Changing build variants in bulk in AndroidStudio 3.0+ - android-studio

Quick history:
I'm using AndroidStudio 3.0
my project has 100+ modules (multiple applications and libraries).
all of them have same flavorDimensions and flavors.
Now question: how to change flavors for all modules in bulk in AndroidStudio 3.0+ without changing each application separately?

There are two settings in Android Studio to enable switching all variants at once when selecting the app variant.
The settings are "Only sync the active variant" & "Do not build Gradle task list during Gradle sync". Both of them need to be disabled, then I restarted Android Studio once and Gradle sync.
With the settings in the screenshot disabled, I went from switching and waiting for ~10 seconds per dynamic-feature module (10 in my project) to one single switch in <5 seconds.
Note: This is tested in Android Studio 4.0.1

Here is what I recently ended up doing:
close Android Studio
open a terminal
cd to the base directory of your project
replace all occurrences of <option name="SELECTED_BUILD_VARIANT" value="debug" /> with <option name="SELECTED_BUILD_VARIANT" value="release" /> or vice versa in all iml files. Here is a one liner to change all modules to release:
find . -name \*.iml | xargs perl -pi -e 's/<option\s+name="SELECTED_BUILD_VARIANT"\s+value="[^"]+"/<option name="SELECTED_BUILD_VARIANT" value="release"/'
to change back to debug run:
find . -name \*.iml | xargs perl -pi -e 's/<option\s+name="SELECTED_BUILD_VARIANT"\s+value="[^"]+"/<option name="SELECTED_BUILD_VARIANT" value="debug"/'
Open Android Studio again and do gradle sync
The build variant of all modules should be replaced now
Of course this approach makes assumptions about the formatting of an xml file which makes it a bit fragile. So far it seems to work well though.

You need a plugin called Build Variant Quick-Selector
Install Build Variant Quick-Selector (Settings->Plugins->Marketplace)
Build-> Switch All Build Variants...

I built the Build Variant Matrix Selector which, with all respect, I believe is faster to use than the ".. Quick Selector" mentioned above here. No duplicate drop downs, no hassle. Just select the variants from radio button in the matrix and go.

Just extending Marten's answer. It's a bit tedious to use command line and not see what you're doing. Just use vscode or any other text editor of your choice.
First close Android Studio (because it can revert the changes back to original)
Search for *.iml files that has the text below. Just make sure to include any folders which are ignored from git. vscode seems to ignore searching folders and files that are defined in .gittignore
<option name="SELECTED_BUILD_VARIANT" value="debug" />
then replace it debug/release whatever you want.
Open Android Studio and see changes are applied


Can't find Android Size Analyzer in Android Studio

According to, I should be able to install Android Size Analyzer as a plugin, but nothing shows up.
Android Studio -> File -> Settings -> Plugin -> Marketplace -> search for "Android Size Analyzer"
UPDATE: 17th May 2022
After a lot of trials, errors & frustration, I was able to make it work. Here are the steps: (for MacOS)
Download the the plugin's zip folder from the Github
Extract the zip and add the size-analyzer executable and the analyzer.jar to Users/<your_user>/Library/Android/platform-tools
(You can add the above files to any place but I bundled it with platform-tools because this location was already present in my $PATH variable. Wherever you place those two files, please make sure that this location is present in your $PATH variable else it won't work. Don't know how to set path variables? Please refer this
Now in your Android Studio Terminal, run the following command
size-analyzer check-project <your-path-to-project-directory>
(After above step, If the terminal complains like size-analyzer command not found, it means your $PATH variable is not set properly)
After analyzing the entire project, it shows output like this
The result analysis provides lots of suggestions and space saving options. Thank you Google for such amazing plugin : )
OLD : 16th May 2022
The AS plugin Android Size Analyzer is deprecated! It's no more indexed on Plugin Market Place(You cannot install it directly from AS anymore).
I even tried installing the plugin from their GitHub Repo, but all in vain. When adding the plugin to studio from disk, the following error popped up.
Maybe you can try downgrading the studio and then install it.
Looks like, we'll be on our own for a while : (

How to run formatter using command line in Android

i want to sync Code Style in android project with team members.
i tried macro, but i often forgot it before commit.
is it possible to run "reformat code" using command line?
if yes, then how to exec reformat code when build using .gradle

no clean option in android studio

I found no option for clean project in build in android studio. what is reason for that? or is there different way to clean the project in android studio
Make sure you are looking a the correct directory. I also thought clean was missing when I looked under the root directory. Turns out it see example is located under the :app directory.
Open the Gradle side panel on the right. Select app->Tasks->build->clean
This problem can occur when you import the root directory rather than the project file. If you imported the file, make sure you select the correct file:

How do you force regeneration of *.designer.cs files in a command-line Xamarin build?

