Firebase functions - Failed to retrieve function source code - node.js

I get the error: "Failed to retrieve function source code" when I try and deploy a function.
This is all from the command line. I am using node 6.11.5 (but in the firebase-admin package.json file in the nodes folder it is says node 6.9.1 is used to download that). I am using firebase-admin#5.8.1 and firebase-functions#0.8.1.
This is the code in my index.js file that I am trying to deploy:
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
exports.helloWorld = functions.https.onRequest((request, response) => {
response.send("Hello from Firebase!");
I have also tried to deploy many different things.
Two interesting things:
- I used to be able to deploy any function without problem. This changed about a month ago and now every function I try gets this error. I can't remember making any change that would be related to this.
- Also I can deploy functions from my computer (with the exact same set up and firebase versions) to other projects in the same google account and different google accounts without any problem.

I think you should check your billing settings in google cloud. I got the same problem and after updating billing information then redeploy the function, the error is gone.


Using firebase tools as a node module in firebase function

I am trying to call the export method from the firebase tools node module in a firebase function.
await firebase_tools.auth.export(tempLocalFile);
But i am receiving the following error
FirebaseError: No currently active project.
To run this command, you need to specify a project. You have two options:
- Run this command with [1m--project <alias_or_project_id>[22m.
- Set an active project by running [1mfirebase use --add[22m, then rerun this command.
To list all the Firebase projects to which you have access, run [1mfirebase projects:list[22m.
To learn about active projects for the CLI, visit
Is there a way to set the active project in the nodejs cloud function?
I am initialising the object like so
const firebase_tools = require('firebase-tools');
I'm not exactly replying to your problem, but note that the auth.export command will not work in a Cloud Function.
As explained in the documentation (See the note at the bottom):
when used in a limited environment like Cloud Functions, not all
firebase-tools commands will work programatically because they require
access to a local filesystem.
This is the case for the auth.export command. An alternative is to use the listUsers() method of the Admin SDK, as explained here.

getting error : Your client does not have permission to get URL in firebase functions

i am new in firebase, i have deploy one function, and it is using get method,
when i try to run this api, i am getting below error
Error: Forbidden
Your client does not have permission to get URL /addMessage from this server.
Can anyone please help me to resolve this issue ?
exports.addMessage = functions.https.onRequest(async (req, res) => {
// Grab the text parameter.
const original = req.query.text;
// Push the new message into the Realtime Database using the Firebase Admin SDK.
const snapshot = await admin.database().ref('/messages').push({ original: original });
// Redirect with 303 SEE OTHER to the URL of the pushed object in the Firebase console.
res.redirect(303, snapshot.ref.toString());
From the doc, argument --allow-unauthenticated:
Specifies that the function does not require authentication to invoke. By default HTTP functions require authentication. If you do not include this flag the first time you deploy an HTTP function, you are prompted to allow unauthenticated invocations. You are not prompted on subsequent invocations.
So, you need to deploy the cloud functions with this argument if you don't need authentication. E.g.
A simple cloud function, index.js:
exports.helloHttp = (req, res) => {
res.send(`Hello ${ || 'World'}!`);
Deploy without --allow-unauthenticated:
gcloud beta functions deploy helloHttp --trigger-http --runtime nodejs10
When you access the endpoint of this cloud function: You will get this 403 Forbidden error:
Error: Forbidden
Your client does not have permission to get URL /helloHttp from this server.
Deploy with --allow-unauthenticated:
gcloud beta functions deploy helloHttp --trigger-http --runtime nodejs10 --allow-unauthenticated
You will get access the endpoint without authentication.
Hello World!
I ran into this (or a very similar problem) today. When I invoked one of my functions from Postman, I got:
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">
<title>401 Unauthorized</title>
<body text=#000000 bgcolor=#ffffff>
<h1>Error: Unauthorized</h1>
<h2>Your client does not have permission to the requested URL
I try redeploying the functions but that didn't work.
Solution: Delete your functions and deploy them again.
What I did was:
Exported a single dummy function from functions/index.ts and removed my original functions.
Deployed. That deleted my original functions.
Verified that the dummy function worked well.
Restored my original functions and deployed again.
Verified that my original functions worked.
Background and possible cause
I had a new Firebase project and I tried to deploy my functions many times but got some errors related to permissions. I guess that left the functions in a weird state...
I managed to deploy the functions successfully later, but they were not in a good state and I got that error response from Postman when I called one of them.
The errors I got were the following:
Error 1:
Error: Missing permissions required for functions deploy. You must have permission iam.serviceAccounts.ActAs on service account
Error 2:
Error: Missing permissions required for functions deploy. You must have permission iam.serviceAccounts.ActAs on service account
Error 3:
Unable to set the invoker for the IAM policy on the following functions:
Some common causes of this:
- You may not have the roles/functions.admin IAM role. Note that roles/functions.developer does not allow you to change IAM policies.
After trying to delete individualy functions and uploading them again ultimately i had to delete all of the previously deployed functions and deploy them all.
Once i'd done that a couple of times, the functions deployed.
There are two possible causes i can think of that was causing this, both very ambiguous.
I found that there was one offending file, and the only thing that fixed the deploy was to change the length of the file name. Yes, the length of the filename. One character too long and the deployment failed. If this was a windows 95 machine i'd have said the inheritance chain path was too long for the compiler. However, compiliation and running on the emulator worked fine. So who knows.
I had tried to set up cloud build, and left that part half finished. I had updated the .firebaserc as a part of that. Perhaps, just perhaps, the deployment didn't like the fact the default projects list had changed, and didn't match the existing functions.
I'm totally guessing as to the cause, but because the error is so ambiguous, with no apparent cause, figued this might help people find the cause.
It can also happen, if you use the wrong subpath. For me the url was somehow wrong, instead of resendConfirmEmail it tried to call resendConfirmEmail%20. That function didn't exist and google responded with 403:
when it should have been:

