RFID card programming cryptographically secure - security

I am trying to develop a custom cryptographically secure protocol for authenticating through an RFID smart card, all I can find over the internet are generic info on how write static Tags into the card.
For my project I need for the reader to send a Challenge nonce to the card (fixed length random bytes), then the card should send back the challenge encrypted with the hard-coded key (for example with AES CBC) or an hash HMAC.
The problem is: how can I program the card to do such behavior? I can write the code to do so, but how to "flash" it to the card. Also the code for the reader is not a problem (I want to use an Arduino with a reader module).
And then has a passive chip enough power to do this kind of calculations or is better to use an active one, considering that the distance would be few centimeters, such as behind a door?

A passive tag can't do this. Those just hold serial numbers that they spit out back.
You need some smarter card. You have basically two choices:
1) Choose a general-purpose card that fit your needs
The authentication scheme you describe is very widely used, and implemented by virtually all general-purpose smart cards, whether with contact or contactless (RF) interfaces (or both). If you go this way, you don't need to program the card with your own code, you just need to get the specs and initialize the card with the key value you want by sending the appropriate commands. And actually, with these cards, there are often generic tools available to initialize them. Easy.
Mifare (by NXP), for example is very widely used, easily available, and cards are cheap (drawback: it is certainly not the most secure cards ever made). You could use Mifare Classic - with proprietary NXP security protocol - specs here (be careful, the reader must be compatible) or Mifare UltraLight C, with open 3DES crypto - specs here. There are other variants, as well (e.g. Mifare Plus, which uses AES). Just don't go for the simple Mifare Ultralight, which doesn't provide authentication means. You'll see that for all these type of cards, there is a builtin authentication scheme that can functionally fulfill your needs (it is actually a mutual authentication, so it does more that what you require, but it's fine).
FeliCa (made by Sony), ACOS3 (made by ACS - specs here) are other possibilities, although I'm less familiar with it.
2) Get programmable cards
There are some, but it is not very easy to find for contactless and they are very expensive. You can lookup:
BasicCard (ZeitControl), which exist with dual interface. Those cards are programmable in Basic, and there are some kits available (but I'm not familiar with it either).
JavaCard (any manufacturer), which is a standard, but those are hard to find for small volumes. A few online shops seem to have some, though. These cards are programmable in Java (actually a subset of Java). There are tools available for the development phase (from Oracle, or even as Eclipse Plugins, for example). Then, for loading your custom applet in the smart card, you need to get familiar with GlobalPlatform, which is another (publicy available) standard, describing the way applications are managed in a smart card. This would be too broad to describe in detail here, though. You can find resources on the internet, but this road is definitely the most difficult.

Note, that NFC just describes the communication method and tells nothing about the intelligence available on other side.
More intelligence is needed (the command you seem to look for is called EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE in ISO 7816-4), but does not help for your range problem, since the weaker the field, the less power is available. The idea of having communication through the door will only work for doors which are so weak, that a high-tech electronic protection won't improve overall security. The maximum distance achievable with standard field strength (heart pacemakers and similar devices limit that one) with nothing more than air between suffices typically for something like 10 centimeters. So for me it seems that your reader has to be on the outside and needs to be mechanically hardened against tampering itself.
(What would help, is a "card" with its own power source, so the field is only required for communication. As far as I know, this is mostly provided by a sort of external sleeve.)
What dim fails to mention is the product group of so-called native cards, which are typically only programmable with significant manufacturer support (non-disclosure agreement, probably fee involved), but luckily contain functionality for most use cases already, in your case the commands Get Challenge and External Authenticate.


Any secure USB dongle/token with internal AES and RSA, with simple API?

