XPages java.util.Comparator cannot be resolved - xpages

I'm revisiting an XPages application that was last touched a number of months ago. It was previously built and running fine. In Designer (9.0.1 FP9) I'm now seeing the following errors when the project is cleaned and built.
This application also uses the org.openntf.Utils class. When looking at Java code the following error, along with a couple of others is displayed (although not listed on the Problems tab)
I recently had to delete the workspace folder in the Notes Data directory, so not sure if I've lost config or preference changes that are required. Any pointers much appreciated.

It's likely to be the same root cause as this question, not picking up the right JVM folder Xpages can't load, Error 500; java.util cannot be resolved


Every Xpage app I open in designer spews 1000s of java errors

I just came back from MWLUG and started to open up some Xpages DBs to work on, when all of the sudden I am getting 1000s of errors like this:
I googled the issue and I believe it has something to do with the path of the org.eclipse.pde.core.requiredPlugins.
When I opened up the packages and looked at fixing an error I got this:
The problem is that I do not know what the correct setting for this should be, or how to fix it. The apps run fine, but obviously something is wrong.
Any help would be very much appreciated.
I may know more about the problem. In designer when I go to File==>Application==Application Management this is what I see:
A different install has several components under it.
I updated my designer and client and admin to 9.0.1 FP4 last week. That is the last thing I remember doing before this messed up (along with installing the Debug Toolbar).
How can I fix my designer install?
Strange indeed, you should check your hard drive for bad sectors.
Looks like a broken DDE in general. The plugin XML file maybe broken so the app manager doesn't show you the plugins installed. Therefor I assume DDE starts very quickly, right? Because nothing is loaded.
I had this before and my "solution" was:
de-install DDE and Fixpacks
delete workspace folder
re-install DDE and Fixpacks
re-install plugins ad setup workig sets
This is a pity but at least you get a clean install. You don't have to delete everything (e.g. the DATA folder)

Lots of schema warnings after project upgraded to SDK 2.6

After upgrading my cloud projects to Azure SDK 2.6. (via button in project properties window), everything works just fine, except I am getting like hundred of these warnings for *.cscfg files:
The complexType 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/ServiceHosting/2008/10/ServiceConfiguration:AccessControlElement' has already been declared.
The complexType 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/ServiceHosting/2008/10/ServiceConfiguration:AddressAssignmentsElement' has already been declared.
The complexType 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/ServiceHosting/2008/10/ServiceConfiguration:Certificate' has already been declared.
etc. for many more elements.
Already tried Clean, Rebuild, close-open VS... with no success. It doesnt affect functionality of the project, but it is really annoying to have Error list full of these things.
Any idea what is wrong and how to fix it?
OK, so guys from MSDN forums helped me solve this one.
Check SchemaVersion value in service definition file, it should be "schemaVersion="2015-04.2.6" (this one was OK for me)
Open service definition file as XML, right click on it, Properties -> Schemas. In the window (see pic), leave only ServiceDefinitionSchema26.xsd checked ("use this schema"), set all other versions to Automatic (unechecked). Restart Visual studio and warnings are gone.

SiteMapPath empty after upgrade to MVCSiteMap 4

I just attempted to update the site map provider from to 4.0.14. I followed the instruction on the wiki however my SiteMapPath now renders empty. I made no changes to the mvc.sitemap file other than updating the schema to 4.0. When I debug into the SiteMapPathHelperModel I find that the model has no nodes defined. I am using the internal DI container (I would like to get this working before switching over to the application container).
When I check the sitemap.xml file it is well populated which makes me think that the mvc.sitemap is being read.
I'm out of ideas on this one and would be happy to provide any additional information which may be useful. I'm not even sure where I can hook into debug this problem. Literally the only thing I changed between a working and a not working 4.0.14 was what was prescribed on the wiki.
Ok, since your /sitemap.xml endpoint appears to be working, you are correct the sitemap is being populated and loaded correctly.
There are a couple of things I know of that can cause this to happen:
If you are using Dynamic Node Providers, they must be added to a node that is not otherwise part of the sitemap. See my question here - I am trying to figure out why this is the case as well.
Your routes don't match your nodes - please read Routing Basics and/or post your routes and Mvc.sitemap XML.
If you check the above and everything appears to be correct, please make a small demo project showing a sample of your configuration and open an issue on GitHub, as it is highly likely your specific configuration has something to do with the problem.
BTW - You can debug by cloning the current repo on your system or downloading the solution as a zip, enabling NuGet package restore on your solution (right click the solution > Enable NuGet Package restore), add the MvcSiteMapProvider project to your solution, and then in your project remove the reference to MvcSiteMapProvider and add the reference to the newly added MvcSiteMapProvider project from your MVC project. Then you can add breakpoints and step through the code. I suggest making a backup of your solution (or ensure you can roll back another way) before doing this, and reverting back to your current state when done.
I have documented the whole procedure here: http://www.shiningtreasures.com/post/2013/08/21/debugging-an-mvcsitemapprovider-configuration