I'm building an iOS Xamarin app from the command line. The *designer.cs files have been removed.
What command do I run to regenerate the *.designer.cs files?
Encountered in Xamarin Studio 6
Based on this forum thread the fairly awkward sequence that worked for me was
rename the ViewController specified in the storyboard
save and close the solution
remove bin and obj directories
There are actually 3 questions in this topic:
If you want to build from command line is explained in this topic: How do you do a command line build of a Xamarin.iOS project?
To ignore *.designer.cs you can add a pattern to your .git file called git ignore:
To regenerate the designer files you can simply rebuild your solution.
For Xamarin Studio 5.8, if you edit the file that originated the designer.cs, save again and rebuild the project it will regenerate the designer.cs

How to run NDK samples?

Sorry to ask such a noob question, but the NDK documentation is wrong (r7b):
If you are developing in Eclipse with ADT, use the New Project Wizard
to create a new Android project for each sample, using the "Import
from Existing Source" option and importing the source from
<ndk>/apps/<app_name>/project/. Then, set up an AVD, if necessary, and
build/run the application in the emulator.
There is no "apps" folder, and the samples do not contain a "project" folder. So ... what is the correct way to run a sample?
Also, can I configure Eclipse to build the C++ portion of the code automatically?
Click File | New | Project...
Choose Android project, Next
Project Name: This is the project name shown in Package Explorer. It is just a string stored in the .project file that Eclipse creates. No file or folder is created with this name, and the output binaries do not seem to contain this name.
Click "Create project from existing source"
Location: choose the project's root folder, e.g. .../android-ndk-r7b/samples/bitmap-plasma
Click Next and choose your target API. Eclipse does not seem to allow this to be changed later, at least not from the GUI. I don't know why Eclipse does not simply get this information from <uses-sdk> in AndroidManifest.xml or from the "target" line in I also don't know why the two may be different (e.g. in the bitmap-plasma sample, target=android-9 but <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="8"/>.)
Click next and consider changing the "Package Name" field which defaults to "your.package.namespace". However, the project will run fine if you do not change this field. Leave "Create Activity" and "Create a Test Project" unchecked.
Click Finish. Eclipse will create numerous extra files (e.g. .classpath, .project, and folders (bin, gen, assets) alongside the existing code. That's in addition to the output folders created by ndk-build (obj and libs).
Eclipse won't build the native code by itself, but it will automatically deploy the native code (e.g. if it is aware of it. After you build the native code on the command line, e.g.:
Gdbserver : [arm-linux-androideabi-4.4.3] libs/armeabi/gdbserver
Gdbsetup : libs/armeabi/gdb.setup
Gdbserver : [arm-linux-androideabi-4.4.3] libs/armeabi-v7a/gdbserver
Gdbsetup : libs/armeabi-v7a/gdb.setup
"Compile thumb : plasma <= plasma.c
SharedLibrary :
Install : => libs/armeabi/
"Compile thumb : plasma <= plasma.c
SharedLibrary :
Install : => libs/armeabi-v7a/
Right-click your project and choose "Refresh", otherwise Eclipse might fail to upload the native code when it starts the emulator.
Finally, to run the sample, right-click the project and choose Run As | Android application. See here about choosing which emulator is used.
See here about configuring Eclipse to build the native code automatically.
I am curious why NDK produces two *.so files with very different sizes for each ABI, e.g. it creates libs/armeabi-v7a/ (15 KB) but also obj/local/armeabi-v7a/ (63 KB). Anyone know the difference?
Instead of going the long winded way ( seasoned programmer love it - but for beginners). There is a way to build the native library in Eclipse and NDK.
1> First you need to make sure NDK path is correct in Windows -> Preference -> (tabs) Android -> NDK - If not set - point it to ndk directory.
2> Assuming you have you imported project as described above (New | Project | Create from existing code) - You right click the project and go to " Android Tools -> Add Native Support ..". If the path is set it will build the example. And then you can deploy it to the device or AVM by pressing the play button.
I'm working with Eclipse ADT and Android ndk 5b. My correct path to the project is android-ndk-5b/samples/project
When you import from existing source you have to choose a correct target, I use Android 2.3.3.
After, I've updated my project from command line, look this link,
From the samples path write: android update project -p . -s and $Your_Path_Android_ndk/ndk-build
Finally, only run as android app in Eclipse and it's done
It seems that with Eclipse Juno, you can now
Click File | New | Project...
Under Android category select Android Project from Existing Code and click Next.
In Root Directory you can then browse and confirm your sample project location.
From here, Eclipse can automatically detect the jni and find the projects.
If this didn't work, go to terminal or command prompt and navigate to your project root directory (where you see jni folder). Then input
android update project -p . -t <your target level>
Here should be, e.g., android-9
After this, try again the initial steps.
