Authenticating Sharepoint 2013 on-premise with Azure AD - azure

Our client has an Azure AD containing all users in his company located in multiple locations around the world. He would like his users to be able to sign into our SP app using their Microsoft Accounts which are on Azure AD.
Obviously, since Azure AD uses SAML 2.0, and SharePoint uses Ws-Fed (which is similar to SAML 1.1), we need to convert these claims from 2.0 to Ws-Fed (or SAML 1.1).
This used to be done using Azure's Azure Control Services, which is going to be deprecated at the end of the year (2018), so there's no point in developing a solution that uses it.
As such, we found a number of guides here and here which detail how a Claims Provider Trust can be created between Azure AD and ADFS, and a Relying Party Trust be set up between AD FS and SharePoint.
In theory this works in the following way:
User logs into his Microsoft Account which is on the Azure AD, and the SAML 2.0 token with claims is sent from Azure AD to AD FS
All claims are passed to AD FS, since we configured our rules in this way (as instructed here)
AD FS converts these from SAML 2.0 to Ws-Fed (or SAML 1.1)
AD FS maps the necessary claims to the UPN (as instructed here) and sends the result to SharePoint
We seem to be encountering an issue in the conversion step.
We have debugged the process using Fiddler, to see requests to and from the AD FS server. Azure AD claims are successfully sent to AD FS, but an error is encountered when AD FS is issue new claims (supposedly in Ws-Fed or SAML 1.1).
The following is the stack trace from AD FS:
Microsoft.IdentityServer.Web.RequestFailedException: MSIS7012: An error occurred while processing the request. Contact your administrator for details. ---> System.ServiceModel.FaultException: MSIS3127: The specified request failed.
at Microsoft.IdentityServer.Protocols.WSTrust.WSTrustClientManager.Issue(Message request, WCFResponseData responseData)
at Microsoft.IdentityServer.Protocols.WSTrust.WSTrustClient.Issue(RequestSecurityToken rst, WCFResponseData responseData)
at Microsoft.IdentityServer.Web.FederationPassiveAuthentication.SubmitRequest(MSISRequestSecurityToken request)
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Microsoft.IdentityServer.Web.FederationPassiveAuthentication.SubmitRequest(MSISRequestSecurityToken request)
at Microsoft.IdentityServer.Web.FederationPassiveAuthentication.RequestBearerToken(MSISSignInRequestMessage signInRequest, SecurityTokenElement onBehalfOf, SecurityToken primaryAuthToken, String desiredTokenType, UInt32 lifetime, Uri& replyTo)
at Microsoft.IdentityServer.Web.FederationPassiveAuthentication.RequestBearerToken(MSISSignInRequestMessage signInRequest, SecurityTokenElement onBehalfOf, SecurityToken primaryAuthToken, String desiredTokenType, MSISSession& session)
at Microsoft.IdentityServer.Web.FederationPassiveAuthentication.BuildSignInResponseCoreWithSerializedToken(String signOnToken, WSFederationMessage incomingMessage)
at Microsoft.IdentityServer.Web.FederationPassiveAuthentication.BuildSignInResponseForProtocolResponse(FederationPassiveContext federationPassiveContext)
at Microsoft.IdentityServer.Web.FederationPassiveAuthentication.BuildSignInResponse(FederationPassiveContext federationPassiveContext, SecurityToken securityToken)
System.ServiceModel.FaultException: MSIS3127: The specified request failed.
at Microsoft.IdentityServer.Protocols.WSTrust.WSTrustClientManager.Issue(Message request, WCFResponseData responseData)
at Microsoft.IdentityServer.Protocols.WSTrust.WSTrustClient.Issue(RequestSecurityToken rst, WCFResponseData responseData)
at Microsoft.IdentityServer.Web.FederationPassiveAuthentication.SubmitRequest(MSISRequestSecurityToken request)
We've also done internal testing, whereby we logged in to the SharePoint site using the the local AD, in order to make sure that the setup between AD FS and SharePoint is correct. This worked as expected, and SharePoint received the claims as configured in step 4.
Any help with the "conversion" process from SAML 2.0 to Ws-Fed (or SAML 1.1) would be greatly appreciated.
Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope!

