Arabic font in Phaser.js - phaser-framework

Hi I wanted to add some Arabic text to my Phaser game. I have the following in the update() function:
this.scoreText = this.add.text(,,
"",{nsize: "32px", fill: "#FFF", align: "center"});
This produces strange letters on the screen which are not Arabic. Any ideas?

First off, you shouldn't be adding text in the update() method - this would cause it to be added multiple times (once for each frame, ideally 60 times per second). Move it to the create() method so that it's only added once. You also have a typo in the parameters: nsize should be just size.
function create() {
this.scoreText = this.add.text(, / 5, "", { size: "32px", fill: "#FFF", align: "center" });

You can try something like
Import the font in the CSS part in index.html
#import url(;
Then just declare the style as a variable
var style = { font: "32px Amiri", fill: "#333", align: "center" };
Then in the create function add the text like in this jsfiddle
There is another manner to do it but like what i've just explained it works fine


Adding text over images in fabricjs

developing this app in which there several images on a canvas and i am using using fabricjs.
i want to add text overlaid on an image and then be able to remove it as well.
is a way to directly write over the image or do i have to create another layer and write onto it.
there is text related like
var text = new fabric.Text('hello world', { left: 100, top: 100 });
the problem with the above approach is that if the image moves the text will not, so is it possible that the text could be written directly above the image?
any ideas of how this could be done? i revived several discussions where it's not as clear, how it could be done.
any pointers would be most appreciated.
This could be achieved by creating an image and a text object, then adding both the objects to a group and finally adding that group to the canvas.
Here's an example, showing that in action ...
var canvas = new fabric.Canvas('canvas');
// load image
fabric.Image.fromURL('', function (img) {
// create text
var text = new fabric.Text('hello world', {
left: 10,
top: 5,
fontSize: 15,
fontFamily: 'Verdana',
fill: 'white'
// add image and text to a group
var group = new fabric.Group([img, text], {
left: 50,
top: 50,
// add the group to canvas
canvas{border:1px solid #ccc}
<script src=""></script>
<canvas id="canvas" width="200" height="200"></canvas>
I am not quite clear of what exactly is your requirement.
Regardless of it, i have created a JS Fiddle for you.
textBox=new fabric.Textbox("Enter Text",{
fontSize: 16,
fontFamily: 'Arial',
textAlign: 'left',
width: 180, // for 20 characters
This might be of a little help at least. Comment on this answer and I will try to help you more on it if that is possible for me.

QML ignores width and height when setting anchors

I'm trying to understand how anchors work in QML (Qt Quick 2.0). I've got a simple Item like this:
Item {
Button {
text: "ADD"
width: 100
height: 50
Which I add to the main QML file like this:
Item {
id: root
width: 800
height: 600
AddButton {
id: addButton
This works fine. However, as soon as I try to put the button in the bottom right corner using anchors, the button disappears:
Item {
AddButton {
id: addButton
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
It only comes back if I set a width and height at the main QML file level:
Item {
AddButton {
id: addButton
width: 100
height: 50
anchors.right: parent.right
anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
So I'm wondering, why does the button disappear when I set the anchors? And is there any way to make it work without setting the width and height in the main QML file (basically to make it use whatever size is set in AddButton.qml?)
The problem is that the encapsulating Item has not an explicit width height. In this case the engine refers to the "natural" witdh/height, i.e. the implicitWidth/implicitHeight properties. Such properties happen to be zero in most cases, even in this specific case. Hence, your custom type has zero dimension.
Therefore the AddButton.anchors.bottom is in fact at the very top of the encapsulated Button, which in turn protrudes the encapsulating Item
There are two things about this:
You don't need to encapsulate the Button with an Item unless you want to hide the internals of the Button.
If the latter is your desire, try this:
Item {
width: 100 //give the object a dimension!
height: 50
Button {
text: "ADD"
anchors.fill: parent
Now you can anchor it, and it won't be positionated somewhere else.

noUiSlider - Place Both Tooltips above Slider?

Is it possible to specify the position of the tooltips that noUiSlider draws? It appears that by default it places the first one over the slider, and the second below. I understand the usability goal here, but I'd like to put both above or below.
Example (with tooltips above and below):
noUiSlider.create(div, {
start: [0, 50], // 2 handles
range: {
'min': 0,
'max': 50
tooltips: true // 2 tooltips but how to position?
I don't believe there is an option to specify the position of the labels. In the css version you're using there's
.noUi-horizontal .noUi-handle-upper .noUi-tooltip {
Which you can override to be the same as the other label:
.noUi-horizontal .noUi-handle-upper .noUi-tooltip {
top: -32px;
bottom: initial;
See your updated fiddle:
Think that's the best thing to do here. In the latest version on github I've noted this styling is missing, so take this into account if you ever update it.
You can overwrite the attribute "bottom" from the css class ".noUi-horizontal .noUi-tooltip"
for example to do the tooltip go below the slider:
.noUi-horizontal .noUi-tooltip {bottom: -130%;}
For others that find themselves here, this will give you more consistent positioning than negative pixel positioning:
.noUi-vertical .noUi-handle-upper .noUi-tooltip {
right: unset;
left: 120%;
This removes the right: 120%; from the tooltip and repositions it with respect to the left, like the bottom tooltip.
for me none of this solution worked so I ended up with my own:
.noUi-horizontal .noUi-tooltip
left: unset !important;
direction: unset !important;

How to wrap some text in a rectangle in QML?

