How to setup YARN with Spark in cluster mode - apache-spark

I need to setup spark cluster (1 Master and 2 slaves nodes) on centos7 along with resource manager as YARN. I am new to all this and still exploring. Can somebody share me detailed steps of setting up Spark with Yarn in cluster mode.
Afterwards i have to integrate Livy too(an open source REST interface for using Spark from anywhere).
Inputs are welcome.Thanks

YARN is part of Hadoop. So, a Hadoop installation is necessary to run Spark on YARN.
Check out the page on the Hadoop Cluster Setup.
Then you can utilize the this documentation to learn about Spark on YARN.
Another method to quickly learn about Hadoop, YARN and Spark is to utilize Cloudera Distribution of Hadoop (CDH). Read the CDH 5 Quick Start Guide.

We are currently using the similar setup in aws. AWS EMR is costly hence
we setup our own cluster using ec2 machines with the help of Hadoop Cookbook. The cookbook supports multiple distributions, however we choose HDP.
The setup included following.
Master Setup
Spark (Along with History server)
Yarn Resource Manager
HDFS Name Node
Livy server
Slave Setup
Yarn Node Manager
HDFS Data Node
More information on manually installing can be found in HDP Documentation
You can see the part of that automation in here.


Is it required to install spark on all the nodes of cluster

I am new to Spark and learning the architecture. I understood that spark supports 3 cluster managers such as YARN, Standalone and Mesos.
In yarn cluster mode, Spark driver resides in Resource manager and executors in yarn's Containers of Node manager.
In standalone cluster mode Spark driver resides in master process and executors in slave process.
If my understanding is correct then is it required to install spark on all the node Mangers of Yarn cluster , slave nodes of standalone cluster
If you use yarn as manager on a cluster with multiple nodes you do not need to install spark on each node. Yarn will distribute the spark binaries to the nodes when a job is submitted.
Running Spark on YARN requires a binary distribution of Spark which is built with YARN support. Binary distributions can be downloaded from the downloads page of the project website. To build Spark yourself, refer to Building Spark.
To make Spark runtime jars accessible from YARN side, you can specify spark.yarn.archive or spark.yarn.jars. For details please refer to Spark Properties. If neither spark.yarn.archive nor spark.yarn.jars is specified, Spark will create a zip file with all jars under $SPARK_HOME/jars and upload it to the distributed cache.

Installing Spark/Zeppelin on Standalone node

I have a Cloudera cluster which is being managed by an admin team. However there is no Zeppelin installed in the cluster.
I would like to install Zeppelin on a separate node and connect with the Cloudera cluster?
Is it feasible to install zeppelin on a node which is not part of the cluster and submit spark jobs to it?
Any reference is really appreciated?
Zeppelin is just another Spark client.
For example, on the machine that you want to use Zeppelin on, you should first make sure that spark shell and spark submit work as expected, then Zeppelin configurations become much easier
An easy way to manage that would be to have the admins use Cloudera Manager to install Spark (and Hive and Hadoop) client libraries into this standalone node, then I assume they give you SSH access, or you tell them how to install it

Spark Standalone Cluster :Configuring Distributed File System

I have just moved from a Spark local setup to a Spark standalone cluster. Obviously, loading and saving files no longer works.
I understand that I need to use Hadoop for saving and loading files.
My Spark installation is spark-2.2.1-bin-hadoop2.7
Question 1:
Am I correct that I still need to separately download, install and configure Hadoop to work with my standalone Spark cluster?
Question 2:
What would be the difference between running with Hadoop and running with Yarn? ...and which is easier to install and configure (assuming fairly light data loads)?
A1. Right. The package you mentioned is just packed with hadoop client with specified version and still you need to install hadoop if you want to use hdfs.
A2. Running with yarn means you're using resource manager of spark as yarn. ( So, when the case you don't need DFS, like when you're only running spark streaming applications, you still can install Hadoop but only run yarn processes to use its resource management functionality.

YARN vs Spark processing engine based on real time application?

