I would like to make a function in OCaml that return the position of the first and last char in a substring. For example my_sub "tar" "ar" will return (1,2) but if I have my_sub "tabr" "ar" it will be Nil, it must be consecutive. How can I do that ?
I tried to make the code but I have a problem
let rec pos_sub l t n =
let rec aux l1 l2 x =
match l1, l2 with
| [], _ | _, [] | [], [] -> -1
| h1::q1, h2 | h1, h2 -> if h1 = h2 then x else -1
| h1::q1, h2::q2 -> if h1 = h2 then aux q1 q2 x+1 else -1
match l, t with
| [], _ -> (-1,-1)
| h1::q1, h2::q2 -> if h1 = h2 then (n, (aux q1 q2 n+1)) else pos_sub q1 t n+1
it says :
The variable h1 on the left-hand side of this or-pattern has type 'a
but on the right-hand side it has type 'a list
The type variable 'a occurs inside 'a list
in the second match in aux
Your problem in the code is, that in this match:
| h1::q1, h2 | h1, h2 -> if h1 = h2 then x else -1
you try to compare a single character h1 with h2 which is of type string. This is what the error message tries to tell you. I think you intended match the case, where h2 is the last character of your search string, therefore:
| h1::q1, h2:[] | h1:[], h2:[] -> if h1 = h2 then x else -1
and because q1 is unused, this can then be simplified to:
| h1::_, h2:[] -> if h1 = h2 then x else -1
A sidenode: it is bad style to use -1 or similar as special values to signal error cases. Rather use optional types in such situations.
I want to automatically test if the string contains only one type of character, with the result in a true/false variable "check"
input str11 contactno
my attempt
gen check = .
//loop through dataset
local db =_N
forval x = 1/`db'{
dis as error "obs `x'"
//get first character in string
local f = substr(contactno, 1, 1) in `x'
//loop through each character in string
capture drop check_*
forvalues i = 1/11 {
quietly gen check_`i'=.
local j = substr(contactno, `i', 1) in `x'
//Tag characters that match
if "`j'" == "`f'" {
local y = 1
replace check_`i'= 1 in `x'
else {
local y= 0
replace check_`i'= 0 in `x'
Expected results the first two observations should be true and the third false.
You can achieve this in one line of code as follows:
Take the first character of contactno.
Find all instances of this character in contactno and replace with an empty string (i.e., "").
Test whether the resulting string is empty.
gen check = missing(subinstr(contactno,substr(contactno,1,1),"",.))
| contactno check |
1. | aaaaaaaaaaa 1 |
2. | bbbbbbbbbbb 1 |
3. | aaaaaaaaaab 0 |
So we are leveraging the fact that if all characters are not equal to the first character, then the string cannot contain only one (type of) character.
Here's another way to do it.
input str11 contactno
gen long id = _n
save original_data, replace
expand 11
bysort id : gen character = substr(contactno, _n, 1)
bysort id (character) : gen byte OK = character[1] == character[_N]
drop character
bysort id : keep if _n == 1
merge 1:1 id using original_data
| contactno id OK _merge |
1. | aaaaaaaaaaa 1 1 Matched (3) |
2. | bbbbbbbbbbb 2 1 Matched (3) |
3. | aaaaaaaaaab 3 0 Matched (3) |
I wrote a tail recursive scanner for basic arithmetic expressions in OCaml
Exp ::= n | Exp Op Exp | (Exp)
Op ::= + | - | * | /
type token =
| Tkn_NUM of int
| Tkn_OP of string
| Tkn_LPAR
| Tkn_RPAR
| Tkn_END
exception ParseError of string * string
let tail_tokenize s =
let rec tokenize_rec s pos lt =
if pos < 0 then lt
let c = String.sub s pos 1 in
match c with
| " " -> tokenize_rec s (pos-1) lt
| "(" -> tokenize_rec s (pos-1) (Tkn_LPAR::lt)
| ")" -> tokenize_rec s (pos-1) (Tkn_RPAR::lt)
| "+" | "-" | "*" | "/" -> tokenize_rec s (pos-1) ((Tkn_OP c)::lt)
| "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9" ->
(match lt with
| (Tkn_NUM n)::lt' ->
(let lta = Tkn_NUM(int_of_string (c^(string_of_int n)))::lt' in
tokenize_rec s (pos-1) lta)
| _ -> tokenize_rec s (pos-1) (Tkn_NUM (int_of_string c)::lt)
|_ -> raise (ParseError ("Tokenizer","unknown symbol: "^c))
tokenize_rec s (String.length s) [Tkn_END]
During execution I get
tail_tokenize "3+4";;
Exception: Invalid_argument "String.sub / Bytes.sub".
