TimeZone proplem in sequelize - node.js

Table name like users following columns are there
*Id -------------- (int type)
*DateandTime --------(Date type)
*Name -------------(varchar type)
I already insert one row like
Id = 123
Name = MR.X
DateandTime = 2018-01-12 06:22:06
Now select query in sequelize
attributes: ['ID','DateandTime','NAME'],
where: {ID: useId} })
.then((userResult) => {
....... })
but getting DateandTime "2018-01-12T06:22:06.000Z"

You are getting out exactly what you put in. You have inserted a row as a string and it has been converted to a UTC date, it has not been stored the same as the string you put in.
When requesting it back out again, it is returning the date you put in, but from its database date form, not the original string.
You need to either store the date string as a string (varchar) if you just want the value as-is. Or, if you need to use the date for any date related functions, when you retrieve it back to display, you need to convert it to the string value you want.
I suggest using moment.js
const stringDate = moment(date).format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm');


Bulk Insert records in Postgres using nodejs?

I am trying to do multiple insert row using node-postgres, I want id to be created dynamically and return those ids
Following approach, I am using
const insertArray = [['kunal#test.com',1000,'abcdef'],['kunal1#test.com',1000,'fedkcn']]
let query1 = format(`INSERT INTO users VALUES %L returning id`, insertArray);
const newClient = new Client();
await newClient.connect();
let {rows} = await newClient.query(query1);
I am getting errors as
invalid input syntax for type integer: "kunal#test.com",
how can we skip id?
Tried using CSV option via copyfrom also getting the same issue
const stream = client.query(copyFrom(`COPY users FROM STDIN (format csv, DELIMITER ',', HEADER)`))
const readStream = fs.createReadStream('./tmp/copy.csv');
USERS table schema
id email amount address
Integer. String. Integer. String.
Not sure how to auto-generate id and return the rows containing new id.
Cannot provide the col name also, as this functionality will also be used by other schemas.
If I provide id it works fine
Thanks for help
Inserting (either by insert or copy) without specifying column names is positional operational in order of column definition. In other words here insert into users values ... is the same as insert into users(id, email, amount, address) values .... However, your data does not have the same structure. The solution is to specify your columns:
... INSERT INTO users(email, amount, address) VALUEs...
... COPY users(email, amount, address) FROM STDIN ...

How truncate time while querying documents for date comparison in Cosmos Db

I have document contains properties like this
"createdOnDateTime": "2018-07-23T12:47:42.6407069Z"
I want to query a document on basis of createdOnDateTime which is stored as string.
query e.g. -
SELECT * FROM c where c.createdOnDateTime>='2018-07-23' AND c.createdOnDateTime<='2018-07-23'
This will return all documents which are created on that day.
I am providing date value from date selector which gives only date without time so, it gives me problem while comparing date.
Is there any way to remove time from createdOnDateTime property or is there any other way to achieve this?
CosmosDB clients are storing timestamps in ISO8601 format and one of the good reasons to do so is that its lexicographical order matches the flow of time. Meaning - you can sort and compare those strings and get them ordered by time they represent.
So in this case you don't need to remove time components just modify the passed in parameters to get the result you need. If you want all entries from entire date of 2018-07-23 then you can use query:
WHERE c.createdOnDateTime >= '2018-07-23'
AND c.createdOnDateTime < '2018-07-24'
Please note that this query can use a RANGE index on createdOnDateTime.
Please use User Defined Function to implement your requirement, no need to update createdOnDateTime property.
function con(date){
var myDate = new Date(date);
var month = myDate.getMonth()+1;
month = "0"+month;
return myDate.getFullYear()+"-"+month+"-"+myDate.getDate();
SELECT c.id,c.createdOnDateTime FROM c where udf.con(c.createdOnDateTime)>='2018-07-23' AND udf.con(c.createdOnDateTime)<='2018-07-23'
Output :
Hope it helps you.

Moment.js - formatting an existing time?