I understood YARN and Spark. But I want to know when I need to use Yarn and Spark processing engine. What are the different case studies in that I can identify the difference between YARN and Spark?
You cannot compare Yarn and Spark directly per se. Yarn is a distributed container manager, like Mesos for example, whereas Spark is a data processing tool. Spark can run on Yarn, the same way Hadoop Map Reduce can run on Yarn. It just happens that Hadoop Map Reduce is a feature that ships with Yarn, when Spark is not.
If you mean comparing Map Reduce and Spark, I suggest reading this other answer.
Apache Spark can be run on YARN, MESOS or StandAlone Mode.
Spark in StandAlone mode - it means that all the resource management and job scheduling are taken care Spark inbuilt.
Spark in YARN - YARN is a resource manager introduced in MRV2, which not only supports native hadoop but also Spark, Kafka, Elastic Search and other custom applications.
Spark in Mesos - Spark also supports Mesos, this is one more type of resource manager.
Advantages of Spark on YARN
YARN allows you to dynamically share and centrally configure the same pool of cluster resources between all frameworks that run on YARN.
YARN schedulers can be used for spark jobs, Only With YARN, Spark can run against Kerberized Hadoop clusters and uses secure authentication between its processes.
Link for more documentation on YARN, Spark.
We can conclude saying this, if you want to build a small and simple cluster independent of everything go for standalone. If you want to use existing hadoop cluster go for YARN/Mesos.

Unable to add a new service with Cloudera Manager within Cloudera Quickstart VM 5.3.0

I'm using Cloudera Quickstart VM 5.3.0 (running in Virtual Box 4.3 on Windows 7) and I wanted to learn Spark (on YARN).
I started Cloudera Manager. In the sidebar I can see all the services, there is Spark but in standalone mode. So I click on "Add a new service", select "Spark". Then I have to select the set of dependencies for this service, I have no choices I must pick HDFS/YARN/zookeeper.
Next step I have to choose a History Server and a Gateway, I run the VM in local mode so I can only choose localhost.
I click on "Continue" and this error occures (+ 69 traces) :
A server error as occurred. Send the following information to
Path : http://localhost:7180/cmf/clusters/1/add-service/reviewConfig
Version: Cloudera Express 5.3.0 (#155 built by jenkins on
20141216-1458 git: e9aae1d1d1ce2982d812b22bd1c29ff7af355226)
long parameter 'serviceId' is not present at line 738 in
I don't know if an internet connection is needed but I precise that I can't connect to the internet with the VM. (EDIT : Even with an internet connection I get the same error)
I have no ideas how to add this service, I tried with or without gateway, many network options but it never worked. I checked the known issues; nothing...
Someone knows how I can solve this error or how I can work around ? Thanks for any help.
Before I answer your question I'd like to make some general notes about Spark in Cloudera Distribution of Hadoop 5 (CDH5):
Spark runs in three different formats: (1) local, (2) Spark's own stand-alone manager, and (3) other cluster resource managers like Hadoop YARN, Apache Mesos, and Amazon EC2.
Spark works out-of-the-box with CHD 5 for (1) and (2). You can initiate a local
interactive spark session in Scala using the spark-shell command
or pyspark for Python without passing any arguments. I find the interactive Scala and Python
interpreters help learning to program with Resilient Distributed
Datasets (RDDs).
I was able to recreate your error on my CDH 5.3.x distribution. I didn't mean to take credit for the bug you discovered, but I posted to the Cloudera developer community for feedback.
In order to use Spark in the QuickStart pseudo-distributed environment, see if all of the Spark daemons are running using the following command (you can do this inside the Cloudera Manager (CM) UI):
[cloudera#quickstart simplesparkapp]$ sudo service --status-all | grep -i spark
Spark history-server is not running [FAILED]
Spark master is not running [FAILED]
Spark worker is not running [FAILED]
I've manually stopped all of the stand-alone Spark services so we can try to submit the Spark job within Yarn.
In order to run Spark inside a Yarn container on the quick start cluster, we have to do the following:
Set the HADOOP_CONF_DIR to the root of the directory containing the yarn-site.xml configuration file. This is typically /etc/hadoop/conf in CHD5. You can set this variable using the command export HADOOP_CONF_DIR="/etc/hadoop/conf".
Submit the job using spark-submit and specify you are using Hadoop YARN.
spark-submit --class CLASS_PATH --master yarn JAR_DIR ARGS
Check the job status in Hue and compare to the Spark History server. Hue should show the job placed in a generic Yarn container and Spark History should not have a record of the submitted job.
References used:
Learning Spark, Chapter 7
Sandy Ryza's Blog Post on Spark and CDH5
Spark Documentation for Running on Yarn