I've my C# NET6 desktop application to send to customers, important functions have been removed and implemented on a server
I've my public server on which I want to auth desktop app(license, feature...), get its blob, process it, send back
I consider the C# app crackable whatever obfuscator/protector I'll use (but i'll use anyway), server is considered secure, i need a secure point at customer premise.
The idea is to use an usb dongle to bring up a secure and authenticated session between desktop app and server.
Requisites for the dongle are:
Be able to do AES128(at least) and/or RSA1024(at least)
EAL5+/6+ secure MCU (nothing that could be dumped with glitches or baths in acid)
dll and API to talk with
So far i've looked at various sw protection dongle, but:
some are 15years old mcu and not sure if still in business
most doesn't tell what mcu is inside, some are fast (but silly) stm32, some are slow 8051
the expensive ones are the most complex ones, i mean it takes days to read unclear documentation and see that i don't need 90% of the package (enveloper, mssql db for my 50customers...)
i don't need at all their C# enveloper, I want to use a thirdparty/specific protector with VM
So i've looked at usb tokens PKI, FIDO2, PIV....but:
FIDO2 allows customer to reset pin and cear all certificates, no good as i want to burn keypair inside prior to ship to customer
PIV not found any cheap PIV only usb token, some FIDO2 expensive has also PIV interface, but...
to talk to FIDO2 and PIV i would need all the overload bloat of libraries that i very dislike (and also needs admin right, which i want to avoid)
PC/SC usb token are the most lowlevel to use, mscard lib and do whatever, nice but.....ISO-7816-8,9 are not public, costs like 300bucks to eventually see that my card vendor implemented custom stuff
I've 0x80 blob to send to dongle to powmod() it, that's all, no x509, no pkcs11, no base64, nothing human, just need a powmod(data) or an aes_dec(data).
Any suggestions?
While this is no full answer, I would like to address some issues:
You may underestimate the complexity required. Obviously necessary is some specification, whether RSA or AES operation is required. This has to show up somewhere, either as command parameter or as a set-up command (between host and connected token).
Pure modular exponentiation is unlikely to reach the desirable level of security, since RSA depends on padding to exclude some kinds of attack.
You may not like PKCS 11 interface, but it is proven and known to introduce no security issues. This may require notable effort if done on your own.
Given the mentioned EAL levels, my guess would be, that you need a smart card chip with USB interface.
The MCU is pretty irrelevant: to get crypto operations hardened, you need special hardware (as cryptographic coprocessors). It has little influence, how old the architecture of the chip is, which feeds the bytes to those.

How to make an EMV card from a Javacard?

I'm going to write a Java Card applet to convert my card into an EMV compliant card.
1- The question is how can I do that?
As far as I know, there are four EMV specifications known as EMV Books which contain principles of EMV cards (Chip characteristics, file structure and also the list of APDU commands). Do I need any other specifications to implement my applet or these are all I need? If there are some other specifications which I need, are they freely available or they are proprietary?
2- Do EMV cards have an specific Applet AID?
EFT-Lab provided a good list of applet AIDs. As you see below, there are a lot of AIDs which belong to Visa International (as vendors) that all are "EMV" types. Why does Visa International have a lot of different AIDs for its EMV applets? What's the difference between these applets?
3- Is there any open source EMV applet? Is there any Java Card that has an EMV applet/package by default?
4- Is there any specific difference between contact and contactless EMV cards? (I mean in the file-structure or in the APDU commands)
1- The question is how can I do that?
Yes. Implement the specifications. If there are any other requirements (and surely there will be) then they should be referenced in the specs.
2- Do EMV cards have an specific Applet AID?
Because they offer specific functionality? You may even have multiple applications on the same card. Note that it is possible to select applications using a partial AID (see how the Debit & Credit card partially match). The VISA specific cards are likely used internally only, e.g. when servicing cash machines.
3- Is there any open source EMV applet? Is there any Java Card that has an EMV applet/package by default?
Not likely. It would be rather unusable because it would require EMVCo security evaluation to be accepted. So you need some kind of payment structure to pay for certification and audits. No open source initiative is likely to pony up the cash up front.
Often these kind of implementations require techniques to avoid vulnerabilities that need to remain secret; smart cards do not offer perfect security after all. That's perpendicular to open sourcing an implementation. So if there is anything out there it must be created out of academic interest (e.g. for testing the security of the protocol, proof of concept etc.).
4- Is there any specific difference between contact and contactless EMV cards? (I mean in the file-structure or in the APDU commands)
Generally it is more about which parts of the applet are available or not. The fact that most applets can be used in dual mode probably speaks for itself otherwise.
This paper seems to have a good introduction to the possible differences.
Is there any open source EMV applet? Is there any Java Card that has
an EMV applet/package by default?
Was working on a similar project and found this github repo. According to the owner:
This is a fully working EMV applet for javacard 2.2.1.