Your example case is this:
tail_tokenize "3+4"
The first call will look like this:
tokenize_rec "3+4" 3 Tkn_END
Since 3 is not less than 0, the first call inside tokenize_rec will look like this:
String.sub "3+4" 3 1
If you try this yourself you'll see that it's invalid:
# String.sub "3+4" 3 1;;
Exception: Invalid_argument "String.sub / Bytes.sub".
It seems a little strange to work through the string backwards, but to do this you need to start at String.length s - 1.
From the error message it's clear that String.sub is the problem. Its arguments are s, pos and 1 with the last being a constant and the two others coming straight from the function arguments. It might be a good idea to run this in isolation with the arguments substituted for the actual values:
let s = "3+4" in
String.sub s (String.length s) 1
Doing so we again get the same error, and hopefully it's now clear why: You're trying to get a substring of length 1 from the last character, meaning it will try to go past the end of the string, which of course it can't.
Logically, you might try to subtract 1 from pos then, so that it takes a substring of length 1 starting from before the last character. But again you get the same error. That is because your terminating condition is pos < 0, which means you'll try to run String sub s (0 - 1) 1. Therefore you need to adjust the terminating condition too. But once you've done that you should be good!
I have been trying to create a filter that checks if a phrase in a list of phrases exists in the text using recursive functions and match patterns, but somehow that does not seems to work... Maybe someone could give me hint why?
let rec matchTails (tail1 : string list) (tail2 : string list) =
match tail1, tail2 with
| h1::t1 , h2::t2 ->
if (h1=h2) then
matchTails t1 t2
| _, [] -> false
| [],_-> true
let rec check2 (textH: string) (textT: string list) (phrases: string list list) =
match phrases with
|[] -> ()
| h :: t ->
printfn "%s -- %s" (h.Head) (textH)
match h with
|x when x.Length = 1 && x.Head = textH ->
|x when x.Head = textH && (matchTails (textT) (x)) ->
printfn "%s" (x.Head)
| _ -> ()
check2 (textH) (textT) (t)
let rec check (phrases : string list list) (text:string list) =
match text with
| [] -> ()
| h :: t ->
check2 (h) (t) (phrases)
check phrases t
let p = [["rolex"]; ["free"; "spins"; "everyday"]; ["free"; "cash"]]
let t = ["hello";"and";"welcome";"to";"our";"annual";"free";"cash";"and";"rolex";"giveaway"]
Function call: check p t
I have edited my question with fixing few mistakes, but however, with these lists the program is giving unit() as an output...
There are some hints:
matchTails returns incorrect result for
matchTails [ "asdf1" ] [ "asdf" ] => true
matchTails [ "asdf" ] [ "asdf"; "asdf1" ] => true
matchTails [ ] [ "" ] => true
I suspect it should return false in all these cases. Probably the implementation you want is:
let rec matchTails (phrase : string list) (text : string list) =
match phrase, text with
| h1 :: t1, h2 :: t2 -> if h1 = h2 then matchTails t1 t2
else false
| [ ], _ -> true
| _ -> false
let matchTails_test () =
if not (matchTails [ "" ] [ "" ]) then raise Exception()
check2 is not called recursively so only the first phrase is checked
check is not called recursively, it calls check2 and returns
Generally, try to decompose problem into smaller functions and test each of them separately. You are moving in right direction, what is missing is clarity of what the each of the functions should do and test cases.
Note that check2 does not really return any value (it returns unit). Also it functionality overlaps with matchTails - it checks the head with the first word in the phrase, it is what matchTails does anyway.
check also returns unit, () means unit.
So let's rewrite check:
let rec check (phrases : string list list) (text : string list) =
if phrases |> List.exists (fun ph -> matchTails ph text) then
match text with
| [] -> false
| _ :: tail -> check phrases tail
While the question has now been basically answered, I would like to point out that its division into sub-problems is already very sufficient; shockingly lacking are the associated testing, and some descriptive naming of the individual functions tackling each sub-problem.
What about naming (and testing) matchTails, check2 and check exemplarily like this?
let ps = [["rolex"]; ["free"; "spins"; "everyday"]; ["free"; "cash"]]
let t = ["hello";"and";"welcome";"to";"our";"annual";"free";"cash";"and";"rolex";"giveaway"]
startsWithPhrase ["hello"; "and"] t
containsPhrase ["free"; "cash"] t
containsAnyPhrase ps t
let rec startsWithPhrase phrase text =
match phrase, text with
| h1::t1, h2::t2 when h1 = h2 -> startsWithPhrase t1 t2
| [], _-> true
| _ -> false
let rec containsPhrase phrase text =
startsWithPhrase phrase text ||
match text with
| _::tl -> containsPhrase phrase tl
| [] -> false
let rec containsAnyPhrase phrases text =
match phrases with
| h::tl ->
containsPhrase h text ||
containsAnyPhrase tl text
| [] -> false
It may be much easier to stay completely with high-level functions, each in place of one recursive loop. Albeit here with a slighty different approach, dividing your haystack into needle-sized slices and comparing each of them with a given phrase.
