Creating a Bubble Chart of text columns - excel

I have two text columns which look like this:
and now I need to make a bubble chart that looks like this:
Any idea how I can achieve this using excel 2016?

There is a way to do this by using Javascript. This langage has a lot of powerful libraries for data visualization and data processing. And there is a way to use it in Excel by using an Excel Add-in called funfun.
I have written a working code for you:
I used an online editor with an embedded spreadsheet to build this chart. I use a Json file(short/full underneath Settings) to get the data from the spreadsheet to my javascript code:
"data": "=A1:B18"
I then store it in local variables in the script.js so I can use them correctly in the chart I will create:
var Approaches = []; // list of Approaches
var Contribution = []; // list of contribution
var tmpC = [];
* Parse your spreadsheet to count how much approaches and contribution there are
for (var x = 1; x < $; x++) {
if (Approaches.indexOf($[x][0]) <= -1)
if (tmpC.indexOf($[x][1]) <= -1)
* sort the array so that other is at the end
* (remove if you want you don't care about the order, replace 'tmpC' by 'Contribution' above)
for (var t = tmpC.length - 1; t >= 0; t--)
var techniquesIndex = new Array(Contribution.length); // how much of one contribution is made per approach
var total = 0; // total of contribution
var totalPerApproaches = new Array(Approaches.length); //total of contributions for one Approach
for (var z = 0; z < totalPerApproaches.length; z++) {
totalPerApproaches[z] = 0;
var data = []; // data for the chart
* Parse your every approach
for (var x = 0; x < Approaches.length; x++) {
for (var z = 0; z < techniquesIndex.length; z++) {
techniquesIndex[z] = 0;
* Parse your spreadsheet to count the number of contribution in this approach
for (var y = 0; y < $; y++) {
if (Approaches.indexOf($[y][0]) == x) {
total += 1;
techniquesIndex[Contribution.indexOf($[y][1])] += 1;
for (var c = 0; c < Contribution.length; c++) {
* calculate the total of contribution on this approach
totalPerApproaches[x] += techniquesIndex[c];
* removes the values equals to zero off the chart
* (remove this condition if you want to show the zeros)
if (techniquesIndex[c] == 0)
* adds a bubble to the charts with the number of Contribution per Approach
x: x, // -> index of array Approach[x]
y: c, // -> index of array Contribution[c]
z: techniquesIndex[c], // number of contribution[c] in Approach[x]
name: techniquesIndex[c] // ..
The $ is the data from the spreadsheet accessible thanks to the Json file. The array data (at the end) will be used to create all the bubbles of the charts.
Once I have my data stored in the right format I create the chart in index.html using a data visualization library called Highcharts, it has lots of examples and good documentation for beginners. You can choose to add many options for your chart and at the end you pass your data to the chart as such:
series: [{
data: data // use the data from script.js
Once you've build your chart you can open it in Excel by pasting the URL in the Funfun excel add-in. Here is how it looks like with my example:
You can as much lines as you want you just need to make sure that the range of data in the Json file is what you need.
you can then save the chart in many formats:
Hope this helps !
Disclosure : I’m a developer of funfun


Displaying parametres from a variable decision for each time the dvar == 1

I just get started on CPLEX so this is my problem:
I do have an issue I have a variable decision Y (patient allocated =1 if yes for the day i the hour h ) with three parameters (patient daytime ) and I want to display on a table on excel those results. one table with the Y==1 and their parameters beside this table.
if Ypih == Zpm= 1 (Zpm variable decision if the patient p is consulted from the doctor m ) then write on excel the patient p is registered to consult the doctor m on the day I at the hour h.
my problem is that i cannot display the parameters for their ranges for every instance of the loop .
so how to cross the pool solution to get the values of pih when Y==1==Z and display them
you can solve your problem as pointed below (assuming you're using the ILOG CPLEX Optimization Studio C++ library).
// solve your model
// now, we will verify all variables that are equal to 1
// first, we will loop through variables Y
for (int p_ = 0; p_ < maxP; p_++) {
for (int i_ = 0; i_ < maxI; i_++) {
for (int h_ = 0; h_ < maxH; h_++) {
// if Y_{pih} == 1
if (cplex.getValue(cplex.varY[p_][i_][h_]) == 1) {
// we will look if there is a variable Z == 1
for (int m_ = 0; m_ < maxM; m_++) {
if (cplex.getValue(cplex.varZ[p_][m_] == 1) {
// print or store your variables
After solving your model, you will need to verify which variables are equal to one. Thus, you can loop through all of your model variables and verify whether they are one or not, using the getValue CPLEX function.
See this link for a description regarding the CPLEX function.

