Add Select tickbox to PXSelectReadOnly View - acumatica

Is it possible to add a select tickbox to the PXSelectReadonly View, and make it available for the user to tick items from the grid?
I tried adding it but it is always disabled. I can understand that this is because the PXSelectReadonly does not allow updating so everything would be read-only, but is still a way to achieve this, or do you need to use a standard PXSelect view, and then disable everything except the select tickbox?

Difference between read-only and regular data views is explained in detail in the Merged and Read-Only Retrieval Modes section of the T200 training class, which can be downloaded from Acumatica Open University). Read-only data view types do not contain or execute any UI presentation logic and, in terms of presentation, logic are identical to regular PXSelect types. Have you tried enabling Select field in the RowSelected handler or BLC constructor? It would also help if you update your question with source code of your DAC and BLC.
Update based on the comment from Joseph Caruana below:
Besides the difference in data retrieval modes, PXSelectReadOnly data views now make entire grid read-only ignoring all field state configurations made at the runtime via PXUIFieldAttribute.


Add Excel Import to existing Acumatica Page - Without redefining the Data View

I want to extend an Acumatica page and include the ability to import form Excel in a grid.
I understand that you can achieve this by adding PXImport to the data view and setting AllowUpload to the grid.
However, my concern is that I don't want to repeat the view definition in my extension. This is because, in case there is an Acumatica update and the view is updated, I don't want to always remember to check whether I need to update my view as well.
Is there a way to add a PXImport in an extension without having to repeat the View definition of the Base graph? Something similar to a 'CacheAttached' but for a Data View not a DAC.
Or is this not possible?
Is there a way to add a PXImport in an extension without having to
repeat the View definition of the Base graph? Something similar to a 'CacheAttached' but for a Data View not a DAC.
To my knowledge such feature doesn't exists. The most recent documentation (2019 R2) is still instructing to copy the original data view declaration and modify it if necessary:

Design refresh in Lotus Domino does not include all design elements

I have one template from which I'm trying to refresh the design in my database.
However when I run "load design -f database.nsf" or select "Refresh design..." in the context menu in the Domino Designer it always skips the same design elements when updating.
There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with the settings on database level since some elements are updated properly. But I don't know of any other setting on element level than "Prohibit design refresh" that would result in this behavior. If I delete all forms in the database and refresh design again, only those elements that aren't skipped are added to the database.
I have tried creating new copies of database and template, compact, fixup, updall.
Ideas anyone?
Checked my elements (forms) access settings like Knut Herrman suggested, but this doesn't seem to be the issue either. The settings on the access tab is "All readers and above" and "All authors and above". (Would have posted picture, but sadly I don't have enough reputation)
Tried deleting all elements in the main database and refreshing after with the result that it skips the same elements as mentioned above.
I have uploaded a small example with a one template and one database, and only two forms for design elements, if someone wants to check it out. One of the forms is updated on Refresh, the other is not.
If I use Replace instead it works fine btw.
There is an issue with a Language setting that was applied to FormOne in your example database. I think the refresh is ignoring elements in the template that it does not think match your current language.
When I looked at the fields tab in the FormOne design properties, I saw an item called $BabelInfo. This item does not exist in FormTwo. My hunch was that this has something to do with Language settings, so I went looking for the Language settings in Domino Designer. I couldn't find them in the regular dialogs and editing panes! But when I looked at both forms in DXL¹ there was a Language property set to EN-gb for FormOne, and there was no Language setting for FormTwo.
Using the DXL editor, I removed the Language setting from FormOne. On first attempt, this had no effect, but then deleted FormOne from the database - which I presumed had inherited the Language setting, though I'm not sure I checked that. I did a refresh and it added FormOne to the database. Then I made another change to FormOne in the template and refreshed again, and FormOne in the database was correctly updated.
¹ I had to search around before I figured out how to get at the form data in DXL. A right click in the forms list in navigation pane brings up "Edit in DXL". That option is not available in the list of forms in the main pane.
Most likely, your missing design elements need a certain role.
Define those roles in your destination database's ACL and set the roles for you, your servers and relevant users.
It could also be the dates in the main and the template database, that somehow the element in the main db is newer.
Quick solution: delete the element in the main database and refresh it from the template.
This might seem rather obvious, but double-check that the "Prohibit design refresh or replace to modify" property is not selected in your design element properties, i.e. there should be no ticks in the column highlighted in the image below if you want all elements to refresh.
I suspect this may not be the solution, as you said Replace is working, but I thought I'd mention it.

How to create a View with replication conflicts

I wish to create a view showing a number of fields from notes documents with replication or save conflicts. So far I have managed to create a basic view with a column for the document ID (Contract ID) then the next column states "Replication or Save Conflicts" but I don't seem to able to either get rid of the replocation or save conflcits column or add new columns to show additional fields from the document. Is there a way I can do this? I want to be able to show the view in XPages. Here is the View selection formula I am using;
SELECT #IsAvailable($Conflict)
Conflicts are not displayed good in views. here are a few alternative tips to deal with conflicts that might give you an idea or two :-)
Create a categorized column with the value of the field $ConflictItems in the view you have, then you will see which item is causing the conflict and can take action to prevent it.
When you open a conflict you can use the action menu "View Parent" to compare the parent and the conflict
Ytra ScanEZ is a great tool for finding and resolving conflicts. it is also possible to create a script that will compare the documents and present a diff list.
You can create an XPage to display your conflicts (and parents). The web is more dynamic as it allow you to layout your data in the way you want and is not restricted to the way view in Notes works. This kind of xpage can be displayed in Notes client or Web browser
Use XPages power. Get all documents from the view with your selection formula. But don't try to show any column value and get fields directly from back-end document you get from view entry entry.getDocument().
Sure, it has some performance impact, but for (hopefully) small amount of replication conflict it's nothing serious.

update netsuite parent field via suitescript in view mode

I have scripts that react off of, for example, a client Recalc client event. For example, on my form I have a subtab that users may add or remove items from. Based on actions on this subtab (housing a child record of the parent) I would like a field on the parent to update (say to show a total from the children records).
As I was saying, these events seem to work fine if in edit mode but they do not work correctly in view mode. (even in view mode these child records have a "Delete" option at the end of each row in the subtab. This was provided by netsuite by default.
I wondered if anyone had any tips to best allow this parent field to update real time while in updating the subtab rows with the form in view mode.
You can make a custom field on the parent (header) whose value is determined by saved search. For instance, make a saved search that totals the line values by transaction. Be sure to make it filter by transaction in the Available Filters tab. Make the search public so everyone can use it.
Create the custom field that sources the total from the saved search. Make sure to uncheck the "Store Value" checkbox, as you don't want to store the data, you want to reference the search results. You do this on the Validation and Defaulting tab. You'll see a field for Saved Search there. Choose the search you created above.
As you remove/add/change lines on the transaction, the field updates accordingly. In essence, you don't need a single line of code to make this work - it's all in how you create the search and the custom field that references it.
I have a similar situation posted here.
The NetSuite team answered me by email, and it happens you can't really achieve this on the view mode: some API methods are not available. Their suggestion to my case (and I think it applies to yours too) was really to force a refresh on the whole page.
Of course, you can always achieve this accessing the DOM elements directly, but this isn't a best practice, as your code can stop working if these elements change on a version update.
I had the same problem, I'm not able to restrict on view or remove edit button. But, there was one alternative solution with workflows, you can deploy workflow on child record edit mode restrictions, then if the user clicks edit on view then the record will not be available to edit. This concern will apply to custom record as well.

Read only appears like disable control in CRM

I am new to CRM, and I have run into a requirement where I have to show some controls (textbox, option set, etc) and custom entities (sub - grid) as readonly. But, when I made them readonly, they appears like disabled and are getting grayed out. Is there any way to make them only read only not look like disabled?
Please suggest.
in CRM read-only means fields are greyed out but still they are readable.
If you want to make the fields visible as normal but don't want them to be editable by the user, you need to write JavaScipt for that.
Take the following steps.
1. Make the fields editable.
2. On form's OnSave Event, call the following method to prevent the attributes to be saved.
function PreventSave()
It will not grey out the fields and still prevent the user to change their values.
I hope it will help you.
For text fields, there is one type of text field that when set to readonly does not look like it is disabled. Off the top of my head I can't remember which type. For the other field types I have not found a way to not have them look disabled when made readonly.
Other option is not to use form fields but show the data you need to be readonly (and not grayed out) in a web resource (HTML/SL/etc). Be aware tho that if your users are using outlook with crm addin, there are limitations here when the record is viewed in the outlook reading pane.
Only other option I can think of is to not set the fields as readonly but control any field data changes with javascript.
In short, I haven't found a good way to do what you need.
