I have an account in AWS, created local instance windows 2012 R2 standard edition. tried to configure Elastic (Static IP) IP to Local instance example like http://localhost:8080 to http://elasticip:8080 if it is possible to configure on AWS ??
I have a local web site hosted on Windows 2019 EC2 Instance. This ec2 instance has a public IP (Elastic IP Address). The public IP is ping-able from out of the ec2 instance.
I am able to access the portal using the below from the same EC2 Instance
http://{Public IPv4 DNS}/Login.asp (Working on the Ec2)
http://{localhost}/Login.asp (Working on the Ec2)
http://{PrivateIP}/Login.asp (Working on the Ec2)
http://{PublicIP}/Login.asp (Not working, error: ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT)
Added the FQDN to the Host file and also added
In the Ec2 Instance security group, added the inbound rule with the port (80),Protocol TCP and the public IP
I want to access the the portal using the public IP from out of the EC2 Instance. I am not sure what I missed in the configuration. Thank you.
I am trying to connect an on-premises laptop with dynamic external IP to our Azure SQL Server. To do this, I created a virtual network gateway and connected the laptop to the gateway. Also, I added a private endpoint to the SQL server. After this, I can successfully connect to the SQL server IP using telnet, and if I resolve the SQL server FQDS in hosts file, I can connect to the server via SSMS. But without hosts file, the laptop always tries to connect to the SQL server via its public endpoint/address.
I found the following article: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/azure-database-support-blog/azure-sql-db-private-link-private-endpoint-connectivity/ba-p/1235573 The article is great. It recommends using your own DNS server to resolve the SQL server FQDN to the local IP. Unfortunately, the laptop does not have access to any custom DNS, so this solution does not suit.
There are two questions:
Is there any possibility to establish connection between an on-premises computer with dynamic IP and an Azure SQL server using a private endpoint but without own DNS server?
If the answer to the first question is "No", is there another way to connect an on-premises computer with dynamic IP to an Azure SQL server using any other Azure application(s)?
First of all, you can not use FQDN without DNS service. So you indeed need a custom DNS server in using FQDN of the server in connection strings for your clients to connect from on-premise VM to the Azure SQL server.
Since you are using a laptop, the DNS servers used by your computer are most likely specified by your ISP. You have no more control over it or ask your ISP to configure the DNS forwarder. Otherwise, you need to deploy a DNS server in your internal network. Currently, in this scenario, the best method is to use the HOSTS file on the local machine to override the Public DNS.
However, if you don't like using the HOSTS file, you can provision an Azure VM as the DNS server in the same Azure virtual network as the virtual network gateway.
Main steps:
Deploy an Azure VM, and RDP to that VM and run the PowerShell commands to install the DNS server role.
Install-WindowsFeature -Name DNS -IncludeManagementTools
Get-WindowsFeature *DNS*
Add Azure DNS ( as a forwarder on your custom DNS server according to the step 5 in this blog. If you do not want to use forwarder you can also create a forward lookup zone and added manually the host to match the FQDN. You could read On-premises workloads using a DNS forwarder for more details.
After you have configured the DNS server and set the DNS forwarder. You could change the DNS server of Azure VNet to your Azure VM's private IP address.
Restart your Azure VM and re-download the VPN client package and re-connect the VPN connection to make the networking update. Check the DNS server on the local VPN client machine and set the DNS server to the custom DNS server in the TCP/IP settings. Then you will look up your private IP address via the default FQDN of Azure service.
In my example, I am using Azure storage account but it works the same with Azure
SQL database when using a private endpoint on the Azure and P2S VPN connection.
In this way, it requires that there are not any other VPN connections except the
P2S VPN connection on the local machine.
Then you could resolve the Azure SQL server FQDN to the private IP address of the private endpoint. However, it perhaps does not have a better performance to connect to Azure SQL Server with a VPN connection than directly connect to it through the public Internet and public DNS sevice.
I have installed an nginx server on an AWS ec2 machine which has public IP of
I have added a DNS entry as well but I am still not sure what is blocking it.
I've been working on my new server configuration for my website and now I'm a little stuck...
How I can access my RDS instance (MySQL) without using the very long AWS DNS address?
Like I would be able to access my RDS instance from: db.exemple.com using a A, CNAME or any other DNS record.
Here's the new configuration:
Amazon EC2 - Linux Instance - Ubuntu 12.04 w/ LAMP
for web services like PHP, Apache, Zend, etc.
Amazon RDS - MySQL Instance
for MySQL database
separated from EC2 instance for performance and managing purpose
You could create a CNAME record that would map to the RDS address. However, it would be rather pointless. All you will get is an extra DNS lookup.
I would like to host a firebird database in an Azure virtual machine.
Normally, I would indicate in a program a connection like this:
....to connect to remote host. In azure, you cannot do that.
I would need to connect with something like:
The client would be talking to ?.cloudapp.net thinking that someport is the port to communicate with the database server.
So it seems I would need a proxy to login-connect to windows azure cloud resources and the client would then use the proxy to talk with the database server. This looks like a hassle - are there any alternatives?
I'm not entirely sure of your Cloud architecture in Azure, but assuming you have one VM with your DB installed you should be able to open up a a public endpoint (via the portal manage.windowsazure.com for your Cloud Service) and connect to that via it's public IP address & the port).
Windows Azure does have more advanced features that allows you to connect to specific VM's within a Cloud Service via Port Forwarding.
Michael Washam has a great blog post on this 'Windows Azure Virtual Machines':
The architecture of cloud services makes endpoint configuration
interesting. Since each cloud service has a single public IP address
but multiple virtual machines can reside in it how do you address
individual servers directly in a non-load balanced fashion?
Port forwarding allows you to configure an endpoint on a specific VM
listening on any of the ephemeral ports that will then be forwarded to
the correct internal port.