I have dataset which was created from dataframe using VectorAssembler, the dataframe is a transformation of StringIndexer() for multiple columns
I trained my model :
val assembler = new VectorAssembler().....
val data = assembler.transform(...)
val featureIndexer = new VectorIndexer()
val gbt = new GBTRegressor()
val pipeline = new Pipeline()
.setStages(Array(featureIndexer, gbt))
val model = pipeline.fit(trainingData)
When I print my model it would look something like:
GBTRegressionModel (uid=gbtr_24b22b08fa90) with 10 trees
Tree 0 (weight 1.0):
If (feature 16 <= 0.22222222222222224)
If (feature 16 <= 0.13333333333333333)
If (feature 16 <= 0.07142857142857144)
If (feature 16 <= 0.02222222222222222)....
My first problem is that I would expect to see feature name and not feature index when printing the model, how can I resolve that?
Another problem is caused because I used StringIndexer(), which means I would see the mapping of each value as int and not his string value. How can I print the model with the StringType column instead of the one was transformed with StringIndexer()?
Thanks for helpers
Is there a way to let the model to return a list of prediction labels with the probability score for each label?
For example
given feature (f1,f2,f3),
it returns something like this:
Is it doable in spark?
Yes it is possible.
The output from rawPrediction column is an Array[Double] which contains the probability for each label.
In your example this column would be an Array(0.5,0.33,0.17), you will have to write an UDF that transforms this Array into a String.
It is important to note that if you used a StringIndexer to encode your label column the resulting labels will be different from your original ones. (most frequent label gets index 0)
Had some code that does something similar which can be adapted to your use case.
My code just writes the top X predictions for each feature as a CSV file.
parameter #df for writeToCsv must be a DataFrame after it has been transformed by your Naive Bayes model.
def topXPredictions(v: Vector, labels: Broadcast[Array[String]], topX: Int): Array[String] = {
val labelVal = labels.value
.sortBy {
case (score, label) => score
.map {
case (score, label) => label
def writeToCsv(df: DataFrame, labelsBroadcast: Broadcast[Array[String]], name: String = "output"): Unit = {
val get_top_predictions = udf((v: Vector, x: Int) => topXPredictions(v, labelsBroadcast, x))
,concat_ws(" ", get_top_predictions(col("rawPrediction"), lit(10))).alias("top10Predictions")
.option("header", "true")
Cross Validation outside from pipeline.
val naivebayes
val indexer
val pipeLine = new Pipeline().setStages(Array(indexer, naiveBayes))
val paramGrid = new ParamGridBuilder()
.addGrid(naiveBayes.smoothing, Array(1.0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5))
val crossValidator = new CrossValidator().setEstimator(pipeLine)
.setEvaluator(new MulticlassClassificationEvaluator)
val crossValidatorModel = crossValidator.fit(trainData)
val predictions = crossValidatorModel.transform(testData)
Cross Validation inside pipeline
val naivebayes
val indexer
// param grid for multiple parameter
val paramGrid = new ParamGridBuilder()
.addGrid(naiveBayes.smoothing, Array(0.35, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5))
// validator for naive bayes
val crossValidator = new CrossValidator().setEstimator(naiveBayes)
.setEvaluator(new MulticlassClassificationEvaluator)
// pipeline to execute compound transformation
val pipeLine = new Pipeline().setStages(Array(indexer, crossValidator))
// pipeline model
val pipeLineModel = pipeLine.fit(trainData)
// transform data
val predictions = pipeLineModel.transform(testData)
So i want to know which way is better and its pro & cons.
For both functions, i am getting same result and accuracy. Even second approach is little bit faster than first.
As per a training I attended - this should be the best practice :
cv = CrossValidator(estimator=lr,..)
pipelineModel = Pipeline(stages=[idx,assembler,cv])
cv_model= pipelineModel.fit(train)
This way your pipeline would fit only once and not with each recurring run with the param_grid which makes it run faster.
Hope this helps!
I'm training a NaiveBayesModel in Spark, however when I'm using it to predict a new instance I need to get the probabilities for each class. I looked at the code of predict function in NaiveBayesModel and come up with the following code:
val thetaMatrix = new DenseMatrix (model.labels.length,model.theta(0).length,model.theta.flatten,true)
val piVector = new DenseVector(model.pi)
//val prob = thetaMatrix.multiply(test.features)
val x = test.map {p =>
val prob = thetaMatrix.multiply(p.features)
BLAS.axpy(1.0, piVector, prob)
Does this work properly? The line BLAS.axpy(1.0, piVector, prob) keeps giving me an error that the value 'axpy' is not found.
In a recent pull-request this was added to the Spark trunk and will be released in Spark 1.5 (closing SPARK-4362). you can therefore call
def predictProbabilities(testData: RDD[Vector]): RDD[Vector]
def predictProbabilities(testData: Vector): Vector
Im new in spark and Machine learning in general.
