Vue - npm install vue-custom-element giving Npm error - node.js

I have built a webpack-simple vue starter app.
I then tried to installed this. npm install vue-custom-element --save.
I am getting below error and don't have any idea whats happening here. Why its going for document-register-element package. Was working fine till 2 days before.
Please help for same.


npm vinurabillities wouldn't get fixed when i try to install babel cli

Hey everyone I'm trying to learn react js and I have a problem when I try to write html tags inside js file and based on that I'm trying to install babel cli here's the problem when I try to do
npm install --save-dev #babel/core #babel/cli:
first of all I got a lot of npm vulnerabilities and when I try to do npm audit fix --force nothing changes
here's an image.
And beside to that when I check my package-lock-Jason I find babel dependency
image here.
But even my babel is there in the dependencies it still can't compile the html code.
Please any help I spent a lot of time trying to fix this

issues running npm/npm to create a react app

Hi guys im fairly new to coding, im having trouble with node npm, specifically creating a react app.
When i run npm init, it works but not npm/npx creat-react-app. i have even tried just running create-react-app just to see if it might work.
I have installed nodejs and pasted the path in my environment variables. i have tried npm, npx but no luck.
The error im getting is "npm ERR! code ERR_OSSL_PEM_NO_START_LINE"
"npm ERR! error:0909006C:PEM routines:get_name:no start line"
What could the issue be?
Its the first time i come across this issue.
Please help!!
npm set registry
and again
npx creat-react-app my-app

Nodejs module not found

I'm trying to install on localhost.
I installed nodejs like this:
1. npm install pm2 -g
2. npm install
3. pm2 start C:\xampp\htdocs\server\app.js
Yesterday It was successful and I worked on my project.
But today when I start same file again, I get an error like this;
And I open logs, the message showed:
I'm trying to solve this problem for hours.
I even tried to reinstall Node at least 4-5 times.
Still same problem, please help.
At first glance I would recommend you to run a npm install before starting your app.
We need additional information about your require statement, your package.json dependencies and the full error message.

Error while creating a project in vue

When I do "vue create project_name", I get this error, Click to see the error
Can anyone please help me out to sort this issue? Even I tried reinstalling my node js and vue.
FYI: node version is >10 , npm version >6 and vue >3
OMG! issue got fixed in a single npm command.
npm cache clean --force

Can't install firebase-admin with npm

I'm trying to run this command to install firebase-admin: npm install firebase-admin --save
When I try to run this command, I get the following error:
ENOENT: no such file or directory, rename 'D:\MyPath\functions\node_modules\firebase-admin\node_modules\grpc\node_modules\abbrev' -> 'D:\MyPath\functions\node_modules\firebase-admin\node_modules\grpc\node_modules\.abbrev.DELETE'
I have tried reinstalling Node.js, I have tried uninstalling a previous version of Node.js, I have tried updating npm, I have tried pretty much everything online but nothing is helping. If I run the newest version of Node.js, instead of getting this error, I get the following error:
Error: `C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\bin\msbuild.exe` failed with exit code: 1
I have honestly tried several GitHub threads for people with the same problem but none of their solutions have worked for me, so I am trying here. Can anybody help me with this issue?
Upon further tinkering with this, it looks like I finally solved my issue so i can finally deploy to Firebase. These are the steps I took to solve this problem:
First, I uninstalled firebase-admin using the npm uninstall firebase-admin command.
I reinstalled firebase-adming using the npm install firebase-admin command. This didn't seem to fix my issue, but you never know.
I deleted the firebase-admin directory in the node_modules directory.
I ran npm install
I installed the firebase-admin directory again, this time using npm install firebase-admin --save
I ran firebase deploy and it worked!
I don't know how many of those steps were truly necessary but in the end, it worked.
Try to install it using yarn it will get installed smoothly as I faced the same issue while using npm I ran
yarn add firebase-admin and it got easily installed
