TestFx - How to test validation dialogs with no ids - dialog

I have an application with grid of records and button insert. After clicking insert, there is a form, where you fill in data and click Ok for adding new record to the grid. After clicking Ok, there is validation which fires dialog with error informations, if any of the text fields do not match validation rules. Is there any posible way to test text on the dialog with textFx, if the dialog has no id?

This is an example for Alert based dialog:
In your test:
"Removing 'Almaty' location", "Are you sure to remove this record?");
In you helper test class:
public void alert_dialog_has_header_and_content(final String expectedHeader, final String expectedContent) {
final javafx.stage.Stage actualAlertDialog = getTopModalStage();
final DialogPane dialogPane = (DialogPane) actualAlertDialog.getScene().getRoot();
assertEquals(expectedHeader, dialogPane.getHeaderText());
assertEquals(expectedContent, dialogPane.getContentText());
private javafx.stage.Stage getTopModalStage() {
// Get a list of windows but ordered from top[0] to bottom[n] ones.
// It is needed to get the first found modal window.
final List<Window> allWindows = new ArrayList<>(robot.robotContext().getWindowFinder().listWindows());
return (javafx.stage.Stage) allWindows
.filter(window -> window instanceof javafx.stage.Stage)
.filter(window -> ((javafx.stage.Stage) window).getModality() == Modality.APPLICATION_MODAL)

I know this issue is a little old and probably got fixed, but for documentation purpose in case someone else look for a fix for an issue alike, I see dialog.getDialogPane() in Dialog documentation, which would help lookup for specific controls inside the pane. So further on #plaidshirt query, we could retrieve buttons and input fields with:
Then narrow that down to buttons and input fields for example.


Trying to customize JAMS LaborEntry screen, looking for the line of code that will update the header

Brand new to Acumatica development and stuck on a simple thing. :(
I am customizing the LaborEntry screen of the JAMS MFG.
I have added a field to the header by extending the AMBatch DAC, called UsrTimeClocked.
For now I simply wish to set this field to a number right at the end of the RowInserted event at the detail level of the AMMTran and see my number on the screen, up on the header AMBatch.
public class LaborEntry_Extension : PXGraphExtension<LaborEntry>
protected virtual void _(Events.RowInserted<AMMTran> e)
AMBatchExt ext = Base.batch.Current.GetExtension<AMBatchExt>();
ext.UsrTimeClocked = 5.32;
//Insert line to update the correct object to see 5.32 in the TextBox, before RowSelected is done.
As is my value goes in the field and any refresh/save/delete of the row does update the correct object and I see my value where I want it. I wish to know the way to force this update.

I am having trouble with writing ScriptRunner Behaviours

I am trying to set two behaviors, but it is very hard because I do not have any coding background. The idea is that the ticket creation screen would hide/show fields depending on what the user chooses.
So the first behavior should be from a dropdown menu with 3 options (SAP, Jira, Other) and the dropdown menu's name is Affected Software. If the user chooses SAP, a textfield to appear which is called Transaction number. If they choose other, another textfield should appear called Please enter software name and otherwise, these should be hidden and not show any other fields.
Here is the code I tried to write:
import com.onresolve.jira.groovy.user.FormField
FormField dropDown = getFieldByName("Affected Software")
FormField other = getFieldByName("Transaction Number")
FormField other = getFieldByName("Please enter software name")
if (dropdown.getFormValue() == 'SAP') {
other.setFormValue("SAP chosen")
} if else (dropdown.getFormValue() == "Other")
other.setFormValue("Other chosen")
else {
The second behavior is a bit simpler. There is again a dropdown field called Is there a workaround with these options(yes, no, I don't know). If the user chooses yes, a field should show up called Explain the workaround. Otherwise nothing should change.
This is the code I tried to write for that one
import com.onresolve.jira.groovy.user.FormField
FormField dropDown = getFieldByName("Is there a workaround?")
FormField other = getFieldByName("Explain the workaround")
if (dropdown.getFormValue() == 'yes') {
other.setFormValue("yes chosen")
} else {
Could you please let me know what I am doing wrong? Thank you in advance!
I think you are looking for getValue() rather then getFormValue() as this will give you the ID of the underlying value, like an option ID.

Custom selector challenges

I have a custom screen with a multiple custom selectors, which change what they select based on dropdown lists.
The solution I implemented is shown in a previous case:
Dynamically changing PXSelector in Acumatica (thanks).
My challenge is twofold:
1.) If the dropdown selection is "No Lookup", then I want the PXSelector Attribute to essentially be removed - leaving just a text entry. Not sure if this is even possible...
2.) If one of the selectors (let's say Projects) is selected, I'd like the selection of the following selector (let's say Tasks) to filter based on the Project selected.
Thanks much...
1) I think the only way to do this is to create your own attribute.
Something like that:
public class PXSelectorTextEditAttribute : PXSelectorAttribute
bool selectorMode;
public PXSelectorTextEditAttribute(Type type, bool selectorOn):base(type)
selectorMode = selectorOn;
public override void FieldVerifying(PXCache sender, PXFieldVerifyingEventArgs e)
base.FieldVerifying(sender, e);
public static void SwitchSelectorMode(PXSelectorTextEditAttribute attribute, bool onOff)
attribute.selectorMode = onOff;
You will be able to turn on and off the 'selector' part of the attribute. With the field verifying turned off you will be able to put any value to the field just like in simple TextEdit field. However, the lookup button in the right end of the field still will be visible. I have no idea how to hide it.
2) This behavior can be implemented easily. You will need something like that(example based on cashaccount):
[PXSelector(typeof(Search<CABankTran.tranID, Where<CABankTran.cashAccountID, Equal<Current<Filter.cashAccountID>>>>))]
If you want to see all records when the cashaccount is not defined then you just modify the where clause by adding Or<Current<Filter.cashAccountID>, isNull>
Also don't forget to add AutoRefresh="true" to the PXSelector in the aspx. Without it your selector will keep the list of the records untill you press refresh inside of it.

