Modify recorded code to convert Text to Column - excel

I have a column BA. I want to do Text to Column to column BC.
I recorded a macro. When I execute it in a workbook I get an error.
Here is my recorded macro.
Sub Macro8()
' Macro8 Macro
' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+H
Selection.TextToColumns Destination:=ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2).Range("A1"), _
DataType:=xlDelimited, TextQualifier:=xlDoubleQuote, ConsecutiveDelimiter _
:=True, Tab:=False, Semicolon:=False, Comma:=True, Space:=False, _
Other:=True, OtherChar:=":", FieldInfo:=Array(Array(1, 1), Array(2, 1), Array _
(3, 1), Array(4, 1), Array(5, 1), Array(6, 1), Array(7, 1), Array(8, 1), Array(9, 1), Array( _
10, 1), Array(11, 1), Array(12, 1), Array(13, 1), Array(14, 1), Array(15, 1), Array(16, 1), _
Array(17, 1), Array(18, 1), Array(19, 1), Array(20, 1), Array(21, 1), Array(22, 1), Array( _
23, 1), Array(24, 1), Array(25, 1), Array(26, 1), Array(27, 1), Array(28, 1), Array(29, 1), _
Array(30, 1), Array(31, 1), Array(32, 1), Array(33, 1), Array(34, 1), Array(35, 1), Array( _
36, 1), Array(37, 1), Array(38, 1)), TrailingMinusNumbers:=True
End Sub
Shouldn't Range be BA?
I don't see BC - is that the 0, 2 offset?

EDIT: changed the destination offset to two columns over (from 1)
If you just need your code to operate on the selected cells then this should work:
Selection.TextToColumns Destination:=Selection.Offset(0, 2), _
DataType:=xlDelimited, TextQualifier:=xlDoubleQuote, _
ConsecutiveDelimiter:=False, Comma:=True, Other:=True, _
Unless you have specific datatypes etc you want to apply to the resulting columns, you can typically omit the FieldInfo argument


