Import an Error class from a package in python - python-3.x

How can I import the Error class (and only the error class, not a namespace) in python to be used in an exception handling?
What's not intended to be used:
from tkinter import _tkinter as tk
except tk.TclError:
print('Oops. Bad window path.')
I've tried the above, which works but doing so also imports a bunch of other things into my namespace that I don't need and I also need to use tk.TclError to reference it instead of simply TclError.
What I try to avoid, since it imports the whole package that I do not need, I solely need to handle the exception:
import tkinter as tk
except tk.TclError:
print('Oops. Bad window path.')
So how do I import the Error class alone from the package, without getting the whole tkinter namespace, if that's even possible or recommandable?
I have two seperate Programs, I'll call them A and B here to shorten it.
What I would like to achieve
## Communicator ##
import B
#... Some irrelevant code ...
GUI = B.start()
#Tell the GUI to modify something, for example:
GUI.entry.insert(0, 'Input')
except TclError:
#Modification failed due to Bad Window Path
## GUI ##
import tkinter as tk
#Little Function to give the Communicator the required object to start/handle the GUI
def start():
root = tk.Tk()
run = Alarmviewer(root)
return run
#... GUI initialization, creating/destroying of windows, modifications, etc

The TclError class can be imported from tkinter. To make it available as tk.TclError just import tkinter with the name tk:
import tkinter as tk
except tk.TclError:
You can, of course, import just the TclError exception if you wish, though it really doesn't have any actual advantage over importing the entire module in this particular example:
from tkinter import TclError
except TclError:
Your question claims you must reference it as tk.TclError, but that is a false statement. You reference it by the name you import it as. The name is irrelevant, what is important is the actual exception object itself.
For example, create a file named, and in that file put this:
import tkinter as tk
def do_something():
raise tk.TclError("something bad happened")
Next, in another file add the following code:
from tkinter import TclError
import gui
except TclError:
print("I caught the TclError")
When you run the code, you should see "I caught the TclError" printed.


Converting Python 2.7 to Python 3 with tkinter

I have a working application using Python 2.7 and Tkinter that uses these constructs:
from Tkinter import *
import Tkinter
import tkFileDialog
class Window(Frame):
# other functional code
def ChangeCWD(self): #CWD is current working directory
root = Tkinter.Tk()
directory = tkFileDialog.askdirectory( ... )
root = Tk()
It has labels, buttons, canvas, multiple frames and file dialogue boxes and it all works nicely.
I have begun updating the code to work on Python 3.5 and, so far all functions seem to work except for the file dialog. This is where I have got to so far:
from tkinter import *
import tkinter
import tkinter.filedialog
class Window(Frame):
# other functional code
def ChangeCWD(self): #CWD is current working directory
root = tkinter.Tk()
directory = filedialog.askdirectory( ... )
root = Tk()
However this code produces the error
"NameError: name 'filedialog' is not defined"
when the filedialog.askdirectory() statement is reached. Could anyone provide any help to understand what I should do to correct the situation please?
As an aside, please be gentle with me! I've always been rather mystified by the various ways of invoking import statements and how to use "tk." or "root." before some function calls. There are simply too many conflicting explanations out on the web that I can't get a clear picture.
You use import tkinter.filedialog, which imports tkinter.filedialog with the namespace tkinter.filedialog, then you try to use filedialog in your code.
Pick one of these two:
change your call to tkinter.filedialog.askdirectory( ... )
change your import to import filedialog from tkinter, which will import tkinter.filedialog with the namespace filedialog.
Note: from tkinter import * might seem like it should import filedialog, but that * does not import submodules unless the package has explicitly specified that they should.

