Azure app service URL not secure - azure

My azure app service shows secure sometimes and sometimes it shows as not secure to browse. I have uploaded CA issued SSL certificate to acquire a dedicated inbound IP. Not sure but seems when load increases the app service shows as unsafe to browse. Also there are performance issues and responds slowly.please suggest on how to show it as secure always and have better performance.

My best guess is that you have a load balancer configured within Azure and the second node that is receiving connections is not assigned your ssl certificate. I'm guessing the reason you are only seeing the issue under heavy load is because your load balance is using a weighted connection algorithm to route new connections to either a newly created or already provisioned node when the first node has reached a high enough active connection count.
If this is your issue, and you discover that you have an internal load balancer (ILB), here is Microsoft's guide to Using an Internal Load Balancer with an App Service Environment.
Go to ASE UI after ASE is created ASE -> Settings -> ILB
Set ILB certificate by selecting certificate pfx file and provide
password. This step takes a little while to process and the message
that a scaling operation is in progress will be shown.
Get the ILB address for your ASE (ASE -> Properties -> Virtual IP
Create a web app in ASE after creation
Create a VM if you don't have one in that VNET (Not in the same
subnet as the ASE or things break)
Set DNS for your subdomain. You can use a wildcard with your
subdomain in your DNS or if you want to do some simple tests, edit
the hosts file on your VM to set web app name to VIP IP address. If
your ASE had the subdomain name and you made the web app
mytestapp so that it would be addressed at then
set that in your hosts file. (On Windows the hosts file is at
C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\ )
Use a browser on that VM and go to (or
whatever your web app name is with your subdomain)
Use a browser on that VM and go to You
will have to accept the lack of security if using a self-signed


How do I secure traffic between my VM and Application Gateway?

I have a pretty simple setup with an Application Gateway (AG), that sends traffic to a virtual machine running Ubuntu. The AG is loaded with an SSL certificate. The VM is set up to only allow incoming traffic from the AG, but it's an HTTP connection. This works, but I want to secure the traffic between my VM and AG. I can't find any relevant settings or documentation for this however.
How do I encrypt traffic between an Application Gateway and Virtual Machine? I considered a private link to at least force traffic over the Azure network, but private links only support PaaS products, where a VM is IaaS.
I assume your use the private IP of your VM in the backend settings of your Application Gateway. If so, this means that the traffic stays within your VNET and thus on the Microsoft network and also within the same region. You do not not need something like Private Link here.
So the only thing you could potentially do is to SSL-enable the endpoint on the VM and use an encrypted HTTPS connection between AppGW and your VM.
you have to do the same thing as with the api-gateway, load a certificate into de service deployed in the virtual machine and expose the API of this service using SSL protocol so the communication will be encrypted using that certificate.
The way to do it is different depending on which technology you are using to deploy your service. For example, if you are using spring-boot you can see how to do it here
However, you can use mutual-tls if you want that the only service that could connect to your VM's deployed service is the AG.

Reserve a public inbound IP for Azure App Service custom domain SSL binding

I have an Azure App Service that will have a custom domain and SSL binding in Production. Normally, I would issue the certificate first for the domain, bind to the App Service using an IP-based binding for the given domain, then update DNS entries as required once I know the IP address that Azure has bound.
My client will be issuing the certificate, and they won't do this until they know the exact inbound IP address that will be used for the SSL binding, but I don't believe I can know this IP until I've actually created the binding (which requires the certificate!) so it's a nasty chicken-and-egg scenario.
Is there a way of reserving a static inbound IP address in Azure for this purpose, prior to requiring the certificate? Or would I need to use some sort of gateway in front of the App Service instead, or some other solution I haven't thought of?
Not sure why your client doesn't want to issue the certificate until knowing the exact inbound IP address unless they are trying to have an SSL certificate for the IP address not for the domain name.
If not, to get a reserved or dedicated inbound IP address for the web app, you can easily install and configure an IP-based TLS/SSL certificate at a low cost. Then if the IP address is updated, you just need to update the A record with the new IP address in the DNS provider.
For other choices, you can use either an isolated and dedicated environment for your app service plan or set app service behind an application gateway V2 SKU. See how to Configure App Service with Application Gateway. You can also enable end-to-end TLS by using Application Gateway. Whatever you select one of them, has a higher cost and complicated configuration.