split cells format treatment

I use a simple macro, insert a "txt" file and then split it into columns
Sub POR_Import()
Dim ws As Worksheet, strFile As String
Call Smaz_vstup_POR
Set ws = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("POR_IMPORT") 'set to current worksheet name
strFile = Application.GetOpenFilename("Text Files (*.*),*.*", , "Please select text file...")
With ws.QueryTables.Add(Connection:="TEXT;" & strFile, Destination:=ws.Range("A1"))
.TextFileParseType = xlDelimited
.TextFileCommaDelimiter = True
Call SplitPOR
i = MsgBox("Done", vbOKOnly + vbInformation)
End With
End Sub
and split
Sub SplitPOR()
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Selection.TextToColumns Destination:=Range("A1"), DataType:=xlDelimited, _
TextQualifier:=xlDoubleQuote, ConsecutiveDelimiter:=False, Tab:=False, _
Semicolon:=False, Comma:=False, Space:=False, Other:=True, OtherChar _
:="¦", FieldInfo:=Array(Array(1, 2), Array(2, 2), Array(3, 2), Array(4, 2), Array(5, _
2), Array(6, 2), Array(7, 2), Array(8, 2), Array(9, 2), Array(10, 2), Array(11, 2), Array(12 _
, 2), Array(13, 2), Array(14, 2), Array(15, 2), Array(16, 2), Array(17, 2), Array(18, 2), _
Array(19, 2), Array(20, 2), Array(21, 2), Array(22, 2), Array(23, 2), Array(24, 2), Array( _
25, 2), Array(26, 2), Array(27, 2), Array(28, 2), Array(29, 2), Array(30, 2), Array(31, 2), _
Array(32, 2), Array(33, 2), Array(34, 2), Array(35, 2), Array(36, 2), Array(37, 2), Array( _
38, 2), Array(39, 2), Array(40, 2), Array(41, 1), Array(42, 2), Array(43, 2), Array(44, 2), _
Array(45, 2), Array(46, 2), Array(47, 2), Array(48, 2), Array(49, 2), Array(50, 2), Array( _
51, 2), Array(52, 2), Array(53, 2), Array(54, 2), Array(55, 2), Array(56, 2), Array(57, 2), _
Array(58, 2), Array(59, 2), Array(60, 2), Array(61, 2), Array(62, 2), Array(63, 2)), _
End Sub
But every time I want to repeat the process I have to close and reopen excel. The moment you insert the txt for the second time excel will automatically split it according to how it was split the first time.
Is there please any possible treatment for this case?
Apologize once more for being obtuse and not understanding what you meant!
Please, try using the next optimized solution:
Sub POR_Import()
Dim ws As Worksheet, strFile As String
Call Smaz_vstup_POR
Set ws = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("POR_IMPORT") 'set to current worksheet name
ws.UsedRange.ClearContents 'clear the previous used range content
'Normalize the TextToColumns behavior:____________________________________________________________
With ws.Range("A1")
.value = "1,2,3"
.TextToColumns Destination:=ws.Range("A1"), DataType:=xlDelimited, ConsecutiveDelimiter:=False, Tab:=False, _
Semicolon:=False, Comma:=False, space:=False, Other:=False, FieldInfo:=Array(1, 1), TrailingMinusNumbers:=True
End With
strFile = Application.GetOpenFilename("Text Files (*.*),*.*", , "Please select text file...")
With ws.QueryTables.Add(Connection:="TEXT;" & strFile, Destination:=ws.Range("A1"))
.TextFileParseType = xlDelimited
.TextFileTabDelimiter = True
End With
ws.QueryTables(ws.QueryTables.count).Delete 'delete the query after bringing the necessary text
SplitPOR ws 'call the splitting function with ws sheet as argument
MsgBox "Done", vbOKOnly + vbInformation
End Sub
Sub SplitPOR(ws As Worksheet)
Dim wsP_d As Worksheet, arrtxt(62), i As Long
Set wsP_d = Worksheets("POR_divide")
wsP_d.UsedRange.ClearContents 'clear the content, to not be ask about overwriting
wsP_d.Range("A:A").value = ws.Columns("B:B").value 'copy the column without using clipboard
For i = 0 To UBound(arrtxt) 'create the array to be passed to FieldInfo TextToColumns parameter
arrtxt(i) = Array(i + 1, 2)
Next i
'Use a more compact way:
wsP_d.Range("A:A").TextToColumns Destination:=wsP_d.Range("A1"), DataType:=xlDelimited, _
TextQualifier:=xlDoubleQuote, ConsecutiveDelimiter:=False, Tab:=False, _
Semicolon:=False, Comma:=False, space:=False, Other:=True, OtherChar _
:="¦", FieldInfo:=arrtxt, TrailingMinusNumbers:=True
End Sub
Please, send some feedback after testing it. I will feel better knowing that I could help, after my stupid approach in comments, not being able to understand how what you were saying was possible...

