Cannot find Incoming Webhook connector in Microsoft Teams - webhooks

I had configured an Incoming Webhook on one of our Microsoft Teams channels, but noticed it stopped working recently, and also I am no longer able to find the Incoming Webhook in the list of connectors:
What command would I need to have our Administrators run or what configuration would I need to apply to get this to work again?

As #wajeed-msft notes, this is happening because your administrator turned off access to external applications.
Assuming "Allow sideloading of external apps" is also turned off you'll get the list on the page you found above. If you scroll through that list, you will see "Incoming webhook" listed.

I had the same problem and I didn't remember that I (as a Tenant admin) disabled anything in the portal. "Unfortunatly" the screenshot is from the older portal, in the new Teams Admin check the following:
All available connectors were somehow blocked, so I removed everything from the "blocked apps" list:
Then I needed to sign out ("Quit" didn't refresh those settings) and sign in again and now I have access to all connectors.

For webhook connector, you can use the incoming webhook connector in MS teams app sections.
For more information please refer this link


Unable to add permissions to App on Azure Portal

I have created an app on Azure Portal to access some information via Microsoft Graph API but I am not able to add any permissions to it. It was working earlier but not any more. I also tried to register a new app, the app gets register but yet again the permissions could not be added.
As soon as I press the button to add the selected permissions these two popup notifications come up ..
1. Your session will end in a few minutes. You will have to refresh your browser to start a new session.
2. The portal is having issues getting an authentication token. The experience rendered may be degraded.
Additional information from the call to get a token:
Extension: Microsoft_AAD_RegisteredApps
This is happening since last 3 days now. I also searched on Google and found that people had similar issues earlier as well. Though I have raised a ticket on the portal for this but haven't received any reply yet.
Any help here would be very much appreciated. Also is there any way to check any logs on the portal itself. I did try to check the network logs via browser developer tools but they aren't much help.
It seems to be an issue with the Azure Portal for your region.
As #Hury Shen suggested, you should contact Azure Support for further investigation.
See how to open a support ticket on Azure portal.
Seems like there was an issue with my account address. I changed the address to one of US and it worked for me.
#Allen Wu Thanks for the suggestions. I had already asked them about it but no one replied.

Multiple domains for single Azure B2C Application

We have an application that we want to host only once but allow 2 different domains to direct to the one instance then we change the branding based on the incoming host. For instance points the same instance as
So they are not subdomains but rather independent domains. This would mean they also share the same Azure registered application but different return url's and
The Azure portal, however, gives the error
"You may not use more than 1 external domain(s)"
Is there any way around this without having to host 2 instances of the same application, each with the own Azure application/client id?
As Wayne mentioned, it is not currently possible to reply to multiple domains.
However, one workaround is to build a proxy in one of the websites. You always redirect to this proxy, which then redirects to the proper site. You could use the state parameter to store which "site" the user clicked "sign in" from, and then based on that redirect properly. You would have to be careful in making sure the token is passed through securely.
Unfortunately, you cannot achieve this.
Reply URLs must all belong to the same domain. And Redirect URIs must all belong to the same domain .This is a limitation for AAD B2C application Registration.
You can also see this note in Azure portal:
Is there any way around this without having to host 2 instances of the
same application, each with the own Azure application/client id?
For Web API or Web App, as I known, there is no way to achieve this for now.
I suggest you can upvote this idea in this Uservoice Page, AAD B2C Team will review it.
Hope this helps!
In case anyone stumbles across this issue as I did today, I found a workaround for this.
Caution: This method is not officially supported by MS according to a warning from MS in the Azure portal (see the second screenshot)
1) In your B2C tenant, navigate "All services --> search for "App registrations" --> click "App Registrations"
All services --> App registrations screenshot
2) Find your application in the application list and click on it. Note the warning from MS (see screenshot)
App registration list screenshot
3) Click on "Authentication" and add your Redirect URIs to the list. This is the same UI as non-B2C tenants.
Redirect URI list screenshot
It allowed me to enter redirect URIs with different domains. It doesn't appear to have the limitation as the "Azure AD B2C" blade. I had to wait a minute for the change to propagate, but it worked for me. I'm not going live with this anytime soon, so I'm ok with doing this for now. When I do decide to go live I'll probably find some other way of doing what I want if MS still hasn't green-lit this method.
Again, MS warns against using this at the moment, but hopefully they'll officially support it soon.

Impossible to choose any channel in Azure Bot Service

Since the new Azure Bot Service (released GA 2017-12-13), I've created a "WebAppBot" named "SanoBot" and I can't choose any channel to plug it for another services like Telegram: the page is empty when I click on "Channels". I've done a little screenshot to show you what I see:
I've check the documentation sent by the Azure Support from Twitter but the pages return 404 error.
Just to be clear: the bot works well and I can modify it from the Online Editor, build, deploy & test it. It's only "channels" feature that doesn't work.
Thanks for your help.
I can't use pictures because I haven't enough reputation...

Unable to switch to classic application for adding listener to docusign connect

I am trying to add a docusign connect listener but when I click on switch to classic application, it takes me back to new application landing page. I have a professional account. Please tell me if I am doing anything wrong?
You need to use your free developer sandbox account to test DocuSign Connect, not your paid production account. If you do an API Integration that uses Connect and you want to enable in production environment then you need go through DocuSign's API Certification Process. Login to your dev account and the switch back to Classic will work.
To create a free dev sandbox check out the home page:
And see the Go Live section for information regarding API Certification:

SOAP API- This Account lacks sufficient permissions

I am getting below error while accessing DocuSign SOAP service using SOAP UI tool. I also tried using integration key in username [Integration Key]userguid format I got same exception.
Can you please help me to resolve this issue.
Ok I've found out which option it is, and have enabled this option on your account. You should be able to export authoritative copies from this account now. For reference sake, the option I enabled was a member setting called
Can Export Authoritative Copies?
Please note, though, that since this is a setting that we have to enable on DocuSign's side, that means that it might be an enterprise or workgroup level feature. On your demo account we enable whatever you like so you can test things out, however when you are ready to move to production and purchase a corresponding production account that uses the API, you'll need to make sure you purchase an account that allows this feature. You can find out more from your Account Manager.