Can I get SSL certificate for website running in Azure VM at subdomain

I have created Windows Server VM in Azure and deployed my site to IIS, which is now accessible at
however I get certificate error when I try to visit it from outside the vm.
how do I configure the VM to have proper https without certificate errors (just like app service -
As the comments from micker #micker, you can't get an SSL certificate for this subdomain which is owned by Microsoft.
Since you host your websites on Azure VM, you could purchase a domain then get an SSL certificate for your own domain, then bind the SSL certificate to your custom domain in IIS on the Azure VM. You can either purchase that certificate through Azure or an external provider or get a free SSL cert from Let's Encrypt.
However, if you just want to have a test in your test environment, you can use a self-signed certification with this DNS name like You can follow steps in How To Create A SHA-256 Self-Signed Certificate on the Azure VM then export this cert .cer format file on the Azure VM and import the .cer cert under the mmc---certificate---local machine---Trusted root certification Authorities on the machine where you want to access the websites. Please note this It's not recommended to use self-signed cert in your production environment.
I had same issue, and I found resolution without custom domain using following additional azure settings.
create Azure WAF, add custom rules to deny if not in IP list - this is if you need ip whitelisting, useful if your main domain uses akamai or other edge routing to point to external hosting of subdomains, you can use whitelist to restrict access to the akamai or other servers, though this takes some big lists you must paste of ranges one row at a time. Set any other web app firewall rules you want enforced for allow/deny.
Create Azure Front Door named like you want as an endpoint url e.g. myappfrontdoor will make in backend pool specify the your public-ip shared dns name (see step 3) like
This is the important step : in Settings at top of front door designer, disable cert validation. in routing rules config, no condition, forward to backend pool setup in prior step. This ignores the fact that you cannot cert your endpoint, and wraps it with a * certificate.
In your azure firewall, Edit NAT rules, set rule name myapp-web-fd-... , tcp, ip address, (this is Azure's front door backend ip range). destination should be the firewall's own public ip. destination port 443, translated address should be the target vm's azure internal ip, target port - service port.
Now you will have a site like
Note that Azure Front Door and WAF have their own pricing costs, so maybe it is cheaper for you to buy a domain. Hopefully you are also using Azure Firewall, though expensive. If not, one could point to public ip directly on NSG or on vm itself but I wouldn't skip having a firewall for a public server. There is a standing Azure enhancement request to get Azure Front Door to recognize certificates, but it was triaged 2 years ago and still not added, so not sure if it will be worked. If it ever does get worked, devs could make own cert auth and self-signed cert with expirations to more securely hook front door to azure internal vm. For now, have to rely on the front door backend setting, waf, and azure firewall to have these things routed.
There are some options in Akamai and other edge routing systems to import cert and self-created authority sort of, but I've not tried that yet, so cannot confirm this would cleanly wrap your azure site without cert errors. You can make a self-signed authority using openssl commands as noted in other posts out and about on the web.
The simplest and cheapest option is to purchase a domain and use a cname dns record to map your new domain to your Azure subdomain address - an "A" record is not required. Also per answer above, a WAF is expensive and possibly unnecessary for a test set up (but a requirement for a production website). You can use Certbot and NGINX to create a free Lets Encrypt certificate for your domain and assign it to your website.
Adding a Public IP Address, Load Balancer, and Network Security Group to your Azure Resource Group may also be required to provide access to your website. This is largely how my test configuration is set up except I'm using a Linux VM, have a single wildcard certificate, and use NGINX to reverse proxy 3 websites.

