I've tried different approaches that I've found on Gatling.io, but my problem still persists.
There's an API which returns a short response in JSON format when I send a GET request.
GET request:
I need to get transaction value from the response and use it in another request.
Next request:
So far I've tried using regex, jsonPath with Int or String values but the result is 0 or None.
This is my scenario code so far:
import io.gatling.core.Predef._
import io.gatling.http.Predef._
class class1 extends Simulation {
val httpProtocol = http
.acceptEncodingHeader("gzip, deflate")
.userAgentHeader("Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Fedora; Linux x86_64)")
val headers = Map(
"Content-Type" -> "application/json")
val uri1 = "http://localhost:port/api/endpoint1"
val uri2 = "http://localhost:port/api/endpoint2"
val scn = scenario("getEndpoint1")
.exec(session => {
val transaction = session("transaction").asOption[String]
}).exec(http("endpoint2").get(uri2 +s"/transaction=${"transaction"}¶meter=8").headers(headers))
If you have any suggestions or see something I'm doing wrong, it will be greatly appreciated.
Having a strange issue while trying to use aiohttp/asyncio with Artifactory REST API.
The strange thing is that the below code works perfectly for 'url_2' but permanently fails with aiohttp.client_exceptions.ClientPayloadError: Response payload is not completed for 'url_1'. As you can see, there is absolutely no difference between these URLs.
import aiohttp
import asyncio
user_name = 'username'
user_password = 'password'
url_1 = 'https://someorg.jfrog.io/someorg/api/storage/repo/folder-xxx' # fails
url_2 = 'https://someorg.jfrog.io/someorg/api/storage/repo/folder-yyy' # works
async def fetch(url, user_name, user_password):
async with aiohttp.ClientSession(auth=aiohttp.BasicAuth(user_name, user_password)) as session:
remote_resp = await session.request("GET", url)
return await remote_resp.json()
r = asyncio.run(fetch(url_1, user_name, user_password))
I am thinking that this has something to do with chunks, as they state it here: https://docs.aiohttp.org/en/stable/client_reference.html#aiohttp.ClientPayloadError
class aiohttp.ClientPayloadError
This exception can only be raised while reading the response payload if one of these errors occurs:
invalid compression
malformed chunked encoding
not enough data that satisfy Content-Length HTTP header.
Literally stuck and have no ideas :(
FYI: duplicated issue to aio-lib at https://github.com/aio-libs/aiohttp/issues/2076
Could anyone point the direction to at least debug and define the root cause?
I am trying to create a new table on Airtable with the aid of the post method. I have the following code :
# importing the requests library
import requests
# defining the api-endpoint
API_ENDPOINT = "https://api.airtable.com/v0/appa3r2UUo4JxpjSv/Table%201?api_key=MYKEY"
# data to be sent to api
data = {
'fields': {
'Name': 'Andromachis Row'
# sending post request and saving response as response object
r = requests.post(url = API_ENDPOINT, data = data)
# extracting response text
Despite that when I run the script I get an error saying:
(mypyth) PS C:\Users\andri\PythonProjects\mypyth> py post_API.py
{"error":{"type":"INVALID_REQUEST_UNKNOWN","message":"Invalid request: parameter validation failed. Check your request data."}}
Does anyone understand why this happens? I am really desperate! Thanks in advance
I wonder how to call REST API from a (groovy) Jenkins workflow script. I can execute "sh 'curl -X POST ...'" - it works, but building the request as a curl command is cumbersome and processing the response gets complicated. I'd prefer a native Groovy HTTP Client to program in groovy - which one should I start with? As the script is run in Jenkins, there is the step of copying all needed dependency jars to the groovy installation on Jenkins, so something light-weight would be appreciated.
Native Groovy Code without importing any packages:
// GET
def get = new URL("https://httpbin.org/get").openConnection();
def getRC = get.getResponseCode();
if(getRC.equals(200)) {
def post = new URL("https://httpbin.org/post").openConnection();
def message = '{"message":"this is a message"}'
post.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json")
def postRC = post.getResponseCode();
if(postRC.equals(200)) {
There is a built in step available that is using Jenkins HTTP Request Plugin to make http requests.
