With a new custom screen/graph/DAC, how can I make columns in a grid hidden by default? That is I want the column / controls in the Grid but only shown if the user goes in to the Column Configuration and selects to add it.
(These are purely informational columns on the grid of a custom Processing screen)
Visibility of DAC fields is controlled by PXUIField attribute properties.
The 'Visible' property determines whether or not the field is shown on screen.
The 'Visibility' property determines whether or not the field is available for display.
For your use case, you want to hide it by default (Visible = false) and make it available for display in the grid column selection dialog (Visibility = PXUIVisibility.Visible):
[PXUIField(Visibility = PXUIVisibility.Visible, Visible = false)]
You can also set these properties using static functions instead of DAC field attributes:
PXUIFieldAttribute.SetVisibility(cache, null, typeof(DAC.field).Name, PXUIVisibility.Visible);
PXUIFieldAttribute.SetVisible(cache, null, typeof(DAC.field).Name, false);
In the DAC or Graph you can set the fields Visible property to false
Example found on sales order for the "Line Order" field.
#region SortOrder
public abstract class sortOrder : PX.Data.IBqlField
protected Int32? _SortOrder;
[PXUIField(DisplayName = AP.APTran.sortOrder.DispalyName, Visible = false, Enabled = false)]
public virtual Int32? SortOrder
return this._SortOrder;
this._SortOrder = value;
I'm trying to change the logic that enables the "PO Link" action/button on the Sales Order lines. I'm not finding where the code that controls the enable/disable lives. Is it controlled by a workflow? If so, where?
I've tried the below but the SetEnable() is being overridden, apparently.
public class MySOOrderEntryExt :
PX.Objects.SO.GraphExtensions.SOOrderEntryExt.PurchaseSupplyBaseExt, SOOrderEntry>
public void _(Events.RowSelected<SOOrder> e)
//Base.Actions["pOSupplyOK"].SetEnabled(false); //Doesn't work.
Any ideas would be great.
The control consists of 2 components. In the ASPX in the ActionBar of the grid, teh button is defined as:
<px:PXToolBarButton Text="PO Link" DependOnGrid="grid" StateColumn="IsPOLinkAllowed">
<AutoCallBack Command="POSupplyOK" Target="ds" ></AutoCallBack>
The StateColumn refers to the field that determines if the action/button is enabled or not. This is defined in SOLine in the field IsPOLinkAllowed as:
#region IsPOLinkAllowed
public abstract class isPOLinkAllowed : PX.Data.BQL.BqlBool.Field<isPOLinkAllowed> { }
[PXFormula(typeof(Switch<Case<Where<SOLine.pOCreate, Equal<True>, And<SOLine.operation, Equal<SOOperation.issue>>>, True>, False>))]
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "", Visibility = PXUIVisibility.Invisible, Visible = false, Enabled = false)]
public virtual bool? IsPOLinkAllowed
The PXFormula indicates that the POCreate field must be true and the operation of the Sales Order be an Issue.
The simplest way to modify this behavior likely is to change the attributes on the field via a DAC extension or CacheAttached in the graph to result in true when you want it enabled.
I have implemented CRM activity on the Custom page where the Key Field is SOOrder Type, SOOrder Nbr & Job Code which are stored in custom DAC. I have tried to add the Entity Type listed on Related Entity and I am not able to figure out how to do it. Pls let me know where to add or override the method to Implement the functionality
The following cod used to implement the CRM Activity
public sealed class SOOrderJobActivities : CRActivityList<PSSOOrderJob>
public SOOrderJobActivities(PXGraph graph)
: base(graph) { }
protected override RecipientList GetRecipientsFromContext(NotificationUtility utility, string type, object row, NotificationSource source)
var recipients = new RecipientList();
var order = _Graph.Caches[typeof(PSSOOrderJob)].Current as PSSOOrderJob;
if (order == null || source == null)
return null;
SOOrder ord = SOOrder.PK.Find(_Graph, order.OrderType, order.OrderNbr);
var contact = SOOrder.FK.Contact.FindParent(_Graph, ord);
if (contact == null || contact.EMail == null)
return null;
recipients.Add(new NotificationRecipient()
Active = true,
AddTo = RecipientAddToAttribute.To,
Email = contact.EMail
source.RecipientsBehavior = RecipientsBehaviorAttribute.Override;
return recipients;
After going through the Acumatica code, I have done the following changes
#region Noteid
[PXNote(ShowInReferenceSelector =true,Selector =typeof(Search2<PSSOOrderJob.jobCode,
InnerJoin<SOOrder,On<PSSOOrderJob.orderType,Equal<SOOrder.orderType>,And<PSSOOrderJob.orderNbr, Equal<SOOrder.orderNbr>>>>,
Where<SOOrder.orderType,Equal<Current<PSSOOrderJob.orderType>>,And<SOOrder.orderNbr, Equal<Current<PSSOOrderJob.orderNbr>>>>>))]
public virtual Guid? Noteid { get; set; }
public abstract class noteid : PX.Data.BQL.BqlGuid.Field<noteid> { }
The entity comes into selection, But I am not able to select the relative entity document and the value is not getting updated in the related entity field.
