I have an issue with a DSC config i'm trying to use to install and run a mongo service on an Azure VM.
When the DSC runs on the initial deployment of the VM, the secondary disk 'F' is attached and formatted successfully, however... i receive an error when trying to create directories on the new disk:
Error message: \"DSC Configuration 'Main' completed with error(s).
Cannot find drive. A drive with the name 'F' does not exist.
The PowerShell DSC resource '[Script]SetUpDataDisk' with SourceInfo 'C:\\Packages\\Plugins\\Microsoft.Powershell.DSC\\\\DSCWork\\MongoDSC.0\\MongoDSC.ps1::51::2::Script' threw one or more non-terminating errors while running the Set-TargetResource functionality.
Here is my DSC script :
Configuration Main
Param ( [string] $nodeName )
Import-DscResource -ModuleName PSDesiredStateConfiguration
Import-DscResource -ModuleName xStorage
Node $nodeName
xWaitforDisk Disk2
DiskId = 2
RetryIntervalSec = 60
RetryCount = 60
xDisk FVolume
DiskId = 2
DriveLetter = 'F'
FSLabel = 'MongoData'
DependsOn = "[xWaitforDisk]Disk2"
Script SetUpDataDisk{
TestScript ={
return Test-Path "f:\mongoData\"
SetScript ={
#set up the directories for mongo
$retries = 0
$mountedDrive = Get-Volume | Where DriveLetter -eq 'F'
if($mountedDrive -eq $null)
Start-Sleep -Seconds 60
$retries = $retries + 1
}While(($mountedDrive -eq $null) -and ($retries -lt 60))
$dirName = "mongoData"
$dbDirName = "db"
$logDirName = "logs"
New-Item -Path "F:\$dirName" -ItemType Directory
New-Item -Path "F:\$dirName\$dbDirName" -ItemType Directory
New-Item -Path "F:\$dirName\$logDirName" -ItemType Directory
GetScript = {#{Result = "SetUpDataDisk"}}
DependsOn = "[xDisk]FVolume"
The annoying thing is that if i run the deployment again everything works with no errors, i have put a loop in to try and wait for the disk to be ready but this still throws the error. I'm very new to DSC so any pointers would be helpful.
It seems xDiskAccessPath can be used for that:
This configuration will wait for disk 2 to become available, and then make the disk available as
two new formatted volumes mounted to folders c:\SQLData and c:\SQLLog, with c:\SQLLog using all
available space after c:\SQLData has been created.
Configuration Example
Import-DSCResource -ModuleName xStorage
Node localhost
xWaitforDisk Disk2
DiskId = 2
RetryIntervalSec = 60
RetryCount = 60
xDiskAccessPath DataVolume
DiskId = 2
AccessPath = 'c:\SQLData'
Size = 10GB
FSLabel = 'SQLData1'
DependsOn = '[xWaitForDisk]Disk2'
xDiskAccessPath LogVolume
DiskId = 2
AccessPath = 'c:\SQLLog'
FSLabel = 'SQLLog1'
DependsOn = '[xDiskAccessPath]DataVolume'
I'm building an Azure RM Template that will install DSC on a target VM. DSC must use a .bacpac file. How can I upload that file to a target VM? How can I make it to be downloaded by target VM from GitHub and placed on a specific folder?
The DSC configuration looks like this:
Something like this:
Import-DscResource -ModuleName PSDesiredStateConfiguration,xPSDesiredStateConfiguration,xDatabase
Node $nodeName
RebootNodeIfNeeded = $true
xRemoteFile BacPacPackage
Uri = "https://github.com/url_to_your_bacpac"
DestinationPath = "c:\where_to_put_it"
MatchSource = $false
xDatabase DeployBacPac
Ensure = "Present"
SqlServer = $nodeName
SqlServerVersion = $SqlServerVersion
DatabaseName = $DatabaseName
Credentials = $credential # credentials to access SQL
BacPacPath = "c:\path_from_previous command"
DependsOn = "[xRemoteFile]BacPacPackage"
I would really like to be able to download all SharePoint 2010 Language Packs easily using a powershell script.
