lives where the code lives, so no more separate data stores like a NoSQL or relational database. A great benefit is the reduced latency. So in other words, if you have a frontend running in a container that connects to a container that contains a MySQL server for example, you can replace that using a mix of stateless and stateful services.
Actor model: The actor pattern is a computational model for concurrent or distributed systems in which a large number of these actors can execute simultaneously and independently of each other.
In some scenario's the use of containers in ASF is a temporarily one, to lift and shift existing software and combine that with ASF own service models. In later stages the containers can be replaced by ASF services.
The official docs does list some scenario's as when to run containers on ASF:
IIS lift and shift: If you have existing ASP.NET MVC apps that you want to continue to use, put them in a container instead of migrating them to ASP.NET Core. These ASP.NET MVC apps depend on Internet Information Services (IIS). You can package these applications into container images from the precreated IIS image and deploy them with Service Fabric. See Container Images on Windows Server for information about Windows containers.
Mix containers and Service Fabric microservices: Use an existing container image for part of your application. For example, you might use the NGINX container for the web front end of your application and stateful services for the more intensive back-end computation.
Reduce impact of "noisy neighbors" services: You can use the resource governance ability of containers to restrict the resources that a service uses on a host. If services might consume many resources and affect the performance of others (such as a long-running, query-like operation), consider putting these services into containers that have resource governance.
By the way, in your referenced Q & A the fact that is a Microsoft product is listened as a possible disadvantage. It might still be to some, but Microsoft has announces it will open source ASF.

Service fabric cluster takes forever to deploy

Is there a way to shorten the process? Should I have two service fabric clusters if we want to implement continuous delivery process ?
If the Service Fabric cluster deployment (i.e. creation of a Service Fabric cluster) is stuck - open an issue in the Azure Portal with support to help get it resolved.
For application deployment you don't need separate cluster to do CD. Depending on your CD strategy (e.g. rolling upgrades, rip and replace, blue/green), there are various ways of doing that in Service Fabric. Take a look here for some of the conceptual documentation on this topic:

What are the options to host Orleans on Azure without using the Cloud Services?

I want to host an Orleans project on Azure, but don't want to use the (classic) Cloud Services model (I want an ARM template project). The web app sample uses the old web / worker model - what is best option? There is a Service Fabric sample - is that the best route? The nearest equivalent to the web/worker model is VM Scale Sets - is that a well tested option?
IMO, app service is closet to web role.
Worker role however, depending on the point of view
From system architecture point of view, I think Scale Set is the closet. You get an identical set of VMs running your application. However you lost all management features. How your cluster handle application configurations, work loads on each node, service interruptions from server failure or deployments are pretty much DIY. Also you need to provision the VM with dependencies for your application.
From operations point of view, I think Service Fabric is the closest. It handles problems above but then you are dealing with design/implementation changes and learning curve from the added fabric layer in the architecture. Could be small, could be big depending on the complexity of your project. Besides, service fabric is still relatively new and nothing is for sure. Best case you follow the sample change a few lines of code and it works like a charm. Worst case you may want to complete refactor orleans solution into service fabric solution.
App service would be the easiest among the three. If it doesn't meet your requirement, I personally would try Service Fabric. Same reason why people are moving to cloud and you would opt for ARM solution.

Multi regional Azure Container Service DC/OS clusters

I'm experimenting a little with ACS using the DC/OS orchestrator, and while spinning up a cluster within a single region seems simple enough, I'm not quite sure what the best practice would be for doing deployments across multiple regions.
Azure itself does not seem to support deploying to more than one region right now. With that assumption, I guess my only other option is to create multiple, identical clusters in all the regions I wish to be available, and then use Azure Traffic Manager to route incoming traffic to the nearest available cluster.
While this solution works, it also causes a few issues I'm not 100% sure on how I should work around.
Our deployment pipelines must make sure to deploy to all regions when deploying a new version of a service. If we have a East US and North Europe region, during deployments from our CI tool I have to connect to the Marathon API in both regions to trigger the new deployments. If the deployment fails in one region, and succeeds in the other, I suddenly have a disparity between the two regions.
If i have a service using local persistent volumes deployed, let's say PostgreSQL or ElasticSearch, it needs to have instances in both regions since service discovery will only find services local to the region. That brings up the problem of replication between regions to keep all state in all regions; this seem to require some/a lot of manual configuration to get to work.
Has anyone ever used a setup somewhat like this using Azure Container Service (or really Amazon Container Service, as I assume the same challenges can be found there) and have some pointers on how to approach this?
You have multiple options for spinning up across regions. I would use a custom installation together with terraform for each of them. This here is a great starting point:
Distributing agents across different regions should be no problem, ensuring that your services will keep running despite failures.
Distributing masters (giving you control over the services during failures) is a little more diffult as it involves distributing a zookeeper quorum across high latency links, so you should be careful in choosing the "distance" between regions.
Have a look at the documentation for more details.
You are correct ACS does not currently support Multi-Region deployments.
Your first issue is specific to Marathon in DC/OS, I'll ping some of the engineering folks over there to see if they have any input on best practice.
Your second point is something we (I'm the ACS PM) are looking at. There are some solutions you can use in certain scenarios (e.g. ArangoDB is in the DC/OS universe and will provide replication). The DC/OS team may have something to say here too. In ACS we are evaluating the best approaches to providing solutions for this use case but I'm afraid I can't give any indication of timeline.
An alternative solution is to have your database in a SaaS offering. This takes away all the complexity of managing redundancy and replication.