I have followed with success some of the Mllib tutorials, i can't get this one working:
i found the sample code here :
(section LinearRegressionWithSGD)
here is the code:
import org.apache.spark.mllib.regression.LabeledPoint
import org.apache.spark.mllib.regression.LinearRegressionModel
import org.apache.spark.mllib.regression.LinearRegressionWithSGD
import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Vectors
// Load and parse the data
val data = sc.textFile("data/mllib/ridge-data/lpsa.data")
val parsedData = data.map { line =>
val parts = line.split(',')
LabeledPoint(parts(0).toDouble, Vectors.dense(parts(1).split(' ').map(_.toDouble)))
// Building the model
val numIterations = 100
val model = LinearRegressionWithSGD.train(parsedData, numIterations)
// Evaluate model on training examples and compute training error
val valuesAndPreds = parsedData.map { point =>
val prediction = model.predict(point.features)
(point.label, prediction)
val MSE = valuesAndPreds.map{case(v, p) => math.pow((v - p), 2)}.mean()
println("training Mean Squared Error = " + MSE)
// Save and load model
model.save(sc, "myModelPath")
val sameModel = LinearRegressionModel.load(sc, "myModelPath")
(that's exactly what's is on the website)
The result is
training Mean Squared Error = 6.2087803138063045
Array[(Double, Double)] = Array((-0.4307829,-1.8383286021929077),
(-0.1625189,-1.4955700806407322), (-0.1625189,-1.118820892849544),
(-0.1625189,-1.6134108278724875), (0.3715636,-0.45171266551058276),
(0.7654678,-1.861316066986158), (0.8544153,-0.3588282725617985),
(1.2669476,-0.5036812148225209), (1.2669476,-1.1534698170911792),
(1.2669476,-0.3561392231695041), (1.3480731,-0.7347031705813306),
(1.446919,-0.08564658011814863), (1.4701758,-0.656725375080344),
(1.4929041,-0.14020483324910105), (1.5581446,-1.9438858658143454),
(1.5993876,-0.02181165554398845), (1.6389967,-0.3778677315868635),
(1.6956156,-1.1710092824030043), (1.7137979,0.27583044213064634),
(1.8000583,0.7812664902440078), (1.8484548,0.94605507153074),
(1.8946169,-0.7217282082851512), (1.9242487,-0.24422843221437684),...
My problem here is predictions looks totally random (and wrong), and since its the perfect copy of the website example, with the same input data (training set), i don't know where to look, am i missing something ?
Please give me some advices or clue about where to search, i can read and experiment.
As explained by zero323 here, setting the intercept to true will solve the problem. If not set to true, your regression line is forced to go through the origin, which is not appropriate in this case. (Not sure, why this is not included in the sample code)
So, to fix your problem, change the following line in your code (Pyspark):
model = LinearRegressionWithSGD.train(parsedData, numIterations)
model = LinearRegressionWithSGD.train(parsedData, numIterations, intercept=True)
Although not mentioned explicitly, this is also why the code from 'selvinsource' in the above question is working. Changing the step size doesn't help much in this example.
Linear Regression is SGD based and requires tweaking the step size, see http://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/mllib-optimization.html for more details.
In your example, if you set the step size to 0.1 you get better results (MSE = 0.5).
import org.apache.spark.mllib.regression.LabeledPoint
import org.apache.spark.mllib.regression.LinearRegressionModel
import org.apache.spark.mllib.regression.LinearRegressionWithSGD
import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Vectors
// Load and parse the data
val data = sc.textFile("data/mllib/ridge-data/lpsa.data")
val parsedData = data.map { line =>
val parts = line.split(',')
LabeledPoint(parts(0).toDouble, Vectors.dense(parts(1).split(' ').map(_.toDouble)))
// Build the model
var regression = new LinearRegressionWithSGD().setIntercept(true)
val model = regression.run(parsedData)
// Evaluate model on training examples and compute training error
val valuesAndPreds = parsedData.map { point =>
val prediction = model.predict(point.features)
(point.label, prediction)
val MSE = valuesAndPreds.map{case(v, p) => math.pow((v - p), 2)}.mean()
println("training Mean Squared Error = " + MSE)
For another example on a more realistic dataset, see
Using MLLib LinearRegressionWithSGD for the dummy data set (y, x1, x2) for y = (2*x1) + (3*x2) + 4 is producing wrong intercept and weights. Actual data used is,
x1 x2 y
1 0.1 6.3
2 0.2 8.6
3 0.3 10.9
4 0.6 13.8
5 0.8 16.4
6 1.2 19.6
7 1.6 22.8
8 1.9 25.7
9 2.1 28.3
10 2.4 31.2
11 2.7 34.1
I set the following input parameters and got the below model outputs
[numIterations, step, miniBatchFraction, regParam] [intercept, [weights]]
[5,9,0.6,5] = [2.36667135839938E13, weights:[1.708772545209758E14, 3.849548062850367E13] ]
[2,default,default,default] = [-2495.5635231554793, weights:[-19122.41357929275,-4308.224496146531]]
[5,default,default,default] = [2.875191315671051E8, weights: [2.2013802074495964E9,4.9593017130199933E8]]
[20,default,default,default] = [-8.896967235537095E29, weights: [-6.811932001659158E30,-1.5346020624812824E30]]
Need to know,
How do i get the correct intercept and weights [4, [2, 3]] for the above mentioned dummy data.
