DSE 5.0.11 installation on CentOS 7 - cassandra

While i am trying to install DSE 5.0.11 on machine CentOS 7.4, I am getting dependency issue as below.
Error: Package: dse-full-5.0.11-1.noarch (/dse-full-5.0.11-1.noarch)
Requires: dse-libpig = 5.0.11
But I believe the support for pig is completely removed from Cassandra for newer versions (3.0) which in turn implies that DSE 5.0.11 uses Cassandra 3.0.14
I tried using this command for local install.
sudo yum localinstall /tmp/5.0.11/dse-5.0.11-1.noarch.rpm /tmp/5.0.11/dse-demos-5.0.11-1.noarch.rpm /tmp/5.0.11/dse-full-5.0.11-1.noarch.rpm /tmp/5.0.11/dse-libcassandra-5.0.11-1.noarch.rpm /tmp/5.0.11/dse-libgraph-5.0.11-1.noarch.rpm /tmp/5.0.11/dse-libhadoop2-client-5.0.11-1.noarch.rpm /tmp/5.0.11/dse-libhive-5.0.11-1.noarch.rpm /tmp/5.0.11/dse-liblog4j-5.0.11-1.noarch.rpm /tmp/5.0.11/dse-libmahout-5.0.11-1.noarch.rpm /tmp/5.0.11/dse-libsolr-5.0.11-1.noarch.rpm /tmp/5.0.11/dse-libspark-5.0.11-1.noarch.rpm /tmp/5.0.11/dse-libsqoop-5.0.11-1.noarch.rpm /tmp/5.0.11/dse-libtomcat-5.0.11-1.noarch.rpm /tmp/5.0.11/dse-libhadoop-5.0.11-1.noarch.rpm /tmp/5.0.11/dse-libhadoop-native-5.0.11-1.x86_64.rpm
Also I tried, using --skip-broken and it seems it's not going to install as below.
Skipped (dependency problems):
dse noarch
5.0.11-1 /dse-5.0.11-1.noarch
110 M
dse-demos noarch
5.0.11-1 /dse-demos-5.0.11-
1.noarch 75 M
dse-full noarch
5.0.11-1 /dse-full-5.0.11-
1.noarch 90 k
Can i go ahead and use --skip-broken (or) how can i tackle this problem?

You should use the DSE 5.1 installer that is found here.
DSE Install Guide
The file you'll download is a .run file named
And yes, DSE 5.1 is based on Cassandra 3.0. If you have broken or missing dependencies you should address those first.
Hope this helps


Error installing Cassandra 3.11.12, returns "Processing Conflict: cassandra22- conflicts cassandra"

I have a problem with up upgrade the Cassandra version from 2.2.x to 3.11.x.
I don't understand why it's the same Cassandra 2.2.x, but when installing with package cassandra-2.2.19-1.noarch.rpm , it can upgrade normally, while installing with package cassandra22-2.2.8-1.noarch.rpm, it gives an error as figure below.
Unfortunately, my server is installing the rpm package cassandra22-2.2.8-1.noarch.rpm. Please help me upgrade this Cassandra version.
cassandra22-2.2.7-1.noarch is not a valid package so my guess is that you downloaded it from a non-official source.
You will need to uninstall it first before you can install a newer version of Cassandra. Then, you need to add the official repo to /etc/yum.repos.d/cassandra/repo. For Cassandra 3.11, the correct repo is:
name=Apache Cassandra
You should then be able to install the latest version of Cassandra 3.11. For more info, see Installing Cassandra 3.11. Cheers!

R Version on Azure Databricks

Azure Databricks currently runs R version 3.4.4 (2018-03-15), which is unacceptable in my opinion since the latest R version on CRAN is 3.5.2 (2018-12-20).
My question is: Is it possible for me to upgrade and install R version 3.5.2 on Azure Databricks? Follow-up question, is there any information available regarding the release schedule for R on Databricks?
So yes you can upgrade packages yourself. To see what packages and versions are installed:
apt list --installed
Then to upgrade a package:
apt-get install --only-upgrade r-base
In my case the output of that command was:
r-base is already the newest version (3.4.4-1xenial0).
I don't know enough about R and the versions or packages to say if that is the package you are looking for or not. But hopefully this is enough for you to find the solution.
I got in touch with Microsoft via email and they confirmed that you cannot upgrade and install a newer version of R on Azure Databricks as R comes bundled with the Databricks runtime.

sstabledump not found on Cassandra 3.11 ubuntu 16.04

I have installed Cassandra 311 on ubuntu 1604. Everything works fine but I am not able to find SSTABLEDUMP utility in the bin folder.
How can I get this installed as patch? Or I am missing something?
Depending on which version you have installed:
DataStax Enterprise 5.0 Installer No-Services and tarball installations:
Cassandra tarball installations:
For package installations (Cassandra package or DataStax Enterprise 5.0 Installer Services and package installations) you do not need to know the installation folder to run it, you can just simply use it as:
sstabledump [options] sstable_file
Also to have the tools, you need to install cassandra-tools separately apart from cassandra:
sudo apt-get install cassandra-tools

sstabledump on ubuntu packaged installs

According to the specs, Cassandra should have the command line tool sstabledump available since its versions 3.0.4 and 3.4.
I cannot find this tool, although I successfully installed Cassandra 3.5 together with the tools.
I used the following source
deb http://www.apache.org/dist/cassandra/debian 35x main
and the following commands:
sudo apt-get install cassandra
sudo apt-get install cassandra-tools
What am I missing here?
It looks like the sstabledump utility hasn't been added to the cassandra-tools.install in the cassandra debian install on trunk. I'd suggest raising a jira for this here.

Missing JAR manifest after running DataStax Enterprise 4.7

I tried installing it 2 times and still got the same error.
I followed the instructions here. http://docs.datastax.com/en/datastax_enterprise/4.7/datastax_enterprise/install/installDEBdse.html
root#node1:~$ Error opening zip file or JAR manifest missing : /usr/sbin/../lib/jamm-0.3.0.jar
Error occurred during initialization of VM
agent library failed to init: instrument
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea 2.5.5) (7u79-2.5.5-0ubuntu0.14.04.2)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.79-b02, mixed mode)
TL;DR: Somehow you need to get ./resources/cassandra/lib/jamm-0.3.0.jar in your your DSE installation directory and remove any older versions.
DSE 4.7 uses Cassandra 2.1.8 under the hood. C* 2.1 uses jamm 3.0. Older versions of cassandra, 2.0 and previous used jamm 2.5. If you had a previous install of either an older c* or an older DSE on this environment, some of your old dependencies may be stuck.
If you're on Debian using the package installer try running:
sudo aptitude install dse-full=version
Which should pick up the right dependencies.
If not, apt-get purge dse-full and then re-installing might also work.
There are similar commands for yum in RHEL.
