Jenkins SSH-authenticated node on non-standard port - linux

Is it possible to configure a Jenkins ssh node (slave) to authenticate on a port which is different than 22?
After choosing “Launch method” to be “Launch slave agents via SSH”, it is possible to enter the host on which we want to configure node. However there is no “port” field anywhere around, and syntax “ip:port” doesn’t want to work either.
After setting host field to ip:port, Jenkins tries to connect to ip:port:22
Opening SSH connection to IP:PORT:22.
IP:PORT: invalid IPv6 address
Any tips? Or is it necessary to just stick to using the standard ssh port?
The reason for wanting to use different ssh port is using Docker container on a remote machine.

Jenkins - 2.89 with SSH slaves plugin
If i understood your question correctly, you ignored advanced button on the new node config form via SSH slave plugin.
Adding node -
Click on Advanced & you should be able to define a port via GUI -


(howto) run multiple ssh session through the one forwarded port (port redirection, tunnelling)

Sorry, if it is a trivial question: I use the port forwarding the port 22 on remote computer is redirected to port 2222 on my local computer. The tunnel is created with the following azure command:
az network bastion tunnel
I can start the first session with ssh
ssh seva#localhost -p 2222
and it works fine However, when I'm starting from another terminal window another ssh session with the same command
ssh seva#localhost -p 2222
the connection hangs and goes through only when the first connection is terminated I'm aware, that I can run multiple sessions with azure native client:
az network bastion ssh
But I need multiple sessions through the same port 'classical way' because it is obviously the way, the Visual Studio Code uses when I trying to connect with it the remote computer. One session is obviously for the terminal window and another one for data transfer.
Many thanks in advance.
You can work around this limitation by enabling SSH multiplexing. The first session will setup a control connection, and any subsequent session will simply re-use this. This removes the need for a second connection which, weirdly enough, az network bastion does not seem to support.
To do this for all of your connections, add the following to your SSH client config (ie. ~/.ssh/config):
Host *
# Connection Multiplexing
ControlMaster auto
ControlPersist 600
ControlPath ~/.ssh/ctrl/%C
This should be all you need. If you want/need even more information though check out

node inspect on google cloud console setup firewall

I am trying to setup the firewall for accessing node inspect using my local chrome browser.
Does anybody have a good short guide and which tcp protocol do I need to enable.
I have a firewall rule active where the compute instance enables tcp:80. It worked in the past of a http server. How do I know which port to use for node inspect and how to enable it.
If found it myself. I have to use an ssh tunnel.
Enabling remote debugging scenarios
We recommend that you never have the debugger listen on a public IP address. If you need to allow remote debugging connections we
recommend the use of ssh tunnels instead. We provide the following
example for illustrative purposes only. Please understand the security
risk of allowing remote access to a privileged service before
Let's say you are running Node on remote machine,, that you want to be able to debug. On that
machine, you should start the node process with the inspector
listening only to localhost (the default).
$ node --inspect server.js
Now, on your local machine from where you want to initiate a debug client connection, you can setup an ssh tunnel:
$ ssh -L 9221:localhost:9229
This starts a ssh tunnel session where a connection to port 9221 on your local machine will be forwarded to port 9229 on You can now attach a debugger such as Chrome
DevTools or Visual Studio Code to localhost:9221, which should be able
to debug as if the Node.js application was running locally.

Cannot connect from windows to redis linux server

I cannot connect to redis server (ubuntu server 16.04 LTS 64 bits on separate PC) from windows 8.1 64-bits. Redis is well documented, however I found very little information how to connect redis server from separate machine.
I have installed latest version of redis into linux and locally everything works fine. I start server via redis-server and also I start redis-cli and after that I am able to add information into server and retrieve it. The same situation is in windows - everything works locally.
In order to connect from windows into linux redis server I did these changes.
In linux I set the static local IP via sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces
In redis.conf file I bind my windows PC IP which is given by my internet service provider. I also opened TCP 6379 port in my router GUI. In windows I modify and files. In both of them I bind my IP address given by my internet service provider. After this I cannot start redis-cli properly (empty black cmd window is visible)
What I am doing wrong? I would be very grateful for any help.
You should modify the redis conf, my redis conf is located at /etc/redis/6379.conf.
And you should comment the line "bind" Or change to bind
The bind specify which network interface the redis server should listen to. The default is localhost.
And also Change the protected-mode to no :
Protected mode is a layer of security protection, in order to avoid that
Redis instances left open on the internet are accessed and exploited.
When protected mode is on and if:
1) The server is not binding explicitly to a set of addresses using the
"bind" directive.
2) No password is configured.
The server only accepts connections from clients connecting from the
IPv4 and IPv6 loopback addresses and ::1, and from Unix domain
By default protected mode is enabled. You should disable it only if
you are sure you want clients from other hosts to connect to Redis
even if no authentication is configured, nor a specific set of interfaces
are explicitly listed using the "bind" directive.
protected-mode yes
If you don't disable the protected-mode, your redis server will not listen public ip interface. more detail see above.
If you can access the remote server from your machine, your problem is most probably with redis security config, read the Securing Redis section in this document
I found that most of the time people don't change the "bind" directive value in redis config, you can test that by setting bind and restarting redis server, if that's the issue, you can then allow whatever subnets you need to access the server.
I have also experience the same issue trying to connect to Redis (MSOpenTech 3.0.5 and 3.2.1) By default if no binding is stated then redis(according to the comments in the conf file) will listen to all available interfaces. That said, v 3.2.1 does have 'bind' already set... in 3.0.5 Setting the binding to 'bind' still allows the redis-cli to be used. Binding to renders the redis-cli unusable with both versions - there is no IP and Port prompt, simply a carat and the cli does not accept keyboard input. Binging to an external IP the MSOpenTech fork service will not restart and throws an error(nice). Clearing all bindings and reverting back to original state, the redis-cli becomes usable again. Also, on the MS OpenTech fork there is no 'ProtectedMode' setting in either config file. Not sure whether this can actually be set.
Have raised this as an issue on the MSOpenTech fork via github but expecting silence to be the only reply...
I'm not sure this helps you in any way other than knowing that you are not alone. I am trying to pub from PHP to AS3 subscribers - it works great in the Flash IDE but from the localhost browser, redis appears to go decididly deaf.

