Add Data to MongoDB Models At Different Times - node.js

I have a pretty good understanding of mongdoDB with mongoose, but this one aspect of it has been confusing me for a while now. I have a user.js model with a username, password, etc (all the basic user stuff). This data is added when a user registers for an account. But each user also has more data linked to it that IS NOT created or added at the time of registering.
This is my model:
// User Schema
const UserSchema = new Schema({
username: {
type: String,
index: true
email: {
type: String
password: {
type: String
ig_username: {
type: String
ig_password: {
type: String
story_price: {
type: Number
fullpost_price: {
type: Number
halfpost_price: {
type: Number
leads: [{
title: { type: String }
const User = module.exports = mongoose.model('user', UserSchema);
All the field except "leads" are created at the time of registering. But I want to fill the Leads field using another form. I've tried the .update(), .save(), $set, $push, and all kinds of methods, but I cannot get it to work.
Most solutions that I have found use var user = new User({...}) to create a new user and then use .save() after adding the additional data. But this seems wrong since the user has already been created and I am just trying to add data to an additional field.
I think I'm just glossing over something basic, but if there is a way to do this I would be glad to hear it. Thanks!

I would create a sub-schema for leads
// Create a sub-schema for leads
const leadsSubSchema = new Schema({
title: {
type: String,
// Create a schema for user
const UserSchema = new Schema({
username: {
type: String,
index: true
// ...
leads: [leadsSubSchema]
const User = module.exports = mongoose.model('user', UserSchema);
Then for the update
_id: user_id,
}, {
$push: {
leads: lead_to_add,


MongoDB populate() to dynamically load/migrate data not working

I am building an app in which the user adds and deletes objects (Pic) in an array('pics') after registering, but not sure how to dynamically load or populate('pics') to userSchema to automatically render. The user registers on the app with that array originally empty ('pics' = zero), and will create or delete those objects thereafter when logged in.
Following the documentation, I used "await User.find().populate('pics');" to migrate data in index method, but did not work.
Besides, should I include 'pics' key at store method, or userSchema 'pics' should be enough?
const userSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
name: {
type: String,
required: true,
trim: true
pics: [
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: "Pic"
const picSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
thumbnail: String,
description: String,
dev: {
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'User'
const User = mongoose.model('User', userSchema);
const Pic = mongoose.model('Pic', picSchema)
async index(req, res, next) {
const users = await User.find().populate('pics');
async store(req, res) {
try {
const { name } = req.body;
let user = await User.create({
// await user.populate('pics').execPopulate();
res.send({ user })
} catch (error) {
I worked a time ago with MongoDB and NodeJS. I think that you have a problem with the definitions. Also, you can read the documentation
You need to define the _id for collections (Schema).
const userSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
_id: new mongoose.Types.ObjectId(),
name: {
type: String,
required: true,
trim: true
pics: [
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: "Pic"
const picSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
_id: new mongoose.Types.ObjectId(),
thumbnail: String,
description: String,
dev: {
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'User'
So, when you create a new User, the _id is completed (you can generate it or it can be generated automatically) and ignore the field pics. When you create a Pic, you need to read the _id of the User and assigned as 'dev', something like:
let pic = new Pic({
thumbnail: '', description: '',
dev: yourUser._id
Using this way to create documents, you can use the populate function.

How to dynamically populate array of objects in mongoose?

I am trying to dynamically populate array of objects in mongoose. On my user model I want an array that contains all posts that user made. The problem is that I have multiple types of posts.
Different post models:
const ImagePost = mongoose.model('ImagePost', new Schema({ url: String }))
const TextPost = mongoose.model('TextPost', new Schema({ text: String }))
My user model looks like this:
const userSchema = new Schema({
userName: {
type: String,
required: true
posts: [{
postId: {
type: Schema.Types.ObjectId,
required: true,
refPath: "postModel"
postModel: {
type: String,
required: true,
enum: ['ImagePost', 'TextPost']
const User = mongoose.model('User', userSchema)
How can I get the user from my database and automatically populate the posts the user made?
The whey I think it should work is this but for some reason it doesn't do anything:
Changing your refPath from postModel to posts.postModel may solve your problem.

Populate a single embedded document

I have a user model that contains a single embedded document address that is defined like this:
let userSchema = new Schema({
id: ObjectId,
address: {
type: AddressSchema,
required: true,
default: () => ({})
const UserModel = mongoose.model('User', userSchema);
The Address contains a reference for a Country model:
let AddressSchema = new Schema({
country: {
type: Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'Country'
const AddressModel = mongoose.model('Address', AddressSchema);
Where the Country definition is:
let countrySchema = new Schema({
id: ObjectId,
name: {
type: String,
required: true,
unique: true
const CountryModel = mongoose.model('Country', countrySchema);
And this is how I am populating the user documents:
let user = await UserModel
{ new: true }
path: '',
model: CountryModel
When I am running a console.log(JSON.stringify(user.address)), the object is not well fetched, as you may see in the comment of the code below, there is an additional _id field that I don't know how to get rid of :
"_id":{// ============> How to get rid of this _id field?
There is something wrong either with my way of using the populate method or how I embed the Address schema in the User, but I am not able to figure it out
I found that the Address was saved in the user document in a way that does not help the populate method to retrieve the country
The JSON with which I was saving the address in the user was like that:
// Other fields of the user
address: {
country : {
_id: "5b56ecab8cba833c28e0e613"
But changing it to this form solved the problem:
// Other fields of the user
address: {
country : "5b56ecab8cba833c28e0e613"