I am using moment.js to work with dates and times in node.js. So far I've been able to do everything I need with it, but I am having problems formatting a time.
Here's the scenario:
User enters data (an integer), which is logged in a database, along with date (in the format YYYY-MM-DD) and time (in the format HH:MM:SS).
Next time the user goes to enter data, the previous value is read in and compared (higher, lower or equal to) the new value. However I also want to display a message such as "The last time you submitted your data was at TIME on DATE". In this case, I'd like time to be displayed in a different format (e.g. "h:mm a" i.e. "12:34 pm").
Can I use moment to format an existing date, or can moment only return current date/time? In my code I have the following function:
function userFormattedTime(time)
let uTime = moment(time).format('h:mm a');
return uTime
However when I call this function and pass it the time (taken from the database), I get "Invalid Time". What am I doing wrong?
You would parse the string from a string back to a moment object, then you can use moment to reformat the date into any other format.
I guess what you are doing wrong is not telling moment what you're sending it back, i.e. it doesn't understand the formatted string you're supplying.
Notice the format values HH:mm:ss which vary in case. The case is important and should be set to match your requirements. https://momentjs.com/docs/#/parsing/
// Original date time string
var rawDateTime = "02-02-2018 10:20:30";
// convert string to a moment object
var originalDate = moment(rawDateTime, "MM-DD-YYYY HH:mm:ss");
// Format a new string from the moment object
var newFormattedString = originalDate.format('h:mm a');
In order to calculate the difference of moment objects you can use the diff function. https://momentjs.com/docs/#/displaying/difference/
// Two different dates
var dateOne = moment("02-02-2018 10:20:30", "MM-DD-YYYY HH:mm:ss");
var dateTwo = moment("04-04-2018 10:20:30", "MM-DD-YYYY HH:mm:ss");
// Get the difference of the two dates
var diff = dateOne.diff(dateTwo);

How to remove time from date and time

In DOB i am getting date and time but i need only date
foreach (DataRow row in ProfileDt.Rows)
UserProfileData.FirstName = row["FirstName"].ToString();
UserProfileData.LastName = row["LastName"].ToString();
UserProfileData.Email = row["Email"].ToString();
UserProfileData.Address = row["HouseNo"].ToString();
UserProfileData.City = row["CityName"].ToString();
UserProfileData.date = row["DOB"].ToString();
If your database is giving you a string then you'll need to parse it to a date then back to a string with the desired date format.
string dateFormat = "MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm:ss" // REPLACE WITH THE CORRECT FORMAT
UserProfileData.date = DateTime.ParseExact(row["DOB"].ToString(), dateFormat ,
If your database is giving you a datetime directly (which is the better solution) then it becomes even easier.
UserProfileData.date = ((DateTime)row["DOB"]).ToString("MM/DD/YYYY");
Convert your string to DateTime type and use Date property, something like yourDate.Date
You can use DateTime.Parse or DateTime.ParseExact for parsing string to DateTime
It also make sense to return DateTime type directly from database so you do not need any conversions...

Using string in place of property name (LINQ)

I have been able to get the values from tables using linq.
var q=(from app in context.Applicant
where app.ApplicantName=="")
Now what I want is this:
var q=(from app in context.Applicant
where app.stringIhave =="") // so instead of column name I have string which has same name as column.
Is it possible to specify string in Select as this is not sure what I will get in each case, I need different data all the time.
Is it possible to do so?
If no, then I will figure out something else.
I have a GlobalString, which holds the column name of a table.
So when I query that table, I only specify from string which column value I want to get:
var q=(from app in context.Applicants
where app.ID==1013
select GlobalString //which is specifying that I want to get value from which column, as column name is not fixed.
//where GlobalString can have values like: app.FirstName..app.LastName etc
var q = context.Applicants.Select("new(it.ApplicantFirstName as FirstName, it.ApplicantLastName as LastName)");
Error Message:
The query syntax is not valid. Near keyword 'AS'
You can use Dynamic Linq (available from NuGet) for that:
var q = context.Applicant.Where(app.stringIhave + " = #0", "");
for select you can try something like this
var q = context.Applicant.Select("new(it.FirstName as FirstName, it.LastName as LastName)");
so you only need construct string for that format
