Azure App Service - call to VNET service is not working - azure

I have a App service which is in VNET1 and this VNET1 is connected to VNET2 on other network with Point-to-Site Connection. My App Service is connected to VNET1.
These two VNETs are connected and tested. those are working fine.
when i ping (tcpping) from App Service console to VNET1 and VNET2 IP its working fine. Also Curl Request is working fine.
But when i call the Same URL from App service page. its showing Request Time out Error.
Any Suggestions why this is not working?

There are many things that can prevent your app from reaching a specific host and port. Most of the time it is one of three things:
There is a firewall in the way If you have a firewall in the way, you will hit the TCP timeout. That is 21 seconds in this case. Use the tcpping tool to test connectivity. TCP timeouts can be due to many things beyond firewalls but start there.
DNS is not accessible The DNS timeout is three seconds per DNS server. If you have two DNS servers, the timeout is 6 seconds. Use nameresolver to see if DNS is working. Remember you can't use nslookup as that does not use the DNS your VNet is configured with.
Invalid P2S IP range The point to site IP range needs to be in the RFC 1918 private IP ranges ( / / If the range uses IPs outside of that, then things won't work.
For more details, refer this Troubleshooting steps and see if that helps.


How do I know that a Virtual Machine in Azure use the Local network gateway route to connect to an on-premise network?

Here a Data engineer who needs your help to setup a connection to an on-premise environment :)!
I have created a virtual network ( with a default subnet (
Then I created a (Windows) virtual machine which is connected to the vnet/subnet and has allowed ICMP inbound and outbound rules for the ping test. Ping is no problem.
The next step was to create a Virtual network gateway & Local network gateway to connect to an on-premise environment.
The Local network gateway has an Site-to-site (IPsec) connection to a VPN device from a third party (over which I have no control). Status in the Azure portal = 'Connected'.
The third party is able to ping the Virtual Machine in Azure, the 'data in' property on the VPN connection shows that 2 kb (ping) has been received. So that works!
When i try to send a ping command to the ip-address (within the 'address space' specified from the Local network gateway) the ping command fails (Request timed out.).
After a lot of searching on google/stackoverflow I found out that I need to configure a Route Table in Azure because of the BGP = disabled setting. So hopefully I did a good job configure the Routing Table Routes but still I can't perform a successful ping :(!
Do you guys/girls know which step/configuration I have forgotten or where I made a mistake?
I would like to understand why I cannot perform a successful ping to the on-premise environment. If you need more information, please let me know
Site-to-site (IPsec) connection screenshot/config
Routing Table setup screenshot/config
Routing Table Routes in more detail
If you are NOT using BGP between the Azure VPN gateway and this particular network, you must provide a list of valid address prefixes for the Address space in your local network gateway. The address prefixes you specify are the prefixes located on your on-premises network.
In this case, it looks like you have added the address prefixes. Make sure that the ranges you specify here do not overlap with ranges of other networks that you want to connect to. Azure will route the address range that you specify to the on-premises VPN device IP address. There are no other operations that we can do. We don't need to set UDR, especially we don't associate a route table to the Gateway Subnet. Also, avoid associating a network security group (NSG) to the Gateway Subnet. You can check the route table by selecting Effective routes for a network interface in Azure VM. Read more details here.
If you would like to verify the connection from Azure VNet to an on-premise network, ensure that you PING a real private IP address from your on-premise network(I mean the IP address is assigned to an on-premise machine), you can check the IP address with ipconfig/all in local CMD. Moreover, you could Enable ICMP through the Windows firewall inside the Azure VM with the PowerShell command New-NetFirewallRule –DisplayName "Allow ICMPv4-In" –Protocol ICMPv4. Or, instead of using PING, you can use the PowerShell command Test-NetConnection to test a connection to a remote host.
If the problem persists, you could try to reset the Azure VPN gateway and reset the tunnel from the on-premises VPN device. To go further, you could follow these steps to identify the cause of the problem.

GCE Linux VM Can't access peer VPN hosts

I have an issue with Google Cloud VPN and tunneling to a peer VPN. The tunnel is up and running but I cannot connect to any points on the peer network from my GCE VM.
My setup looks like the following:
A custom VPC network with one interal IP-range. Let's call it custom-net
A classic VPN Gateway with a IPSec tunnel to a peer VPN. The tunnel has status Established. The VPN Gateway has a Reserved IP address to it. The VPN Gateways VPC network is custom-net.
Three routes on custom-net:
Local route to the only subnet, prio 1000
To default internet gateway, prio 900
To the gateway tunnel, prio 1000
A fresh Linux VM in GCE. Let's call it vm1. It has one network interface on custom-neton its only sub network.
Two firewall rules in GC that allow everything Ingress and Egress.
I can connect to vm1 with ssh and access the internet from it, but I cannot access any points in the peer VPN despite the tunnel being status Established. The IP-range on custom-net does not interfere with any ranges on the peer network.
What could be the issue here? I'm novice in network setups. Could it be something missing in the routing, or do I have to do some configuration in vm1 to get this to roll?
Any help appreciated!
For the routes Google Cloud automatically creates one route for each remote IP range you specify. This shouldn't be an issue
That said, several points can be checked to further troubleshoot this:
If you use policy based tunnel make sure the ip addresses you are trying to reach are declared in your traffic selectors. Moreover check on stackdriver logs for the tunnel, to see if the aforementioned IP ranges are being negotiated. You can use this advanced filter:
Kindly expand the logs and check in the “textPayload:” field to see if the destination ip range is being negotiated.
Confirm you can ping the Remote Peer Gateway from VMs in gcp
Run mtr from both sides and see where packets are being dropped at some point.
Get tcpdumps from the remote gateway and another from the Google Compute Engine Instance while doing connectivity tests(ping, mtr) so you can analyze packet flow.
See the VPN Interop Guides page for guides that describe some supported third-party VPN devices and services. This may give you some tips on how to configure specific devices to work with Cloud VPN.
Consult Cloud VPN Troubleshooting for additional details
I hope this helps

