Text effects on hover - text

I'm trying to create a simple effect of a mouseover (or hover) in processing. I have been able to do this effect on shapes only, such as rectangles, ellipses etc. but I cannot figure out how to do it on text objects.
For example to detect mouseover on a circle:
if (sqrt(sq(x - mouseX) + sq(y - mouseX)) < diameter/2 ) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
The effect will be as simple as changing the text color to indicate that the mouse is over the text.
Any help is appreciated, thanks!

Use a bounding box which is just a rectangle that is "drawn" around the text. (That rectangle usually doesn't actually get drawn, except for debugging.)
You can get the bounding box of text using the textWidth() function and its friends, which you can read about in the reference.
Then when you have that bounding box, you can use the collision detection code for rectangles that you already have.
In the future, please try to post a MCVE instead of posting a disconnected snippet.


How to clip vega-lite text inside a rect?

In a webpage created with node/webpack, vega-lite, and vegaEmbed, I have a layer with rect marks with short annotations inside them using text marks. I'd like to clip the text to its surrounding rect but haven't figured out a way to do this and hope someone can point me in the right direction.
I realize text has a limit property in pixel units. If I could determine the pixel units of my rect marks (I don't know how to do this), using limit seems like a reasonable approach.
Also, if I knew the pixel extents of my rectangle, I can then write code to align the text within the rect which would be desirable. Currently I just use the same x as the rect, with a dx offset.
I've read about background for text which is a similar problem, but not the same.

draw rectangle under stackview

I find myself in the situation of having to manually draw a rectangle with rounded edges as a background for a horizontal stack view. To create the classic ios "bubble" effect, such as whatsapp chats, where the text is surrounded by a green shape.
I am attaching the code:
var BackgroundStack = new UIView();
BackgroundStack.Frame = new CGRect(0, -20, TopSchedaStack.Bounds.Width,
BackgroundStack.BackgroundColor = UIColor.TertiarySystemGroupedBackgroundColor;
BackgroundStack.Layer.CornerRadius = 20;
TopSchedaStack.InsertSubview(BackgroundStack, 0);
the perplexity lies in "BackgroundStack.Frame ...", I need to wrap the generated element in the "TopSchedaStack" storyboard of the UIHorizontalStackView type, with a gray rectangle. So I create it with the CGRect function but when I have to position it precisely under the object it is horizontally and vertically constrained to the view and centered. I am struggling, I cannot get the width I expect from the stack. In the storyboard file it is positioned one way but when I go to recover its width with:
TopSchedaStack.Bounds.Width or TopSchedaStack.Frame.Width
The value obtained is not what I expect. I expect the stack to be long from the left edge to the right edge of the view, taking away the guidelines. therefore it is an object constrained to the right and left respectively at point 0.
I would like the gray rectangle to cover the portion of the blue rectangle depicted in the image containing the storyaboard project. I'm pretty much going randomly changing values until it comes back, I'm sure I'll succeed sooner or later but I'm convinced it's not the right way to do this. Can you help me?

SVG Text-anchor top left

By default, the anchor for the text element in SVG is at the bottom left, but I want it to be at the top left, since I am also creating a rectangle to act as the background for the text, but it is displayed incorrectly since the text is higher than the rectangle (because rectangle anchor/offset is at the top left). Is there a way to fix this, so both text and rectangle can be drawn at same coordinates and be displayed in the same location.
The dominant-baseline property/attribute worked for me:
svg {
dominant-baseline: hanging;
The coordinates (x and y) you supply for text elements is used as the baseline of the text. This makes sense because if there is text with varying font sizes on the same line, you would want their baselines to line up.
There is no "automatic" way to do what you want. SVG elements are always absolutely positioned.
You will just have to move the text down a bit by making the y coordinate a bit larger.
Alternatively, you could add a dy attribute to shift the text down a bit. Or even use a transform attribute to do the same. But using either of those methods wouldn't really be simplifying the process for you.

UIButton text not getting wrapped to several lines

I have the problem that the text on three UIButtons gets wrapped to several lines in the Interface Builder, but when I run the code, the text is larger than the button and in one line only. I tried setting NSLineBreakMode and NSTextAlignment, but both didn't help.
In the Interface Builder it looks correctly like this: http://imgur.com/WplkqQV while on the simulator it looks like this: http://imgur.com/0YPpEfU. Any ideas?
Thanks in advance.
There is certainly something very odd about your example; I can't reproduce it. You must be doing something to the buttons that you have not described in the information provided by your question. If you set up your button line break mode to be Word Wrap (in the nib), and if your constraints are sensible so that the button can get wider in landscape and narrower in portrait, then it will wrap in portrait and not in landscape, which I believe is what you want. Here are screen shots of a button in the Simulator on my machine (ignore the actual widths of the buttons; it's only an example; what's important is the text wrapping):
The real problem, however, is the height. You'll notice that that isn't changing. This is because a round rect button has an intrinsic height value. If you want the height to change, to make more vertical room for the wrapped text, you will probably need to subclass or intervene in the layout process after rotation. For example, I get pretty nice results like this:
-(void)viewDidLayoutSubviews {
CGRect f = self.button.bounds;
if (UIInterfaceOrientationIsLandscape(self.interfaceOrientation))
f.size.height = 44;
f.size.height = 60;
self.button.bounds = f;

How to prevent OnCustomDraw of CTreeCtrl from painting Default painting on my painting

I created a CTreeCtrl but I need to mark some of the items in red colored hollow box.
So I created the function OnCustomDraw and drew a red colour box around the item. The red box is appearing but the text part and image parts are drawn on top of the red box so some part of the box cannot be seen. I guess the default painting is overriding my painting. Can anyone tell me how my painting will be over the default painting.
I assume you should be painting on the correct stage. CDDS_ITEMPOSTPAINT seems to be a good choice. Here you would find more information on that.
You should insert an item (your draw possibly as a bitmap and your text as well) instead of updating just your draw.