Is it possible to create the equivalent of a hosts file in an azure web app

I'm migrating services that used to exist on a physical server on-premise to Azure. However they need to reach some web-services (SOAP) that will not be migrated to azure yet. These have a public IP but I need to set the hostname in order for IIS to properly redirect the requests to the correct service as there are several on the same server. Is there any way to create some sort of DNS-server in azure that is only available for the services created in azure that can resolve to the public IP-address outside of azure? (We have used the hosts file on the servers to achieve this previously)
I tried using the private DNS Zones, but as I've understood it they can only point to other azure services within the same vnet (correct me if I'm wrong). I've also tried creating a dnsmasq docker container. However, as this is running in a Linux container, it seems that I cannot put it in the same vnet as the app services. Thus I am unable to retrieve a private IP-address that these services can use to reach the DNS server.
In my understanding it is now possible to use Azure DNS Private Zones if you want.
You would need to use regional vnet integration to point your app's traffic to a vnet that is connected to the Private Zone. You need the following settings as well, which mean that all outbound traffic from the Web App is routed through the integrated vnet first, and that the Azure default DNS server is used for DNS.
If you don't want to use Azure DNS Private Zones, I think you can achieve similar results by directing the Web App to use a specific DNS server. This can be done using WEBSITE_DNS_SERVER and WEBSITE_DNS_ALT_SERVER app settings (the values are the IP addresses of the servers you want to use).
This is the most authoritative public statement I can find about using these settings.
Go to the web app->settings->Application Settings-> App Settings
Add the following: (WEBSITE_NODE_DEFAULT) should already be
a. WEBSITE_DNS_SERVER with value having the IP address of the
primary DNS server.
b. WEBSITE_ALT_DNS_SERVER (optional), with value
having the IP address of a second DNS server.
Then save the settings & restart webapp in portal.
Double check the web app can actually
connect to the DNS server: a. In kudu console, run: Nameresolver.exe
[hostname-to-lookup] [dns-server-to-use]
First argument should be the
hostname you are trying to look up, second argument is one of the DNS
servers from step 1) If this times out, there is an issue with how
your DNS servers are configured (firewalls, etc.)
If using these settings with a DNS server that is only accessible via private IP, you would need to use regional vnet integration again to connect to a vnet. If the DNS server is on-prem, you have to connect through the integrated vnet over VPN or ExpressRoute.
It's possible but not using the private DNS Zone.
According to Name resolution for resources in Azure virtual networks. For the scenario Name resolution from App Service Web Apps in one virtual network to VMs in a different virtual network, you need to use your own DNS servers forwarding queries between virtual networks for resolution by Azure (DNS proxy). See Name resolution using your own DNS server.
In this case, you only allow this azure web service could resolve the public IP address outside of Azure. You could enable virtual network integration for your web app, this restricts your web app access in a private network. Then you could deploy a DNS server in the same Vnet as the web app integrated VNet. You could create an A type record in your DNS zone to point to your service Public IP, then add the DNS server's IP address into the DNS server of the Integrated web app Vnet in the portal. If so, the web app could resolve this public IP via a custom DNS server.
Hope this could help you.

Can my Azure web apps access the internal DNS of my Virtual Network?

I have configured my Azure Web Apps and App Hosting Plan to connect via Point-to-Site gateway with my Virtual Network in Azure. I followed this article here:
I have a VM that is hosting DNS and my Virtual Network is configured to use this.
I want to be able to reference services running in my Virtual Network from my Web Apps via domain name and not by direct IP address.
It works fine if I connect using the VM's internal IP address eg But, when I add a DNS A record pointing to, my web app can't resolve the domain.
I attempted to check the DNS settings of the web app and it appears my internal DNS server is not one of the hosts configured. Here's the code I ran in my web app:
from nic in NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces()
let props = nic.GetIPProperties()
select String.Join("; ", props.DnsAddresses.Select(x => x.ToString()))
Is this possible to do? If so, can anyone suggest what I need to do?
From everything we have tried and talking with Azure folks at Ignite, Web Apps (point-to-site) were not designed to be joined to a domain. That said, we are successfully using web apps to access on-premise web services using a binding with a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) and securing that traffic be certificate.
Due to the way web apps connected to a VNET works, you will not be seeing the DNS servers when you list all interfaces. If in command line you run the command:
You should see an environment variable that holds your configured DNS servers. If not, you should go to your web app in the Azure Portal, to the Vnet section, and hit the "Sync Data" button.
