How to access AWS Elasticsearch from Node JS - node.js

I have my nodejs lambda trying to index data into ES, but it's failing because of this error:
2018-01-15T23:39:09.578Z (node:1) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection (rejection id: 131): Authorization Exception ::
User: anonymous is not authorized to perform: es:ESHttpPost on resource: ****
I have applied AmazonESFullAccess policy to the Lambda function role.
What am I missing?

I was able to resolve this issue. Code was missing 'connectionClass' and 'amazonES' parameters.
var AWS = require('aws-sdk');
var connectionClass = require('http-aws-es');
var elasticsearch = require('elasticsearch');
var elasticClient = new elasticsearch.Client({
host: ***,
log: 'error',
connectionClass: connectionClass,
amazonES: {
credentials: new AWS.EnvironmentCredentials('AWS')


Getting getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND when trying to connect to my AWS Neptune with node.js and gremlin

I am trying to connect to my Amazon Neptune instance from a API GW. I am using Node.js and Lambda
My YML looks like this
Type: "AWS::Neptune::DBCluster"
Description: Neptune DB endpoint address
Value: !GetAtt NeptuneDBCluster.Endpoint
Name: !Sub ${env:STAGE}-neptune-endpoint-address
My code looks like this
const gremlin = require('gremlin');
const {
} = process.env;
const { cardinality: { single } } = gremlin.process;
const DriverRemoteConnection = gremlin.driver.DriverRemoteConnection;
const Graph = gremlin.structure.Graph;
async function createUserNode(event, context, callback) {
const url = 'wss://" + NEPTUNE_ENDPOINT + ":8182/gremlin';
const dc = new DriverRemoteConnection(url);
const parsedBody = JSON.parse(event.body);
try {
const graph = new Graph();
const g = graph.traversal().withRemote(dc);
const vertex = await g.addV(parsedBody.type)
.property(single, 'name',
.property(single, 'username', parsedBody.username)
.property('age', parsedBody.age)
.property('purpose', parsedBody.purpose)
if (vertex.value) {
return callback(null, {
statusCode: 200,
body: vertex.value
} catch (error) {
I keep getting the folowing error from Cloudwatch (I also tried creating a local js file and it gives the same error)
ERROR Error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND my-url
at GetAddrInfoReqWrap.onlookup [as oncomplete] (dns.js:66:26) {
errno: 'ENOTFOUND',
code: 'ENOTFOUND',
syscall: 'getaddrinfo',
hostname: 'my-url'
I also tried to write the endpoint without getting it from process.env and I am still facing the same issue. What am i missing?
Alright for anyone being as confused as I am when trying Neptune for first time. You need to create a database instance aswell, I thought the Serverless Framework would do this to me but now I know.

AWS Elasticsearch returns No living Connection

Helo Everyone, Im using AWS-Elasticsearch service and access it using Lambda. The When I try to connect elasticsearch from Lambda It throws an error
{ Error: No Living connections
at sendReqWithConnection (/var/task/node_modules/elasticsearch/src/lib/transport.js:226:15)
at next (/var/task/node_modules/elasticsearch/src/lib/connection_pool.js:214:7)
at /var/task/node_modules/async-listener/glue.js:188:31
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:61:11)
message: 'No Living connections',
body: undefined,
status: undefined }
I'm using Nodejsto connect es domain
const elasticsearch = require('elasticsearch');
const httpAwsEs = require('http-aws-es');
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
const esClient = new elasticsearch.Client({
host: 'endpointAddress',
connectionClass: httpAwsEs,
httpAuth: 'userName:Passwod',
amazonES: {
region: 'us-east-1',
credentials: new AWS.EnvironmentCredentials('AWS')
module.exports = esClient;
I've tested with on another account which was working fine, What would be the issue,
Thanks for Reading.

AWS Credentials error: could not load credentials from any providers. ElasticSearch Service node.js

I was having a problem that I think should be posted on the internet. I may not know the internal issue, but I think I have a solution. Anyway the problem:
I'm hosting an ElasticSearch Service on AWS, and I'm trying to access that service locally and or through my ec2 service hosted on AWS.
But when I try to locally I get this error: Request Timeout after 30000ms
When I try it on my ec2 I get this error: AWS Credentials error: Could not load credentials from any providers
Here was how I set up the credentials and made the query:
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
const connectionClass = require('http-aws-es');
const elasticsearch = require('elasticsearch');
try {
var elasticClient = new elasticsearch.Client({
host: "",
log: 'error',
connectionClass: connectionClass,
amazonES: {
region: 'us-east-1',
credentials: new AWS.Credentials('id', 'key')
index: 'foo',
}).then(function (resp) {
console.log("Successful query!");
console.log(JSON.stringify(resp, null, 4));
}, function (err) {
} catch (err) {
} finally {
So as stated I kept getting this error. I tried many other variations to pass the credentials.
My vague understanding of the problem is that the credentials being set in the amazonES object are being ignored, or that the region isn't being passed along with the credentials. So AWS doesn't know where to search for the credentials.
Anyway here is the solution:
secretAccessKey: 'key',
accessKeyId: 'id',
region: 'your region ex. us-east-1'
var elasticClient = new elasticsearch.Client({
host: "",
log: 'error',
connectionClass: connectionClass,
amazonES: {
credentials: new AWS.EnvironmentCredentials('AWS'),
It's a bit of a buggy situation. I couldn't find this solution anywhere online and I hope it helps someone out who runs into the same errors in the future.

UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: Network error: apollo_cache_inmemory_1.readQueryFromStore is not a function aws appsync nodejs

I am trying to call an Graphql Query for my AWS AppSync app through nodejs. The error I am encountering is
UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: Network error:
This is my index.js code
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var config = {
REGION: 'us-west-2',
PATH: '/graphql',
config.ENDPOINT = "https://" + config.HOST + config.PATH;
exports.default = config;
global.localStorage = {
store: {},
getItem: function (key) {
setItem: function (key, value) {[key] = value
removeItem: function (key) {
// Require AppSync module
const AUTH_TYPE = "AWS_IAM";
const AWSAppSyncClient = require('aws-appsync').default;
const url = config.ENDPOINT;
const region = config.REGION;
const type = AUTH_TYPE.AWS_IAM;
// If you want to use API key-based auth
const apiKey = 'xxxxxxxxx';
// If you want to use a jwtToken from Amazon Cognito identity:
const jwtToken = 'xxxxxxxx';
// If you want to use AWS...
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
region: config.REGION,
credentials: new AWS.Credentials({
accessKeyId: config.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID,
secretAccessKey: config.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
const credentials = AWS.config.credentials;
// Import gql helper and craft a GraphQL query
const gql = require('graphql-tag');
const query = gql(`
query {
getSample {
// Set up Apollo client
const client = new AWSAppSyncClient({
url: url,
region: region,
auth: {
type: type,
credentials: credentials,
client.hydrated().then(function a(client) {
client.query({query: query});
client.query({ query: query, fetchPolicy: 'network-only'}).then(function(data) {
console.log("data: " + queryResult);
The complete stacktrace is the following:
UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: Network error:
apollo_cache_inmemory_1.readQueryFromStore is not a function
at new ApolloError (/Users/kanhaiagarwal/appsync1/node_modules/aws-appsync/node_modules/apollo-client/bundle.umd.js:124:32)
at /Users/kanhaiagarwal/appsync1/node_modules/aws-appsync/node_modules/apollo-client/bundle.umd.js:1248:45
at /Users/kanhaiagarwal/appsync1/node_modules/aws-appsync/node_modules/apollo-client/bundle.umd.js:1680:21
at Array.forEach ()
at /Users/kanhaiagarwal/appsync1/node_modules/aws-appsync/node_modules/apollo-client/bundle.umd.js:1679:22
at Map.forEach ()
at QueryManager.broadcastQueries (/Users/kanhaiagarwal/appsync1/node_modules/aws-appsync/node_modules/apollo-client/bundle.umd.js:1672:26)
at /Users/kanhaiagarwal/appsync1/node_modules/aws-appsync/node_modules/apollo-client/bundle.umd.js:1175:35
at (node:23377) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing
inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a
promise which was not handled with .catch(). (rejection id: 1)
(node:23377) [DEP0018] DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise
rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are
not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit
Can someone suggest a solution for this?
The problem is caused by not providing a window object that the aws-appsync package relies on for some global objects. This is not present in the Node.js environment and adding the following at the start of your script should make it work:
global.window = global.window || {
setTimeout: setTimeout,
clearTimeout: clearTimeout,
WebSocket: global.WebSocket,
ArrayBuffer: global.ArrayBuffer,
addEventListener: function () { },
navigator: { onLine: true }
Here's the GitHub issue where the answer was proposed:

connect the mongodb remote server Error : UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning

I have following error occurred
UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection
(rejection id: 1): MongoError: E11000 duplicate key error collection:
LearningLocker_V2.statements index: id_1 dup key: { : null }
My code is
var express = require('express');
var app = express();
const xapi = require('vtc-lrs');
app.use("/xapi", new xapi());
let options = {
lrs: new xapi.LRS(),
connectionString: "mongodb://",
getUser: function (req, username, password) {
return new xapi.Account("lrsuser", "test123", true, true);
baseUrl: "http://localhost:8010/xapi"
app.use("/xapi", new xapi(options));
In the above code, I connect the mongodb remote server but it's not working. one more thing i use the xapi vts-lrs so don't know how to work with this.
