How does Java JNI interact with Kotlin/Native to find object values? - object

From JetBrains site :
Kotlin/Native is a technology for compiling Kotlin to native binaries that run without any VM.
But how does Kotlin interact with JNI , in my knowledge if a C/C++ program using JNI wants to access a java field it has to use the GetFieldID function, but the C program needs information from the JVM describing the object and its value.
How does kotlin/Native resolve the value of fields, if Kotlin makes programs that doesn't depend on the VM how can it get the value of Java fields?

What is Kotlin native
Kotlin/Native does not do the same thing as JNI, the site describes Kotlin/Native like this...
Kotlin/Native is a technology for compiling Kotlin to native binaries that run without any VM. It comprises a LLVM-based backend for the Kotlin compiler and a native implementation of the Kotlin runtime library. Kotlin/Native is primarily designed to allow compilation for platforms where virtual machines are not desirable or possible (such as iOS, embedded targets), or where a developer needs to produce a reasonably-sized self-contained program that does not require an additional runtime.
JNI lets Java code talk to native code, whereas Kotlin/Native allows you to compile Kotlin code into a native executable that does not require a JVM to run.


Can I use mtouch to build a library?

I want to build a dll from all my package dependencies using mtouch. I have tried different options and failed.
Giving the root-assembly as my dll plus all packages gives me MT0052: No command specified
I think mtouch can not do that . From doc of Using mtouch to Bundle Xamarin.iOS Apps , you can see :
The process of turning a .NET executable into an application is mostly driven by the mtouch command, a tool that integrates many of the steps required to turn the application into a bundle. This tool is also used to launch your application in the simulator and to deploy the software to an actual iPhone or iPod Touch device.
It just transfers a existed .NET executable into an application ,can not help you bind library into an application .
You also can see the COMPILATION MODE doc of mtouch , there are four mode :
Comma-separated list of ABIs to target. Currently supported: armv6, armv6+llvm, armv7, armv7+llvm, armv7+llvm+thumb2, armv7s, armv7s+llvm, armv7s+llvm+thumb2. Fat binaries are automatically created if more than one ABI is targetted.
To use the LLVM optimizing compiler code generation backend instead of Mono's default code generation backend target one of the llvm ABIs. Build times take considerably longer for native code, but the generated code is shorter and performs better.
You may also instruct the LLVM code generator to produce ARM Thumb instructions by targetting one of the llvm+thumb2 targets. Thumb instructions produce more compact executables.
Enables C++ support. This is required if you are linking with some third party libraries that use the C++ runtime. With this flag, mtouch uses the C++ compiler to drive the compilation process instead of the C compiler.
This compiles the program and assemblies passed on the command line into the specified directory for use with the iOS simulator. This generates a standalone program that is entirely driven by the C# or ECMA CIL code.
This compiles the program and assemblies passed on the command line into the specified directory for use on an iPod Touch, iPhone or iPad device. The target directory can be used as the contents of a .app directory This generates a standalone program that is entirely driven by the C# or ECMA CIL code.
mtouch not supports binding library , it just compiles a existed executable which already binded library .
By the way , if want to bind a third party library , official doc recommands you to use Binding iOS Libraries .

Does Kotlin provide any additional security?

When we develop an Android app in Java, we have the option to obfuscate the code and built the APK.
Is there any advance feature in Kotlin to do the same?
Code obfuscation is neither a Java feature nor a Kotlin one.
Since Kotlin is compiled to the same bytecode as Java, you can use the same tools (for example Proguard). Those tools obfuscate the bytecode and not the sources, I think you misunderstood that.
Suppose you're running gradle build on your Kotlin Android project. Then you'll find following tasks being run:
As you can see Kotlin sources are compiled first, then the Java sources. This results in only one collection of Java classes which are processed with Proguard; just at the end. There is no differentiation between Java and Kotlin anymore at this step.

JNI code in linux shared lib

I have a c++ library ported to linux.
Now I'm adding a JNI code so I can add a java wrapper.
The question is:
Is adding JNI to the same lib will effect the c++ application of the users --> So might it become not working if java not installed ... etc (Because it links to some code in jni.h and other stuff)?
It won't affect the current library if you add JNI to your library. JNI are a collection of interfaces and callback that make your library can be used by JVM. Without JNI, your library can't be used from JVM.
Your library will grow up in size and more symbols be exported when you add JNI.
By adding JNI to your current library, it means your library can be used as a normal library meanwhile can be loaded from JVM.
You may wish to consider creating a JNI wrapper in C/C++ and statically link to your current library. That way your currently library will still work for C/C++ apps and your code will be easier to debug and maintain. If you choose this route, you may also want to look into enabling link-time optimization for your JNI wrapper. Alternatively you could also dynamically link the JNI wrapper and just put both libraries in /lib (or where ever is appropriate), but you will have a runtime dependency on that base library.

Accessing hardware with Android NDK

I need to extend the functionality of the android.hardware.Camera class and so I have written my own class and companion JNI library to meet my needs. If I place my JNI code and file in the Android source tree and build the OS, my library builds and I can use it and the Java class in an application without any problems (on an evaluation module at least).
The problem is that I would prefer to build my JNI library with the NDK but I need several libraries that are not in the NDK (e.g. libandroid_runtime and libcamera_client).
Is it possible to use the NDK to access hardware such as the camera? If so, what is the proper way to get access to OS libraries?
You can access non-standard shared libraries from NDK, but that is undocumented and is not guaranteed to work on different devices. Vendors like HTC, Samsung and other can simply implement them differently.
Only proper way how to use functionality not available in NDK is to wrap it with Java classe/functions, and then use them from native code.

Linking to a C++ native library in MonoTouch

I am reading up about linking native libraries into MonoTouch, specifically this documentation:
Here it describes linking to C libraries. Is it also possible to link to C++ libraries from MonoTouch? I am very new to MonoTouch and particularly to importing libraries, so I would appreciate any advice about problems I may face trying to import a C++ library, if this is indeed possible. Would wrapping the C++ library in an Objective-C library and then using btouch to import this be a good route to take? Or is there an easier approach? Bearing in mind that my knowledge of C++ (and Objective-C for that matter) can best be described as "dangerous". ;)
The reason that I ask is that I am needing to make use of a C++ API from Sybase to access their Ultralite database. I have managed to get a sample application that accesses the Ultralite C++ API working in Xcode, with Objective-C. But now I am trying to port this sample to MonoTouch. The sample application can be found here:
The Sybase documentation for Xcode mentions the following, with reference to using the API in Xcode:
This tutorial uses the UltraLite C++ API. In order to eliminate the need to cast to C types, compile the source as C++. To compile the project as C++:
In the Search in Build Settings box, enter Compile Sources As.
Choose Objective-C++ from the options in the Value field
What are the implications of this for working with this API in MonoTouch?
You can certainly use a C++ api, but you will need to either wrap it in a C api, or a ObjC+btouch api to be able to talk to this. Invoking C api's uses PInvoke, and C++ libraries use symbol mangling. While theoretically you could pinvoke to the mangled symbol, this isn't a good idea as the mangling is compiler specific.
