Excel need to sum distinct id's value - excel

I am struggling to find the sum of distinct id's value. Example given below.
Week TID Ano Points
1 111 ANo1 1
1 112 ANo1 1
2 221 ANo2 0.25
2 222 ANo2 0.25
2 223 ANo2 0.25
2 331 ANo3 1
2 332 ANo3 1
2 333 ANo3 1
2 999 Ano9 0.25
2 998 Ano9 0.25
3 421 ANo4 0.25
3 422 ANo4 0.25
3 423 ANo4 0.25
3 531 ANo5 0.5
3 532 ANo5 0.5
3 533 ANo5 0.5
From the above data i need to bring the below result. Could anyone help please using some excel formula?
Week Points_Sum
1 1
2 1.50
3 0.75

You say "sum of distinct id's value"? All the IDs are different so I'm assuming you want to sum for each different "Ano" within the week?
confirmed with CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER
where F2 contains a specific week number
Assumes that each "Ano" will always have the same points value

Probably not the most efficient solution... but this array formula works:
= SUMPRODUCT(IF($A$2:$A$15=$F2,$D$2:$D$15),1/MMULT((IF($A$2:$A$15=$F2,$D$2:$D$15)=
Note this is an array formula, so you have to press Ctrl+Shift+Enter after typing this formula instead of just Enter.
See working example below. This formula is in cell G2 and dragged down.


How to multiply B1 with C1, B2 with C2, Bn with Cn and Sum them?

This is my sheet:
Goods Type Quantity / Geram Gold Price 750K Price of Exchange
Gold 100 1,554.00 0
Silver 500 235.00 0
Euro 200 0.00 1.01
Pond 50 0.00 0.97
Gold 100 1,554.00 0
Silver 500 235.00 0
Euro 200 0.00 1.00
Pond 50 0.00 0.99
I want to do to this:
If Goods Type is Gold: multiply Quantity / Geram by Gold Price.
In my case it should be: (100 * 1554) + (100 * 1554) = 310800, and if I add more entries in the future, it should add more.
I have this cell in my current sheet: If Goods Type is Gold, then sumif all Quantity / Geram in another cell which is now 200.
Use SUMPRODUCT: sumproduct
It multiplies TRUE/FALSE (result of A2:A9="Gold") with quantity and price and sums everything (in this case = 155400 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 15540 + 0 + 0 + 0))
Adjust ranges to your data.
You can make a SumProduct() for three columns, so you can create an IF() formula for getting 1 in case of "Gold" and 0 else. This leads to following kind of formula:
See following screenshot:

How to multiply each row and then sum it with the product in the next row etc

I am trying to calculate total for each month based on Score and Number of occuruencies each month:
Category# Score Jan-18 Feb-18 Mar-18 Apr-18
category1 10 1 5 1 5
category2 8 2 4 2 4
category3 7 3 3 3 3
category4 6 4 0 4 0
category5 5 0 1 0 1
TOTAL 71 108 71 108
In the essence, for January I could type the following formula:
But it is very clumsy, so I am wondering if I could something more elegant and clean
that is what SUMPRODUCT is for
Use SUMPRODUCT. It's exactly what you need:
I replied your data:
The formula I have used is:
After applying to first column (Jan-18), just drag it to the right, and it should return the right values, as you can see in the image.
Hope this helps!

Find nearest positive and negative value to 0 within a table of values

I have the following Excel spreadsheet:
1 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Nearest negative value to 0 -10
2 Asset 1 -50 85 -90 70 Nearest positive value to 0 5
3 Asset 2 -28 -80 -45 60
4 Asset 3 -30 50 55 -10
5 Asset 4 -20 5 -80 -15
6 Asset 5 35 -30 27 -98
In Cells A1:E6 I have different assets with their performance from quarter Q1-Q4. The performance can be positive or negative.
In cell G1 and G2 I want to find the nearest negatvie and positive value to 0 in Cells B2:E6. In this case this would -10 and 5. Therefore, I tried to go with the solution here:
G1 = {MAX(IF($B$2:$E$6<0,1,0)*($B$2:$E$6))}
G2 = {MIN(IF($B$2:$E$6>0,1,0)*($B$2:$E$6))}
However, both formulas give me 0 as a result.
Do you have any idea how to solve this issue?
NOTE: All values in Cells B2:E6 are unique.
For largest negative number
For smallest positive number
You do not need the *:
These are Array formula and need to be confirmed with Ctrl-Shift-Enter.
Along with the AGGREGATE given by Forward Ed if on has Office 365 Excel:

