I have a grammar where I recently added syntax for a constant OSC address --- it looks like this
OSCAddressConstant: ('/' ('A' .. 'Z' | 'a' .. 'z' | '0' .. '9' | '_')+)+;
Typical examples might be
Unfortunately, I discovered rather quickly that simple expressions with division: e.g.
foo = 20/10
now fail with type errors because the parser thinks that the /10 is an OSC address and so we get "integer" "Divide" "OSCAddressConstant"
What is the recommended (and hopefully) simplest way to disambiguate these other than changing the actual syntax of the OSC address, which would be a pity.
Thanks in advance
(NB - I saw a similar question about ambiguity between division and regular expression syntax but I did not understand the solution - there was a reference to the use of #member but it was unclear what to do with it - I've not seen that before and other questions about #member seem to have gone unanswered)
That OSCAddressConstant rule is rather a higher level rule, like a complex identifier, possibly qualified. Such higher level constructs should go into the parser, not the lexer.
Just like you would define a qualified identifier as:
ID: [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*;
DOT: '.';
qualified: ID (DOT ID)?;
you can define your OSC address as:
EID: [a-zA-Z0-9_]+;
DIV: '/';
oscAddressConstant: (DIV EID)+;
The only drawback with this approach is: when you usually ignore whitespaces this syntax will allow constructs like: / abc / 12. But if that's something you do not want handle whitespaces in the semantic phase and throw an error then.
Why are these libraries named after _ ?
Is there some significance behind it or the reason is "Just because we can"?
As far as i know, underscore and lodash do a lot of similar stuff. Also, both the names point to _
Even their variable names are _
So is there some relation of _ with the working of these libraries? Or its just a name?
From my understanding of the history of the two, lodash was meant as a lightweight replacement for underscore. So lodash is effectively a play on words on underscore - "low dash", what does a dash - look like when its a bit lower to the ground? _ Why, an underscore of course
So that covers lodash in as much detail as it warrants.
Underscore's origin would only be a guess - but a guess I shall make.
"Back in the golden days" of Javascript, when the mighty JQuery reigned supreme, small (at the time) utility libraries started emerging - but one thing we didn't have at the time (or wasn't well known) was simple constructs for import and requiring external libraries.
Very much like JQuery grouping all of its functionality under one giant $ object - underscore (I am guessing) wanted the same. Why? Probably for brevity and that l33t factor. Especially in the days where most people were just including a bunch of script tags in the footer. If you were looking at utility library home page, what appeals to you more:
// totes l33t
_.map(a, function(e) { ... }
// pfft, no thanks grandpa
underscore.map(a, function(e) { ... }
But why _. Well after $ its one of few cool short names left:
An identifier must start with $, _, or any character in the Unicode
categories “Uppercase letter (Lu)”, “Lowercase letter (Ll)”,
“Titlecase letter (Lt)”, “Modifier letter (Lm)”, “Other letter (Lo)”,
or “Letter number (Nl)”.
So far I have seen three...
crate = "1.0.0" # I think this is an exact version match
crate = "^1.0.0" # I think this means "use that latest 1.x.x"
crate = "*" # I think this means "use the latest"
I'd love to know for certain how to use the dependency list. It would be nice to have an authoritative source that documents the different syntaxes for dependencies.
See the crates.io documentation page on "Specifying Dependencies". To summarise:
Nothing or a caret (^) means "at least this version, until the next incompatible version".
A tilde (~) means "at least this version, until (but excluding) the next minor/major release". That is, ~1.2.3 will accept 1.2.X where X is at least 3, ~1.2 will accept 1.2.*, and ~1 will accept 1.*.*.
A wildcard (*) means "anything that looks like this". That is, 1.2.* will accept 1.2.anything (1.2.0, 1.2.7-beta, 1.2.93-dev.foo, etc. but not 1.3.0).
Inequalities (>=, >, <, =) mean the obvious: the version Cargo uses must satisfy the given inequality.
I am looking for snippet which will check which version is available to download for updates.
I use python 3.x. So it would be nice if anyone has a hint how i can check the version available on the server. The OUtput should generate a variable in which the version number of firefox is stored. for example 22.0
I am using linux as the operating system of my choice.
to be clear:
I don't want to know whhich version is already installed on my system. i want to know which version can be updated.