Set AD FS' PreventTokenReplays param to false
In our case, this is what had us stuck for days. There was no mention of this anywhere that we read, and we only found out about it after going to the AD FS server's event viewer and going through the logs.
Open up PowerShell, and add the AD FS snapin using the following:
Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Adfs.PowerShell
Then, get your AD FS properties, using the following:
Check the value for the PreventTokenReplays param. If it's set to false, you should be good.  If it's set to true, then flip it to false using the following command:
Set-adfsproperties -PreventTokenReplays $false
Now, you'll need to restart your AD FS service. Just go to services.msc, find AD FS 2.0 Windows Service, right click it, and hit restart.

Configuration Overview
Create a new Azure AD tenant and namespace.
Add a WS-Federation identity provider.
Add SharePoint as a relying party application.
Create a rule group for claims-based authentication.
Configure the X.509 certificate.
Create a claim mapping.
Configure SharePoint for the new identity provider.
Set the permissions.
Verify the new provider
You can follow this blog for step by step process


Customize token in Azure AD

I am trying to customize id token in Azure AD ..
I did the following steps :
1-Registered Azure AD application
2-Post extension:
https :// ID/extensionProperties
Payload : {"name":"test","dataType":"string","targetObjects":["User"]}
3-Create claim Mapping Policy
https ://
{"definition":[{"ClaimsMappingPolicy":{"Version":1,"IncludeBasicClaimSet":"true","ClaimsSchema": [{"Source":"user","ExtensionID":"extension_Application (client)ID_test","JwtClaimType":"test"}]}}],"displayName":"test","isOrganizationDefault":true}
4-Post service principal
https: // ID of the Managed application /claimsMappingPolicies/$ref
Payload : {"":"https: // policy Id I got from step 4"}
5- I patched a user
https: //
{"extension_Application (client)ID_test":"test"}
6- I edited the Mainifest
See Mainifest
6- I tired to get the ID token for the user I patched in step 5**tenant Id**/oauth2/v2.0/token
with headers(client_id,client_secret,scope:,usernam,password)
7- I decoded the token , I don't see "test" as part of the token
Not sure what I am missing here to customize the token
Screenshot to show that I am missing token configuration in the blade
Missing token configuration in the blade
Screenshot to show that I can't find permission : Directory.AccessAsUser.All
missing API permission
Once the extension claim setup is done, it can be used to store and retrieve data via graph as extension properties may not passed in id tokens, but can be retrieve by querying the user profile from the Graph. or The application can make use of graph client to pass the extension claims which are not taken from available optional claims from azure ad.
Please make sure to have the Directory.AccessAsUser.All ,Directory.Read.All,openId permissions granted.
Also please check with optional claims set in manifest .
Then check in token configuration, if it is valid claim.
References :
Emitting claims with data from directory schema extension attributes created for an application using Graph
Edit:update 13/4/2022
Like you said in comments:
Like the Most obvious difference now ( Token configuration is not
available and api permssion for Directory.AccessAsUser.All is not
I tried to check in which way i cannot be able to see those features in Overview blade of AAD portal.
I had all those features as i was using organizational Azure AD premium 2 licensed tenant.
But when i tried to create another tenant with same account and switched tenant to work on it and created an app registration. App registration blade doesn't have the token configuration and api permissions like Directory.AccessAsUser.All as you mentioned.
Then i realized its license is azure ad free account.
So from my point of view please try to utilize the pay as you go account or which the organization had been subscribed to premium license which would give a better experience .
Also you can check the ongoing issue here
Q&A missing-features-in-my-azure-ad-tenant.