Cloud Functions for Firebase error: "400, Change of function trigger type or event provider is not allowed"

When I run firebase deploy I get this error message:
functions: HTTP Error: 400, Change of function trigger type or event provider is not allowed
firebase functions:delete yourFunction // this can be done via the Firebase Console as well
firebase deploy
Basically, Cloud Functions expects the same trigger for every function all the time, i.e. once it is created it has to stick to its original trigger because every function name is connected to a specific trigger. The trigger can therefore only be changed by deleting the function first and then creating it again with a different trigger.
This can now be done easily by using the functions:delete command:
firebase functions:delete yourFunction
The documentation features more advanced use cases as well.
Old solution
Solution of this is basically commenting or cutting out your function and then saving the Functions file and deploying. The function will get deleted in Firebase, but after that you can insert/uncomment your function and it will deploy just fine again. This error occurs when you take a function and change the type of trigger that it uses, i.e. HTTP, database or authentication.
Firstly cut it out
/* exports.yourFunction = someTrigger... */
And then, after deploying ("firebase deploy") replace your trigger
exports.yourFunction = anotherTrigger...
For those who stumble upon this in the future, the Cloud Functions console now offers a delete button.
You can also go to the Cloud Functions panel in the Google Cloud Platform console and delete your function from there. After that you can upload the function normally from firebase CLI. Not sure why they don't have a delete function option in the firebase console.

AWS Lambda function to connect to a Postgresql database

Does anyone know how I can connect to a PostgreSQL database through an AWS Lambda function. I searched it up online but I couldn't find anything about it. If you could tell me how to go about it that would be great.
If you can find something wrong with my code (node.js) that would be great otherwise can you tell me how to go about it?
exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
"use strict"
const pg = require('pg');
const connectionStr =
var client = new pg.Client(connectionStr);
if(err) {
callback(null, 'Connection established');
context.callbackWaitsForEmptyEventLoop = false;
The code throws an error:
cannot find module 'pg'
I wrote it directly on AWS Lambda and didn't upload anything if that makes a difference.
I wrote it directly on AWS Lambda and didn't upload anything if that makes a difference.
Yes this makes the difference! Lambda doesnt provide 3rd party libraries out of the box. As soon as you have a dependency on a 3rd party library you need to zip and upload your Lambda code manually or with the use of the API.
Fore more informations: Lambda Execution Environment and Available Libraries
You need to refer Creating a Deployment Package (Node.js)
Simple scenario – If your custom code requires only the AWS SDK library, then you can use the inline editor in the AWS Lambda console. Using the console, you can edit and upload your code to AWS Lambda. The console will zip up your code with the relevant configuration information into a deployment package that the Lambda service can run.
Advanced scenario – If you are writing code that uses other resources, such as a graphics library for image processing, or you want to use the AWS CLI instead of the console, you need to first create the Lambda function deployment package, and then use the console or the CLI to upload the package.
Your case like mine falls under Advanced scenario. So we need to create a deployment package and then upload it. Here what I did -
mkdir deployment
cd deployment
vi index.js
write your lambda code in this file. Make sure your handler name is index.handler when you create it.
npm install pg
You should see node_modules directory created in deployment directory which has multiple modules in it
Package the deployment directory into a zip file and upload to Lambda.
You should be good then
NOTE : npm install will install node modules in same directory under node_modules directory unless it sees a node_module directory in parent directory. To be same first do npm init followed by npm install to ensure modules are installed in same directory for deployment.

How can I split Cloud Functions for Firebase into many files? [duplicate]