Search Bar return Button

I have a searchBar in a tableview, searching for results in a .csv file (coredata). The list is huge so the user has to scroll up many times to reach the search bar after the first search OR select the "A" letter in the Indexbar. Is there a way to add a button in the NavigationBar to show the searchBar when the user wants to get back to the beginning of the list? Thanks in advance.
searchController = UISearchController(searchResultsController: nil)
tableView.tableHeaderView = searchController.searchBar
searchController.searchResultsUpdater = self
searchController.dimsBackgroundDuringPresentation = false
override func tableView(tableView: UITableView, titleForHeaderInSection section: Int) -> String? {
return sectionTitles[section]
override func numberOfSectionsInTableView(tableView: UITableView) -> Int {
//assume a single section after a search
return (searchController.active) ? 1 : sectionTitles.count
override func tableView(tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
if searchController.active {
return searchResults.count
} else {
// Return the number of rows in the section.
let wordKey = sectionTitles[section]
if let items = cockpitDict[wordKey] {
return items.count
return 0
I don't know how to send the user direct to a search bar, but there are always other ways to do things, what you can do is: Reload the storyboard and then it will show again the search bar in the initial states. Take a look on this interesting post: How do I perform an auto-segue in Xcode 6 using Swift? maybe you can go to another VC and return immediately with an simple animation so the user will not notice the tricker. :)
Yes, you can add a UIBarButtonItem to your navigation bar where the action you do will scroll the table back to the top.
Just replace the code from tableView.tableHeaderView = searchController.searchBar to navigationItem.titleView = searchController.searchBar which shows the searchBar on the NavigationBar.
But when you select the searchBar then it goes upward and might be not visible on the screen, so you can take the UISearchBar instead of UISearchController. For more information please look into these thread.
This is not exactly an answer to your question, but still a solution to your problem of quickly returning to the top of your table view. You could overwrite the table view's scrollsToTop: -property to return YES. By doing so, you will enable the user to jump to the top of the table by simply tapping the status bar. This is standard behavior in many stock apps, such as Contacts, Mail, Safari, and Photos.
Beware that only one scroll view / table view / collection view on the screen may return YES in order to achieve this behavior. In the case of multiple scroll views, you can alternatively implement the UIScrollViewDelegate -protocol's
- (BOOL)scrollViewShouldScrollToTop:(UIScrollView *)scrollView
callback and dynamically check, if the given scroll view should respond to the tap.
Although this is the Objective-C -way, I guess you should be able to transfer the concept over to Swift.
This approach has two advantages:
You will not clutter your navigation bar. Apples iOS Human Interface Guidelines explicitly suggest to
Avoid crowding a navigation bar with additional controls, even if it looks like there’s enough space. In general, a navigation bar should contain no more than the view’s current title, the back button, and one control that manages the view’s contents.
You will be consistent with the OS' standard behavior.

Conditional validation not working for one field

I've 4 fields as shown below:
radioGroup1 is required if comboBox2 value and radioGroup4 & radio1 are blank. The validation message is suppose to go away if only one of 3 radio's is selected
If I select radioGroup1 or radio1 and update page, the validation message does not display.
If I select radioGroup4 and update page, the validation message is still displayed.
Here is a screen shot:
Here is a validation code for radioGroup1:
var comboBox2:com.ibm.xsp.component.xp.XspSelectOneMenu = getComponent("comboBox2");
var radio1:com.ibm.xsp.component.xp.XspInputRadio = getComponent("radio1");
var radioGroup4:com.ibm.xsp.component.xp.XspSelectOneRadio = getComponent("radioGroup4");
var radioGroup3:com.ibm.xsp.component.xp.XspSelectOneRadio = getComponent("radioGroup3");
if(radioGroup4.getValue()==null && radio1.getValueAsString()==''){
return true;
}else {
return false;
In second image there is a computed field capturing value of radioGroup4.
What am I doing wrong? When page is refreshed, radioGroup4.getValue() works in computed field but not in the validation script for radioGroup3.
When any one of 3 radio control selected, the other two are disabled thru script and it is working without any issue.
Resolved this issue as follows:
radioGroup4 was executing script and doing full update in the onChange event. Changed it to onClick event
It need two clicks in the radioGroup4 and required message for radioGroup3 vanishes.
This is not a perfect solution but I've to leave with it until I found perfect one.
