Yellow orange box with dot in sublime - sublimetext3

I don't know what I have clicked while I was coding, but this orange box with dots appeared hiding my code:
How can I make my code visible again?

You clicked the arrow on the left, just click it again to collapse the code.

You activated the Code Folding feature. This allows you to hide a block of text temporarily so that you can concentrate on the surrounding lines. The ellipsis (three dots) in the orange box indicates that there are hidden lines at that point in the buffer.
One way to show all lines is with menu item Edit > Code Folding > Unfold All. You may also want to explore the other items in that submenu.


Custom Cell Formatter to Hide/Show Truncated Text

One of the columns in my table can contain a large amount of text, several paragraphs. This causes each row to be very tall and the table not readable.
I would like to set up a custom formatter for this column to automatically truncate the viewable text after X characters (X would be configurable) and include ellipses after that point and then display a "Show More" link. Clicking on "Show More" would then reveal all of the text in the cell, causing the row's height to expand to show all of the text, then toggling the "Show More" link to say "Show Less". Clicking on "Show Less" would return to the truncated view of the cell.
I can get part of this to work by simply returning from the custom formatter the first X characters of the text followed by a an element with display set to null containing the rest of the text. Clicking on "Show More" would change the element's display to inline.
In one sense this works, because the hidden text is displayed in part when Show More is clicked, but only the part that will fit into the existing cell's size. The rest is hidden and an ellipses is added.
For example, the initial load would show:
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy
...Show More
Then after toggling it would show:
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog... [this ellipses is added automatically by the CSS]
Show Less
How do I get the cell to expand to show all of the text?
A trickier version of this is to support HTML content, which can't be truncated as easily and still support showing the formatting properly. text-overflow:ellipses seems like it might solve that problem, but I have not figured out how to get it to work in this context. Indeed, text-overflow:ellipses might overall be a simpler solution to this problem if it can be made to work.
Btw, the alternative is to show the full text in a modal dialog, although I have not investigated that approach yet. (I don't think Tabulator supports a modal dialog out of the box, so I would need to add one, such as jquery's. See: Does anyone have or know of any example of a custom popup editor for Tabulator?)

Selecting SAP grey box element in a list

I'm wondering if you guys have an idea on how to handle this problem.
First i iterate trough this collection. If the input value is the same as the item of the grid box it will stop and select this item.
View of SAP GridBox
Note that every spy mode will select EVERYTHING and the only way to actually read this is with SAP GrixBox.
The problem here is that i need to click the small grey square on the left of the selected Notification. I cannot select it with any hotkey or with a spy mode.
Small grey square MANUALLY selected
My idea was to use capture an highlighted item with the Region mode and then move 5px to the left. But this does not seem to work ...
Any suggestion are welcome!
If I recall correctly the shortcut for selecting an entire row in Sap Grid is Shift + Space. You need to have a cell selected first, though.

Word - How to stick text to the bottom of page
I want to stick some text of the bottom of the page, like on the screen, just before footer always. When there is text (from mergefield), next should be new lines. I hope screenshot make it easier to see.
You can put the text in a text box or frame with position set to "Bottom
Relative to Margin". It's the only idea I have due you don't want to use a footer.
Or you can see this article
Basically it gives three options:
Negative left indent
Margin text box
Anchor to the header
I found the solution to the problem on Microsoft's page and I hope that this page comes up for as many people as possible.
Select the text you want to stick to the bottom (or top) of the page. Under Layout tab take a look at the bottom right of the page layout section and you should see a small arrow that, when clicked on, opens a new menu. In that menu, go to layout tab and set vertical alignment to be "bottom". IMPORTANT! Make sue that the next menu option (at the bottom of that window) is set to "apply to selected sections" otherwise, you will be writing from the bottom of the page upwards.
Here is the source image that helped me.
Here is the visual representation:
Note that the person who took the screenshot set the last setting to whole document, not just selected sections.
If selected sections option isn't available, make sure you selected a text before opening the menu.
Hope this helps!

In PhpStorm :: tab rows reorder on click & jump on drag&drop

Handling the tabs right now is crazy !!
Often I use a split layout / workspace. Mostly I split vertically.
After a short time I have 10 tabs left, 10 tabs right
If I try to reorder a tab by dragging it, the tabs beneath it (the place I'd like to drop the tab) jump around and flicker.
If I click a tab (of a row) all rows reorder... what the * ? How to keep an overview like this.
I can't drag from one view to the other.
So my associated questions would be...
About 1. Am I doing something wrong ?
About 2. Are there some settings to disable this reordering ?
About 3. See edit
Sublime Text 2 for example does this all very naturally.
I found out that I can drag a tab from one side to another, BUT I need to drag it a little bit down first so the tab gets "loose"
There is no fix yet, these are known issues:
A workaround would be to use tabs on left/right or in single row options.

In Visual Studio, how can I change/disable the line-highlight color when I double-click on a row in "Find Results"?

Sorry for the complicated title.
Screenshot here:
Do a "Find in Files" search in VS.
Double click on one of the results.
The line in the editor window is highlighted with dark blue (in my case).
The highlight does not go away unless I do another "Find in Files" search and click on another result.
The problems:
The highlight is too dark/overpowering.
I can't see other highlights (like selecting text, or even where my cursor is).
I want the highlight to go away while I'm editing the file.
So my questions:
Can I change the color of this highlight to something less powerful? (a nice light gray perhaps) I can't seem to tell which of the color-coding options changes this one.
Can I clear this highlight somehow while editing (without needing to do another search)
Can I disable this highlighting completely?
PS. I'm not interested in the line-highlight color in the "Find Results" window itself - just the highlight that appears in my text-editor window after I double-click on one of the results.
Try changing your color settings.
Tools -> Options -> Fonts and Colors
Select "Show settings for: Find Results Window" and change the "Current List Location" background color.
