Active Admin plugin for Rails5 bug - activeadmin

So I have a rails page that's being controlled by a controller:
def update(options={}, &block) {....... super }
and "wrong number of arguments (given 2, expected 1)" is returned when super call gets executed. This never happened in Rail4. Any clues?


What is the PySpin equivalent of the PyCapture2 camera Power ON function/method?

I am searching for a method to test if the camera is on for PTG camera.
In PyCapture2 the below code works but the presumed PySpin cam.DeviceConnectionStatus() will not work because the function seems not to be present.
PySpin Camera library version:
The Error:
Error: Spinnaker: GenICam::AccessException= Feature not present (reference not valid) : AccessException thrown (file 'IEnumerationT.h', line 341) [-2006]
(False, SpinnakerException("Spinnaker: GenICam::AccessException= Feature not present (reference not valid) : AccessException thrown (file 'IEnumerationT.h', line 341) [-2006]"))
I've tried also PySpin.Camera.DeviceConnectionStatus() but it gives the following error whether prior or after cam.Init():
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 82, in YZ
print (PySpin.Camera.DeviceConnectionStatus())
TypeError: 'property' object is not callable
Working PyCapture2 code:
def cameraOn(self, cam):
# Power on the Camera
cameraPower = 0x610
powerVal = 0x80000000
cam.writeRegister(cameraPower, powerVal)
# Waiting for camera to power up
retries = 10
timeToSleep = 0.1 #seconds
for i in range(retries):
regVal = cam.readRegister(cameraPower)
except PyCapture2.Fc2error: # Camera might not respond to register reads during powerup.
awake = True
if regVal == powerVal:
awake = False
if not awake:
print ("Could not wake Camera. Exiting...")
As it seems there is an IsValid() function available from the CameraBase() class in the PySpin/Spinnaker library. This function returns either the bool True once a connection could be made, communication was successful and the camera is still valid for use or a "False" respectively. However, this function does not turn the camera ON or OFF. Nor does it power from a sleep/wake state.
For unknown reasings the IsValid() function does not report back tracebacks for logging or debug purpose. So keep in mind to implement try/except for certain methods.
... your code ...
except PySpin.SpinnakerException as error:
print('Error: %s' % error)
return False, error

How to automatically handle DialogBoxShowing event in Python(Revit Dynamo)?

How do I subscribe to Revit events in Python (Dynamo)?
Specifically DialogBoxShowing so I can see if it is "Export with Temporary Hide/Isolate" warning and select "Leave the Temporary Isolate Mode on and Export"?
It is done in C# here:
See sub-heading: Handling and Dismissing a Warning Message
To make it more simple than in the tutorial :
Inside Revit, with RevitPythonShell, the event subscribing part can be very easy.
An event handler is just a callable with two arguments : senderand event. Then the event, or the sender gives parameters to play with, DialogId and OverrideResultin our case.
To keep the Building Coder example, let's go with :
def on_dialog_open(sender, event):
if event.DialogId == 'TaskDialog_Really_Print_Or_Export_Temp_View_Modes':
# 1001 call TaskDialogResult.CommandLink1
# 1002 call TaskDialogResult.CommandLink2
# int(TaskDialogResult.CommandLink2) to check the result
except Exception as e:
pass #print(e) # uncomment this to debug
You only need to plug this function to an event with the following syntax :
__uiControlledApplication__.DialogBoxShowing += on_dialog_open
This can be done in the startup file of RevitPythonShell :
(Or in the startup part of your addin)
The better way is to unregister the handler if you don't need it anymore, i.e. when Revit is closing (check the tutorial for more details) :
__uiControlledApplication__.DialogBoxShowing -= on_dialog_open
If you want to try this within the console, you can use :
def on_dialog_open(sender, event):
# [...]
__revit__.DialogBoxShowing += on_dialog_open
And after you try an export:
__revit__.DialogBoxShowing -= on_dialog_open
EDIT : shortcuts for result commands (thanks Callum !)
('Cancel', 2)
('Close', 8)
('CommandLink1', 1001)
('CommandLink2', 1002)
('CommandLink3', 1003)
('CommandLink4', 1004)
('No', 7)
('None', 0)
('Ok', 1)
('Retry', 4)
('Yes', 6)
To answer your first question. Try to read this tutorial from Pierre Moureu :
He his subscribing to a IUpdater.
(sorry not enough reputation to add this as comment to the response by PRMoureu...)
To expand on handling Dialogs a little...
Subscribing to DialogBoxShowing is hugely powerful, we have just rolled out a Dialog Suppressor to silence the ever-frustrating 'Would you like to join walls to the floor you just made' and 'Would you like to attach these walls to the roof'. It can also be used to see what errors users are commonly getting etc.
To investigate a Dialogs message text: event.Message
To reply 'Cancel' to the Dialog: event.OverrideResult(0)
To reply 'Yes' to the Dialog: event.OverrideResult(1)
To reply 'OK' to the Dialog: event.OverrideResult(6)