Azure ssh connection from home

I want to connect to a vm in the Azure cloud from home i.e. without a fixed IP. I have added the two security rules for network interface and NSG respectively to accept inbound connections on the ssh port 22 using the ipv4 address given by This doesn't work and I get a connection time-out - I tried out ipv6 address as well. If I do the very same thing for another server (outside Azure), the very same procedure works. The native ip address for both my home computer and the virtual machine I use as alternative are IPv6.
So the question is - does my connection from home fail, because there is some sort of reverse lookup failing or what could be the other causes?
It sounds like most likely the issue is some weird NATing of your ISP - especially when IPv6 comes into play, it can often be a bit hard to find the actual external IP address that your requests are coming from. You can try different sites like etc to see if you find another one that you can add.
Apart from that, there are various things you could try:
Use SSH from the Azure Cloud Shell (
Use Azure Bastion to have a jump host in the same VNET
Use a point-to-site VPN from your PC into your VNET

Azure gateway with a virtual network

I've got multiple questions on the setup of a gateway and VM, so here is what I have actually.
I've got an Application Gateway, and two VM Ubuntu, everything hosted on Azure. They are all on the same Virtual Network. Both VM have only a private IP ( and and the Gateway have a private IP ( and a public IP. Because only the Gateway have a public IP, I guess that everything have to go through it, and this is what I want to.
The goals I try to achieve :
Make a load balancer on the port 1680, redirected to port 1680.
To redirect the SSH of each VM to connect specifically to one because at the moment, they have no public IP. Is it possible to do this with a path based rule ? Like to connect by SSH to the first VM ? If no, what can be used to differentiate the SSH connection of the VM1 and of the VM2 ?
To redirect the port 80 of the gateway to the port 8080 of a specific VM. As my previous example, to connect to the first VM on port 80 (redirected to port 8080 on the VM)
I already managed to create the redirection of the port 1680 of the Gateway with an HTTP Parameter, a Listener and a Rule.
Azure Application Gateway
The Azure Application Gateway operates at the layer 7 in the OSI model on the HTTP/HTTPS/WebSocket protocols, because of that any other protocol (like SSH), is not possible to route.
You got a few options tho.
You can use a Network Security Group, or NSG, for access control to your virtual machines. In the NSG you define where the traffic can come from that is allowed access to the VMs.
A NSG behaves like a access-control-list filtering traffic based on source and destination information and evaluating rules in order of priority. See this page for more information about NSGs.
Another option is to use a load balancer.
Azure Load Balancer
If you need to do port mapping, like you describe in your question, then a simple load balancer might be a better solution for you. An Azure Load Balancer works at a lower level in the in the OSI model, namely layer 4 (transport layer), handling TCP/UDP traffic.
So, if you are using a load balancer, then you can set up NAT rules to forward your traffic to specific machines, in other words, if you want to do:
LB port 1234 redirects to VM1 port 22 and
LB port 4312 redirects to VM2 port 22
you can do that using PowerShell as described in the Creating a public load balancer in Resource Manager by using PowerShell article.
There are quite a few steps but it walks you through the whole process of creating NAT rules, NICs and associated virtual machines.
Azure Application Gateway vs Azure Load Balancer?
These two cervices are distinctly different services and are trying to solve different problem, although those problems might look similar :)
The primary uses of an Application Gateway are:
SSL termination
cookie-based session affinity
round robin for load balancing traffic
Where as the Azure Load Balancer service works as the TCP/UDP level and support e.g. port mapping.
Cost wise, the load balancer service is free while the application gateway is billed per hour.
There are many great articles on this topic, when to pick which service. See for example the links for more details
When to use Azure Load Balancer or Application Gateway
Frequently asked questions for Application Gateway

Configuring Azure load balancer and NAT rules

I'm trying to build a simple two-tier wordpress environment on CentOS 7.2 in Azure.
I've defined a virtual network, have connected it to my home-lab via IPsec VPN, and I've defined several subnets in Azure (for Web tier, SQL tier, and utility tier role segregation using Network Security Groups).
I have two web-tier VMs, both members of the same Availability Set, and are both on the web-tier subnet. They have internet access (outbound), I can SSH to them from my home-lab, and the seem fine operationally to me - httpd is listening on 80/tcp, and I can hit the web pages from my home-lab network by visiting each web server directly on its 192.168.x address.
I should mention my web servers DO NOT have public IPs assigned, but I can't see this being an issue.. they're intended to be behind the load balancer.
So, I've created a Load Balancer, and:
assigned a public IP to the LB
added a backend pool (selected my availability set, and chose my two web servers)
added a probe (http probing the two web servers)
added a load balancer rule
Notice I did NOT add an inbound NAT rule. I can't figure out what that's for, or if I need it.
On my web tier, I tcpdump port 80 and see the probes. In httpd logs, I see 200 success messages for the probes. I go to a web browser, hit the external VIP I assigned to the LB, and nothing. It just times out. I cannot connect to the LB VIP.
What am I missing? What are the NAT rules about?
Any help would be appreciated. All I can find online are examples doing this in powershell etc.. and I'm using the Azure web interface.
Edit: Found the issue - Needed the NSG to allow not just the AzureLoadBalancer, but "Internet" to hit port 80/tcp. Should have thought of that sooner..
Found the issue - Needed the NSG to allow not just the AzureLoadBalancer, but "Internet" to hit port 80/tcp. Should have thought of that sooner..