Using Quarkus OpenId Connect and Azure b2c

I'm building a backend-service that provides an API using Quarkus and I need to validate the incoming requests.
By default, quarkus uses keycload, but I want to validate with azure b2c.
At the moment I have the following configs:
quarkus.log.category."io.quarkus.oidc".level= DEBUG
And as an example:
public class GreetingResource {
public String hello() {
return "Hello RESTEasy";
But Quarkus keeps throwing the same error:
OIDC server is not available at the 'https://{tenant}{tenant}{policy}'
Am I doing something wrong?
Thanks in advance!
Policy name for Azure AD B2C, format is like
quarkus.oidc.auth-server-url=https://<tenant-name><tenant-id> /<policy-name>/oauth2/v2.0/authorize
The code in your Azure AD B2C-enabled applications and APIs may refer
to in several places. For example, your code
might have references to user flows and token endpoints. Update the
following to instead reference
Authorization endpoint
Token endpoint
Token issuer
Please do check this MS docs for more information on the same.
OIDC service application needs to know OpenId Connect provider’s token,
By default they are discovered by adding a /.well-known/openid-configuration path to the configured quarkus.oidc.auth-server-url.
Ex: https://{tenant-name}{tenant-id}/.well-known/openid-configuration?p={policy-name}
By default, the iss claim value is compared to the issuer property which may have been discovered in the well-known provider configuration. But if quarkus.oidc.token.issuer property is set then the iss claim value is compared to it instead.

Error getting SAML Metadata for Azure AD B2C Policy - AADB2C90022

Setting up a custom policy in Azure AD B2C to connect to an ADFS Identity Provider. This requires a SAML metadata endpoint as specified in the documentation at the link below.
The error being encountered is:
AADB2C90022: Unable to return metadata for the policy [my-policy] in tenant [my-tenant]
and is being encountered when I go to the endpoint:[my-tenant][my-policy]/samlp/metadata?idptp=[my-technical-profile]
I have tried making the request from the endpoint with the same result as above.
E.g. https://[my-tenant][my-tenant][my-policy]/samlp/metadata?idptp=[my-technical-profile]
I have also tried using my tenantId GUID in place of [my-tenant] which resulted in the exact same result.
Re-visit the process by which you created the certificate, uploaded it to your 'Policy Keys' and referenced it in your custom policy files.
My scenario was similar, I had the same error and no output via Application Insights / Journey Recorder.
I had tried to avoid using 'makecert.exe' and instead used another SSC generation tool. This simply did not work, I think because the private key was not being incorporated in the certificate file.
This guide has been invaluable, see also this test facility

Error when obtaining token

I'm trying the sample code NativeClient-Headless-DotNet.sln against my B2C tenant.
When I attempt to execute the command:
result = authContext.AcquireTokenAsync(todoListResourceId, clientId, uc).Result;
using an existing username and password, I get this exception:
InnerException = {"unknown_user_type: Unknown User Type"}
As far as I know, I've set-up all the values correctly in Web and App config (I'm using the same values that I use in my Graph API project, which works OK).
Any ideas why this should happen?
Are accounts created with:
userType.type = "userName";
found by this method?
Currently, Azure AD B2C doesn't have any direct support for this.
However, work to support for the Resource Owner Password Credentials flow in Azure AD B2C is in-progress.
This new feature will enable a desktop application to collect a user credential and POST it to the B2C tenant for validation.

Azure WebApp with Azure AD App returning `auth/login/aad/callback` permission

After setting up a Azure Web App with Azure AD Authentication, the site is returning a 401 after authenticating.
This is the auth flow as I see it.
Go to https://mysite-$
Redirects to
Authenticate using my credentials
Redirects to https://mysite-$
Error You do not have permission to view this directory or page. HttpStatus 401.
Long version
I have 3 x Web Apps in Azure under the same Service Plan - 1 x website and 2 x APIs.
I would like these to use Azure AD for authentication.
So, I created an Azure AD App using Powershell.
$app = #{
DisplayName = "azad-$environment-mysite"
IdentifierUris = #(
HomePage = "https://mysite-$"
ReplyUrls = #(
AvailableToOtherTenants = $false
New-AzureRmADApplication #app
Then using the ApplicationId returned, I have setup the Azure AD through the portal Web App > Authentication / Authorization blade.
This is similar scenario to question asked over at Azure AD server authentication, No permission to view directory question.
You have to register each app in the AAD and you can do it, more easily, via azure-portal.
When you have the web-app registered through the "Express" process everything should work as expected (OAuth2 flow). The problem may come with your API-app especially if you need to access with server-to-server.
Because the process is a little bit long to write here I wrote two posts:
Web API access through Azure Active Directory
API-APP server-to-server through Azure Active Directory
In the first post you can see the REST flow using POSTMAN.
