SDL2 virtual pixel size - resolution

If I let SDL create the window to default dimensions, I get 1024×768, and everything looks normal. If I explicitly create it with dimensions of 1024×768, everything looks normal. But if I explicitly created with dimensions of 512×384, instead of getting a window with less pixels, I get a window in which every pixel is shrunk, but the logical size of the window is still 1024×768. Is this logical size hardwired into SDL2 in some way?
But no! I wanted fewer pixels, not smaller pixels. I want my pixels to still be the size they really are on the screen. If I draw a line from (0,0) to (511, 383) wanted to go the full diagonal extent of my window. What other function do I need to use alongside of SDL_CreateWindow to achieve this result?
512x384, code assuming that 512x384 is logical window size

Thanks, Nelxiost, for provoking me to find my own answer. Here is the key code, omitting error handling code in between:
gWindow = SDL_CreateWindow(title, 1024, 768, SCREEN_WIDTH/2, SCREEN_HEIGHT/2, 0);
gRenderer = SDL_CreateRenderer(gWindow, -1, SDL_RENDERER_ACCELERATED |
target = SDL_CreateTexture(gRenderer, SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGBA8888,
and here is the corrected last line of the code:
target = SDL_CreateTexture(gRenderer, SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGBA8888,
Summary: if you want one logical pixel to equal one physical pixel, create the target texture with the same dimensions as the window.
On the other hand, if you want the logical dimensions of the window to be invariant regardless of the size of the window, create the target texture with those dimensions in all cases.


How can I get the color of a pixel on screen with Node.js or C?

I am trying to get the color of a pixel on my screen using node.js. I want it to be returned in RGB format, e.g. (255, 0, 0). My current solution is to use screenshot-desktop to screenshot my entire screen in JPG format, decode it to get the raw pixel data, and get the color of a given pixel. However, this lags out my entire computer for 1-2 seconds as it is taking the screenshot. This is unusable as I would like to do this multiple times per second. So my question is: How can I get the color of a given pixel on the screen, without taking a full screenshot?
I am using Linux with X11. There is an X11 library for node.js, so I asssume I should use that to get the pixel color, I'm just not sure how. If you could show me how to do it in C then I can easily use node.js to do the same thing.
Oh my gosh I just figured it out after posting this. I was using robotjs for reading the mouse position and I totally forgot it can do screen stuff too! So, the solution would be to do
var robot = require('robotjs');
var color = robot.getPixelColor(x, y);
X11 solution using x11 node library ( I am the author ):
query windows tree with QueryTree starting at the root window
get every child geometry using GetGeometry request
if your point is not inside any child, use current window id and get 1x1 pixmap from the current image: GetImage(format, currentWindow, x, y, 1, 1, planeMask) ( 2 for format and 0xffffffff for plane mask should work ). Make sure you calculate relative x y position as you travers windows tree.
if child window covers your point query children for that window and repeat again. Note that QueryTree returns windows in bottom to top stacking order so make sure you pick last one covering your point
Once you have 1x1 pixmap from the topmost window under your point - the buffer should contain only color bytes for your image, RGB order and bit mask might depend on red_mask, green_mask, blue_mask from display.screen[0].depths[visual].
If you cache "topmost window" between requests and only start from root when no match anymore the above solution might be much more performant then the one using robotjs ( although much more low level and complicated ) Good luck!

In android how to set font size according to device screen size

How to change the font size of text displayed at run time in the styles.xml in my application depending on the screen size of the device used.
I had the same problem. I wanted to get the same aspect text ratio on every screen. No dp nor sp worked for me. The only solution that works for me is to create a dummy textbox (not visible) at startup then get the textsize and multiply for some ratio (depending on what you actually want). This value should be used to set text size dynamically to your controls.
At least it works for me because the same aspect remains on every different screen.
you need to add in the text size via dimens.xml files depending on screen size.....take a look at this following Question on SO - Text size and different android screen sizes
You can go through this, I used the below method to scale texts on different screen resolutions and sizes.
To define a range of text sizes and a dimension programmatically through the support library, call the TextViewCompat.setAutoSizeTextTypeUniformWithConfiguration(TextView textview, int autoSizeMinTextSize, int autoSizeMaxTextSize, int autoSizeStepGranularity, int unit) method. Provide the text view on which it needs to be applied,the maximum value, the minimum value, the granularity value, and any TypedValue dimension unit (like TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_SP).

How can i force the imagemagick module of nodejs to output one single image only?

I am using the imagemagick module with Nodejs
im = require('imagemagick');
The imagemagick module uses the imagemagick command line tools.
I use the convert method to crop an image
im.convert([image_path, '-crop', '200x150', '-gravity', 'center', target_path],
function(err, stdout){}
This results in two images. The one with the cropped image area - the second with the image garbage i tried to get rid of.
How can i force imagemagick to output one image file only?
Per the imagemagick documentation for cropping, which is admittedly a little obtuse (emphasis added):
The width and height of the geometry argument give the size of the image that remains after cropping, and x and y in the offset (if present) gives the location of the top left corner of the cropped image with respect to the original image.
If the x and y offsets are present, a single image is generated, consisting of the pixels from the cropping region.
If the x and y offsets are omitted, a set of tiles of the specified geometry, covering the entire input image, is generated.
... so, you just need to specify your x and y offsets as part of your geometry argument, like so: 200x150-100-75
Notice that I've specified -100 and -75 for the upper left corner of your crop region, this is because you set your gravity to center, but it appears that imagemagick tries to intelligently determine the appropriate distance target based on your gravity, and I don't see exactly how it behaves when you choose center. So you may have to play around with this one a bit, or you could omit the gravity and use the actual offset from the top left corner of your original image.
I had to use the +delete parameter to remove the last image from the image sequence.
im.convert([image_file.path, '-crop', geometry, '+delete', thumb_path], ...

Ignoring touches on transparent areas cocos2dx

I have an image of size 480x800 pixels and there is a icon on one corner which I need to place. What I want is that to ignore all touches on the transparent areas and detect only the area where the icon is.
I found a solution in SO to this problem but it just tells the code to be used. I need to know exactly where to put that code since I am a beginner and don't know much about cocos2d so I expect a step by step solution.
Cocos2d 2.0 - Ignoring touches to transparent areas of layers/sprites
Do not use glReadPixels because it affected by bugs in android drivers. You can translate CCTouch to CCPoint in image coordinates using convertTouchToNodeSpace, and read image pixel at given point.
Create CCImage from file that contains semi-transparent picture, and read one pixel at tap point; it should be {0,0,0,0} for transparent area.
Don't forget to check that tap is not outside picture, and create pixel index in CCImage::getData() array with formulae unsigned index = x * imageWidth + y.

How do I display same "proportional" text size on different resolutions?

I draw some text on screen using ID3DXFont::DrawText. This text should be displayed the same regardless of screen resolution.
For example, if screen resolution is low, text wrapped and when it is higher text is not wrapped. How can I avoid such situation? I want text size to be connected to screen resolution so if resolution is lower I want the text to be relatively smaller so that no wrapping happens. Is there any way?
Thanks in advance
Below is a logical solution. It doesn't have any of the code or procedures needed to make work in direct X but having done something similar outside of DirectX I wanted to share the logic
Working on whatever default screen resolution you want set the font to be the size needed.
Find the percentage of the screen height the font size you chose takes up.
Then having stored that value when you go to render again, in the final version of the program, calculate the font size based on the screen size and the percentage
What I was working in had functions like GetTextHeight and properties on the font size to allow you to set the height (which in turn set the font size appropriately). So if can find anything similar to this in DirectX than this could be a route for you to take.