Plugin: https://wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/HTTP+Request+Plugin
Step documentation: https://jenkins.io/doc/pipeline/steps/http_request/#httprequest-perform-an-http-request-and-return-a-response-object
Example from the plugin github page:
def response = httpRequest "http://httpbin.org/response-headers?param1=${param1}"
println('Status: '+response.status)
println('Response: '+response.content)
I had trouble installing the HTTPBuilder library, so I ended up using the more basic URL class to create an HttpUrlConnection.
HttpResponse doGetHttpRequest(String requestUrl){
URL url = new URL(requestUrl);
HttpURLConnection connection = url.openConnection();
//get the request
//parse the response
HttpResponse resp = new HttpResponse(connection);
error("\nGET from URL: $requestUrl\n HTTP Status: $resp.statusCode\n Message: $resp.message\n Response Body: $resp.body");
this.printDebug("Request (GET):\n URL: $requestUrl");
this.printDebug("Response:\n HTTP Status: $resp.statusCode\n Message: $resp.message\n Response Body: $resp.body");
return resp;
* Posts the json content to the given url and ensures a 200 or 201 status on the response.
* If a negative status is returned, an error will be raised and the pipeline will fail.
HttpResponse doPostHttpRequestWithJson(String json, String requestUrl){
return doHttpRequestWithJson(json, requestUrl, "POST");
* Posts the json content to the given url and ensures a 200 or 201 status on the response.
* If a negative status is returned, an error will be raised and the pipeline will fail.
HttpResponse doPutHttpRequestWithJson(String json, String requestUrl){
return doHttpRequestWithJson(json, requestUrl, "PUT");
* Post/Put the json content to the given url and ensures a 200 or 201 status on the response.
* If a negative status is returned, an error will be raised and the pipeline will fail.
* verb - PUT or POST
HttpResponse doHttpRequestWithJson(String json, String requestUrl, String verb){
URL url = new URL(requestUrl);
HttpURLConnection connection = url.openConnection();
connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json");
connection.doOutput = true;
//write the payload to the body of the request
def writer = new OutputStreamWriter(connection.outputStream);
//post the request
//parse the response
HttpResponse resp = new HttpResponse(connection);
error("\n$verb to URL: $requestUrl\n JSON: $json\n HTTP Status: $resp.statusCode\n Message: $resp.message\n Response Body: $resp.body");
this.printDebug("Request ($verb):\n URL: $requestUrl\n JSON: $json");
this.printDebug("Response:\n HTTP Status: $resp.statusCode\n Message: $resp.message\n Response Body: $resp.body");
return resp;
class HttpResponse {
String body;
String message;
Integer statusCode;
boolean failure = false;
public HttpResponse(HttpURLConnection connection){
this.statusCode = connection.responseCode;
this.message = connection.responseMessage;
if(statusCode == 200 || statusCode == 201){
this.body = connection.content.text;//this would fail the pipeline if there was a 400
this.failure = true;
this.body = connection.getErrorStream().text;
connection = null; //set connection to null for good measure, since we are done with it
And then I can do a GET with something like:
HttpResponse resp = doGetHttpRequest("http://some.url");
And a PUT with JSON data using something like:
HttpResponse resp = this.doPutHttpRequestWithJson("{\"propA\":\"foo\"}", "http://some.url");
Have you tried Groovy's HTTPBuilder Class?
For example:
#Grab(group='org.codehaus.groovy.modules.http-builder', module='http-builder', version='0.7.1')
import groovyx.net.http.HTTPBuilder
import static groovyx.net.http.ContentType.*
import static groovyx.net.http.Method.*
def http = new HTTPBuilder("http://api.geonames.org/citiesJSON?north=44.1&south=-9.9&east=-22.4&west=55.2&lang=de&username=demo")
http.request(POST, JSON ) { req ->
body = []
response.success = { resp, reader ->
println "$resp.statusLine Respond rec"
Blocking the main thread on I/O calls is not a good idea.