AS3 "Advanced" string manipulation

I'm making an air dictionary and I have a(nother) problem. The main app is ready to go and works perfectly but when I tested it I noticed that it could be better. A bit of context: the language (ancient egyptian) I'm translating from does not use punctuation so a phrase canlooklikethis. Add to that the sheer complexity of the glyph system (6000+ glyphs).
Right know my app works like this :
user choose the glyphs composing his/r word.
app transforms those glyphs to alphanumerical values (A1 - D36 - X1A, etc).
the code compares the code (say : A5AD36) to a list of xml values.
if the word is found (A5AD36 = priestess of Bast), the user gets the translation. if not, s/he gets all the possible words corresponding to the two glyphs (A5A & D36).
If the user knows the string is a word, no problem. But if s/he enters a few words, s/he'll have a few more choices than hoped (exemple : query = A1A5AD36 gets A1 - A5A - D36 - A5AD36).
What I would like to do is this:
query = A1A5AD36 //word/phrase to be translated;
varArray = [A1, A5A, D36] //variables containing the value of the glyphs.
Corresponding possible words from the xml : A1, A5A, D36, A5AD36.
Possible phrases: A1 A5A D36 / A1 A5AD36 / A1A5A D36 / A1A5AD36.
Possible phrases with only legal words: A1 A5A D36 / A1 A5AD36.
I'm not I really clear but to things simple, I'd like to get all the possible phrases containing only legal words and filter out the other ones.
(example with english : TOBREAKFAST. Legal = to break fast / to breakfast. Illegal = tobreak fast.
I've managed to get all the possible words, but not the rest. Right now, when I run my app, I have an array containing A1 - A5A - D36 - A5AD36. But I'm stuck going forward.
Does anyone have an idea ? Thank you :)
function fnSearch(e: Event): void {
var val: int = sp.length; //sp is an array filled with variables containing the code for each used glyph.
for (var i: int = 0; i < val; i++) { //repeat for every glyph use.
var X: String = ""; //variable created to compare with xml dictionary
for (var i2: int = 0; i2 < val; i2++) { // if it's the first time, use the first glyph-code, else the one after last used.
if (X == "") {
X = sp[i];
} else {
X = X + sp[i2 + i];
xmlresult =; //xmlresult = alphanumerical codes corresponding to words from XMLList already imported
trad =; //same with traductions.
for (var i3: int = 0; i3 < xmlresult.length(); i3++) { //check if element X is in dictionary
var codeElement: XML = xmlresult[i3]; //variable to compare with X
var tradElement: XML = trad[i3]; //variable corresponding to codeElement
if (X == codeElement.toString()) { //if codeElement[i3] is legal, add it to array of legal words.
checkArray.push(codeElement); //checkArray is an array filled with legal words.
var iT2: int = 500 //iT2 set to unreachable value for next lines.
for (var iT: int = 0; iT < checkArray.length; iT++) { //check if the word searched by user is in the results.
if (checkArray[iT] == query) {
iT2 = iT
if (iT2 != 500) { //if complete query is found, put it on top of the array so it appears on top of the results.
var oldFirst: String = checkArray[0];
checkArray[0] = checkArray[iT2];
checkArray[iT2] = oldFirst;
results.visible = true; //make result list visible
loadingResults.visible = false; //loading screen
fnPossibleResults(null); //update result list.
I end up with an array of variables containing the glyph-codes (sp) and another with all the possible legal words (checkArray). What I don't know how to do is mix those two to make legal phrases that way :
If there was only three glyphs, I could probably find a way, but user can enter 60 glyphs max.

Is it possible to do a Levenshtein distance in Excel without having to resort to Macros?

