UTF-8 BOM displaying symbols instead of text - text

Looks like this:
New to coding etc. and I'm trying to create a small mod for a game called Megaton Rainfall, I'm 90% sure the code I want to change/mod is in my scripts.fcm file but I can't figure out how to change it to readable text. I've switched the encoding to every different kind and it still remains unreadable. Please help if there is a way :) thanks!

Rather than opening in Notepad++ try opening in another text editor such as Vim, Sublime or Notepad. This should then be "readable text"


Microsof Excel 2016 Unicode (UTF-8) does not work

I searched all around internet how to save CVS file as Unicode (UTF-8), but it still does not work, whenever i save, and open the file, there is ????? instead of letter that are UTF-8.
Has anyone ever had this issue? how can i solve this?
This has been annoying short coming of Excel for a long time.
A way to work around this issue, is to do the following:
Save as... Unicode text (*.txt). Make sure to keep the extension as txt (or at least not csv). It will be saved with tabs instead of commas separating the columns.
Open the document. You will be prompted with an import wizard, like so:
For File origin, choose 65001: Unicode (UTF-8)
For the rest of the options, choose the common sense options.
You will have your document back, ready to edit, with the proper unicode text intact.

Corrupt Text File read/write/open

I have a large text file that I take notes in; Recently, after saving it, it won't open and gives following error. I tried a few things on web that didn't work---opening in different encoding format, etc. Nothing worked. Any idea how I can open it again? Is there a language I can use from bash? I'm very familiar with PHP. Any ideas? Different text editor?
"The document “ToDo.txt” could not be opened. Text encoding Unicode (UTF-8) isn’t applicable."
"The file may have been saved using a different text encoding, or it may not be a text file."
cat the file from the CLI and make sure your data is still there. Then you could simply copy and paste the output into a new file and hopefully get rid of whatever weird encodings are causing that text editor to not read the file.

Convert Text File From Unreadable Text to Readable Text

I'm trying to get this text file back to well readable text but I can't seem to find the encoding, it's for an Android application here is the one I'm trying to convert http://ge.tt/53SmHRP1/v/0
Can anyone point me in the right direction or give me a few tips on how to go about this as this is my first time with anything like this.
I've tried opening this with notepad, notepad++ & jedit to no avail the reason why I'm doing this is because I'm trying to create a cheat program for Plague Inc for Android but I can't seem to find the encoding for this file.

Auto format a file to print in Vim

Sometimes I work with a file that contains source code, columns, plain text, sometimes all 3. It looks great on the screen. However, when I send it to a printer, it comes out a mess: columns/tables are misalignment, code looks like a spaghetti, etc.
I use Vim (7.2). How do I reformat the file to please the printer?
Perhaps I should shorten the length of a line?
How do you send it to printer? Try :hardcopy command.
You can also lookup printing-related options printfont, printdevice, printoptions, etc.
See also printoptions and others on vimdoc.sourceforge.net
It's not a pure-Vim solution, but I've had good experiences with GNU a2ps for converting (relatively) poorly formatted text documents (a couple Project Gutenberg titles, to be specific) to a nice, printable pdf/postscript file.
If you aren't worried about having to have a one-step process with no intermediary between Vim and the printer, here is a fairly flexible strategy.
If you have a dark background in Vim with light foreground but would like to print black-on-white since white-on-black is great for terminals but not so great for printed media, try colorscheme shine. (Another nice colorscheme for this is Hemisu, which is superior to Shine for printing diffs.)
Use :TOhtml to convert the document to HTML.
Save the file and open it in your browser.
Open print preview from your browser and set up the window appropriately.
For example, I just printed a nearly 200 column file brought in from Vim this way, and it worked out fine (both in the sense of "well" and in the sense of "small print" :) because I was able to use Firefox's print preview to set the file to print in landscape mode.
Print the file from your browser.
I agree there is a problem. yim has 'formatoptions' to 'wrap' lines together the way you want and break lines at appropriate places ('linebreak', 'breakat') which would give you an elementary wysiwyg word-processing capability, except that it only works on the display and has no effect when sent off to print.

I want to change the way text is represented internally in ANY Text Editor

I want to use a algorithm to reduce memory used to save the particular text file.I don't really know how text is stored but i have an idea in mind.
Would it be better to extend a open source text editor (if yes than which one) or write a text editor myself.
It would be nice if someone could also give me a link or tutorial to some basics on how text editors work and the way data is stored.
Edited to add
To clarify, what I wanted to do is instead of saving duplicates of a word make a hash table and store the address where it needs to be placed.
That way I wouldn't be storing the duplicates.
This would have become specific to a particular text editor.
thanks everyone I got what all of you'll are trying to say. Anyways all i wanted to do is instead of saving duplicates of a word make a hash table and store the address where it needs to be placed.
This was i wouldn't be storing the duplicates.
Yes and this would have become specific to a particular text editor. never realized that.
I want to use a algorithm to reduce memory used to save the particular text file
If you did this you would no longer have a text editor, but instead you would have created some sort of binary file editor.
The whole point of the text file format is that it is universal, meaning any text file can be open in any other text editor.
Emacs handles compression transparently. Just create a text file with .gz extension. Emacs will automatically compress contents of the file during save operation, and decompress when you open the file next time.
Text is basically stored as-is. i.e., every character takes up a byte or two (wide chars), and there is no conversion done on it when it's saved. It might add an end-of-file character or something though. Don't try coming up with your own algorithm to compress these files. That's why zip-files and other archives were created. They're really good at compressing text. If you wanted to add these feature to your text-editor, you'd have to add some sort of post-save hook to zip it, and then put a hook on the open command to unzip it. Unless you wanted to do it by hand every time. Don't try writing the text editor yourself from scratch, unless (maybe) you're writing notepad. Text editors with syntax highlighting aren't very easy to make, even with the proper libraries. I'd say write a plugin for something like Visual Studio or what have you. Or find an open-source text editor.