The above screenshot the select is missing and not able to select the document
The following steps I have done to add relative Entity for any Activity using custom DAC
1. Added ShowInReferenceSelector = true in PXNoteID field.
2. Added Selector in PXNoteID field
3. Decorated [PX.Data.EP.PXFieldDescription] attribute for Key fields
#region NoteID
[PXNote(ShowInReferenceSelector = true, Selector = typeof(Search2<PSSOOrderJob.jobCode,
InnerJoin<SOOrder, On<PSSOOrderJob.orderType, Equal<SOOrder.orderType>, And<PSSOOrderJob.orderNbr, Equal<SOOrder.orderNbr>>>>,
Where<SOOrder.orderType, Equal<Current<PSSOOrderJob.orderType>>, And<SOOrder.orderNbr, Equal<Current<PSSOOrderJob.orderNbr>>,And<PSSOOrderJob.jobType,Equal<Current<PSSOOrderJob.jobType>>>>>>), DescriptionField = typeof(PSSOOrderJob.jobCode))]
//[PXNote(ShowInReferenceSelector = true)]
public virtual Guid? NoteID { get; set; }
public abstract class noteID : PX.Data.BQL.BqlGuid.Field<noteID> { }
#region JobCode
[PXDBString(15, IsKey = true, IsUnicode = true, InputMask = ">CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC")]
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Job Code")]
[PXSelector(typeof(Search<PSSOOrderJob.jobCode, Where<PSSOOrderJob.orderType, Equal<Current<PSSOOrderJob.orderType>>, And<PSSOOrderJob.orderNbr, Equal<Current<PSSOOrderJob.orderNbr>>,And<PSSOOrderJob.jobType, Equal<Current<PSSOOrderJob.jobType>>>>>>), typeof(PSSOOrderJob.jobCode), ValidateValue = false)]
public virtual string JobCode { get; set; }
public abstract class jobCode : PX.Data.BQL.BqlString.Field<jobCode> { }
This automatically fills the related entity field with Jobcode.
There still one issue I am facing is not able to access the selector due to Entity field width is more than the popup window and I do not know how to fix it.
This answer is to address the popup size only.
First, give browser zoom a try 'control' + 'minus' key. It might work as a quick workaround.
Otherwise, use the browser debugger feature. Open it with F12 key. Then use the browser debugger inspect element feature (1). Click on the smart panel (2). Go up a bit in html control hierarchy until you reach and select the smart panel root which is a table element (3). Change the width of the smart panel popup using the debugger CSS properties editor (4).
If selector control size increases automatically with window size; change the selector control width instead of popup width using browser debugger CSS property editor.
I'm trying to hide columns in a grid tab dynamically, it works fine until the user goes into the column configurations and decides to show the columns.
Once the user does that, my code doesn't affect the columns visibility anymore.
As a POC I tried doing this :
public PXAction<POOrder> HIDEFIELDS;
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "hide fields")]
[PXButton(CommitChanges = true)]
public virtual void hIDEFIELDS()
PXUIFieldAttribute.SetVisible<POLineExt.usrFinalDestination>(Base.Transactions.Cache, null, false);
PXUIFieldAttribute.SetVisible<POLineExt.usrDateExportation>(Base.Transactions.Cache, null, false);
PXUIFieldAttribute.SetVisible<POLineExt.usrContainerNbr>(Base.Transactions.Cache, null, false);
public PXAction<POOrder> Showfields;
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "showfields")]
[PXButton(CommitChanges = true)]
public virtual void showfields()
PXUIFieldAttribute.SetVisible<POLineExt.usrFinalDestination>(Base.Transactions.Cache, null, true);
PXUIFieldAttribute.SetVisible<POLineExt.usrDateExportation>(Base.Transactions.Cache, null, true);
PXUIFieldAttribute.SetVisible<POLineExt.usrContainerNbr>(Base.Transactions.Cache, null, true);
How do I prevent this behaviour ?
what is the difference between PXUIFieldAttribute.SetVisible and PXUIFieldAttribute.SetVisibility ?
The Visible property determines if the column is visible in the grid (form, tree etc..) and the Visibility property determines if the column is visible in the grid column configuration dialog.
As you found out, the user can override the Visible=False property by using the user-defined grid column configuration.
To prevent the user overriding the Visible property you have to set both Visible and Visibility.
PXCache cache = Base.Transactions.Cache;
PXUIFieldAttribute.SetVisibility<POLineExt.usrFinalDestination>(cache, null, PXUIVisibility.Invisible);
PXUIFieldAttribute.SetVisible<POLineExt.usrFinalDestination>(cache, null, false);
Your code suggest you want to make this a dynamic change but I think the Visibility property only support static change. By static I mean that the call will work only once when the page load and it will ignore subsequent calls. The convention is to put these calls in the Initialize() method override for graph extensions or the constructor of new custom graph:
public override void Initialize()
// Extend base graph to set visibility property here.
