how to access puppet variable in custom facts? - puppet

I am extracting a zip at a location, in extracted folder directory there is a install.jar.I want to copy a file to the directory where install.jar is available. Now the zip I am extracting may have different folder structure every time, because of this I can not use
ensure: present
So I wrote a custom fact that will find out path of a install jar & I accessed value in manifest like
Now in facts file I have to give path to search, this path I want to pass as a parameter.
for that I have declared one variable in manifest file
how can I access it in my custom fact.I tried to do following but $installer_locationvariable value is coming up blank.
Facter.add(:getinstallerpath) do
setcode do
Facter::Util::Resolution.exec("echo \"$(dirname \"$(find $installer_location -name \*install*.jar)\")\" ")


Python - working with unkown directory name versions

I'm using python to download an application from a content distribution network. The application downloads as self extract file cabinet. When executed it creates a directory using a version naming format. For example app-version2/../app.exe, Thus I cannot rely on the folder name as it may change in the future. I'm trying to find the best way to work with the content inside the folder without depending on the actual folder name.
My idea was to rename the folder using os.listdir() and then os.rename(app-version2, myapp) This would work but is not automated. What would be the best automated method to find a folder name that contains version numbers and change that to something more static?
Assuming you want to find the path of the directory which begins with app, you can accomplish this using pathlib.Path:
from pathlib import Path
app_path = next(Path().glob('app*'))
This will give you the path to the first file or directory in your current directory whose name begins with "app".

How to use fetch to add output to txt file, instead of overwriting the file?

I want to use fetch to gather a line of info from multiple nodes, and store them in the same txt file.
right now I have:
src: /path/to/file.txt
dest: /ansible/path/to/file.txt
flat: yes
Instead of adding info to the existing txt file, it overrides the file and deletes the old info.
According to the official documentation of fetch module
Files that already exist at dest will be overwritten if they are different than the src.
You maybe could use lineinfile or blockinfile module.
Fetch all the files that you want to append while renaming them with some combination of ansible_hostname in the name string. All files need to be added in the same folder, the destination name used will make the difference since you get the same file name from all sources it might be ending up overwriting the name. Use a changing variable like ansible_hostname or some sort of node identifier like IP address. Use this variable in building the file name for your fetched file
get a list of all the fetched files in a variable
Iterate thru that variable and then try lookup for each file
block={{lookup('file', 'sourceFile')}}
You can also iterate over all files in a folder, while appending to the end of the destination file. In your case, I believe blockinfile will be appropriate for this operation.

SSIS won't execute foreach loop for dynamic xlsx filename [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
SSIS - How to loop through files in folder and get path+file names and finally execute stored Procedure with parameter as Path + Filename
(2 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I have a xlsx file that will be dropped into a folder on a monthly basis. The filename will change every month (filename_8292019) based on the date, to which I cannot change.
I want to build a foreach loop to pick up the xlsx file and manipulate it (load into SQL server table, the move the file to an archive folder). I cannot figure out how to do this with a dynamic filename (where the date changes.
I was able to successfully run the package when converting the xlsx to CSV, and also when pointing directly to the xlsx filename.
[Flat File Destination [219]] Error: Cannot open the datafile "filename"
OR errors relating to file not found
The Files: entry on the Collection tab of the Foreach Loop container will accept wildcard characters.
The general pattern here is to create a variable, say, FileName. Set your Files: to something like:
or, if you want to be sure to only pick up spreadsheets, maybe:
Select either Name and extension or Fully qualified, which will include the full file path. I usually just use Name and extension and put the file path into another variable so when Ops tells me they're moving my drop location, I can change a parameter instead of editing the package. This step tells the container to remember the name of the file it just found so you can use it later for a variable mapping.
On the Variable Mappings tab, select your variable name and assign it to Index 0.
Then, for each spreadsheet, the container will loop, pick up the name of the first file it finds that matches your pattern, and assign the full name, with the date extension (and path, if you go that way), to your variable. Pass the variable as in input parameter to the tasks inside the loop and use that to process the file, including moving it to the archive, or you'll get yourself into an infinite loop, processing the same file(s) over and over. <--Does that sound like the voice of experience? Yeah. Been there, done that.
Here, the FullFilePath variable is just the folder name, without a file reference. (Red variable to red entry in the Folder box).
The FileBaseName variable drives what shows up in the Files box. (Blue to blue).
Another variable picks up the actual file name, with the date extension. Later, say in a File System Task, if I need the folder & file name together, I concatenate the variables.
As far as the Excel Connection Manager error you're getting, unfortunately I'm no help. I don't use it. We have SentryOne's Task Factory for SSIS which includes a much more resilient Excel connector.

simple puppet script to copy files

Hi I'm new to puppet and trying to work on a sample to copy files from one location to another location. Any sample script to do that?
Ex: I've my file at d:\temp\test.txt and I want to copy this file to E:\mycopy\ folder.
You can "ensure" that the file at target location exists and provide the file to be copied as source in file type. A partial code snippet only showing relevant parts:
file { 'E:\mycopy\folder\filename':
ensure => present,
source => "d:\temp\test.txt",
Check the documentation of file type here and how source attribute behaves here. Now this will work with a few caveats :
If you are using absolute file path as source - then the file should be present on agent machine
If you are serving file from Puppet's file server then the source file should be in appropriate location in puppet's file server.
But what is your exact purpose? Similar thing can be achieved with content attribute of file type or other attributes

what is the right format of -adaptresourcefilenames in ProGuard

I have an application JAR file I would like to obfuscate using ProGuard. It contains "AppName\resources" folder and several "" files in it.
What is the right format of -adaptresourcefilenames option in my config file to adapt the properties files to classes?
The option -adaptresourcefilenames expects the resource files names to start at the same root directory level as the class names. E.g., it can rename mypackage/ (without any directory prefix) corresponding to
the obfuscated name of mypackage/MyClass.class (also without any directory prefix).
In this case, you could work on the unzipped application, specifying the input and output directories so the relative paths correspond again:
-injars input(!AppName/resources/**)
-outjars output
-injars input/AppName/resources
-outjars output/AppName/resources