Downloading the SharePoint Language Packs will enable automated and scripted SharePoint installation.
Here's a script I put together based on this script by Ryan Dennis:
Import-Module BitsTransfer
## Prompt for the destination path
$DestPath = Read-Host -Prompt "- Enter the destination path for downloaded files"
## Check that the path entered is valid
If (Test-Path "$DestPath" -Verbose)
## If destination path is valid, create folder if it doesn't already exist
$DestFolder = "$DestPath\LanguagePacks"
New-Item -ItemType Directory $DestFolder -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Write-Warning " - Destination path appears to be invalid."
## Pause
Write-Host " - Please check the path, and try running the script again."
Write-Host "- Press any key to exit..."
$null = $host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown")
## We use the hard-coded URL below, so that we can extract the filename (and use it to get destination filename $DestFileName)
## Note: These URLs are subject to change at Microsoft's discretion.
$UrlList = #{
"http://download.microsoft.com/download/A/6/C/A6C2FAE9-58A4-410D-81E0-682E8CBF3D18/ServerLanguagePack.exe" = "ar"; #Arabic
"http://download.microsoft.com/download/0/D/B/0DB91457-43D2-4BCC-A7AF-8559C3E3E1CF/ServerLanguagePack.exe" = "eu"; #Basque
"http://download.microsoft.com/download/9/1/C/91CFFA84-3A8C-4B2B-BD1F-AF77073C832D/ServerLanguagePack.exe" = "bg"; #Bulgarian
"http://download.microsoft.com/download/0/7/B/07B06744-859A-40CF-84BB-4C8113F9FB75/ServerLanguagePack.exe" = "ca"; #Catalan
"http://download.microsoft.com/download/D/F/C/DFCC90EE-FC55-4EC3-8618-7A2ED0B6F20F/ServerLanguagePack.exe" = "zh"; #Chinese Simplified
"http://download.microsoft.com/download/5/D/E/5DE5B04D-DA7E-41DD-8BB5-FE7BF02630B8/ServerLanguagePack.exe" = "zh-ch"; #Chinese Traditional
"http://download.microsoft.com/download/B/6/B/B6B2439C-EB60-4361-AB83-71CB6B890ADE/ServerLanguagePack.exe" = "hr"; #Croatian
"http://download.microsoft.com/download/7/B/6/7B67B8FC-81C6-446A-9681-897C0888D592/ServerLanguagePack.exe" = "cs"; #Czech
"http://download.microsoft.com/download/C/D/7/CD76DD3E-95E4-4504-93CF-F7CD6D8B7CF5/ServerLanguagePack.exe" = "cs"; #Danish
"http://download.microsoft.com/download/D/8/C/D8C7212B-6DFE-439D-B7D6-EFB35D66041E/ServerLanguagePack.exe" = "nl-nl"; #Dutch
"http://download.microsoft.com/download/1/7/F/17F6BB3B-662F-4555-9760-DB44D3B3F6A4/ServerLanguagePack.exe" = "en-us"; #English
"http://download.microsoft.com/download/4/4/6/446DDD4D-DC67-4663-B7C5-CCFA79316703/ServerLanguagePack.exe" = "et"; #Estonian
"http://download.microsoft.com/download/1/1/6/116C7960-6DFB-468E-BBCB-15E8706783F3/ServerLanguagePack.exe" = "fi"; #Finnish
"http://download.microsoft.com/download/8/0/B/80B8DB8F-D863-4DD9-98E0-A3698510EF13/ServerLanguagePack.exe" = "fr-fr"; #French
"http://download.microsoft.com/download/D/0/F/D0FE84CB-B591-4D5E-9406-CBA2476D4A94/ServerLanguagePack.exe" = "gl"; #Galician
"http://download.microsoft.com/download/7/3/8/738597D9-2817-46D7-8F70-7FBBEE73ABCF/ServerLanguagePack.exe" = "de-de"; #German