Let me explain.
I have to do some fuzzy matching for a company, so ATM I use a levenshtein distance calculator, and then calculate the percentage of similarity between the two terms. If the terms are more than 80% similar, Fuzzymatch returns "TRUE".
My problem is that I'm on an internship, and leaving soon. The people who will continue doing this do not know how to use excel with macros, and want me to implement what I did as best I can.
So my question is : however inefficient the function may be, is there ANY way to make a standard function in Excel that will calculate what I did before, without resorting to macros ?
If you came about this googling something like
levenshtein distance google sheets
I threw this together, with the code comment from milot-midia on this gist ( - code under MIT license)
From Sheets in the header menu, Tools -> Script Editor
Name the project
The name of the function (not the project) will let you use the func
Paste the following code
function Levenshtein(a, b) {
if(a.length == 0) return b.length;
if(b.length == 0) return a.length;
// swap to save some memory O(min(a,b)) instead of O(a)
if(a.length > b.length) {
var tmp = a;
a = b;
b = tmp;
var row = [];
// init the row
for(var i = 0; i <= a.length; i++){
row[i] = i;
// fill in the rest
for(var i = 1; i <= b.length; i++){
var prev = i;
for(var j = 1; j <= a.length; j++){
var val;
if(b.charAt(i-1) == a.charAt(j-1)){
val = row[j-1]; // match
} else {
val = Math.min(row[j-1] + 1, // substitution
prev + 1, // insertion
row[j] + 1); // deletion
row[j - 1] = prev;
prev = val;
row[a.length] = prev;
return row[a.length];
You should be able to run it from a spreadsheet with
While it can't be done in a single formula for any reasonably-sized strings, you can use formulas alone to compute the Levenshtein Distance between strings using a worksheet.
Here is an example that can handle strings up to 15 characters, it could be easily expanded for more:
This isn't practical for anything other than ad-hoc comparisons, but it does do a decent job of showing how the algorithm works.
looking at the previous answers to calculating Levenshtein distance, I think it would be impossible to create it as a formula.
Take a look at the code here
Actually, I think I just found a workaround. I was adding it in the wrong part of the code...
Adding this line
} else if(b.charAt(i-1)==a.charAt(j) && b.charAt(i)==a.charAt(j-1)){
val = row[j-1]-0.33; //transposition
so it now reads
if(b.charAt(i-1) == a.charAt(j-1)){
val = row[j-1]; // match
} else if(b.charAt(i-1)==a.charAt(j) && b.charAt(i)==a.charAt(j-1)){
val = row[j-1]-0.33; //transposition
} else {
val = Math.min(row[j-1] + 1, // substitution
prev + 1, // insertion
row[j] + 1); // deletion
Seems to fix the problem. Now 'biulding' is 92% accurate and 'bilding' is 88%. (whereas with the original formula 'biulding' was only 75%... despite being closer to the correct spelling of building)

AutoFit Columns Width using jxl library in java [duplicate]

