How to include static files on Serverless Framework? - node.js

I'm creating a NodeJS service with serverless framework to validate a feed so I added a schema file (.json) to the service but I can’t make it work.
It seems to not be included in the package. Lambda doesn't find that file.
First I just run sls package and check the zip contents but the file is not present.
I also tried to include the file with:
- libs/schemas/schema.json
but still not works.
How can I make sure a static file is included in the package and can be read inside the lambda function?

It depends on how you are actually trying to load the file.
Are you loading it with fs.readFile or fs.readFileSync?
In that case, Serverless doesn't know that you're going to need it. If you add a hint for Serverless to include that file in the bundle then make sure that you know where it is relative to your current working directory or your __dirname.
Are you loading it with require()? (Do you know that you can use require() to load JSON files?) In that case, Serverless should know that you need it, but you still need to make sure that you got the path right.
If all else fails then you can always use a dirty hack.
For example if you have a file 'x.json' that contains:
"a": 1,
"b": 2
then you can change it to an x.js file that contains:
module.exports = {
"a": 1,
"b": 2
that you can load just like any other .js file, but it's a hack.

From what I've found you can do this in many ways:
As it is stated in another answer: if you are using webpack you need to use a webpack plugin to include files in the lambda zip file
If you are not using webpack, you can use serverless package commnad (include/exclude).
You can create a layer and reference it from the lambda (the file will be in /opt/<layer_name>. Take in consideration that as today (Nov20) I haven't found a way of doing this if you are using serverless.ts without publishing the layer first (lambda's layer property is an ARN string and requires the layer version).
If your worried about security you can use AWS Secrets as it is stated in this answer.
You can do what #rsp says and include it in your code.

For those struggling to find a solution in 2022: use package.patterns parameter. Example:
- libs/schemas/schema.json
- !libs/schemas/schema-prod.json
(! in front of the file path excludes specified pattern)


The priority of require () 's parameter to determine the file-extension in nodejs

I am learning node.js
for example, I try
var server = require("./myserver.js");
var server = require("./myserver");
Both of these two casework.
what if I have another file with the same name?
e.g myserver.json, myserver.node
, will it always search .js at first?
From one of the answerers in my previous question,
he mentions
only load the .json file if you explicitly add the .json extension to the require-call. So if you leave the extension, it always loads the .js file.
will this rule also suit to .node file?
If the exact filename is not found, then Node.js will attempt to load the required filename with the added extensions: .js, .json, and finally .node. You can check node_js docs for detailed explanation.
Yes, If you will not provide the extension of the file, Then, it will first look at the JS file, since JS is by default

Use node `fs` module on webpack compile

A bit about what I'm trying to achieve.
I'm building dev library that shows the list of files. And I want to set file color depending on when file was changed.
So, as a result of generation, I want an array like this:
lastChange: '2009-06-29T11:11:55Z',
fileContents: {name: 'VmSome'},
// ...
This is meant to work in browser environment. Meaning all file related information should be included into bundle.
Current progress
At the moment I'm not quite sure whether that's even possible.
I'm getting a list of files via webpack require.context:
require.context('./tree', true, /.js$/)
This gives me access to file content and path. But not to anything else.
Thanks for your attention.
I would first try modifying webpack-file-list-plugin. As of now, it creates a JSON that gives all files packed, their name and some more info... You could definitely add your code to fetch more information to the JSON.

Default path for file import Julia

I have created a package and am now creating my tests within the package. For one test my inputs are a set of files and my outputs will be a different set a files created within the test.
I am saving the input files in the test directory of my package and would like to save the output files there too. Since others may run this test, I do not want to specify the input/output file location using my own path eg /home/myname/.julia/v4.0/MyPackage/test/MyInputFile.txt
How do I specify that the input location is within the package's test folder?
So basically how do I tell Julia to look in the packages's folder under the test directory and not have to worry about specifying the entire path including user name etc?
For example currently I have to say
readtable(/home/myname/.julia/v4.0/MyPackage/test/MyInputFile.txt, separator = '\t', header = false)
But I'd like to just be able to say
readtable(/MyPackage/test/MyInputFile.txt, separator = '\t', header = false)
so that no matter who the user of the package is and where they may store the package, they can still run the test?
I know that LOAD_PATH gives the path Julia looks for packages but I can't find any information on where it looks when importing files.
joinpath(Pkg.dir("MyPackage"), "test") is what you need.
As #GnimucK mentioned in a comment, a better solution is
Why is this better? A package could be installed and used from somewhere else (not the standard package directory). Pkg.dir is "stupid" and does not know better. This is rare, of course, and in most cases it won't matter.