"http://download.microsoft.com/download/5/F/0/5F03CC80-D10A-43D5-AA1D-E84C6C077E2C/ServerLanguagePack.exe" = "el"; #Greek
"http://download.microsoft.com/download/D/1/0/D10A5EC6-6C6B-4C4B-9FF1-A662B397E850/ServerLanguagePack.exe" = "he"; #Hebrew
"http://download.microsoft.com/download/7/9/5/795A36AA-D414-4D67-A84D-6815D2FB5A88/ServerLanguagePack.exe" = "hi"; #Hindi
"http://download.microsoft.com/download/F/D/B/FDB09771-D7FF-4123-A66D-2F0A58687E90/ServerLanguagePack.exe" = "hu"; #Hungarian
"http://download.microsoft.com/download/A/8/4/A843E91B-7AEE-47B4-A144-49F525DEBD9D/ServerLanguagePack.exe" = "it-it"; #Italian
"http://download.microsoft.com/download/9/4/D/94DDA001-2059-4F02-8810-8662C1098F8D/ServerLanguagePack.exe" = "ja"; #Japanese
"http://download.microsoft.com/download/F/C/D/FCD57DCD-2BFB-4638-94A3-583AD688CB4D/ServerLanguagePack.exe" = "kk"; #Kazakh
"http://download.microsoft.com/download/B/9/D/B9DB186A-8126-49A9-AFA8-C6D63F12AA40/ServerLanguagePack.exe" = "ko"; #Korean
"http://download.microsoft.com/download/3/E/D/3EDD2930-7BEC-4490-B917-7A49CBA7C5E5/ServerLanguagePack.exe" = "lv"; #Latvian
"http://download.microsoft.com/download/E/E/E/EEE0F34F-94D1-4202-B0D0-213C93E20536/ServerLanguagePack.exe" = "lt"; #Lithuanian
"http://download.microsoft.com/download/D/5/9/D596FB84-8ED3-44A4-88D1-FDD4798E226A/ServerLanguagePack.exe" = "no-no"; #Norwegian
"http://download.microsoft.com/download/B/F/1/BF1F45F4-44A8-453D-882D-03BAC1F6A0B5/ServerLanguagePack.exe" = "pl"; #Polish
"http://download.microsoft.com/download/6/9/F/69F59A23-C22F-4B22-9D72-790E84F6070E/ServerLanguagePack.exe" = "pt-br"; #Portugese (Brazil)
"http://download.microsoft.com/download/0/E/F/0EF8F011-89A6-43AE-BD52-090918750432/ServerLanguagePack.exe" = "pt-pt"; #Portugese (Portugal)
"http://download.microsoft.com/download/8/8/0/880A4C0E-25CA-43B5-84EF-A788FA462AB2/ServerLanguagePack.exe" = "ro"; #Romanian
"http://download.microsoft.com/download/2/6/D/26D339A3-0304-4B66-8062-98BDC0E0D413/ServerLanguagePack.exe" = "ru"; #Russian
"http://download.microsoft.com/download/F/D/2/FD2B1BA8-9841-46F9-A4A7-B97294554249/ServerLanguagePack.exe" = "sr-sp"; #Serbian (Latin)
"http://download.microsoft.com/download/0/E/7/0E7A8426-7797-48F9-B396-AA96ADD1D899/ServerLanguagePack.exe" = "sk"; #Slovak
"http://download.microsoft.com/download/0/3/5/035FD96F-04B1-4461-B8E9-6492654C8549/ServerLanguagePack.exe" = "sl"; #Slovenian
"http://download.microsoft.com/download/0/D/5/0D547EA0-C094-4D06-BE15-F5111A1D4642/ServerLanguagePack.exe" = "es-mx" #Spanish
"http://download.microsoft.com/download/5/2/9/5296BCC9-F0ED-461F-9E22-8A816DEC75C8/ServerLanguagePack.exe" = "sv-se"; #Swedish
"http://download.microsoft.com/download/E/E/A/EEA4DC8B-4979-44C5-AF5E-E326DA04661C/ServerLanguagePack.exe" = "th"; #Thai
"http://download.microsoft.com/download/2/1/1/2118AF0D-A747-486E-A5BB-6B35E5588247/ServerLanguagePack.exe" = "tr"; #Turkish
"http://download.microsoft.com/download/5/9/D/59DEC052-7E29-4F40-A27A-9AA94A8AAA1A/ServerLanguagePack.exe" = "uk" #Ukranian
ForEach ($Url in $UrlList.Keys)
$languageCode = $UrlList[$Url]
$DestFileName = $Url.Split('/')[-1]
$LanguageDestFolder = "$DestFolder\$languageCode"
