androidthings not displaying hebrew text - text

Just installed the 0.6.1-devpreview on the Raspberry pi 3 B+ with and external screen. Installed an app of mine which has text in hebrew but instead the characters are replaced with blank squares .
Dialog with hebrew text:


Non-ascii characters get ignored in Godot lable text

I was working on a Hello World scene of Godot.
Instead of using "Hello World" as demonstrated in the tutorial, I tried something like "你好世界", but I found that it didn't work. Anything non-ASCII that I typed in the label text input got ignored.
How can I use non-ASCII characters in Godot labels? Or is it supported at all?
The default Label font in Godot doesn't support non-ASCII characters.
You can try to change the font in your Label node to one that supports non-ASCII symbols by picking a font from your computer, or if it doesn't exist on your device, uploading it from some site like Google Fonts.
After choosing the font for your Label node, open the Custom Fonts property in the editor of the node, and create a DynamicFont, and in Font => Font Data press Load and choose your font in the opened window in the file system (.ttf or any another font extension).

How to send colored terminal text to the printer

Is there a way to convert colored text in the terminal to something printable?
I have an output from icdiff ( that present a colored diff side-by-side in my linux terminal (xterm on debian 9.3). As far as I understand the output is colored using ANSI escape codes. I would like to see the same text with the same colors in a printable document, e.g. pdf. Is that possible? Google gives no usable results.

How to print in colours in the shell (PYTHON)

I am studying tech in Australia, and I am having trouble with getting this to print in colour. I would like to print the 'x's on the board in black (not blue), and so the numbers appear in blue ( in another part of the code). How do I print in black?
# creates the 'x's to display on the minesweeper board
for i in range(board_row):
board.append(["x"] * board_row)
ASCII and ANSI don't work, and I can't figure out how to get the modules like Blessings and colorama in to python

How to make changes on an image that is being processed after using optical character recognition using python?

I have decided to use OCR to search for printed text in my black and white image. If I were to find this text in the image and then replace it with something else, how would I go about writing a python script for this?
For example, I have a black and white image where I have detected the a block of text. I would like to know if its possible to replace the letters that I have detected with some other letters?

LWUIT : arabic font problem

how can i add arabic Characters to bitmap font and show in application ? how can i do it on localization section ?
when i use system font it`s shows seprated and reserved on some phones , i want to make bitmap font to show arabic strings correctly on all phones
you can't, LWUIT doesn't support Arabic bitmap fonts. Which is related to the fact that Arabic language contains different glyph for each character, which didn't considered while developing the bitmap font in LWUIT.