let containsPhraseHL phrase text =
Seq.windowed (List.length phrase) text
|> Seq.exists (Seq.forall2 (=) phrase)
containsPhraseHL ["free"; "cash"] t
let containsAnyPhraseHL phrases text =
List.exists (fun phrase -> containsPhraseHL phrase text) phrases
containsAnyPhraseHL ps t
I looked into every single thread about this error message and tried everything, but it keeps disrupting the compiler.
My Code:
check2 :: Slot -> Slot -> Bool
check2 c1 c2 = if (getTime c1 == getTime c2) | (getSubject c1 == getSubject c2)
then False
else True
It throws a nice error: parse error on input ‘|’
Clarification: all tabs are 8-spaces
As you may guess, the method is part of a more larger method and was in a where clause originally. If I put it in the where clause, the parse error is on a different place, which is highly frustrating.
You should use || (the binary logical or operator, same as Java) instead of |.
You can write your function more directly this way:
check2 :: Slot -> Slot -> Bool
check2 c1 c2 = not ((getTime c1 == getTime c2) || (getSubject c1 == getSubject c2))
The | are used to define function with conditionals. For example, your own function can also be defined as:
check2 :: Slot -> Slot -> Bool
check2 c1 c2 | (getTime c1 == getTime c2) || (getSubject c1 == getSubject c2) = False
| otherwise = True
I'm trying to convert a column in an Excel sheet to a float in my F# application. The problem is that I do not know in which format the currency is supplied. This can be manually typed, with or without a symbol and of course the . and , symbols are always a mess.
Is there any "short and sweet" way of warsing a what appears to be incohesive array of possibilities to an actual floating point value which later after some arithmetic can be printed as currency?
A side problem I've encountered:
When a column in Excel is marked as Number 600.00 will be exported through the interop libraries as 600; 534.20 will be exported as 534.2
A simple parse on the . symbol is not enough.
The symbol which is not shown is Excel will be exported through the interop libraries as a ? (with a space following).
These options do not wor:
let ParseFloat1 (o:obj) =
float (o.ToString())
let parseFloat2 (o:obj) =
float (System.Single.Parse(o.ToString()))
After these attempts I just went crazy and started russamafuzzin' solutions, not even this dragon of a bad idea worked:
let ParseFloat o =
// ugly
let mutable _string = o.ToString()
// because of the weird "lets leave trailing zero's off behavior
let changeString (s:string) =
match s.LastIndexOf "." with
| 0 | -1 -> s + "00"
| 1 -> s + "0"
| _ -> s
_string <- changeString _string
let characters = _string.ToCharArray()
// remove all the non numbers from the string
let rec parse source dest =
match source with
| h::t ->
match h with
| '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' | '6' | '7' | '8' | '9' | '0' -> parse t (dest + h.ToString())
| _ -> parse t dest
| _ -> dest
let _float = parse (Array.toList characters) ""
let result = (float (System.Single.Parse(_float))) / (float 100)
I really hope someone can help me, because this is driving me crazy. Thank you in advance.
EDIT (16-11-2015):
More information after the valid comments, I appreciate all the help and comments.
I have broken the issue down into more "parts" so I've introduced a few conventions for this application. I figured that there is no solution for the problem so I needed to put in some restrictions and hope for the best...
I get the decimal symbol from CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator and make sure the column in the excel sheet is of type Number, adding a column of this type and resaving if needed.
I remove all the other symbols from the string, leaving only the separator in place. (Just like the answer Petr)
Running Excel in same context and app making sure the CultureInfo is the same.
To expand on Petr's answer:
let ParseFloat o =
let decimalSeparator = Convert.ToChar(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator);
let newv = String((o.ToString()) |> Seq.filter (fun c -> Char.IsNumber c || c = decimalSeparator) |> Array.ofSeq )
let rslt = match Double.TryParse(newv) with
| true, number -> (float number)
| false, _ -> throw "Cannot parse the number"
Something like this?
open System
let value = "£1,097."
let newv = String(value |> Seq.filter (fun c -> Char.IsNumber c || c = '.') |> Array.ofSeq )
let rslt = match Double.TryParse(newv) with
| true, number -> printfn"Converted '%s' to %.2f" value number
| false, _ -> printfn "Unable to convert '%s'" value
Converted '£1,097.' to 1097.00