Project folder name in NetBeans interfering with JSF/GlassFish deployment

I am not sure if this is a JSF issue or a NetBeans issue. I am very new to both. I am also not sure if stackoverflow is the best SE site for this, so if I am wrong please help me out and migrate it. Thanks.
I have a project in a folder, let's say C:\Folder1, and when I try to "deploy" it on the GlassFish server, I get strange errors about a missing class... though that class is not even a part of this project. I believe that C:\Folder1 may have been something I used in the past for a different project but that is long gone. So this new project, if I move it to folder C:\Folder1a or C:\Folder2 or ANYTHING else but C:\Folder1... then it will deploy fine. But if I move it back to Folder1 (i.e. the exact same directory structure underneath that level), I get the mysterious error messages from GlassFish server about being unable to find the class that it doesn't even need.
I got a suggestion elsewhere to try "cleaning" and re-building the project, but that did not work. Here is more detail about the steps I followed.
Create new project in Netbeans, point it to an empty folder called Ex2605. After that, I bring a couple source files (.java and .xhtml) into that Ex2605 directory structure. When I clean and build, it says ok. When I try to deploy, I get this error:
Error occurred during deployment: Exception while loading the app :
java.lang.IllegalStateException: ContainerBase.addChild: start:
org.apache.catalina.LifecycleException: java.lang.RuntimeException:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: LShoppingCart;. Please see server.log
for more details. C:\\Ex2605\nbproject\build-impl.xml:721: The
module has not been deployed. See the server log for details. BUILD
FAILED (total time: 16 seconds)
"ShoppingCart" is a class from a different project, that I once long ago had in a directory named Ex2605 at the same location. But that directory is long gone, it has been removed from the Netbeans project list, and there are NO references to the ShoppingCart class anywhere in any of the files currently in the Ex2605 folder. So that fact that Netbeans apparently is looking for something called LShoppingCart tells me it maintains a history somewhere else of what I used to have in the Ex2605 folder, and apparently I need to purge that history but have no idea how.
If I try all of the above with any directory NOT named Ex2605, it works fine.
Any ideas? Obviously I can work around it, but it still irks me.
Netbeans has a compile cache that sometimes causes problems. You could delete the compile cache and see if it helps.
Here are the steps from the answer to my question:
Stop the server
Clean the project
Stop NetBeans
Delete %HOME%.netbeans\6.9\var\cache
Start NetBeans

SharePoint 2010 GAC deployment doesn't update

The following issue just crept up on me. The steps mentioned below had worked just fine until about 2 days ago.
When I deploy a update to a solution (of web parts) to a SharePoint 2010 server I don't see the update. The solution does get installed, but from what I can tell the installed web parts are over a month old (nothing new is installed).
I do the following steps through PowerShell:
retract the solution from the web app
remove the solution
add the solution
install the solution to the web app
I have tried restarting the Web App, restarting IIS and also restarting the server. Nothing seems to work.
I notice that after I remove the solution it does get removed from the GAC. After I add/install it the solution does reappears in the GAC.
Am I missing something? Am I overlooking a step that I should be doing? Something to try?
I never deactivated/reactivated the Feature.
After following the same steps I mentioned in my question I just deactivated, then reactivated, the Feature and everything started to working fine.
This is an easy thing to I can start to implement with my solution updates. However, why did I never have to do this step before?
In general, you should check your ULS log to see which version of your solution is running. If you see the old one, then you can be sure that your activated site feature is still bound to the old version. In this case you have to Inactivate the site feature indeed to loose that tie and then Activate to bind to the new one (it appears Activate always ties the site feature to the newest version of the solution).
Maybe you had not to do this earlier, because you did not change the version number of your solution, appearing as the same version in GAC on the server. In this case you had your site feature already pointing to the correct version of your solution, therefore didn't have to reset the feature.
You have probably checked, but just in case. Make sure that the powershell script is not adding a month old package.
Is the problem in the web part code or the configuration? The configuration usually unghosts itself sooner or later and refuses to update from the solution - you can update the file in the gallery manually if anything has changed there. For most updates there won't be any changes because existing web parts won't get updates applied anyway - they will use new code but old configuration.
If the problem is the code itself, does the assembly appear to the system to be unchanged? All the hardcoded full name references in SharePoint config files mean that usually you are deploying a new assembly but with the same version numbers. This can mean that the system doesn't bother making the update. I have found it very useful to update AssemblyFileVersion (which does not affect binding) on every build and have a page in _layouts that displays the file versions of all the loaded assemblies so I know exactly what is running.