Lua script unable to detect/catch error while executing invalid linux command

I have the following function that works fine as long as I give it a valid command to execute. As soon as I give it a non-existent command, the script is interrupted with an error message.
function exec_com(com)
local ok,res=pcall(function() return io.popen(com) end)
if ok then
local tmp=res:read('*a')
return ok,tmp
return ok,res
local st,val=exec_com('uptime')
print('Executed "uptime" with status:'..tostring(st)..' and value:'..val)
print('Executed "zzzz" with status:'..tostring(st)..' and value:'..val)
When I run the script above I get the following output:
Executed "uptime" with status:true and value: 18:07:38 up 1 day, 23:00, 3 users, load average: 0.37, 0.20, 0.20
sh: zzzz: command not found
Executed "zzzz" with status:true and value:
You can clearly see above that pcall() function still reported success when executing "zzzz" which is odd.
Can someone help me devise a way to catch an exception when executing a non-existent or ill-formed Linux command using Lua script? Thanks.
Edit: Restated my request after getting the clarification that pcall() works as expected, and the problem is due to popen() failing to throw an error.
I use a method which is similar to your "temporary workaround" but which gives you more information:
local cmd = "uptime"
local f = io.popen(cmd .. " 2>&1 || echo ::ERROR::", "r")
local text = f:read "*a"
if text:find "::ERROR::" then
-- something went wrong
print("error: " .. text)
-- all is fine!!
If you look at io.popen(), you'll see that it'll always return a file handle.
Starts program prog in a separated process and returns a file handle
that you can use to read data from this program (if mode is "r", the
default) or to write data to this program (if mode is "w").
Since, a file handle returned is still a valid value for lua, the pcall(), your local function inside the pcall is returning a true value (and an error is not being propagated); thereby, giving you a true status and no output.
I have come up with my own temporary workaround that pipes the error to /dev/null and determines the success/failure of executed command based on the text received from io.popen():read('*a') command.
Here is my new code:
function exec_com(com)
local res=io.popen(com..' 2>/dev/null')
local tmp=res:read('*a')
if string.len(tmp)>0 then
return true,tmp
return false,'Error executing command: '
local st,val=exec_com('uptime')
print('Executed "uptime" with status:'..tostring(st)..' and value:'..val)
st,val=exec_com('cat /etc/shadow')
print('Executed "cat /etc/shadow" with status:'..tostring(st)..' and value:'..val)
And the corresponding output is now correct:
Executed "uptime" with status:true and value: 00:10:11 up 2 days, 5:02, 3 users, load average: 0.01, 0.05, 0.19
Executed "cat /etc/shadow" with status:false and value:Error executing command: cat /etc/shadow
In my example above I am creating a "generic" error description. This is an intermediate fix and I am still interested in seeing alternative solutions that can return a more meaningful error message describing why the command failed to execute.
Rather than taking the time reading the whole file into a variable, why not just check if the file is empty with f:read(0)?
Local f = io.popen("NotExist")
if not f:read(0) Then
for l in st:lines() do
error("Command Does Not Exist")
From the lua Manual:
As a special case, works as a test for end of file: It returns an empty string if there is more to be read or nil otherwise.