linux command to connect to another server using hostname and port number

what is the Linux command to connect to another server using host name and port number?
how to connect to another server using only host name and port number then check if an existing process is running? the only way i see it working is to log in to the server and run the PS command. but is there a way to do it without logging in directly to the other server and connect only with host name and port number and check the running process?
If you just want to try an arbitrary connection to a given host/port combination, you could try one nmap, telnet or nc (netcat).
Note that you can't necessarily determine whether or not a process is running remotely - it might be running on that port, but simply ignore anything it sees over the port. To really be sure, you will need to run ps or netstat or etc. via ssh or etc.
If you want to use SSH from e.g. a script or, more generally, without typing in login information, then you will want to use public key authentication. Ubuntu has some good documentation on how to set this up, and it's very much applicable to other distrobutions as well:
If you have no access to the server you're trying to list processes on at all, then I'm afraid there isn't a way to list running processes remotely (besides remote tools like nmap and so on, as mentioned earlier - you can always probe public ports without authentication [although you might make people angry if you do this to servers you don't own]). This is a feature, not a problem.
telnet connects to most of services. With it you can ensure that port is open and see hello message (if any). Also nc is more low level.
eri#eri-macro ~ $ telnet 25
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
220 ESMTP (Want to use Yandex.Mail for your domain? Visit
501 5.5.4 HELO requires domain address.
502 5.5.2 Syntax error, command unrecognized.
If there is plain text protocol you cat talk with service by keyboard. If connection is secured try openssl.
openssl s_client -quiet -connect
depth=1 /C=ZA/O=Thawte Consulting (Pty) Ltd./CN=Thawte SGC CA
verify error:num=20:unable to get local issuer certificate
verify return:0
If protocol is not known you may see much of hieroglyphs or just Connected to ... message.
Try this :
ssh <YOUR_HOST_NAME> 'ps auxwww'
Like Dark Falcon said in the comments, you need a protocol to communicate with the server, a port alone is useless in this case.
By default on unix (and unix like) servers, ssh is the way to go.
Remote Shell with this command. Example is cat a file on the remote machine.
rsh host port 'cat remotefile' >> localfile
host and port self explainitory
remotefile: name of some file on the machine remote logging to in home directory
localfile: name of file cat information to.
Use monitoring software (like Nagios). It looks at your processes, sensors, load and thatever you configured to watch. It continuously stores log. It alerts you by email\sms\jabber if something fails. You can access it with browser or by HTTP API.

How to use the webUI for Heritrix remotely

Hello I have been playing with Heritrix, and would like to include it on a website/allow remote web access to it.
I have a Linux based server where I have a hosted webpage, and I have built a version of Heritrix.
The issue is I am at home now and would like to be able to offer access to the webUI in Heritrix via the hosted webpage.
I looked through the manual and discovered the -b command to bind it to remote hosts however the documentation could be better.
So what I was hoping for was a little explanation/elaboration on how this command works and if it would be possible to bind the webUI to existing webpage
Thanks for your time in advance
(Here is a link to the documentation im working from: )
You should use -b <public ip address> like -b
If you don't want to use a public IP, you can use SSH port forwarding to do this. When creating a PuTTY session, under Connection > SSH > Tunnels enter the following:
Source port: 8443 (or the port Heritrix is installed on, if different)
Destination: localhost:8443 (it's good practice to match the port you're forwarding)
Back on the Session window, make sure you save the session. Now whenever you SSH onto your server you can access the Heritrix web UI by hitting https://localhost:8443
