MVC practices through Node? - node.js

I'm a front-end developer with a desire to learn more on functional programming and template engine processing through JavaScrit.
I'm currently learning the Node platform, which I initiate through Visual Studio Code terminal to build custom JavaScript apps. But I want to take Node further. Does Node provide any good resources on building an MVC (Model View Controller) like applications?
Just to give a little background, I just finished a course in MVC 5 for ASP.NET (which I really enjoyed through Visual Studio 2017), but would like something similar to that which is JavaScript based.
Thanks for any recommended resources! I want to make sure what I am diving into gives me the end goal I am looking for.
Thanks again!

On top of node.js you can use different frameworks, one of the most important is express but there are many others, look at nodeframework.
Then I suggest to use some best practices. Personally I've found really useful the following for express:


CRUD in Electron

Could you please give me a piece of advice about how to implement CRUD or DB(PouchDB) modifications using FORMs or any other efficient way in Electron?
The point is I would like whole application to behave as desktop tool and it seems to be possible in Electron. However I cannot determine the best way to do this especially if I would like to add to nice eye-candy tricks to make UX as smooth as possible.
First of all electron is not responsible for the visual appearance of your application. It is a framework which wraps your webapp into a desktop application.
That means you need to use standard web technologies (html/js/css) to create your site including 'eye-candy' and animations.
My suggestion is to do a tutorial which explains how to connect electron with a javascript framework like angular. If this is running you can attach a database and all the hot shizzle afterwards.
This tutorial is very good and well explained:

MVC approach in Node.js

Currently I am working on Node.js using the MVC type of model, as it is easier to segregate the code into modules.
What I am looking for is a better approach apart from MVC, so that the code can be easily debugged and understandable.
Please advise.
I've used quite a few different frameworks but I've always found Sails.js to be the best MVC Framework for Node, easy to learn and offers a lot, its basically express with a lot of middleware but they make creating Controllers, Models and what not very easy with their CLI, you can check our more here:

New to coding trying to learn JS and node . . . do I need an IDE or will Sails.js do it all?

I'm completely new to coding and I'm wondering if I will need an IDE or text editor if I'm using something like Sails.js (a real time MVC framework) in the attempt to build a node app. It seems like the IDE/text editor functionality is built into Sails.js. For more on Sails (
Btw, I'm not looking to grow into a CTO but rather I'm a DiY entrepreneur that wants to build an MVP and go about building a team or raising money with prototype in hand. I care nothing for learning great practice or fundamentals of programming besides what's pragmatic for the express goal of building an MVP as I have no interest in being a career programmer. Having said that, I'd like my MVP to work and I don't want to do something dumb either.
Thank you for the guidance!
Sails is a web framework. You will need some kind of text editor in order to write code to handle each request. I suggest you start a level up and learn the basics of what a language is and how it plays into building an app before you select a framework or runtime.
Something like can get you started.

existing frameworks for a questionnaire style app for web and mobile

I have a project where I can work on rails or nodejs to build a questionnaire style app, where the admin can post questions, check for top score, average scores and the user can take the questions. I have a basic knowledge on both rails and node but not good enough to build a fully functional app. I am working on it, but would like to know any good frameworks that would help me make the building process quicker, either in rails or nodejs. I did come across devise and surveyor in rails. please do suggest good starting points or other frameworks that would be useful in both rails or nodejs.
How about using sth like
This is a purely (client) javascript framework (using MVC frameworks underneath, like Angular).
On server-side one would only need to validate and save the data.

What backend can I use to setup breeze properly on a mac?

I would like to develop an AngularJS app with Breeze. I usually use NodeJS with Express but I hear it wont work with Breeze. All the example on use ASP.Net but i am on a mac and you can't run visual studio... What are my options ?
We are releasing a sample later today (in breeze v1.3.0) that shows Breeze talking to an arbitrary web service that could have been written on any platform using any technology.
Obviously, we need more of these examples and as importantly we need to show server side implementations of how one might write these web servivces to best leverage Breeze. But... this is all definitely on our roadmap, and we are actively looking for partners in this process.