So far i got the following code:
def firefox_version_remote():
firefox_version_fresh = os.popen("curl -s -l ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/releases/latest/linux-i686/de/").read()
# short name for firefox version num fresh
fvnf = " "
for i in firefox_version_fresh:
if i.isalpha() != True:
fvnf = fvnf + i
return fvnf.strip()
this returns -22.0..2 where it should return 22.0
Have you considered using a regular expression to match the numbers you're trying to extract. That would be a lot easier. Something like this:
matches = re.findall(r'\d+(?:\.\d+)+', firefox_version_fresh)
if matches:
fvnf = matches[0]
That's assuming the version is of the form x.y potentially followed by more sub versions (e.g. x.y.z).
\d+ is one or more digits
(?: )+ is one or more of everything in the parentheses. The ?: tells the compiler that it's a non-capturing group - i.e. you're not interesting in extracting the data inside the parentheses as a separate group.
\.\d+ matches a dot followed by one or more digits
So the whole expression can be described as one or more digits followed by one or more occurences of a dot and one or more digits.
This is PascalCase: SomeSymbol
This is camelCase: someSymbol
This is snake_case: some_symbol
So my questions is whether there is a widely accepted name for this: some-symbol? It's commonly used in url's.
There isn't really a standard name for this case convention, and there is disagreement over what it should be called.
That said, as of 2019, there is a strong case to be made that kebab-case is winning:
spinal-case is a distant second, and no other terms have any traction at all.
Additionally, kebab-case has entered the lexicon of several javascript code libraries, e.g.:
However, there are still other terms that people use. Lisp has used this convention for decades as described in this Wikipedia entry, so some people have described it as lisp-case. Some other forms I've seen include caterpillar-case, dash-case, and hyphen-case, but none of these is standard.
So the answer to your question is: No, there isn't a single widely-accepted name for this case convention analogous to snake_case or camelCase, which are widely-accepted.
It's referred to as kebab-case. See lodash docs.
It's also sometimes known as caterpillar-case
This is the most famous case and It has many names
kebab-case: It's the name most adopted by official software
hyphen-case or hyphenated-case
As the character (-) is referred to as "hyphen" or "dash", it seems more natural to name this "dash-case", or "hyphen-case" (less frequently used).
As mentioned in Wikipedia, "kebab-case" is also used. Apparently (see answer) this is because the character would look like a skewer... It needs some imagination though.
Used in lodash lib for example.
Recently, "dash-case" was used by
Angular (https://angular.io/guide/glossary#case-types)
NPM modules
https://www.npmjs.com/package/case-dash (removed ?)
Adding the correct link here Kebab Case
which is All lowercase with - separating words.
I've always called it, and heard it be called, 'dashcase.'
There is no standardized name.
Libraries like jquery and lodash refer it as kebab-case. So does Vuejs javascript framework. However, I am not sure whether it's safe to declare that it's referred as kebab-case in javascript world.
I've always known it as kebab-case.
On a funny note, I've heard people call it a SCREAM-KEBAB when all the letters are capitalized.
Kebab Case Warning
I've always liked kebab-case as it seems the most readable when you need whitespace. However, some programs interpret the dash as a minus sign, and it can cause problems as what you think is a name turns into a subtraction operation.
first-second // first minus second?
ten-2 // ten minus two?
Also, some frameworks parse dashes in kebab cased property. For example, GitHub Pages uses Jekyll, and Jekyll parses any dashes it finds in an md file. For example, a file named 2020-1-2-homepage.md on GitHub Pages gets put into a folder structured as \2020\1\2\homepage.html when the site is compiled.
Snake_case vs kebab-case
A safer alternative to kebab-case is snake_case, or SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE, as underscores cause less confusion when compared to a minus sign.
I'd simply say that it was hyphenated.
Worth to mention from abolish:
dash-case or kebab-case
In Salesforce, It is referred as kebab-case. See below
Here is a more recent discombobulation. Documentation everywhere in angular JS and Pluralsight courses and books on angular, all refer to kebab-case as snake-case, not differentiating between the two.
Its too bad caterpillar-case did not stick because snake_case and caterpillar-case are easily remembered and actually look like what they represent (if you have a good imagination).
My ECMAScript proposal for String.prototype.toKebabCase.
String.prototype.toKebabCase = function () {
return this.valueOf().replace(/-/g, ' ').split('')
.reduce((str, char) => char.toUpperCase() === char ?
`${str} ${char}` :
`${str}${char}`, ''
).replace(/ * /g, ' ').trim().replace(/ /g, '-').toLowerCase();
This casing can also be called a "slug", and the process of turning a phrase into it "slugify".