I created a ListView to show the list of documents, then created a button "Button A" to do some actions, my requirement is I would like the button status may be changed with the selected document changes.
Fox example: there are three documents in the following graphic, I want the button is enabled when I click Order-00001 or Order-00002, and it is disabled for Order-00003 due to no money in it.
I appreciate if you could give me a hint if there is any event to be raised when I click a row. Thanks a lot.
To reduce callback to the server there isn't a row selected event. Instead there is PXToolbarButton StateColumn property to control the button enabled state.
When you declare your button, you specify a Boolean DAC field that will enable/disable the button based on it's value. Note that the button needs the DependOnGrid property set to the ID of the grid to get the selected row:
<px:PXToolBarButton Text="Button A" DependOnGrid="grid" StateColumn="IsButtonVisible">
IsButtonVisible is a custom unbound Boolean DAC field (you may choose any name you want except isSelected/Selected which is reserved for checkbox):
#region IsButtonVisible
public abstract class isButtonVisible : IBqlField
protected bool? _IsButtonVisible;
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Is Button Visible", Enabled = false, Visible = false)]
public virtual bool? IsButtonVisible
return _IsButtonVisible;
_IsButtonVisible = value;
You can set the value of IsButtonVisible in the RowSelected event based on your business logic:
protected virtual void DAC_RowSelected(PXCache sender, PXRowSelectedEventArgs e)
DAC row = e.Row as DAC;
if (row != null)
bool yourCondition = ???;
row.IsButtonVisible = yourCondition;
Enable disable button of grid or PXToolBarButton, which depends from value of column in Acumatica
In Sales Order documents grid footer. It displays the product's availability.
How to do the same in Opportunity products grid ?
More so, how do you enforce it to be displayed at the footer
instead of a simple grid column ? Is there such attribute ?
Thanks for the replies.
If we compare to sales order, the sales order line gets its value from LSSOLine during Availabilty_FieldSelecting. The wire-up on the page is on the tab via StatusField="Availability". We can do something similar by adding an unbound extension field and then during a field selecting fill in the value. An alternative would be to implement an LSCROpportunityProducts class that is inherits LSSelect similar to LSSoLine (a better preferred solution). To keep this simple and focus on just getting the field to display text, I will use an extension field and a simple field selecting in the extension graph for opportunity.
(1) In a dac extension, create an unbound field (MyAvailability is the example field):
[PXTable(typeof(CROpportunityProducts.cROpportunityID), typeof(CROpportunityProducts.cROpportunityProductID), IsOptional = true)]
public class CROpportunityProductsMyExtension : PXCacheExtension<CROpportunityProducts>
#region MyAvailability
public abstract class myAvailability : PX.Data.IBqlField
protected string _MyAvailability;
[PXString(IsUnicode = true)]
[PXUIField(DisplayName = "Product Availability", Enabled = false)]
public virtual string MyAvailability
return this._MyAvailability;
this._MyAvailability = value;
(2) On the opportunity products tab, wire up the new field as the grid status value by setting property StatusField. The page needs modified to add this value and should look something like this when added (requires screen customization in your project -> actions edit ASPX and locate ProductsGrid to paste in your StatusField and value):
<px:PXGrid ID="ProductsGrid" SkinID="Details" runat="server" Width="100%"
Height="500px" DataSourceID="ds" ActionsPosition="Top" BorderWidth="0px"
SyncPosition="true" StatusField="MyAvailability">
(3) Now in a graph extension populate the field:
Edit: The use of Current<> does not always contain the correct currently highlighted row in the UI. Switched to Required<> based on the PXFieldSelectingEventArgs.Row and the results are correct for multiple rows in the products tab.
public class CROpportunityMaintMyExtension : PXGraphExtension<OpportunityMaint>
public virtual void CROpportunityProducts_MyAvailability_FieldSelecting(PXCache sender, PXFieldSelectingEventArgs e)
var row = (CROpportunityProducts) e.Row;
if (row == null)
e.ReturnValue = string.Empty;
INLocationStatus locationStatus = PXSelectGroupBy<INLocationStatus,
Where<INLocationStatus.inventoryID, Equal<Required<CROpportunityProducts.inventoryID>>,
And2<Where<INLocationStatus.subItemID, Equal<Required<CROpportunityProducts.subItemID>>,
And<Where<INLocationStatus.siteID, Equal<Required<CROpportunityProducts.siteID>>,
Or<Required<CROpportunityProducts.siteID>, IsNull>>>>>,
Aggregate<Sum<INLocationStatus.qtyOnHand, Sum<INLocationStatus.qtyAvail>>>
>.Select(sender.Graph, row.InventoryID, row.SubItemID, row.SiteID, row.SiteID);
// Need to convert to transaction UOM... (this is always base units)
decimal? qtyOnHand = locationStatus?.QtyOnHand;
decimal? qtyAvail = locationStatus?.QtyAvail;
e.ReturnValue = $"Qty On hand = {qtyOnHand.GetValueOrDefault()} ; Qty Avail = {qtyAvail.GetValueOrDefault()}";
The results: