SQLInjection against CosmosDB in an Azure function - azure

I have implemented an Azure function that is triggered by a HttpRequest. A parameter called name is passed as part of the HttpRequest. In Integration section, I have used the following query to retrieve data from CosmosDB (as an input):
SELECT * FROM c.my_collection pm
As you see I am sending the 'name' without sanitizing it. Is there any SQLInjection concern here?
I searched and noticed that parameterization is available but that is not something I can do anything about here.

When the binding occurs (the data from the HTTP Trigger gets sent to the Cosmos DB Input bind), it is passed through a SQLParameterCollection that will handle sanitization.
Please view this article:
Parameterized SQL provides robust handling and escaping of user input, preventing accidental exposure of data through “SQL injection”
This will cover any attempt to inject SQL through the name property.

If you're using Microsoft.Azure.Cosmos instead of Microsoft.Azure.Documents:
public class MyContainerDbService : IMyContainerDbService
private Container _container;
public MyContainerDbService(CosmosClient dbClient)
this._container = dbClient.GetContainer("MyDatabaseId", "MyContainerId");
public async Task<IEnumerable<MyEntry>> GetMyEntriesAsync(string queryString, Dictionary<string, object> parameters)
if ((parameters?.Count ?? 0) < 1)
throw new ArgumentException("Parameters are required to prevent SQL injection.");
var queryDef = new QueryDefinition(queryString);
foreach(var parm in parameters)
queryDef.WithParameter(parm.Key, parm.Value);
var query = this._container.GetItemQueryIterator<MyEntry>(queryDef);
List<MyEntry> results = new List<MyEntry>();
while (query.HasMoreResults)
var response = await query.ReadNextAsync();
return results;


Invoking Xtext Generator via Language Server Protocol explicitly

I have a DSL project using Xtext together with the Language Server Protocol.
Now I want to trigger a Generator from the client (in my case VS Code) to be executed on the server.
Not automatically (I would know how to do that), but explicitly triggered by the user from a VS Code command.
I am aware of the IExecutableCommandService in Xtext and I know how to hook into it.
But I don't know how to retrieve the corresponding Resource from a given file path:
public Object execute(ExecuteCommandParams params, ILanguageServerAccess access, CancelIndicator cancelIndicator) {
if ("c4.generator.type".equals(params.getCommand())) {
// fileURI passed from client to the server
String fileURI = ((JsonPrimitive)params.getArguments().get(0)).getAsString();
// This is where I stuck
Resource resource = whatAPItoCallToRetrieveResourceFromFile(fileURI);
// Call the generator then
return "Unknown Command";
The use-case is the same as described in this blog: https://dietrich-it.de/xtext/2011/10/15/xtext-calling-the-generator-from-a-context-menu/
But the description is for Eclipse only (not using lsp).
If you already have the correct URI, you should be able to use XtextResourceSet to get access to the resource:
final XtextResourceSet rs = new XtextResourceSet();
final Resource r = rs.getResource(fileURI, true);
otherwise you can get access to the Xtext index and iterate over all resources searching for the resource of interest, by using access.doReadIndex:
final XtextResourceSet rs = new XtextResourceSet();
final Function<ILanguageServerAccess.IndexContext, Boolean> func = (
ILanguageServerAccess.IndexContext ctxt) -> {
for (final IResourceDescription rd: ctxt.getIndex().getAllResourceDescriptions()) {
if(<check_rd>) {
Resource r = rs.getResource(rd.getURI(), true);
return true;

ReadDocumentAsync always fails claiming Id does not exist

I am querying Azure DocumentDb (cosmos) for a document that is present in the container:
doc = await client.ReadDocumentAsync(
new RequestOptions
PartitionKey = new PartitionKey(tenantString)
catch(Exception e)
for this document:
tenantString-campaignId is the id you can see here and tenantString alone is the partition key this is under. The tenant itself was passed in as a string and I had that working but now I have changed to passing a Tenant object and parsing the string required from it I am not returning the document.
I have tried a few different variations of tenantString and id and I can generate either a DocumentClientException, Id does not exist, Exception or it fails silently; no exception and returns to the calling method where it causes a NullReferenceException as no document is returned.
As far as I can make out from debugging through this I am constructing all my data correctly and yet no document is returned. Does anyone have any idea what I can try next?
This syntax for the .NET SDK v2 is not correct. ReadDocumentAsync() should look like this.
var response = await client.ReadDocumentAsync(
UriFactory.CreateDocumentUri(databaseName, collectionName, "SalesOrder1"),
new RequestOptions { PartitionKey = new PartitionKey("Account1") });
You can see more v2 samples here