How to autofit content in cell using jxl api?
I know this is an old question at this point, but I was looking for the solution to this and thought I would post it in case someone else needs it.
CellView Auto-Size
I'm not sure why the FAQ doesn't mention this, because it very clearly exists in the docs.
My code looked like the following:
for(int x=0;x<c;x++)
sheet.setColumnView(x, cell);
c stores the number of columns created
cell is just a temporary place holder for the returned CellView object
sheet is my WriteableSheet object
The Api warns that this is a processor intensive function, so it's probably not ideal for large files. But for a small file like mine (<100 rows) it took no noticeable time.
Hope this helps someone.
The method is self explanatory and commented:
private void sheetAutoFitColumns(WritableSheet sheet) {
for (int i = 0; i < sheet.getColumns(); i++) {
Cell[] cells = sheet.getColumn(i);
int longestStrLen = -1;
if (cells.length == 0)
/* Find the widest cell in the column. */
for (int j = 0; j < cells.length; j++) {
if ( cells[j].getContents().length() > longestStrLen ) {
String str = cells[j].getContents();
if (str == null || str.isEmpty())
longestStrLen = str.trim().length();
/* If not found, skip the column. */
if (longestStrLen == -1)
/* If wider than the max width, crop width */
if (longestStrLen > 255)
longestStrLen = 255;
CellView cv = sheet.getColumnView(i);
cv.setSize(longestStrLen * 256 + 100); /* Every character is 256 units wide, so scale it. */
sheet.setColumnView(i, cv);
for(int x=0;x<c;x++)
sheet.setColumnView(x, cell);
It is fine, instead of scanning all the columns. Pass the column as a parameter.
void display(column)
Cell = sheet.getColumnView(column);
sheet.setColumnView(column, cell);
So when you wiill be displaying your text you can set the particular length. Can be helpfull for huge excel files.
From the JExcelApi FAQ
How do I do the equivilent of Excel's "Format/Column/Auto Fit Selection"?
There is no API function to do this for you. You'll need to write code that scans the cells in each column, calculates the maximum length, and then calls setColumnView() accordingly. This will get you close to what Excel does but not exactly. Since most fonts have variable width characters, to get the exact same value, you would need to use FontMetrics to calculate the maximum width of each string in the column. No one has posted code on how to do this yet. Feel free to post code to the Yahoo! group or send it directly to the FAQ author's listed at the bottom of this page.
FontMetrics presumably refers to java.awt.FontMetrics. You should be able to work something out with the getLineMetrics(String, Graphics) method I would have though.
CellView's autosize method doesn't work for me all the time. My way of doing this is by programatically set the size(width) of the column based on the highest length of data in the column. Then perform some mathematical operations.
CellView cv = excelSheet.getColumnView(0);
cv.setSize((highest + ((highest/2) + (highest/4))) * 256);
where highest is an int that holds the longest length of data in the column.
setAutosize() method WILL NOT WORK if your cell has over 255 characters. This is related to the Excel 2003 max column width specification:
You will need to write your own autosize method to handle this case.
Try this exemple:
expandColumns(sheet, 3);
private void expandColumn(WritableSheet sheet, int amountOfColumns){
int c = amountOfColumns;
for(int x=0;x<c;x++)
CellView cell = sheet.getColumnView(x);
sheet.setColumnView(x, cell);
Kotlin's implementation
private fun sheetAutoFitColumns(sheet: WritableSheet, columnsIndexesForFit: Array<Int>? = null, startFromRowWithIndex: Int = 0, excludeLastRows : Int = 0) {
for (columnIndex in columnsIndexesForFit?.iterator() ?: IntProgression.fromClosedRange(0, sheet.columns, 1).iterator()) {
val cells = sheet.getColumn(columnIndex)
var longestStrLen = -1
if (cells.isEmpty()) continue
for (j in startFromRowWithIndex until cells.size - excludeLastRows) {
if (cells[j].contents.length > longestStrLen) {
val str = cells[j].contents
if (str == null || str.isEmpty()) continue
longestStrLen = str.trim().length
if (longestStrLen == -1) continue
val newWidth = if (longestStrLen > 255) 255 else longestStrLen
sheet.setColumnView(columnIndex, newWidth)
example for use
sheetAutoFitColumns(sheet) // fit all columns by all rows
sheetAutoFitColumns(sheet, arrayOf(0, 3))// fit A and D columns by all rows
sheetAutoFitColumns(sheet, arrayOf(0, 3), 5)// fit A and D columns by rows after 5
sheetAutoFitColumns(sheet, arrayOf(0, 3), 5, 2)// fit A and D columns by rows after 5 and ignore two last rows

Get the total column value of list view in c#

I need to get the total of the item prices(which are in the same column in a list view in C#) without selecting the label called lblTotal.The item prices come from the databases and need to get the sum of them within the application itself. Can you please help me and send your ideas.
I have build this using WinForms and I have designed the following code
float lblTotal = 0F;
for (int i = 0; i < orderList.Items.Count; i++)
if (orderList.Items[i].Selected)
lblTotal = float.Parse(orderList.Items[i].SubItems[1].Text);
However this is not working for my application.
Thank you
I windows forms c# the following code will total up all the integer values in column 2,
change the 2 to whatever column your values are stored in.
int column = 0;
column = 2;
int total = 0;
total = 0;
ListViewItem item = default(ListViewItem);
foreach ( item in this.ListView1.Items) {
total += int.Parse((string)item.SubItems(2).Text);
It is best to somehow calculate the sum either by moving the calculation to the database (SUM(x)) or your business logic/data source on the client, instead of going through all the hoops of reading it from the UI and conversion/casting.