How to suppress ImportWarning in a python unittest script

I am currently running a unittest script which successfully passes the various specified test with a nagging ImportWarning message in the console:
...../lib/python3.6/importlib/ ImportWarning: can't resolve package from __spec__ or __package__, falling back on __name__ and __path__
return f(*args, **kwds)
Ran 7 tests in 1.950s
The script is run with this main function:
if __name__ == '__main__':
I have read that warnings can be surpressed when the script is called like this:
python -W ignore:ImportWarning -m unittest
However, is there a way of specifying this ignore warning in the script itself so that I don't have to call -W ignore:ImportWarning every time that the testscript is run?
Thanks in advance.
To programmatically prevent such warnings from showing up, adjust your code so that:
import warnings
if __name__ == '__main__':
with warnings.catch_warnings():
warnings.simplefilter('ignore', category=ImportWarning)
#billjoie is certainly correct. If the OP chooses to make answer 52463661 the accepted answer, I am OK with that. I can confirm that the following is effective at suppressing such warning messages at run-time using python versions 2.7.11, 3.4.3, 3.5.4, 3.6.5, and 3.7.1:
#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import unittest
import warnings
class TestPandasImport(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
warnings.simplefilter('ignore', category=ImportWarning)
def test_01(self):
import pandas # noqa: E402
def test_02(self):
import pandas # noqa: E402
if __name__ == '__main__':
However, I think that the OP should consider doing some deeper investigation into the application code targets of the unit tests, and try to identify the specific package import or operation which is causing the actual warning, and then suppress the warning as closely as possible to the location in code where the violation takes place. This will obviate the suppression of warnings throughout the entirety of one's unit test class, which may be inadvertently obscuring warnings from other parts of the program.
Outside the unit test, somewhere in the application code:
with warnings.catch_warnings():
warnings.simplefilter('ignore', category=ImportWarning)
# import pandas
# or_ideally_the_application_code_unit_that_imports_pandas()
It could take a bit of work to isolate the specific spot in the code that is either causing the warning or leveraging third-party software which causes the warning, but the developer will obtain a clearer understanding of the reason for the warning, and this will only improve the overall maintainability of the program.
I had the same problem, and starting my unittest script with a warnings.simplefilter() statement, as described by Nels, dit not work for me. According to this source, this is because:
[...] as of Python 3.2, the unittest module was updated to use the warnings module default filter when running tests, and [...] resets to the default filter before each test, meaning that any change you may think you are making scriptwide by using warnings.simplefilter(“ignore”) at the beginning of your script gets overridden in between every test.
This same source recommends to renew the filter inside of each test function, either directly or with an elegant decorator. A simpler solution is to define the warnings filter inside unittest's setUp() method, which is run right before each test.
import unittest
class TestSomething(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
warnings.simplefilter('ignore', category=ImportWarning)
# Other initialization stuff here
def test_a(self):
# Test assertion here.
if __name__ == '__main__':
I had the same warning in Pycharm for one test when using unittest. This warning disappeared when I stopped trying to import a library during the test (I moved the import to the top where it's supposed to be). I know the request was for suppression, but this would also make it disappear if it's only happening in a select number of tests.
Solutions with def setUp suppress warnings for all methods within class. If you don't want to suppress it for all of them, you can use decorator.
From Neural Dump:
def ignore_warnings(test_func):
def do_test(self, *args, **kwargs):
with warnings.catch_warnings():
test_func(self, *args, **kwargs)
return do_test
Then you can use it to decorate single test method in your test class:
class TestClass(unittest.TestCase):
def test_do_something_without_warning()
def test_something_else_with_warning()

Python Type is not defined

I want to do the semantic checking for a language and i use ANTLR4 to generate parser and visitor class. However i met a problem.
If i use this method print(type(newList[0].expression()))
I will get a type like this <class 'IDILParser.IDILParser.IdenetExpressionContext'>
However, if i run the code below, i will get a error like this NameError: name 'IDILParser' is not defined
Can i ask how to fix this problem? Thanks!
from antlr4 import *
if __name__ is not None and "." in __name__:
from .IDILParser import IDILParser
from IDILParser import IDILParser
class IDILVisitor(ParseTreeVisitor):
def visitAssign(self, ctx:IDILParser.AssignContext):
if type(newList[0].expression()) is IDILParser.IDILParser.IdenetExpressionContext:
You did from IDILParser import IDILParser, which means the IDILParser in your code already acutally refers to IDILParser.IDILParser.
So try taking away that one layer:
if type(newList[0].expression()) is IDILParser.IdenetExpressionContext:
Btw, when in doubt if your code is being run as a module or as a script (aka relative imports do work or not), you could also do the following:
from .IDILParser import IDILParser
except ImportError:
from IDILParser import IDILParser