Will tuning the step size help in convergence? I need to run this in a automated manner for several hundred variables, so not keen to do that.
Should I scale the data? How will it help?
Below is the code used to generate these results.
object SciBenchTest {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = run
def run: Unit = {
val sparkConf = new SparkConf().setAppName("SparkBench")
val sc = new SparkContext(sparkConf)
// Load and parse the dummy data (y, x1, x2) for y = (2*x1) + (3*x2) + 4
// i.e. intercept should be 4, weights (2, 3)?
val data = sc.textFile("data/dummy.csv")
// LabeledPoint is (label, [features])
val parsedData = data.map { line =>
val parts = line.split(',')
val label = parts(2).toDouble
val features = Array(parts(0), parts(1)) map (_.toDouble)
LabeledPoint(label, Vectors.dense(features))
//parsedData.collect().foreach(x => println(x));
// Scale the features
/*val scaler = new StandardScaler(withMean = true, withStd = true)
.fit(parsedData.map(x => x.features))
val scaledData = parsedData
.map(x =>
scaledData.collect().foreach(x => println(x));*/
// Building the model: SGD = stochastic gradient descent
val numIterations = 20 //5
val step = 9.0 //9.0 //0.7
val miniBatchFraction = 0.6 //0.7 //0.65 //0.7
val regParam = 5.0 //3.0 //10.0
//val model = LinearRegressionWithSGD.train(parsedData, numIterations, step) //scaledData
val algorithm = new LinearRegressionWithSGD() //train(parsedData, numIterations)
//.setGradient(new LeastSquaresGradient())
//.setUpdater(new SquaredL2Updater()) //L1Updater //SimpleUpdater //SquaredL2Updater
val model = algorithm.run(parsedData)
println(s">>>> Model intercept: ${model.intercept}, weights: ${model.weights}")
// Evaluate model on training examples
val valuesAndPreds = parsedData.map { point =>
val prediction = model.predict(point.features)
(point.label, point.features, prediction)
// Print out features, actual and predicted values...
valuesAndPreds.take(10).foreach({ case (v, f, p) =>
println(s"Features: ${f}, Predicted: ${p}, Actual: ${v}")
As described in the documentation
selecting the best step-size for SGD methods can often be delicate.
I would try with lover values, for example
// Build linear regression model
var regression = new LinearRegressionWithSGD().setIntercept(true)
val model = regression.run(parsedData)
Adding the stepsize did not help us much.
We used the following parameters to calculate the intercept/weights and loss and used the same to construct a linear regression model in order to predict our features. Thanks #selvinsource for pointing me in the correct direction.
val data = sc.textFile("data/dummy.csv")
// LabeledPoint is (label, [features])
val parsedData = data.map { line =>
val parts = line.split(',')
val label = parts(2).toDouble
val features = Array(parts(0), parts(1)) map (_.toDouble)
(label, MLUtils.appendBias(Vectors.dense(features)))
val numCorrections = 5 //10//5//3
val convergenceTol = 1e-4 //1e-4
val maxNumIterations = 20 //20//100
val regParam = 0.00001 //0.1//10.0
val (weightsWithIntercept, loss) = LBFGS.runLBFGS(
new LeastSquaresGradient(),//LeastSquaresGradient
new SquaredL2Updater(), //SquaredL2Updater(),SimpleUpdater(),L1Updater()
Vectors.dense(0.0, 0.0, 0.0))//initialWeightsWithIntercept)
val model = new LinearRegressionModel(
Vectors.dense(weightsWithIntercept.toArray.slice(0, weightsWithIntercept.size - 1)),
weightsWithIntercept(weightsWithIntercept.size - 1))
println(s">>>> Model intercept: ${model.intercept}, weights: ${model.weights}")
// Evaluate model on training examples
val valuesAndPreds = parsedData.collect().map { point =>
var prediction = model.predict(Vectors.dense(point._2.apply(0), point._2.apply(1)))
(prediction, point._1)
// Print out features, actual and predicted values...
valuesAndPreds.take(10).foreach({ case (v, f) =>
println(s"Features: ${f}, Predicted: ${v}")//, Actual: ${v}")