Today Firebase released its brand new product Cloud Functions for Firebase and I just created a hello world function and deploy it on my existing firebase project.
It looks like it bundles all dependencies and upload it to firebase just like aws lambda function does. But it takes too much time to be done even on minor changes in code and also need a good connectivity of internet . If you are offline for some reason, you are just in dark what code you are writing until you have a way to execute and test that functions offline on your local machine.
Is there any way to test Cloud Functions for Firebase locally?
firebaser here
Deployment of your Functions indeed takes more time than what I'm normally willing to wait for. We're working hard to improve that and (as Brendan said) are working on a local emulator.
But for the moment, I mostly write my actual business logic into a separate Node script first. That way I can test it from a local command prompt with node speech.js. Once I'm satisfied that the function works, I either copy/paste it into my actual Functions file or (better) import the speech module into my functions file and invoke it from there.
One abbreviated example that I quickly dug up is when I was wiring up text extraction using the Cloud Vision API. I have a file called ocr.js that contains:
var fetch = require('node-fetch');
function extract_text(url, gcloud_authorization) {
console.log('extract_text from image '+url+' with authorization '+gcloud_authorization);
return fetch(url).then(function(res) {
return res.buffer();
}).then(function(buffer) {
return fetch(''+gcloud_authorization, {
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
body: JSON.stringify({
"content": buffer.toString('base64')
}).then(function(res) {
var json = res.json();
if (res.status >= 200 && res.status < 300) {
return json;
} else {
return json.then(Promise.reject.bind(Promise));
}).then(function(json) {
if (json.responses && json.responses.length && json.responses[0].error) {
return Promise.reject(json.responses[0].error);
return json.responses[0].textAnnotations[0].description;
if (process.argv.length > 2) {
// by passing the image URL and gcloud access token, you can test this module
process.argv.forEach(a => console.log(a));
process.argv[2], // image URL
process.argv[3] // gcloud access token or API key
).then(function(description) {
}).catch(function(error) {
exports.extract_text = extract_text;
And then in my Functions index.js, I have:
var functions = require('firebase-functions');
var fetch = require('node-fetch');
var ocr = require('./ocr.js');
exports.ocr = functions.database().path('/messages/{room}/{id}').onWrite(function(event) {
console.log('OCR triggered for /messages/''/';
if (! || ! return;
if ( return;
if ("") !== 0) return; // only OCR images
return ocr.extract_text(, functions.env.googlecloud.apikey).then(function(text) {
return{ ocr: text });
So as you can see this last file is really just about wiring up the "worker method" ocr.extract_text to the database location.
Note this is a project from a while ago, so some of the syntax (mostly the functions.env part) might have changed a bit.
firebaser here
To debug your Cloud Functions for Firebase locally, there is an emulator. See the documentation for more info.
run and debug/inspect functions locally
prerequisites (google-cloud functions and firebase-specific):
npm install -g #google-cloud/functions-emulator
npm install --save firebase-functions
npm install -g firebase-tools
To run and inspect/debug: first run functions locally, then inspect each function, and finally run each specific function to debug+inspect it. Use functions start as an alternative to firebase serve and note the documentation for each tool is available (and useful).
To run and debug the specific function myFn as-expected (eg in Nodejs via chrome://inspect and note this works using Nodejs v10 though not officially supported):
firebase serve --only functions
functions inspect myFn
functions call myFn # or call from browser
additional documentation:
>> Is there any way to test Cloud Functions for Firebase locally?
You can use the following command to start a firebase shell (execute in your functions directory):
npm run build && firebase functions:shell
You can invoke your functions in the shell like so:
Refer this link for more information.
Answered here:
Google Cloud Functions also open-sourced a local emulator, and we are
working to build a tighter integration with Cloud Functions for
Firebase. In the meanwhile, you can check it at here:
The emulator does allow you to run functions locally. Here's the
documentation that explains how to use it:
I couldn't get the single stepping working at first. My process was the same as documented in many answers here.
Also, these pages contain nearly all the documentation I required:
I had got the functions running using firebase serve --only functions, but hadn't got the debugger up and running. Then I came across the other way of directly using the emulator and managed to hit a break point like this:
# start the emulator
functions start
# allow inspection
functions inspect helloWorld
# call the function from the cli
functions call helloWorld
This worked, and I could hit a breakpoint.
However, when hitting the endpoint for the function in postman or the browser, I got no response at all.
The step I was missing was:
# deploy the function to the emulator
functions deploy helloWorld --trigger-http
# you need to toggle inspection after the deploy
functions inspect helloWorld
Now I can hit the endpoint for the function from postman or the browser, and the breakpoint is hit.
I recommend the brilliant NiM chrome extension for debugging and hope this answer helps someone, even if this is an old question.
Firstly, I suggest you to install following dependencies,
npm install --save firebase-functions
npm install -g firebase-tools
If already installed then you can update it to latest one. Generally, functions-emulator comes with above dependency but still I would recommend you to update it,
npm install -g #google-cloud/functions-emulator
Once it has been updated, go to functions folder of you application and run following command,
firebase serve --only functions
I hope it helps!
For vscode users debugging HTTP functions (webhooks, etc)...
The google cloud emulator (firebase serve --only functions) launches a separate process to run your functions. You can attach to this process with vscode, but since the emulator only creates this process after the first function is called, it's not straightforward.
create a dummy HTTP endpoint in your functions which will return the processID:
app.get("/processid", function(request, response) {
start the emulator with firebase serve --only functions
call the http://<localhost_url>/processid endpoint. This will create the process and return the processID
use vscode to attach to the specified process. You can now set breakpoints, step, etc on any of the other functions (they all use the same process).
There's probably a nicer way to glue all this together.
There is now a cloud functions emulator that lets you call functions locally
Once I have completed my PoC I will update this answer to include code and steps I used.