PyQt5 GUI freeze caused by Windows focus-follows-mouse

When Windows focus-follows-mouse-without-raising-the-window is enabled by either of the two methods linked to below, I consistently get PyQt5 GUI 'freezes' where you have to type any character in the terminal that you ran python from in order to unfreeze the GUI; complete description and test case (Windows 10, Python 3.6.1, PyQt5) is here: pyqt5 click in terminal causes GUI freeze
To enable the focus-follows-mouse-without-raise behavior, try either of these - they both work in Windows 10:
downloadable program ('X-Mouse' though that name is used by other programs):
registry hack description:
So - a few questions:
can anyone reproduce the issue? It seems 100% reproducible for me, but it would be great to hear the same from someone else.
is there a way to change the python code to detect-and-circumvent focus-follows-mouse, or just to be immune to it, i.e. maybe by ensuring the GUI application always takes focus back again when you - for example - click in a dialog or qmessagebox owned by the main GUI window, or by some other means? (Is the object hierarchy set up optimally, and if not, maybe this could all be resolved by correcting the ownership structure?)
The brute-force solution seems to work, though I'd like to leave this question open to see if someone knows of a more optimal solution; it took a fair amount of searching to figure out the right way; mainly by taking a look a the open-source code for X-Mouse. Basically, this method takes effect immediately, whereas the registry hack doesn't take effect until reboot.
New version of (the file from the referenced stackoverflow question); the changes are only additions, noted between lines of hash marks:
from PyQt5.QtCore import *
from PyQt5.QtGui import *
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import *
import sys
####################### added begin:
import win32gui
import win32con
####################### added end
# import the UI file created with pyuic5
from minimal_ui import Ui_Dialog
class MyWindow(QDialog,Ui_Dialog):
def __init__(self,parent):
################################# added begin:
if self.initialWindowTracking:
print("Window Tracking was initially enabled. Disabling it for now; will re-enable on exit.")
################################# added end
def showMsg(self):
self.really1=QMessageBox(QMessageBox.Warning,"Really?","Really do stuff?",
if self.really1.exec_()==QMessageBox.No:
################################## added begin:
def closeEvent(self,event):
if self.initialWindowTracking:
print("restoring initial window tracking behavior ("+str(self.initialWindowTracking)+")")
################################## added end
def main():
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
w = MyWindow(app)
if __name__ == "__main__":

questions about importing in python 3

i've seen plenty of importing questions but didn't find any that explained importing very "easily". there are are 3 types of importing that i know of, and none of them seem to do what i'm looking for or would like to do. eg. has def a() def b() class c() and def d() and lets say i have a file.
def a():
def b():
class c():
def__init__(self,name = "Rick") = name
def d():
so now im my file i want to import everything from them. what is the best way? i have tried using import main and i run into issues after creating an instance of class c [ ricky = c() ]that ricky isn't defined or accessing it will say module ricky has no attribute name. so that doesn't seem to work. what is this even used for if you aren't importing the entire file?
then there is from main import a, b, c, d that seems to work just fine, but there really has to be another way than having to import every single function, definition, variable, and everything.
third there is from main import * i'm not sure how this one works, i have read some on it mainly stating there should be an __ all __ = everything i want imported. but where do i put this. at the very top of the page inside my but there still should be a better way?
is my import main just not working correctly? or do i have to list everything i want to import either in a from main import statement or in an __ all __ list?
does importing carry over to another py file? eg. if inside i import correctly and everything works. in can i just import and it will import into from the import statement inside of or do i have to import and again into
the 3 main imports:
import (pythonfile) aka "module" using this will import all classes and functions to be used. does not import other imports. to call something in the imported module eg. modlue: MAIN, function: FUNC ... to call: MAIN.FUNC()
from module import FUNC, CLASS, .... when using this import you don't need to call it with the module. it is almost as if it is right infront of you eg.
module: MAIN, function: FUNC ..... to call: FUNC()
from module import * a combination of the previous two imports. will import everything from the module to be accessed without calling with the module extention. this form imports other imports as well. so if you have two modules that need to talk to eachother. using this will cause an error since you will be trying to import a module into another module then back into it's self again. A imported into B, A and B imported back into A. it doesn't work. so watch when using. May cause other importing errors of trying to import multiple modules that share imports. eg. importing A and B into C if A and B share D (pending for testing)
from MAIN import * call function: FUNC()
hope this helps other people out who are having issues understanding exactly how importing works and calling your functions/classes and what not.