I have to perform a very simple task: I want to display a piece of text inside a rectangle and the size of that rectangle should precisely be the width of the text.
In C++, it's fairly easy to do. Just define the QString and apply the QFontMetrics to get its width. Then define the rectangle graphics element to have that size. It's done within five minutes.
I have heard that QML is easier to use. Therefore, I was expecting to solve that problem in less than five minutes. I didn't, and I'm still stuck at it. Here's what I have tried:
Rectangle {
width: myText.contentWidth
height: myText.contentHeight
Text {
id: myText "Helvetica"
font.pointSize: 50
text: qsTr("The string I want to display")
This doesn't work for some reason I don't understand. I have found a way to do it in a way that doesn't exactly suits my needs:
Rectangle {
width: 100
height: 100
MouseArea {
id: myMouseArea
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: parent.width=myText.contentWidth
hoverEnabled: true
Text {
id: myText "Helvetica"
font.pointSize: 50
text: qsTr("The string I want to display")
In this case, when I click the rectangle, it gets the correct width. Nevertheless, I am not interested in this solution, because I don't want to have to click to get a rectangle with the correct size.
I want that the rectangle's size gets the correct size whenever myText changes text. The use of onTextChanged in the Text item doesn't work either.
What am I missing here?
As far as I know, Font metrics were made available to developers in Qt 5.4, so they are relatively new, in QML. You got mainly FontMetrics and TextMetrics. A simple usage example:
import QtQuick 2.4
import QtQuick.Window 2.2
Window {
visible: true
width: 280; height: 150
TextMetrics {
id: textMetrics "Arial"
font.pixelSize: 50
text: "Hello World"
Rectangle {
width: textMetrics.width
height: textMetrics.height
color: "steelblue"
Text {
text: textMetrics.text
font: textMetrics.font
As noted by Phrogz in the comment below, the TextMetrics type does not support measuring wrapped text.
For what is worth I've never ever had the need to use metrics in QML. For me content* or painted* properties served the purpose and, as of Qt 5.12, they seem to work fine. Aka the following two solutions generate the correct visual behaviour:
// solution 1
Rectangle {
width: myText.contentWidth
height: myText.contentHeight
Text {
id: myText "Helvetica"
font.pointSize: 50
text: qsTr("The string I want to display")
// solution 2
Rectangle {
width: myText.paintedWidth
height: myText.paintedHeight
Text {
id: myText "Helvetica"
font.pointSize: 50
text: qsTr("The string I want to display")
I would prefer those solutions to the usage of metrics for such a simple use case as the one proposed by the OP. For the opposite case - fitting a text in a specific size - a combination of properties can do the trick, e.g.:
Rectangle {
anchors.centerIn: parent
width: 200
height: 30
Text {
anchors.fill: parent
text: "Wonderful Text"
minimumPixelSize: 2
fontSizeMode: Text.Fit
font.pixelSize: 200
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter
Here the pixel size is simply over the top but the text still fits because a minimum size of 2 is set and the text has a clear fitting policy and clear boundaries, defined by the anchoring.
I'm sure Label component will do the job:
import QtQuick 2.1
import QtQuick.Controls 2.4
ApplicationWindow {
visible: true
Column {
Repeater {
model: [
{"color": "red", "radius": 1},
{"color": "green", "radius": 2},
{"color": "blue", "radius": 3}
Label {
padding: 0
text: modelData.color "Helvetica"
font.pointSize: 50
background: Rectangle {
color: modelData.color
radius: modelData.radius
You don't need to use anchors.fill: parent for Text item because size of Text's parent depends on size of Text itself. It's cause binding loop.
This must works fine.
Rectangle {
width: myText.contentWidth
height: myText.contentHeight
Text {
id: myText "Helvetica"
font.pointSize: 50
text: qsTr("The string I want to display")

Draw text on canvas using fabric.js

I want to draw text on canvas., how to do it any sample example?
The canvas already contains some shape drawn, i want to show text on the top of that shape on canvas
How can i do it?
Also be aware that you need to actually have loaded a cufon font. There is no default font when using Fabric.js.
<script src="fabric.js"></script>
<script src="cufon.calibri.js"></script>
There are so many fonts available from
This being the case the author is planning on removing the need for cufon. Discussed here: Fabric.js + Google Fonts
If you're wanting to render a block, then some text inside of that block. I would do something like this.
//Render the block
var block = canvas.add(new fabric.Rect({
left: 100,
top: 100,
fill: 'blue'
//Render the text after the block (so that it is in front of the block)
var text = canvas.add(new fabric.Text('I love fabricjs', {
left: block.left, //Take the block's position
fill: 'white'
//Render the text and block on the canvas
//This is to get the width and height of the text element
//Set the block to be the same width and height as the text with a bit of padding
block.set({ width: text.width + 15, height: text.height + 10 });
//Update the canvas to see the text and block positioned together,
//with the text neatly fitting inside the block
Take a look at How to render text tutorial.
It's as simple as:
canvas.add(new fabric.Text('foo', {
fontFamily: 'Delicious_500',
left: 100,
top: 100
Also worth noting that you might need to adjust Cufon's offsetLeft to help correctly position the text. Something like:
Cufon.fonts[your-fontname-in-lowercase-here].offsetLeft = 120;
The kitchen sink demo of fabric uses this:
