Graphql: How can get field arguments of a type in resolver? - node.js

I use graphql-tools library and makeExecutableSchema function to make my schema by passing schema and resolver to it
here is my schema:
type Trip {
code: String!
driver: User!
vehicle: Vehicle!
destination: Location!
passengers(page: Int, count: Int): [User!]!
type Query {
trip(id: String!): Trip
and here is my resolver:
// some imports...
export default {
Query: {
async trip(_, { id }, ctx, info) {
const trip = await Trip.findById(id);
// const page = ???, count = ???
// work on fetch data...
return result;
how can I get page and count which are defined as nested argument for passengers?

You should define a resolver for the type Trip, such as:
export default {
Query: {
async trip(_, { id }, ctx, info) {
const trip = await Trip.findById(id);
// const page = ???, count = ???
// work on fetch data...
return result;
Trip: {
async passengers(trip, { page, count }, ctx, info) {
In GraphQL, it's not the concept of "nested fields of a type", but just combinations of "the type of a field". The trip field of type Query has the Trip type, so when you want to work with the passengers field, it should be considered as a field under the Trip type, not a nested field of the Query type.


How can a nested field in graphQL query get its own arguments

I'm working on a cursor based pagination that requires the a nested field to access the args. So far, i've been unable to get the args to its desired field.
type Game {
players(first: Int, after: String, last: Int, before: String): GameToPlayerConnection
game(id: GameID!): Game
I am able to only access the args passed to the game and not the args passed to the players.
game: async (parent: any, args: { id: string; first: number; last: number; after:
string; before: string; }, _ctx: any, info: any) =>
const { id, first, last, after, before } = args;
console.log("args", args);
game(id: 'fortnite', first: 3){
players(first: 2){
I am trying to access the args passed to the players
That's correct. Every resolver can only access the arguments for its own property. Each object also has its own set of resolvers, so you need one object for Query, and another for Game:
const resolvers = {
Query: {
game: async (parent, { id }, context, info) {
return games.load(id);
Game: {
players: async ({ id }, { first, last, before, after }, context, info) {
return playersByGame({
gameId: id,

How to get around the "Missing field" warning when executing a mutation with an optimiticResponse in the apollo-client?

I'm using aws-appsync with the apollo-client and when I try to execute a mutation without providing all fields I get a warning like "Missing field x in {...}". Do I really need to provide all (including optional) fields? How can I handle this gracefully?
I wonder if this is the expected behaviour or wether I'm missing something obvious. I don't want to maintain the added complexity of having to pass all optional fields and having those fields stored in the database as null values.
I figured since they are just warnings I 'll just ignore them but I found that the updates would be executed in the database, but then the inmemorycache cache would not always update. It would sometimes show the update and other times not.
import {compose, graphql} from "react-apollo";
import gql from "graphql-tag";
import React from "react";
export const EditCard = (props) => {
const handleSave = () => {
givenName :'someGivenName',
//middleName omitted on purpose
familyName :'someFamilyName',
return (
<>...more stuff here...</>
export const card = gql`
fragment card on Identity{
export const CardsGraphQL = gql`
query GerCards {
cards: listIdentitys(filter: {type: {eq: "CARD"}}) {
items {
export const UpdateCardGraphQL = gql`
mutation UpdateCard($input: UpdateIdentityInput!) {
updateObject: updateIdentity(input: $input) {
export const selectConfig = () => {
return {
options: {
fetchPolicy: 'cache-and-network',
props: (props) => {
return {
cards: ? : [],
export const updateConfig = (query) => {
return {
options: {
update: (cache, {data: {updateObject}}) => {
// Read query from cache
const data = cache.readQuery({query});
// Add updated object to the cache = => === ? updateObject : item);
//Overwrite the cache with the new results
cache.writeQuery({query, data});
props: (props) => {
return {
update: (input) => {
variables: {input},
optimisticResponse: () => ({
updateObject: input,
export default compose(
graphql(CardsGraphQL, selectConfig),
graphql(UpdateCardGraphQL, updateConfig(CardsGraphQL)))
For GraphQL this mutation seems to run without problems and the result in the dynamoDB is what I expect:
givenName :'someGivenName',
familyName :'someFamilyName'
However the cache is not always updated with the mutation result and the apollo-client shows the warning:
"Missing field middleName in {..."
If I add the middleName field, the warning goes away and the cache updates correctly but the result in the dynamoDB is:
givenName :'someGivenName',
middleName : null,
familyName :'someFamilyName'
This approach results in additional complexity in my client that I would like to avoid maintaining.
Does anyone else have this problem? How to solve this gracefully?
Any help is appreciated.

How to implement isTypeOf method?

Given this schema:
interface INode {
id: ID
type Todo implements INode {
id: ID
title: String!
type Query {
node(id: ID!): INode
Given this class:
export default class Todo {
constructor (public id: string, public title: string) { }
isTypeOf(value: any): Boolean {
return value instanceof Todo;
Given this resolver:
type NodeArgs = {
id: string
export const resolver = {
node: ({ id }: NodeArgs) => {
return new Todo('1', 'Todo 1');
When I call the query:
query {
node(id: "1") {
... on Todo {
Then I get the return below:
"errors": [
"message": "Abstract type INode must resolve to an Object type at runtime for field Query.node with value { id: \"1\", title: \"Todo 1\" }, received \"undefined\". Either the INode type should provide a \"resolveType\" function or each possible type should provide an \"isTypeOf\" function.",
"locations": [
"line": 2,
"column": 3
"path": [
"data": {
"node": null
As you can see, I've implemented the isTypeOf function but I am still getting the error message.
What am I doing wrong?
I am using Typescript, express and express-graphql;
isTypeOf is a function that is passed to the constructor of a GraphQLObjectType when you create your schema programatically. Ditto for resolveType functions and unions/interfaces. If you use SDL and create your schema using buildSchema, there is no way to inject those functions into your created schema, just like you don't have a way to provide resolvers for fields on types other than Query and Mutation.
You have a couple of options. One option is to utilize the default resolveType behavior. This checks for a __typename property on the object, and falls back to calling isTypeOf on every implementing type until it matches. That means if you're using a class, it should be sufficient to do something like this:
export default class Todo {
get __typename() {
return 'Todo'
The better option would be to drop buildSchema and use makeExecutableSchema from graphql-tools. Then you can define your resolveType and/or isTypeOf functions directly in your resolvers. For example:
const resolvers = {
Query: {
node: (obj, args, context, info) => {
return new Todo('1', 'Todo 1')
INode: {
__resolveType: (obj, context, info) => {
if (obj instanceof Todo) return 'Todo'
Not only can you easily define isTypeOf or resolveType this way, you can also easily add resolvers for fields of any type and add custom scalars without any hassle. You cannot do any of that (easily) if you're using just buildSchema.
If you prefer to utilize isTypeOf instead of resolveType, the resolvers would look something like this:
const resolvers = {
Query: {
node: (obj, args, context, info) => {
return new Todo('1', 'Todo 1')
Todo: {
__isTypeOf: (obj, context, info) => {
return obj instanceof Todo
Only one or the other is necessary. Either write a resolveType function for every abstract type you use, or write a isTypeOf for every object type that could be an abstract type.

Graphiql variables not being passed to server

I'm building an Apollo Server. I have one simple endpoint communicating with Mongo. There's a collection of announcements.
export const typeDefs = gql`
type Query {
announcements: [Announcement]
announcementsByAuthor(author: String!): [Announcement]
type Announcement {
_id: ID!
msg: String!
author: String!
title: String
export const resolvers = {
Query: {
announcements: () => {
return new AnnouncementController().getAnnouncements();
announcementsByAuthor: (author: string) => {
console.log('RESOLVER: ', author);
return new AnnouncementController().getAnnouncementsByAuthor(author);
In my graphiql interface, the announcements query works correctly:
announcements {
The announcementsByAuthor query does not seem to be accepting the string argument, either from a variable or when hardcoded into the query.
query($author: String!){
announcementsByAuthor(author: $author) {
I've logged out from the resolver, and an empty string is being passed in, instead of the specified value for the author variable. I'm new to graphql and I'm hoping someone can enlighten me as to what I'm sure is a simple oversight.
Try this instead:
announcementsByAuthor: (doc, {author}) => {

How should I write a resolver while using apollo graphql server backed by neo4j database?

I am using neo4j dB and I have set up apollo graphql server (using graphql-server-express). Lets say my schema has 3 types namely "Country", "State" and "People" where 1 country can have multiple states and 1 state can have multiple people.
//Sample schema.js
import { makeExecutableSchema } from 'graphql-tools';
import resolvers from './resolvers';
const typeDefs = `
type Country {
id: Int!
name: String
state: [State]
people: [People]
type State {
id: Int!
name: String
countryID: CountryID
people: [People]
type People {
id: Int!
name: String
SSN: String
type Query {
Countries: [Country]
States: [State]
Peoples: [People]
schema {
query: Query
export default makeExecutableSchema({
typeDefs: typeDefs,
So, how should I write my resolver function in resolver.js file such that it would help me to fetch the data properly from any of the above types ?
I tried to use the following query in resolver.js file (to query the Neo4j database using Cypher query language), but got the type error and i am unable to fix it.
//Sample resolver.js file.
let neo4j = require('neo4j-driver').v1;
let driver = neo4j.driver("bolt://localhost", neo4j.auth.basic("neo4j",
const resolver = {
Query: {
Countries(_, params) {
let session = driver.session();
let query = "MATCH (country:Country) RETURN country;"
return, params)
.then( result => { return => { return
record.get("country").properties })})
state(State) {
let session = driver.session(),
params = {countryid:},
query = `
MATCH (s:State-[:PRESENT]->(c:Country)
WHERE s.countryid = $countryid
return, params)
.then( result => { return => { return
record.get("state").properties })})
export default resolver;