minko / lua issue : premake5.lua:3: attempt to index global 'minko' (a nil value)

I am working with minko and managed to compile MINKO SDK properly for 3 platforms (Linux, Android, HTML5) and build all tutorials / examples. Moving on to create my own project, I followed the instructions on how to use the existing skeleton project, then using an existing example project.
(I believe there is an error in the skeleton code at this line :
auto sceneManager = SceneManager::create(canvas->context()); //does not compile
where as the example file look like this :
auto sceneManager = SceneManager::create(canvas); //compile and generate binary
I was able to do so by modifying premake5.lua (to include more plugins) and calling script/
to generate the make solution a week ago. Today, I tried to make a new project in a new folder but calling
script/ and script/clean failed with this error:
minko-master/skel_tut/mycode/premake5.lua:3: attempt to index global 'minko' (a nil value)
Now at premake5.lua line 3 there is this line : minko.project.solution(PROJECT_NAME),
however sine i am not familiar with lua at all, can anyone shed any light on the issue ?
What is supposed to be declared here, why is it failing suddenly... ?
(I can still modify,compile and run the code but i can't for example add more plug-ins)
PS: weirdly enough, the previously 'working' project is also failing at this point.
PROJECT_NAME = path.getname(os.getcwd())
minko.project.application("minko-tutorial-" .. PROJECT_NAME)
files { "src/**.cpp", "src/**.hpp", "asset/**" }
includedirs { "src" }
-- plugins
--html overlay
Assuming that's indeed your project premake5.lua file (please us the code tags next time), you should have include "script" at the beginning of the file:
If you don't have this line, it will not include script/premake5.lua which is in charge of including the SDK build system files that defines everything inside the minko Lua namespace/table. That's why you get that error.
I think you copy pasted one of the examples/tutorials premake5.lua file instead of modifying the one provided by the skeleton. The premake conf file of the examples/tutorials are different since they are included from the SDK premake files. But your app premake5.lua does the "opposite": it includes the SDK conf files rather than being included by them.
The best practice is to edit your app's copy of the skeleton's premake5.lua (instead of copy/pasting one from the examples/tutorials).
(I believe there is an error in the skeleton code at this line :
That's possible. Our build server doesn't test the skeleton code. That's a mistake we will fix ASAP to make sure it works properly.
script/ and script/clean failed with this error:
minko-master/skel_tut/mycode/premake5.lua:3: attempt to index global 'minko' (a nil value)
Could you copy/paste your premake5.lua file?
Also, what's the value you set for the MINKO_HOME env var? Maybe you've moved the SDK...
Note that instead of setting a global MINKO_HOME env var, you can also set the corresponding LUA constant at the very begining of your premake5.lua file.

ENOENT no such file on Express Endpoint for readFileSync

I've been going slightly crazy trying to figure this out. I have some certs that I need to pass through to an authentication client from my api; however, the application continues to throw ENOENT exceptions even though the file clearly exists within the same directory (I've fiddled with this to make sure). I'm using readFileSync, effectively doing the following:
key: fs.readFileSync('./privateKey.pem'),
Strangely, if I run this on a standalone Node server not as a part of an api, the file is able to be found without a problem. Is there some consideration I'm not aware of when trying to use readFileSync in such a scenario?
In node you need to be very careful with relative file paths. The only place where I'd ever really use them is in require('./_____') statements, where ./ to mean "relative to this file". However, require is kind of a special case because it is a function that node automatically creates per-file, so it knows the path of the current file.
In general, standard functions have no way of knowing the directory containing the script that happened to call a function, so in almost all cases, ./ means relative to the current working directory (the directory you were in when you ran node <scriptname>.js). The only time that is not the case is if your script or a module you use explicitly calls process.chdir to set the working directory to something else. The correct way to reference files relative to the current script file is to explicitly use an absolute path by using __dirname + '/file.js'.