Delegating the I/O operation to a shell step is the recommended way currently.
The other way, which requires development, is to add a new step. By the way, there is an initiative to add a common set of steps to be used securely inside the pipeline script, although a full REST client owes its own plugin.
Do a GET with the Basic Auth header.
def accessToken = "ACCESS_TOKEN".bytes.encodeBase64().toString()
def req = new URL("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/xxxx/something/hosts").openConnection();
req.setRequestProperty("Authorization", "Basic " + accessToken)
def content = req.getInputStream().getText()
Concerning soapUI and groovy, I'm trying to get assertion (working) and response both in XML into a variable. I get the error
groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.teststeps.WsdlTestRequestStep.getResponseAsXml() is applicable for argument types: () values: [] error at line: 6
I have tried adding import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.teststeps.WsdlTestRequestStep but still cant figure it. I did another attempt with message exchange, also to no avail - from what i understand you can't actually use messageExchange in this particular instance
import com.eviware.soapui.model.testsuite.Assertable.AssertionStatus
def TestCase = testRunner.getTestCase()
def StepList = TestCase.getTestStepList()
if(it.assertionStatus == AssertionStatus.FAILED)
def ass = it.getAssertableContentAsXml()
def res = it.getResponseContentAsXml()
log.error "${it.name} " + "${it.assertionStatus}"
log.info ass + res
If you want to get the response from com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.teststeps.WsdlTestRequestStep, a possible way is first get the testStep from this class using getTestStep() method.
This method returns a object of class com.eviware.soapui.model.testsuite.TestStep, from this object you can get the testSteps properties like request, response, endpoint... using getPropertyValue(java.lang.string) method.
So in your case to get the response use:
def res = it.getTestStep().getPropertyValue('Response')
instead of:
def res = it.getResponseContentAsXml()
As #tim_yates comments the exception description in this case it's pretty clear, so please take a look at the SOAPUI api and at the links provided in the answer for the next time :).
Hope this helps,
I am using groovy RESTClient 0.6 to make a POST request. I expect an XML payload in the response. I have the following code:
def restclient = new RESTClient('<some URL>')
def headers= ["Content-Type": "application/xml"]
def body= getClass().getResource("/new_resource.xml").text
If I omit the closure from the following line of code
RESTClient blows up with an NPE..BUG?
def response = restclient.post(
path:'/myresource', headers:headers, body:body){it}
println response.status //prints correct response code
println response.headers['Content-Length']//prints 225
println response.data //Always null?!
The response.data is always null, even though when I try the same request using Google chrome's postman client, I get back the expected response body. Is this a known issue with RESTClient?
The HTTP Builder documentation says that data is supposed to contain the parsed response content but, as you've discovered, it just doesn't. You can, however, get the parsed response content from the reader object. The easiest, most consistent way I've found of doing this is to set the default success and failure closures on your RESTClient object like so:
def restClient = new RESTClient()
restClient.handler.failure = { resp, reader ->
[response:resp, reader:reader]
restClient.handler.success = { resp, reader ->
[response:resp, reader:reader]
You'll get the same thing on success and failure: a Map containing the response (which is an instance of HttpResponseDecorator) and the reader (the type of which will be determined by the content of the response body).
You can then access the response and reader thusly:
def map = restClient.get([:]) // or POST, OPTIONS, etc.
def response = map['response']
def reader = map['reader']
assert response.status == 200
I faced a similar issue and I took the cue from Sams solution but used closures to address it (similar solution but coded using closures instead of the returned object).
resp.data is always null when using the RESTClient, however the reader contains the data, so it would look something like this:
def restclient = new RESTClient('<some URL>')
def headers= ["Content-Type": "application/xml"]
def body= getClass().getResource("/new_resource.xml").text
try {
restclient.post(path:'/myresource', headers:headers, body:body) { resp, reader ->
resp.status // Status Integer
resp.contentType // Content type String
resp.headers // Map of headers
resp.data // <-- ALWAYS null (the bug you faced)
reader // <-- Data you're looking for
} catch (Exception e) {
e.response.status // Get HTTP error status Integer