access indexfields, batchfields and batch variables in custom module

In my setup form I configure some settings for my custom module. The settings are stored in the custom storage of the batch class. Given the variable IBatchClass batchClass I can access the data by executing
string data = batchClass.get_CustomStorageString("myKey");
and set the data by executing
batchClass.set_CustomStorageString("myKey", "myValue");
When the custom module gets executed I want to access this data from the storage. The value I get returned is the key for the batchfield collection or indexfield collection or batch variables collection. When creating Kofax Export Connector scripts I would have access to the ReleaseSetupData object holding these collections.
Is it possible to access these fields during runtime?
private string GetFieldValue(string fieldName)
string fieldValue = string.Empty;
IIndexFields indexFields = null; // access them
fieldValue = indexFields[fieldName].ToString();
catch (Exception e)
IBatchFields batchFields = null; // access them
fieldValue = batchFields[fieldName].ToString();
catch (Exception e)
dynamic batchVariables = null; // access them
fieldValue = batchVariables[fieldName].ToString();
catch (Exception e)
return fieldValue;
The format contains a string like
"{#Charge}; {Current Date} {Current Time}; Scan Operator: {Scan
Operator's User ID}; Page: x/y"
and each field wrapped by {...} represents a field from one of these 3 collections.
Kofax exposes a batch as an XML, and DBLite is basically a wrapper for said XML. The structure is explained in AcBatch.htm and AcDocs.htm (to be found under the CaptureSV directory). Here's the basic idea (just documents are shown):
For a standard server installation, the file would be located here: \\servername\CaptureSV\AcBatch.htm. A single document has child elements itself such as index fields, and multiple properties such as Confidence, FormTypeName, and PDFGenerationFileName.
Here's how to extract the elements from the active batch (your IBatch instance) as well as accessing all batch fields:
var runtime = activeBatch.ExtractRuntimeACDataElement(0);
var batch = runtime.FindChildElementByName("Batch");
foreach (IACDataElement item in batch.FindChildElementByName("BatchFields").FindChildElementsByName("BatchField"))
The same is true for index fields. However, as those reside on document level, you would need to drill down to the Documents element first, and then retrieve all Document children. The following example accesses all index fields as well, storing them in a dictionary named IndexFields:
var documents = batch.FindChildElementByName("Documents").FindChildElementsByName("Document");
var indexFields = DocumendocumentstData.FindChildElementByName("IndexFields").FindChildElementsByName("IndexField");
foreach (IACDataElement indexField in indexFields)
IndexFields.Add(indexField["Name"], indexField["Value"]);
With regard to Batch Variables such as {Scan Operator's User ID}, I am not sure. Worst case scenario is to assign them as default values to index or batch fields.

How to call Azure Actions in xamarin forms using Azure Service Provider

I am using Azure Service provider (Azure SDK in xamarin forms) to download data from Azure cloud Server, I am using bellow code to fetch all data
var table = AzureServiceProvider.Instance.GetRemoteTable<T>();
var query = table.CreateQuery();
if (filter != null)
query = table.Where(filter);
List<T> azureDatas;
await query.ToListAsync();
when I use code above it hits following URL https://MyService.azurewebsites.net/tables/TableName
But now I have to pass id (i.e api/table/{TableName}/{controller}/{id}) to fetch only required data for matching that that id
using above same code its hitting above URL
Inst ed of that I want to use
I don't know if you figures this out yet, but to target a specific method in your controller you can use the ".WithParameters" method on your table.
So lets say you have 2 methods in your controller:
// GET tables/TableName/id
public SingleResult<TableName> GetDataFromName(string name)
//Your logic here
// GET tables/TableName/id
public SingleResult<TableName> GetDataFromAddress(string address)
//Your logic here
You can access these methods individually by using the .WithParameters like:
Dictionary<string, string> parameters = new Dictionary<string, string>();
parameters.Add("name", name);
var query = Table.WithParameters(parameters);
var results = await query.ToEnumerableAsync();
To access the address method
Dictionary<string, string> parameters = new Dictionary<string, string>();
parameters.Add("address", personsAddress);
var query = Table.WithParameters(parameters);
var results = await query.ToEnumerableAsync();
So the important part is:
As far as I'm aware you can only send strings. But I might be
The name in the parameters dictionary has to be the exact
name of the variable in your controller!
Use the following for a lookup by Id:
var table = client.GetTable<T>();
var record = await table.LookupAsync(id);
It uses the different endpoint - https://site.azurewebsites.net/tables/Table/{id}.
For more info, check the book: https://adrianhall.github.io/develop-mobile-apps-with-csharp-and-azure/chapter3/client/

Extract paging from IQueryable

I'm using a function to allow query composition from Web UI and I would to implement paging functionality which it will be available for dataBound controls such as ObjectDataSource, gridView, etc:
public class MyClass<TEntity> where TEntity : class
FakeEntities xxx = new FakeEntities();
public IEnumerable<TEntity> Get(Func<IQueryable<TEntity>, IQueryable<TEntity>> queryExpression)
var query = xxx.Set<TEntity>();
return queryExpression(query).ToList();
public int Count()
// What Can I return?
// **** USAGE ****
MyClass<User> u = new MyClass<User>();
var all = u.Get(p => p.Where(z => z.Account == "Smith").OrderBy(order => order.IdOther).Skip(1).Take(2));
The above query use Take and Skip function, so can I get real count of my entities? Obviously I must return Query Count without modifying filter expression.
I found this solution: Get count of an IQueryable<T>
However I get targetInvocationException with inner message {"This method supports the LINQ to Entities infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code."}
I know my request could be freak-abnormal, because best practice should to impose to move "presentation needs" to some wrap class and that's is what I'll do. So I don't need anymore to get Count entities on my business logic class.
That's just UI concern only.
Thank you the same.