New-Item -ItemType Directory $LanguageDestFolder -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
## Check if destination file already exists
If (!(Test-Path "$LanguageDestFolder\$DestFileName"))
## Begin download
Start-BitsTransfer -Source $Url -Destination $LanguageDestFolder\$DestFileName -DisplayName "Downloading `'$DestFileName`' to $LanguageDestFolder" -Priority High -Description "From $Url..." -ErrorVariable err
If ($err) {Throw ""}
Write-Host " - File $DestFileName already exists, skipping..."
Write-Warning " - An error occurred downloading `'$DestFileName`'"
## View the downloaded files in Windows Explorer
Invoke-Item $DestFolder
## Pause
Write-Host "- Downloads completed, press any key to exit..."
$null = $host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown")
I am working as a sharepoint developer and would like to see the size of the content database is now and also need to find out how many sites we have created so far. CAn anyone please help me find out this information. we don't have administrator, but i have admin previlages.
If you can run stsadm (as you say in your comment), that means you have admin access, so you can run this in powershell
[Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("Microsoft.SharePoint") | out-null
$prop_Name = [Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPContentDatabase].GetProperty("Name")
$prop_DiskSizeRequired = [Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPContentDatabase].GetProperty("DiskSizeRequired")
$prop_Sites = [Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPContentDatabase].GetProperty("Sites")
[Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPFarm]::Local.Services |? {
$_.GetType().FullName -eq "Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPWebService"
} |% {
$_.WebApplications |% {
$_.ContentDatabases |% {
$prop_Name.GetValue($_, $null)
$prop_Sites.GetValue($_, $null).Count
$prop_DiskSizeRequired.GetValue($_, $null)
SPWebService service = SPFarm.Local.Services.GetValue<SPWebService>();
foreach (SPWebApplication webapp in service.WebApplications)
Console.WriteLine("WebApplication : " + webapp.Name);
foreach (SPContentDatabase db in webapp.ContentDatabases)
Console.WriteLine("{0}, Nb Sites : {1}, Size : {2}, ", db.Name, db.Sites.Count, db.DiskSizeRequired);
note that "DiskSizeRequired" is the amount of disk space that is required for a backup.
I have a POSH script that sets a user's access to a specific folder for some files to read.
The user's group gets assigned to the folder (which happens to be the same name).
I then created a new view, set it to default, and told it to display all files without folders.
This script has been working perfectly for 4 months but now some people want to use the mobile view and I am running into an issue. If a user does not have read access from the root directory to the folder in question, SharePoints mobile view will not show the folder.
For example the user has the following permissions set:
Limited Access on the root
Limited Access on the Alpha folder
Read access to the folder under Alpha
I need to make it so a user can view this in the mobile view.