VBA code to convert all data to columns with arbitrary number of delimiters

I would like to have a macro for converting a pipe-delimited csv/text file to to columns. When I recorded the macro, it tailored it to the number of columns in this dataset. How do I alter this code so that it accommodates any number of columns?
Sub Pipe2Col()
' Pipe2Col Macro
' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+t
ActiveSheet.PasteSpecial Format:="Unicode Text", Link:=False, _
Selection.TextToColumns Destination:=Range("A1"), DataType:=xlDelimited, _
TextQualifier:=xlDoubleQuote, ConsecutiveDelimiter:=False, Tab:=False, _
Semicolon:=False, Comma:=False, Space:=False, Other:=True, OtherChar _
:="|", FieldInfo:=Array(Array(1, 1), Array(2, 1), Array(3, 1), Array(4, 1), Array(5, _
1), Array(6, 1), Array(7, 1), Array(8, 1), Array(9, 1), Array(10, 1), Array(11, 1), Array(12 _
, 1), Array(13, 1), Array(14, 1), Array(15, 1), Array(16, 1), Array(17, 1), Array(18, 1), _
Array(19, 1), Array(20, 1), Array(21, 1), Array(22, 1), Array(23, 1), Array(24, 1), Array( _
25, 1), Array(26, 1), Array(27, 1), Array(28, 1)), TrailingMinusNumbers:=True
End Sub
Simplist way would be to prebuild a FieldInfo array that you know is larger than the max number of columns in your source data
Here I've assumed that is 100 columns. Also cleaned up the recorder nonsense
Sub Demo()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim rng As Range
Dim FieldInfo() As Variant
Dim ColInfo() As Variant
Dim i As Long
Set ws = ActiveSheet
Set rng = ws.Range(ws.Cells(1, 1), ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp))
ReDim FieldInfo(0 To 99)
ReDim ColInfo(0 To 1)
ColInfo(1) = 1
For i = 1 To 100
ColInfo(0) = i
FieldInfo(i - 1) = ColInfo
rng.TextToColumns _
Destination:=rng.Cells(1, 1), _
DataType:=xlDelimited, _
TextQualifier:=xlDoubleQuote, _
ConsecutiveDelimiter:=False, _
Tab:=False, _
Semicolon:=False, _
Comma:=False, _
Space:=False, _
Other:=True, _
OtherChar:="|", _
FieldInfo:=FieldInfo, _
End Sub

How to format date when converting text to columns?

I'm trying to convert a range of data, from text to columns, with VBA.
When I apply the code some cells with date don't convert as date. If then you enter the cell and press "enter" it converts to date format.
Selection.TextToColumns _
Destination:=Range("A1"), _
DataType:=xlDelimited, _
TextQualifier:=xlDoubleQuote, _
ConsecutiveDelimiter:=False, _
Tab:=True, _
Semicolon:=False, _
Comma:=False, _
Space:=False, _
Other:=True, _
OtherChar:="$", _
FieldInfo:=Array(Array(1, 1), Array(2, 1), Array(3, 1), Array(4, 1), Array(5, 1), _
Array(6, 4), Array(7, 8), Array(8, 4), Array(9, 4), Array(10, 4), _
Array(11, 4), Array(12, 4), Array(13, 1), Array(14, 1), Array(15, 1), _
Array(16, 1), Array(17, 1), Array(18, 1), Array(19, 1), Array(20, 1), _
Array(21, 1), Array(22, 1), Array(23, 1), Array(24, 1), Array(25, 1), _
Array(26, 1), Array(27, 1), Array(28, 1), Array(29, 1), Array(30, 1), _
Array(31, 1), Array(32, 1), Array(33, 1), Array(34, 1), Array(35, 1), _
Array(36, 1), Array(37, 1), Array( 38, 1), Array(39, 1), Array(40, 1), _
Array(41, 1), Array(42, 1), Array(43, 1), Array(44, 1), Array(45, 1), _
Array(46, 1)),
DecimalSeparator:=".", _
ThousandsSeparator:=",", _
In the array, cells 6 to 12 is where the dates are.
I cannot update any of the data due to data protection policy. But here is a small sample where also happens the same problem. All the text is in the same column A1 and each line in a different row
20191284809$$BT$Anulado$23/05/2019 09:22:57
20191304047$$BT$Anulado$04/06/2019 20:29:03
20191159599$$BT$Anulado$01/03/2019 11:53:10
20191165919$$BT$Anulado$06/03/2019 11:33:18
20191247883$$BT$Anulado$27/04/2019 14:54:17
20191381935$$BT$Cerrado$22/07/2019 01:12:03
20191404309$$BT$Cerrado$03/08/2019 08:56:55

