I was running IMB-MPI1 pingpong test job with OpenMPI 2.1.2a. However, I got an error which says:
UCX ERROR UCP version is incompatible, required: 1.2, actual: 1.3 (release 0)
I didn't know what UCX and UCP is, and how should I do in order to solve this problem. Please help.
UCX is an abstraction layer for high performance communications, used by Infiniband among other interconnects.
You likely upgraded this library without Open MPI knowing it.
The first step would be to rebuild Open MPI from the sources.
Recently migrated from commons-lang-2.6 to commons-lang3.12.0, getting below error: org.apache.commons.lang.exception.NestableException
How to resolve that?
Facing this issue as apache has taken support from Nestableexception in commons-lang3
moreover your java version might be older. They have used java 5 in lowest version of commons-lang3, and in version: commons-lang3.12.0.jar, they have used java 8+
So, if you want to update commons-lang, need to upgrade jdk also. Thats the only solution.
(see under nested exception)
I am using REDHAWK 2.0.5, and I am attempting to launch a domain using the instructions in section '11.1.1 Launching a Domain' of the REDHAWK documentation:
I receive the following error after clicking OK in step 3 when attempting to register the GPP device on the Domain Manager:
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost:exception_detail::clone_impl<boost::exception_detail::error_info_injector<boost::bad_lexical_cast> >'
what(): bad lexical cast: source type value could not be interpreted as target
Does anyone have experience with this issue? Or, any suggestions about what the cause might be?
This sounds like it could be an issue with the version of boost libraries you have installed. Can you tell me which linux flavor and version you're using, and how you installed the Redhawk framework itself?
Trying to use the nsocr (an OCR based application) shared library namely libjnsocr.so & it works successfully on a Ubuntu system. When running the same on a RHEL 5.1 box, I get an error as
ERROR_DLLNOTLOADED 0x70010002 or Cannot find or load the "NSOCR.dll" file.
One of the issues that might be the source is that Ubuntu runs on a recent version of Linux kernel i.e. 4.2 whereas the server where I am running the program is on kernel version 2.6 which is very old.
Please let me know if there is some way to make this file compatible for the older kernel. Appreciate any other inputs.
When running the same on a RHEL 5.1 box, I get an error as
... Would probably work if you used like Ubuntu 7.04 to create the
libraries / the application.
Say libjnsocr.so depends on e.g. libc6 version 2.11 or later. Redhat 5 has glibc-2.5 ( = libc6-2.5 ) : No chance that any contemporary application can work.
Every time go to run the Linux Version of Eclipse Luna SR2, it just stops at the little Splash Screen (The window that comes up before you select your work space) and it just stays like that for about 30 seconds, and then closes. Any help please?
It generates this error log which is found Here
New Answer: This is a known bug and a workaround that has fixed the issue in at least one case is to run
export SWT_GTK3=0
before starting Eclipse. See https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=430736 for more information. If this workaround does not fix your issue make sure GTK3 is installed and upgrade glibc to at least version 2.14 to ensure Eclipse uses it. Apparently when Eclipse detects an older glibc it tries to use GTK2. If none of these suggestions fix your issue you should submit a bug report at http://bugreport.java.com/bugreport/crash.jsp to work it out with the Eclipse development team and also to help inform other people about it.
#ElectroMan - This got too long for a comment. Yes, the error log says the same thing. That means you are running Java 6, "JRE version: 6.0_34-b34" according to the log. I suggest you try running Java 8 or at least Java 7. Java SE 8u40 is the current release from Oracle and it can be downloaded for 64 bit Linux from a link on http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk8-downloads-2133151.html. It is best to use the latest Oracle release and get away from the OpenJDK version, especially one that is two major releases outdated. However, if you opt for Java 7 its final release is available at http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk7-downloads-1880260.html. You should be able to install either in a non-default location and keep OpenJDK 1.6.0_34 as your main version of Java on your platform. Eclipse can be configured to use Java 8 or 7 after it is installed by project or as its default for all new projects, but the main thing is to tell it to use Java 8 or 7 when it runs, since it is a Java application. Some instructions for this are at http://www.cs.umd.edu/eclipse/install_java8_luna.html. One of the main reasons for upgrading from Eclipse Kepler to Luna is to get built-in Java 8 support. Another option is to follow the instructions in the error log and file a bug report at http://www.cs.umd.edu/eclipse/install_java8_luna.html and wait for a reply. Or maybe there is already a new Luna update and you could try it.
Has anyone managed to compile mod_spnego 0.2.0 for Apache 2.4 HTTP Server running on Windows? I would really like to use mod_auth_kerb 5.4, but from what I've read, it's almost hopeless to compile on Windows.
I am currently running Apache HTTP Server 2.4.3 on a Windows 2008 R2 box. I'm tring to compile mod_spnego using Visual Studio 2012 and I think that I'm almost there, but I keep getting the following error:
mod_spnego.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _ap_requires
Apparently, the ap_requires() function is no longer supported in Apache 2.4.
I've Googled this issue and the best response that I can find is as follows:
It needs to register an auth provider. As a simple example, compare
the 2.2 and 2.4 versions of the bundled module mod_authz_dbm.c.
To be honest, I have no idea as to how I should proceed. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Any ideas on mod_auth_kerb?
I ended with heavily modifying mod_spnego as the original version was far too unstable. It's now available at https://github.com/ibauersachs/mod_spnego, but it still uses ap_requires.
According to the 2.4 release notes, ap_requires should be replaced by registering a "Require" with ap_register_auth_provider. If you know a bit of C, implementing this should be far easier inside my modified version than in the original version.