Here is my code:
#region Start
# Create Connection to stopwatch diagnostics
[Void][System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch] $sw;
# New Stopwatch object
$sw = New-Object System.Diagnostics.StopWatch;
# Stop any watches that might be running
[int]$a = 0;
# Which folders to assign
[array]$sections = "Alpha","Bravo","Charlie","Delta";
#region The meat and potatoes
foreach ($section in $sections) {
#region get the Directories
$pathtowd = "\\path\to\webdav\$section"; # UNC Path to the pivots
$dirs = Get-ChildItem $pathtowd | Where-Object { $_.Attributes -band [System.IO.FileAttributes]::Directory }
#region Connect to SharePoint
$SPSite = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite("http://sharepoint"); # Connect to SharePoint
$OpenWeb = $SpSite.OpenWeb("/Downloads"); # Subsite of downloads
[int]$i = 0; # Integer to increment
foreach ($dir in $dirs) {
$verify_groups = $OpenWeb.groups | ? {$_.Name -eq "$dir"; } # Verify the groups
if ($verify_groups -ne $null) {
if ($dir.ToString() -eq $verify_groups.ToString()) {
$i++; # Increment the groups
Write-Host "[", $sw.Elapsed.ToString(), "] -",$dir -F Green; # Output status
$path = "http://sharepoint/Downloads/Pivots/$section/" + $dir; # Set the Path
$spc = $OpenWeb.SiteGroups; # SharePoint connection
$group = $spc[$dir]; # Directory
$roleAssignment = New-Object Microsoft.SharePoint.SPRoleAssignment($group); # Role Assignment connection
$OpenWeb.GetFolder($path).Item.BreakRoleInheritance("true"); # Break inheritance
$roleAssignment.RoleDefinitionBindings.Add($OpenWeb.RoleDefinitions["Read"]);# Set permissions
$OpenWeb.GetFolder($path).Item.RoleAssignments.Add($roleAssignment); # Add the role
else { Write-Host "[", $sw.Elapsed.ToString(), "] -", $verify_groups " is empty"; }
Write-Host '[' $sw.Elapsed.ToString() '] - found '$i' Folders' -f Red; # Output Status
$SPSite.Dispose(); # Dispose the connection
$a = $a+$i; # Total Folders
$sw.Stop(); # Stop the timer
[string]$howlong = $sw.Elapsed.ToString(); # How long
write-host "Updated in Time: " $howlong -F Green; # Last message
Found it. Took 4 hours straight of trial and error but it works. Hope this helps someone else out as well. Place before $OpenWeb.GetFolder($path).Item.Update();
$returnGroups = $OpenWeb.GetFolder($path).Item.RoleAssignments | `
where {`
($_.RoleDefinitionBindings -eq $OpenWeb.RoleDefinitions["Limited Access"]) -and `
($_.RoleDefinitionBindings -notcontains $OpenWeb.RoleDefinitions["Read"])`
if ($returnGroups -not $null)
foreach ($item in $returnGroups)
Write-Host "Removing: " $item.Member;
Using Powershell 1.0 under Windows Server 2003 with IIS 6.
I have about 200 sites that I would like to change the IP address for (as listed in the website properties on the "website" tab in the "Web site identification" section "IP address" field.
I found this code:
$site = [adsi]"IIS://localhost/w3svc/$siteid"
$site.ServerBindings.Insert($site.ServerBindings.Count, ":80:$hostheader")
How can I do something like this but:
Loop through all the sites in IIS
Not insert a host header value, but change an existing one.
The following PowerShell script should help:
$oldIp = ""
$newIp = ""
# Get all objects at IIS://Localhost/W3SVC
$iisObjects = new-object `
foreach($site in $iisObjects.psbase.Children)
# Is object a website?
if($site.psbase.SchemaClassName -eq "IIsWebServer")
$siteID = $site.psbase.Name
# Grab bindings and cast to array
$bindings = [array]$site.psbase.Properties["ServerBindings"].Value
$hasChanged = $false
$c = 0
foreach($binding in $bindings)
# Only change if IP address is one we're interested in
if($binding.IndexOf($oldIp) -gt -1)
$newBinding = $binding.Replace($oldIp, $newIp)
Write-Output "$siteID: $binding -> $newBinding"
$bindings[$c] = $newBinding
$hasChanged = $true
# Only update if something changed
$site.psbase.Properties["ServerBindings"].Value = $bindings
# Comment out this line to simulate updates.
Write-Output "Committed change for $siteID"
Write-Output "========================="