Practical use of java cards

what's the current use of java cards? The documentation is either really old or really sparse.
After googling for some time, this is my perceived idea:
eID: signing document hash with private key, issued by central authority (government) - signing legal documents
unique ID - identification (of person) by ID, protected by PIN and secured by TLS
java connected edition web application - I've not been able to find any documentation for the usage of this, except template applications in IDEs. Why are APDU's still used when there's this layer available? Is the application for this non-existent?
Despite all the new functionalities, I see they're only used as identification for a central repository/provider? And the TLS is used to secure communication between the card and backend server?
SIM cards are usually Java Cards, banking cards from Mastercard and Visa are usually Java card, and so are many others. ePassports can be build using Java Card. There are secure elements within readers that are Java Card. Driver licenses, driver licenses, digital tachograph cards, access control cards, cards holding PGP keys, etc. etc. etc..
There are billions of Java Cards, and Java Card is the only reason why Java was claimed by Sun to be on 3 billion devices (and note that they will probably not count Android as that officially is not Java). Currently the JCF (Java Card Forum) is also pushing Java Card forward as secure / programmable element to be used in IoT devices.
eID can be and usually is used more than for just signing documents. It is mainly used for authentication. It may also be used just to verify specific attributes of a person such as his / her age. And it can of course be used to decrypt information if an encryption key pair is present.
So no, there are many more things that Java Card can be used for.
As for the connected edition: it requires highly expensive hardware (smart cards are products that rely on high volume where every cent matters). Furthermore, a lot of protocols are specified using APDU's: you cannot just replace that with HTTPS to the smart card without respecifying the protocols.
ISO/IEC 7816-4 is a horrible standard - if you can call it that - but it currently is the only broadly accepted one. Java Card RMI has not caught on either; I don't see why the connected edition will suddenly change that.

BLE Restricted Access

I have designed a BLE peripheral into a product. There will be an app developed (Android, Windows) but for now I am writing firmware to support the app in the blind.
We cannot have someone access the peripheral who is not authorized. To handle this I have a password stored in firmware.
There are seven custom characteristics, all but three of which are disabled upon initial connection. The password characteristic is write only of course, once the correct password is sent the other characteristics are enabled.
I have no experience with BLE until now so I have no idea if this scheme is reasonable or not.
Is there a bettor way to limit access?
The Bluetooth standard defines the pairing/bonding concept with its corresponding encryption. Based on your specification it doesn't seem like it fits your needs.
You therefore have to come up with something on your own. How secure you make it is completely up to you. Your proposal is the simplest and most unsecure way of doing it. The most secure thing you can do is use some protocol created for these purposes (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Password-authenticated_key_agreement) to create a cryptographic key which you then use for authenticated encryption when you later communicate with your device. You decide which way you want to go based on the security level you want.

Has anyone got a tutorial up on getting your own smartcard and getting pkcs#11 working on it?

Has anyone got a tutorial up on getting your own smartcard and getting pkcs#11 working on it? In Linux? (Windows would be fine too).
Most of the vendors seem to assume you'll be wanting enough for your whole company, not one or two.
This heavily depends on the driver and application you use. We use OpenSC/OpenCT for all non-Enterprise Smartcard uses. They have decent documentation.
Yes, check out what OpenSC supports.
Make sure that you know what you want - USB tokens or full-size smart cards. There are pros and cons with both solutions - USB tokens require drivers, often by the manufacturer, to use on some platforms (eg Windows7 or OSX can be troublesome). But they are easy to use once set up and sometimes offer better performance than ISO smartcards. Casual smart cards on the other hand have also contactless interfaces and can be used with pinpad readers which provide higher security than USB tokens.
If you're into fancier features and may want to extend your card infra further than just pkcs#11 crypto, javacards might be useful (OpenSC can not work with JavaCards directly but certain applets are supported, like Muscle) Otherwise look for a supported card operating system.