how to get field width info of the excel text to column

While converting text to column using excel wizard. how to get the field info array used in this conversion. for example in the vba code generated in a sample text to column, how can we procure the fieldinfo array used
Array(0, 1), Array(24, 1), Array(44, 1) etc. preferably in a variable
Selection.TextToColumns Destination:=Range("A5"), DataType:=xlFixedWidth, _
FieldInfo:=Array(Array(0, 1), Array(24, 1), Array(44, 1), Array(70, 1), Array(79, 1), _
Array(96, 1), Array(107, 1), Array(118, 1), Array(127, 1), Array(135, 1)), _
Like this?
Dim fldInfo
fldInfo = Array(Array(0, 1), Array(24, 1), Array(44, 1), Array(70, 1), Array(79, 1), _
Array(96, 1), Array(107, 1), Array(118, 1), Array(127, 1), Array(135, 1))
Selection.TextToColumns Destination:=Range("A5"), DataType:=xlFixedWidth, _
FieldInfo:=fldInfo, TrailingMinusNumbers:=True

Dynamic Destination VBA

I'm trying to make my VBA destination to the cell below the ActiveCell. Right now, it only wants to place it in R2. I have tried using offset to shift it down a cell, but haven't had any luck. The array would typically hold something like Doe, John
Sub MailMergeNames()
' MailMergeNames Macro
' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+M
' Shift line to rows
Selection.TextToColumns Destination:=Range("R1"), DataType:=xlDelimited, _
TextQualifier:=xlDoubleQuote, ConsecutiveDelimiter:=False, Tab:=False, _
Semicolon:=True, Comma:=False, Space:=False, Other:=False, OtherChar _
:="<", FieldInfo:=Array(Array(1, 1), Array(2, 1), Array(3, 1), Array(4, 1), Array(5, _
1), Array(6, 1), Array(7, 1), Array(8, 1), Array(9, 1), Array(10, 1), Array(11, 1), Array(12 _
, 1), Array(13, 1), Array(14, 1), Array(15, 1), Array(16, 1), Array(17, 1), Array(18, 1), _
Array(19, 1), Array(20, 1), Array(21, 1), Array(22, 1), Array(23, 1), Array(24, 1), Array( _
25, 1), Array(26, 1), Array(27, 1), Array(28, 1), Array(29, 1), Array(30, 1), Array(31, 1), _
Array(32, 1), Array(33, 1), Array(34, 1), Array(35, 1), Array(36, 1), Array(37, 1), Array( _
38, 1), Array(39, 1), Array(40, 1), Array(41, 1), Array(42, 1), Array(43, 1), Array(44, 1), _
Array(45, 1), Array(46, 1), Array(47, 1), Array(48, 1), Array(49, 1), Array(50, 1), Array( _
51, 1), Array(52, 1), Array(53, 1), Array(54, 1), Array(55, 1), Array(56, 1), Array(57, 1), _
Array(58, 1), Array(59, 1), Array(60, 1), Array(61, 1), Array(62, 1), Array(63, 1), Array( _
64, 1), Array(65, 1), Array(66, 1), Array(67, 1)), TrailingMinusNumbers:=True
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteAll, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:= _
False, Transpose:=True
Application.CutCopyMode = False
' Trim Values
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Dim Cell As Range
'Also Treat CHR 0160, as a space (CHR 032)
Selection.Replace what:=Chr(160), Replacement:=Chr(32), _
LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False
'Trim in Excel removes extra internal spaces, VBA does not
On Error Resume Next 'in case no text cells in selection
For Each Cell In Intersect(Selection, _
Selection.SpecialCells(xlConstants, xlTextValues))
Cell.Value = Application.Trim(Cell.Value)
Next Cell
On Error GoTo 0
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
' Deliminate Rows to Columns
Selection.TextToColumns Destination:=Range("R2"), DataType:=xlDelimited, _
TextQualifier:=xlDoubleQuote, ConsecutiveDelimiter:=True, Tab:=False, _
Semicolon:=True, Comma:=True, Space:=True, Other:=True, OtherChar:= _
"<", FieldInfo:=Array(Array(1, 1), Array(2, 1), Array(3, 1), Array(4, 1), Array(5, 1)) _
, TrailingMinusNumbers:=True
Range("R1", "AAA1").Clear
End Sub
