Cannot load the stats for bootstrap-vue – please try again later - node.js

I'm trying to use the npm to install the bootstrap-vue in my project. However, I get an error saying "[server error] Cannot load the stats for bootstrap-vue – please try again later".
I've tried to use install it manually and yarn. Neither of them work for me. The OS is ubuntu and it's running on amazon ec2.
Please help. Thanks a lot!


error: no matching function for call to ‘v8::Object::Set(v8::Local<v8::String>

I'm trying to install the node.js project and run
npm install
and got the error
../src/ error: no matching function for call to 'v8::Object::Set(v8::Local<v8::String>, Nan::imp::IntegerFactory<v8::Integer>::return_t)'
what is wrong with the project?
the full error is here
It looks like the package you are using doesn't support the version of Node you are running. Try running it under Node v8 and see if that corrects the problem. If it does let the package maintainer know it needs updating.
downgrading to nodejs-10, worked for me.
Hope this will help.

Getting error at while installing node in windows7

i am getting at the time while i install node and npm on my windows7 os. Can any body help me so that i can fixed my problem to move ahead.enter image description here
you did not specify how are you trying to install node.
you can head to nodejs download page, download node installation and then install it.
I'm assuming that as you tagged your question with 'chocolatey' that your issue is similar to this one?
If that is the case the best port of call would be to raise an issue for the NodeJS team if you are having issues like this.
If this is a different issue, as Mr said above, we really need more info.

How can i install vue cli?

I come here to solve this problem: I have installed node (Ver. 12.13.1) in my computer, then I use node -v to see if node are well installed, and yes, it is.
Later, I use npm install #vue/cli, it installs the framework, but when a do a vue --version throws me a error.
I have tried in the terminal of visual studio code and throws me the error too. I tried uninstall and install node, and do the before stuff again, but its not working, the error remains
What could I do? Why is this happening?
Error in english:
Cannot load file C:\Users\halva\AppData\Roaming\npm\vue.ps1.
The file C:\Users\halva\AppData\Roaming\npm\vue.ps1 is not digitally signed.
You cannot run this script on the current system.
For more information about the execution of scripts and execution policy settings,
see about_Execution_Policies at https: / = 135170
Photos of the code:
PS Terminal and
Visual Studio Code Terminal
Can confirm this is a powershell issue:
Please read this github issue on the matter:
People have suggested getting the same issue with vue-cli installed globally.
Solution: delete the erroring file: File C:\Users\halva\AppData\Roaming\npm\vue.ps1.
What I suggest is to not use powershell, and use something like gitbash: (but this is entirely an opinion)
this command help to get rid off error message and execute the command, I am sharing here for help, looks like you should be sure whatever libraries you are using they are safe for your computer.
>Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope Process -ExecutionPolicy Bypass
You should install vue-cli globally
npm install -g #vue/cli

npm never ending process while installing angular 4

I am trying to install new angular 4. I have upgraded my node to the latest version, 6.11.2, and my npm to 3.10.10. I trying to install angular-cli globally but it took hours,still no success.
I see many of us have the same problem. I tried their solution by disabling my firewall as well as progress bar, unfortunately, no success in my case.
Can anyone help me please?
I found a solution from one of the posts on the forum. The problem was with the system environment variables, I had duplicate temp variables which were causing a crash during the execution. I have removed the duplicate variables and restarted my computer, and it worked perfectly. Hope it will help someone.

Node.js error when starting with npm

I am getting error below after I tried to start node.js. Does anyone know the possible solution to the error below. I haven't used node.js at all. Please help!
If you open the terminal as administrator before running the command the issue should be resolved