Watir implicit_wait doesn't seem to work

We are currently using watir-webdriver (0.6.2) with firefox to run acceptance tests.
Our tests take a long time to run, and often fail with timeout errors.
We wanted to decrease the timeout time, for them to fail faster.
We tried:
browser ="firefox")
However, we are still experiencing 30s timeouts.
We couldn't find any documentation or question regarding this issue. Does anyone know how to configure Watir waiting timeouts properly?
It depends exactly what you mean by 'timeout'. AFAIK there are three different definitions of timeout commonly discussed when talking about Watir-Webdriver:
How long does the browser wait for a page to load?
How long does Watir-Webdriver explicitly wait before considering an element 'not present' or 'not visible' when told to wait via the '.when_present' function
How long does Watir-Webdriver implicitly wait for an object to appear before considering an element 'not present' or 'not visible' (when not waiting via explicitly call see #2)
#1: Page load
Justin Ko is right that you can set page load timeout as described if your goal is to modify that, though it looks like the canonical way to do that is to set the client timeout before creating the browser and passing it to the browser on creation:
client =
client.timeout = 180 # seconds – default is 60
b = :firefox, :http_client => client
- Alistair Scott, 'How do I change the page load Timeouts in Watir-Webdriver'
#2: Explicit timeout
But I think #p0deje is right in saying you are experiencing explicit timeouts, though it's not possible to say for sure without seeing your code. In the below I experienced the explicit declaration overriding the implicit (I am unsure if that's intentional):
b = :firefox
b.driver.manage.timeouts.implicit_wait = 3
puts #=> 2013-11-14 16:24:12 +0000
begin => 'someIdThatIsNotThere')
rescue => e
puts e #=> timed out after 30 seconds, waiting for {:id=>"someIdThatIsNotThere", :tag_name=>"a"} to become present
puts #=> 2013-11-14 16:24:43 +0000
Watir-Webdriver will wait 30 seconds before failure by default thanks to 'when_present'. Alternatively you can say 'when_present(10)' to alter the default and wait 10 seconds. (Watir-Webdriver > Watir::Wait#when_present.) I can not divine any way to do this globally. Unless you find such a thing - and please tell me if you do - it must be done on each call. :( Edit: Fellow answerer Justin Ko gave me the answer as to how to do what I described above. Edit 2: #jarib added this to Watir, per #justinko in the linked answer: "Update: This monkey patch has been merged into watir-webdriver and so will no longer be needed in watir-webdriver v0.6.5. You will be able to set the timeout using: Watir.default_timeout = 90"
#3 Implicit timeout
The code you provided sets the time Watir-Webdriver will wait for any element to be come present without you explicitly saying so:
b = :firefox
b.driver.manage.timeouts.implicit_wait = 3
puts #=> 2013-11-14 16:28:33 +0000
begin => 'someIdThatIsNotThere')
rescue => e
puts e #=> unable to locate element, using {:id=>"someIdThatIsNotThere", :tag_name=>"a"}
puts #=> 2013-11-14 16:28:39 +0000
The implicit_wait is the amount of time selenium-webdriver tries to find an element before timing out. The default is 0 seconds. By changing it to "3", you are actually increasing the amount of time that it will wait.
I am guessing that you actually want to change the timeout for waiting for the page to load (rather than for finding an element). This can be done with:
browser.driver.manage.timeouts.page_load = 3
For example, we can say to only wait 0 seconds when loading Google:
require 'watir-webdriver'
browser = :firefox
browser.driver.manage.timeouts.page_load = 0
browser.goto ''
#=> Timed out waiting for page load. (Selenium::WebDriver::Error::TimeOutError)
Update: Since Watir 6.5, the default timeout is configurable using
Watir.default_timeout = 3
We experienced the same issue and chose to override Watir methods involving timeouts, namely
Watir::Wait.until { ... }
Watir::Wait.while { ... }
Here is the code, you can put it in your spec_helper.rb if using rspec
# method wrapping technique adapted from
def override_timeout(method_name, new_timeout = 3)
if singleton_methods.include?(method_name)
old_method = singleton_class.instance_method(method_name)
define_singleton_method(method_name) do |timeout = new_timeout, *args, &block|
old_method.bind(self).(timeout, *args, &block)
old_method = instance_method(method_name)
define_method(method_name) do |timeout = new_timeout, *args, &block|
old_method.bind(self).(timeout, *args, &block)
# override default Watir timeout from 30 seconds to 3 seconds
module Watir
module Wait
module EventuallyPresent
override_timeout(:when_present, 5) # 5 secs here
We used answer from to get it working.

Frank Cucumber Test Case Hangs When Using "when I wait" Test

I'm using frank-cucumber to test my iOS app and have run into some problems when my test is of the following form
When I wait to see "OpenButton"
If a UIView with the accessibility label "OpenButton" never shows up, instead of timing out and reporting an error on the test after WAIT_TIMEOUT is hit, cucumber just hangs.
Since I don't see WAIT_TIMEOUT even used in the core_frank_steps.rb I wonder if this is the reason why any test case of the form "When I wait.." will just hang.
Note: core_frank_steps.rb can be found here
# Polls every 0.1s , returns true when element is present
# #param selector [String] Frankly selector e.g. view marked:''
# #param timeout [Int] seconds to wait
def wait_for_element(selector, timeout=10)
#the return value of the yield expression isn't working, so we use a closure
res = nil
wait_until(:timeout => timeout, :message => "Waited for element #{selector} to exist") {
res = element_exists(selector)
The above function helped us get around some of these wait scenarios.
