Excel Pie-Chart in categories - excel

Basically the pie chart should display the data categorized by the category/color, showing each of the entries proportional to the value it has compared to the others. Data labels will have the name as well as the percentage.
Sadly I could not get that to work in Excel as I wasn't able to categorize the different entries by their category/color.
Please see the pictures below to see what result I'm trying to achieve for the given data.

not an expert with graphs, but make a pivot pie chart. manually set the color of each category as you please. on the pivot table you can drag the order around to force them to be together if they are separate. this isn't the best way, but you can get by on it.


Group and Color Code Categories in Pivot Tables/Charts Excel

I have data in a pivot table as follows:
I'd like to group the data as shown in the brackets (all the 1s, 2s, and 3s together) without combining the data, and have it be color coded ideally, rather than the random colors it currently is. Is there a way to do this? I come upon this problem a lot and end up manually fixing the graphs, so I'm hoping to save some time!

Excel 2010: Shading per series for Bar Charts

I have a table of data similar to this:
I want to create a bar chart like this:
But I get this:
or, when I add major gridlines, I get this:
However, I want a quick way to visually differentiate between the different quarters (Q1... Q4) by shading them with a different background color each or marking a border around them.
I don't want to export the chart as an image and edit it because:
1. This is a weekly report, it would be very repetitive and error prone.
2. It would be time consuming when I need to do it for 100s of records.
3. My manager prefers the data and the chart to be sent as part of the report. Hence, changing it to other formats is not possible.
Is it possible to create such a graph using Excel 2010? If so, how? I don't mind writing a macro for this, but am currently lost on the approach.
If you want to do something like this:
It's a bit tricky, but can be done. First you must add a fourth data series so you have the data like this:
Then you have to put the three "real" data series in the secondary axis. You must set the maximum values both in secondary and primary axes to the same value (30 in my example). Next, you delete the secondary axis. And finally, in the fourth series settings you let it overlap and put the separation to zero. Sorry, I don't know the exact english name of the settings, as my Excel is not in english.

How can I create a graph in excel that uses multiple columns and does stacked columns?

I need a graph that has multiple columns and also has stacked columns. Here is a photo to help illustrate what I am looking for: Graph Examples As you can see in the photo there are two graphs. I want them to become one I wanted the Stacked there to be a total of 2 columns for each data series. I want the front column to have Data C3:C14 with D3:D14 Stacked on top of it, Then a column in the back that has B3:B14.
Simple answer is you can not so you have to cheat.
Can you upload the spreadsheet?

Excel: Color Code Subset of Pie Charts

Hello, I was wondering if it is possible to color code groups of the pie chart together, but not manually do it slice by slice. For example, Apartments would be grouped together as light blue, and then Self Storage as dark blue. The pieces would retain their original percentage still though. This would make it easier to identify groups of data more easily. Any input?
Thanks in advance for the help.
Any input? Well, first, don't use pie charts for charts with more than two or three data points. They are hard to interpret. Use horizontal bar charts instead.
The data seems to be sorted by value. If you want to group by category, you will need to sort by category, too.
Excel will automatically apply a different color to each pie chart wedge. You can manually change these colors. You can use VBA to automate that.
A horizontal bar chart will give you a lot more tools to visualize the data and turn it into information.

how to create percentage bar chart in excel, similar to "100% stacked column" but with one variable against total value

I thought over a lot for this case, I need to plot a series as percentage value of another series.
e.g, series A is the capacity and B is the usage. I want a percentage plot of B on A. Initially I did this by creating a 100% stack chart with series B vs (A-B). I computed (A-B) on a separate column and used that as a series for this purpose. So far so good.
But now I want to generate multiple charts like this (say 12 different graphs for 12 months' usage). I have 12 columns of usage data and one column of fixed capacity data.
Is there a way to auto-generate this chart without having to create 12 intermediate columns with formula. It seems logical that Excel should have a chart type for representing A on B, just as they have one for A,B on A+B.
Sorry if I am too lengthy or confusing in my description. I did my best here to explain.
Actually I am trying to do the same thing I figured it out. If you have Excel 2007 (not sure if this feature is available in older versions). Select all 3 colums, 1 with the names of your variables, total count, and subtotal of what you are counting. Select column chart. Once the chart is created, right click to format the data series. Under series options there is a slidebar for series overlap, change this value to 100% and wahla, the the 2nd series becomes a percent of the total. Hope this helps!
Excel has common chart types, but even Microsoft doesn't have the resources to provide every possible combination of charting styles. And users are confused enough with the currently available styles.
Excel charts plot the data that they are given. If you need to plot A as a percentage of B, you will need to compute the percentage in a range, and plot this range.
The way I would do this is not to modify the ranges on the worksheet at all.
Write a new function that creates the modified range data you need so that you can return this and use it inside of ApplyTemplate method when creating the chart. The only downside to this is you would need to run a macro/vsto ribbon button to update the chart. as opposed to getting that behaviour for free with a worksheet bound approach.