Mongo user document structure with three user types

I'm setting up a Mongo database in Express with Mongoose and I'm trying to decide how to model the users. I've never modeled multiple users in the MEAN stack before and thought I'd reach out for some best-practices - I'm an instructor and need to be able to teach my students best practices. I haven't been able to find a whole lot out there, but perhaps I'm searching for the wrong things.
The app will have 3 user types, student, staff, and admin. Each user type will require some of the same basics - email, password, first and last names, phone, etc. If the user is a student, they will need to provide additional info like their high school name, grade, age, gender, etc, which ideally will be required.
This is what I've come up with so far - a single user model that requires all the basic information, but also has schema set up to allow for the additional information that students will need to include. Then I also have a pre-save hook set up to remove the "studentInfo" subdocument if the user being saved doesn't have a "student" role:
var mongoose = require("mongoose");
var Schema = mongoose.Schema;
var ethnicityList = [
"Hispanic or Latino",
"Black or African American",
"Native American or American Indian",
"Asian / Pacific Islander",
var userSchema = new Schema({
firstName: {
type: String,
required: true
lastName: {
type: String,
required: true
phone: {
type: Number,
required: true
email: {
type: String,
required: true,
lowercase: true,
unique: true
password: {
type: String,
required: true
preferredLocation: {
type: String,
enum: ["provo", "slc", "ogden"]
role: {
type: String,
enum: ["student", "staff", "admin"],
required: true
studentInfo: {
school: String,
currentGrade: Number,
ethnicity: {
type: String,
enum: ethnicityList
gender: {
type: String,
enum: ["male", "female"]
}, {timestamps: true});
userSchema.pre("save", function (next) {
var user = this;
if (Object.keys(user.studentInfo).length === 0 && user.role !== "student") {
delete user.studentInfo;
module.exports = mongoose.model("User", userSchema);
Question 1: Is this an okay way to do this, or would it be better just to create two different models and keep them totally separate?
Question 2: If I am going to be to restrict access to users by their user type, this will be easy to check by the user's role property with the above setup. But if it's better to go with separated models/collections for different user types, how do I check whether its a "Staff" or "Student" who is trying to access a protected resource?
Question 3: It seems like if I do the setup as outlined above, I can't do certain validation on the subdocument - I want to require students to fill out the information in the subdocument, but not staff or admin users. When I set any of the fields to required, it throws an error when they're not included, even though the subdocument itself isn't required. (Which makes sense, but I'm not sure how to get around. Maybe custom validation pre-save as well? I've never written that before so I'm not sure how, but I can look that up if that's the best way.)
Well, Here are my two cents.
You would be better off creating separate schema models and then injecting the models on a need to basis.
for e.g.
If I have a blog schema as follows:
var createdDate = require('../plugins/createdDate');
// define the schema
var schema = mongoose.Schema({
title: { type: String, trim: true }
, body: String
, author: { type: String, ref: 'User' }
// add created date property
Notice that author is referring to User and there is an additional field createdData
And here is the User Schema:
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var createdDate = require('../plugins/createdDate');
var validEmail = require('../helpers/validate/email');
var schema = mongoose.Schema({
_id: { type: String, lowercase: true, trim: true,validate: validEmail }
, name: { first: String, last: String }
, salt: { type: String, required: true }
, hash: { type: String, required: true }
, created: {type:Date, default:}
// add created date property
// properties that do not get saved to the db
schema.virtual('fullname').get(function () {
return + ' ' +;
module.exports = mongoose.model('User', schema);
And the created Property which is being refereed in both User and Blogspot
// add a "created" property to our documents
module.exports = function (schema) {
schema.add({ created: { type: Date, default: }})
If you want to restrict access based on the user types, you would have to write custom validation like in the User schema we had written for emails:
var validator = require('email-validator');
module.exports = function (email) {
return validator.validate(email);
And then add an if-else based on whatever validations you do.
2 and 3. So, Yes custom validations pre-save as well.
Since you are an instructor I preferred to just point out the practices that are used instead of elaborating on your specific problem.
Hope this helps! :)

Mongoose: how to structure a schema with a SET of subdocuments (one unique field)?

I'm trying to make the following schema to work:
var FormSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
form_code: { type: String, unique: true },
var UserSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
submissions: [{
form_code: { type: String, unique: true },
last_update: Date,
questions: [{
question_code: String,
answers: [Number]
The rationale here is that a user can have many unique forms submitted, but only the last submission of each unique form should be saved. So, ideally, by pushing a submission subdocument when updating a user, the schema would either add the submission object to the set, or update the subdocument containing that form_code.
The following code doesn't work as desired (it pushes the new subdocument even if the form_code is already present):
{ _id: },
{ $addToSet: { submissions: submission_object } },
function (err, user) {
// will eventually have duplicates of form_code at user.submissions
The above schema clearly doesn't work, what must be changed to achieve that "upsertToSet"?