COUNTIFS with 2 different ranges and conditions

I have a table from which I need to count the ammount of specific numbers.
The table is dynamic and can have between 1 to 25 columns where the numbers are and then a code that starts with either a letter, 1 or 2. It has multiple rows too.
What I need is to have formulas to count the ammount of each specific number range if the code starts with the correct character as shown in the example image:
I can't manage to join the condition of the first range being between 2 numbers and the second range starting with a specific character.
The formula should look somewhat like this (count numbers between 200 and 299 with the code starting with 2):
letter 1 2 letter 1 2
100-199 200-299 200-299 2 1 1
300-399 400-499 400-499 3 3 3
500-599 600-699 2 2
700-799 2
1 2 3 4 code
139 307 165 B01
430 2CTE
581 703 PDC
312 354 528 746 GVM7
600 477 1OMC
299 425 413 2LP
231 666 420 433 1MLTQ
put this in F3 then copy over and down:
As per your comments to get everything between 400 and 499 and starts with 2:

Excel - lookup on one column, result from second column

The first three columns exist. I am trying to create a formula for the fourth (HH_ANALYSIS_FLAG).
1001 1 1 0
1002 2 0 0
1003 3 1 0
1004 3 0 0
1005 3 0 0
1006 2 0 0
1007 4 0 0
1008 1 1 0
I have 50,000 accounts. They are flagged as being under analysis with the ACCOUNT_ANALYSIS_FLAG column (0,1). All accounts belong to a household. Multiple accounts can belong to the same household. I need the HH_ANALYSIS_FLAG column to evaluate to true or false (0,1) if any account in the same household is under analysis. So with the above data and a working formula, my spreadsheet would look like so:
1001 1 1 1
1002 2 0 0
1003 3 1 1
1004 3 0 1
1005 3 0 1
1006 2 0 0
1007 4 0 0
1008 1 1 1
The following formula should do the trick. In fact, it will give you the total number of accounts being analysed per household.
2 1001 1 1 =SUMIF(B$2:B$50001, B2, C$2:c$50001)
3 1002 2 0 =SUMIF(B$2:B$50001, B3, C$2:c$50001)
4 1003 3 1 =SUMIF(B$2:B$50001, B4, C$2:c$50001)
For each row this takes selects the set of rows that share the value in the ACC_NUM column (based on the row conaining the formula) and sums together the values in the corresponding ACC_ANALYSIS_FLAG columns. This gives you the total number of accounts under analysis for the given household. Compare the result to 0 if you only need to use it as a boolean value.
Apparently the performance of this isn't up to snuff. However, assuming the the household numbers are all colocated, it should be possible to speed things up significantly by changin to something like the following.
2 1001 1 1 =SUMIF(B2:B5, B2, C2:C5)
3 1002 2 0 =SUMIF(B2:B6, B3, C2:C6)
4 1003 2 0 =SUMIF(B2:B7, B3, C2:C7)
5 1004 2 0 =SUMIF(B2:B8, B3, C2:C8)
6 1005 2 0 =SUMIF(B3:B9, B3, C3:C9)
7 1006 2 0 =SUMIF(B4:B10, B3, C4:C10)
8 1007 2 0 =SUMIF(B5:B11, B3, C5:C11)
9 1008 2 0 =SUMIF(B6:B12, B3, C6:C12)
10 1009 2 0 =SUMIF(B7:B13, B3, C7:C13)
This assumes that there are at most 4 accounts per household, and thus limits the range of the SUMIF to the current cell +/- 3 rows.
To avoid referencing invalid cells you'll the first and last rows have to be treated as special cases. If you need to generate a single forumala for all of these cells I think it should be possible using the OFFSET in combination with MAX, MIN and ROW to generate the appropriate ranges with just a little arithmatic.
Insert another column D (you can hide it later), which is equal to the household number if it is being analyzed, and zero if it is not. The formula for D2 can be =B2*C2. Fill column D with this formula.
Then for your HH_ANALYSIS_FLAG column, you can count the number of values in column D which match the household in column B. The formula would be like IF(COUNTIF(D:D,"="&B2)>0,1,0).
I'm not sure whether this approach is fast enough for the 50,000 accounts, though.
2 1001 1 1 1 (=B2*C2) =IF(COUNTIF(D:D,"="&B2)>0,1,0)
3 1002 2 0 0 (=B3*C3) =IF(COUNTIF(D:D,"="&B3)>0,1,0)
4 1003 3 1 3 (=B4*C4) =IF(COUNTIF(D:D,"="&B4)>0,1,0)
Presuming your HOUSEHOLD_NUMBER column is column B:
should do it.
Kenneth! Try this one:
Assuming your table starts from A1, which means Account_Number is in cell A1, and your target column "HH_ANALYSIS_FLAG" is in column D.
Hope it's helpful
